Yukon News Releases
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Online campsite reservations at four frontcountry campgrounds open tomorrow
The Yukon is home to some of the country’s most beautiful campgrounds and the Government of Yukon is committed to enhancing recreation opportunities across the territory for Yukoners while improving fair access to campsites.
Starting Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 9 am, Yukoners will be able to reserve selected campsites at Pine Lake, Marsh Lake, Wolf Creek, and Tombstone Mountain campgrounds. This pilot project will run for two years and is intended to help campers plan their camping trips in advance, knowing that there will be a campsite available when they arrive.
The April 1 snow survey shows snowpack ranges from below average to record setting in the North
The Government of Yukon Water Resources Branch has released the April 1 Yukon Snow Survey Bulletin and Water Supply Forecast to help forecast water levels and flow conditions across the Yukon. The April snow survey typically represents peak snowpack and is one of the key factors that informs the development of the early-season flood potential forecast.
The survey found that the snowpack ranges from below average across the central Yukon to record setting in Old Crow.
Statement from Premier Pillai on the passing of Elder Percy Henry
Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:
“It is with deep sadness that I mark the passing of respected and beloved Elder Percy Henry.
“Mr. Henry was a true Dawson legend. As one of the last fluent Hän language speakers, he tirelessly dedicated himself to sharing knowledge of his people, culture and language.
Update on the Canada-Yukon Housing Homeowner Benefit application process
In recognition of high interest rates, heating costs and the overall cost of living, in March 2024, eligible Yukon homeowners with low or moderate incomes were invited to apply for a one-time payment to help them with their housing costs. Yukon Housing Corporation received 353 applications from 10 communities over the four-week program period, with 289 of these applications from Whitehorse homeowners.
Animal Protection and Control Act comes into effect with new regulations
In keeping with its commitment to modernizing regulations and legislation to meet the needs of Yukoners, the Government of Yukon has finalized the Animal Protection and Control regulations under the 2022 Animal Protection and Control Act.
Statement from Minister Clarke on updates to the North Klondike Highway
Minister Nils Clarke has issued the following statement:
“The North Klondike Highway is an integral link between our communities and the traditional territories of the Yukon. This route serves the Yukon’s industry, small businesses, Yukoners and tourists from across the globe.
Government of Yukon releases What We Heard report on expanding Sexualized Assault Response Team services
The Government of Yukon believes that all victims of sexualized assault should have access to the supports they need, when and where they need them.
Following a summer 2023 engagement on expanding Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART) services to rural Yukon communities, the Government of Yukon and partners today released a What We Heard report. This report represents a milestone in the Government of Yukon’s commitment to addressing sexualized violence in rural Yukon.
Statement from Minister Streicker on Gindèhchik / Rampart House and Zheh Gwatsàl / LaPierre House
Minister John Streicker has issued the following statement:
“The Government of Yukon is committed to collaborative solutions for heritage management in the territory.
"Working together in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration ensures that the heritage resources of the territory are preserved and managed for the benefit and understanding of all.
Home Repair Program now accepting applications all year round
Our government is committed to exploring and supporting innovative approaches to address the ongoing need for housing options in the territory, with programs designed to meet Yukoners’ evolving needs.
The Yukon Housing Corporation’s Home Repair Program provides funding for low to moderate-income Yukoners who own and are living in their homes to repair or address core housing needs in their principal residence. The Government of Yukon is expanding the intake period for this program so that it will now be open year-round until fully subscribed, with applications open now.
Statement from Minister of Education Jeanie McLean on National Indigenous Languages Day
Minister of Education Jeanie McLean issued the following statement:
“National Indigenous Languages Day, observed this Sunday, March 31, underscores the critical role of Indigenous languages in preserving Indigenous cultures, knowledge and communities. This is a day for all Canadians to reflect on the deep legacy of Indigenous languages, and the interconnectivity of Indigenous languages, cultures and wellbeing.
The Government of Yukon celebrates the 30th Anniversary of A Celebration of Swans
This April marks the 30th anniversary of the Yukon's premier birding festival. A Celebration of Swans offers Yukoners and visitors an amazing wildlife-viewing opportunity that fosters stewardship and shares knowledge about the Yukon’s biodiversity.
The swan festival begins annually on April 1 and runs until April 30, when tens of thousands of swans, ducks and geese land on M’Clintock Bay, Marsh Lake, to rest and feed during the long migration to their northern nesting grounds.
New fund to benefit generations of future Yukoners
Today, Premier Ranj Pillai announced the Yukon Fund, which aims to provide long-term financial benefits to future generations of Yukoners by harnessing revenue from historic oil and gas activities in the Beaufort Sea.
Statement from Minister responsible for Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean on support for 2SLGBTQIA+ Yukoners
Minister responsible for Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean has issued the following statement:
“It’s important as the Minister responsible for Women and Gender Equity to recognize and say thank you to Yukon’s transgender community, allies and advocates.
Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on Easter
Premier Pillai has issued the following statement:
“As we approach the Easter weekend ahead, many of us in the Yukon and beyond will be joining together with friends, family and our communities to mark the occasion.
“For those of us in the Christian faith commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, this holiday is a time brimming with joy, hope, peace and happiness.
“Beyond the religious observance, this season symbolizes hope and new beginnings, echoing the feeling of revival that accompanies the blossoming of spring.
Statement from Minister responsible for Women and Gender Equity Directorate McLean and Health and Social Services Minister McPhee on Transgender Day of Visibility
Minister responsible for Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean and Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee issued the following statement:
“Each year on March 31, we celebrate transgender, Two-Spirit and gender-diverse people to recognize their contributions and accomplishments across the Yukon and Canada. Today we raise awareness of the discrimination against this community to help continue to build a more inclusive future for each and every Yukoner.
Government of Yukon receives feedback to help guide next steps on the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
More than 1,500 Yukoners shared their suggestions for improvements to the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act as part of the Government of Yukon’s review of this important piece of legislation.
Following an advertising and public information campaign by the Government of Yukon, 1,420 Yukoners responded to an online and paper survey developed in partnership with the Yukon Bureau of Statistics. From February 1 to 29, respondents shared their input on key issues impacting landlords and tenants, as well as revisions to Act.
Statement from Premier Pillai on Nunavut’s 25th anniversary
Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:
"On behalf of the Government of Yukon and all Yukoners, I extend best wishes to all Nunavummiut as they celebrate their territory’s 25th anniversary.
“Seeing Nunavut’s progress and achievements over the past twenty-five years is incredible. This year was especially significant for our northern neighbours as they celebrated the signing of the Nunavut Devolution Agreement. This milestone represents a significant step forward in their journey towards greater self-determination and sovereignty.
Statement from Premier Pillai on visit with Japanese Consul General Maruyama
Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:
“Today I had the pleasure of meeting with Japanese Consul General Maruyama and introducing Mr. Maruyama and his wife, Suzue, in the Yukon Legislative Assembly.
“Consul General Maruyama has proven to be an invaluable partner in fostering a strong relationship between Japan and the Yukon. This marks the sixth visit from Japanese diplomats in just over a year, underscoring Japan's sustained and significant involvement with the Yukon.
The Government of Yukon shares updates for the upcoming 2024–25 fishing and hunting licensing year
The licensing season for fishing and hunting for the 2024–25 season starts April 1. Fishing and hunting licences are valid from April 1 to March 31 every year so Yukoners who fish and hunt will need to renew their licences for 2024–25.
Fishing licences are available for early sale. If you are planning to fish on April 1, people must purchase a 2024–25 fishing licence in person or online.
Automatic enrolment is underway for the new Whistle Bend Elementary School
Whistle Bend Elementary School, which is the first new elementary school to be built in Whitehorse in more than 20 years, will welcome students in August 2024 for the 2024–25 school year.
Students are expected to attend a school in the attendance area of their primary home address, and the attendance area for the new school includes the neighbourhoods of Whistle Bend and Takhini (north of the softball fields). Automatic enrolment for Whistle Bend Elementary School is now underway and based on: