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The Government of Yukon provides update on heap leach failure at Eagle Gold Mine

mer, 03/05/2025 - 17:19
The Government of Yukon provides update on heap leach failure at Eagle Gold Mine zaburke March 5, 2025 - 3:19 pm

The court-appointed Receiver for Victoria Gold Corp. has reported an unauthorized discharge of cyanide impacted water to enforcement and regulatory agencies. A pipe leak was identified on February 17. Repair measures were put in place right away. At the time of the leak, it was believed that the impacted water was fully contained within a lined sump and so was not immediately reported. It is now estimated that 150 cubic metres of this water may have been released into the environment.

Water quality data collected at Haggart Creek on February 17 and 18 shows elevated cyanide, cobalt, copper and nitrite in samples collected at monitoring stations close to the mine site, suggesting that some of the water that leaked from the pipe was released into the environment. These results show high values, above any previously reported results. Water quality samples are taken in this area daily. Subsequent water quality monitoring in the same area shows levels of cyanide and other contaminants returned to previous levels within two days. This suggests the cause to be an isolated incident. Despite the short period of elevated contamination, any level of cyanide above the British Columbia acute aquatic life guidelines can have harmful effects on fish.

Water quality data showing trends since the heap leach failure is available at yukon.ca/environmental-monitoring.

The Receiver has also recently completed construction of a settling pond at the Eagle Gold Mine site. This is the final component of the mine water treatment process and represents a significant milestone.  

Initial water quality tests on site indicate that the mine water treatment process is functioning as expected. Further testing is underway this week to confirm that treated water does not exceed licensed limits prior to direct discharge to Haggart Creek. 

Media contact

John Thompson
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Environment

News release #: 25-084 Related information: Victoria Gold Corporation's Eagle Mine heap leach failure (Yukon.ca)

Statement from Chasàn Chùa (McIntyre Creek) Steering Committee on Chasàn Chùa protected area What We Heard report

mer, 03/05/2025 - 16:28
Statement from Chasàn Chùa (McIntyre Creek) Steering Committee on Chasàn Chùa protected area What We Heard report zaburke March 5, 2025 - 2:28 pm

“The Chasàn Chùa (McIntyre Creek) Steering Committee, which includes representation from the Government of Yukon, Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council, the City of Whitehorse and Parks Canada, is pleased to share a What We Heard report following engagement with First Nations Citizens and Beneficiaries, the public and stakeholders on protecting Chasàn Chùa.  

“The Steering Committee coordinated an engagement process from October 29 to December 6, 2024. The engagement focused on collecting feedback on how people interact with Chasàn Chùa and the values they hold for the area. Feedback was received through a public survey, an open house held at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre on November 6, 2024, and multiple other meetings with stakeholders and interest groups in Whitehorse. The public survey drew responses from 887 members of the public.

“Overall, there was strong support for protecting Chasàn Chùa, with the majority of respondents agreeing it should be a protected area. The top themes that came out of the public engagement were a desire for protecting the wildlife and ecology of the area, maintaining recreational use, including trails and commuting access, managing mining and development, managing motorized vehicles and upholding cultural and traditional uses as well as education.

“The next step for the Steering Committee is to evaluate the feedback received through the engagement and for the five governments to consider the best option for protecting the area into the future. There will be future opportunities to engage on the long-term management of the area once a protected area designation is in place.  

“Thank you to everyone who engaged with the Steering Committee and who provided their perspectives to consider as our governments advance efforts to protect Chasàn Chùa. It is clear there is a strong desire to protect this special area. 

“To learn more about the process for protecting Chasàn Chùa visit chasanchua.ca.”

Media contact

Kyle Nightingale 
Communications, Environment

Dylan MacNeil 
Communications, Kwanlin Dün First Nation 

Janet Smellie
Communications, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council

Matthew Cameron
Communications, City of Whitehorse

Media Relations
Parks Canada 

News release #: 25-083 Related information: What We Heard report chasanchua.ca Governments commit to working together to plan for Chasàn Chuà / McIntyre Creek… Learn how to say Chasàn Chùa

Government of Yukon proposes record-level investment in Yukon Hospital Corporation in Budget 2025–26

mer, 03/05/2025 - 13:11
Government of Yukon proposes record-level investment in Yukon Hospital Corporation in Budget 2025–26 zaburke March 5, 2025 - 11:11 am

Subject to legislative approval, the Government of Yukon is proposing a 21 per cent funding increase in Budget 2025–26 for the Yukon Hospital Corporation, expanding acute care capacity and responding to rising health care costs seen across the country. 

With this allocation of $140.7 million to the Yukon Hospital Corporation, the Government of Yukon is making the largest single investment in the territory’s hospital system to date. This record level of funding is based on the Yukon Hospital Corporation’s forecasted needs and is in response to demands seen by a health care system serving a growing and aging population at a time when all jurisdictions in Canada are facing health human resource challenges.

This funding is in addition to the $206.1 million allocated in Budget 2025–26 for insured health services – a 29.8 per cent increase from the previous year’s budget – also subject to legislative approval. 

Since 2018–19, operational and maintenance funding for the Yukon Hospital Corporation has nearly doubled, increasing from $68.2 million to $135.3 million. 

The Yukon Hospital Corporation and the Government of Yukon continue to work closely to identify and respond to the financial needs of the Yukon Hospital Corporation.    

Ensuring accessible, high-quality hospital care for all Yukoners remains a top priority for our government. This record-level investment in the Yukon Hospital Corporation strengthens acute care capacity, enhances critical services and supports the dedicated health care professionals who deliver essential care every day. By expanding resources and infrastructure, we are addressing the evolving health care needs of our communities and reaffirming our commitment to a resilient, patient-centred health system.

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • Funding included as part of Budget 2025–26 is subject to legislative approval.

  • The funding includes an increase to core funding of 4.8 per cent, based on Interprovincial Health Insurance Agreements Coordinating Committee rates. 

  • In addition to core and capital funding, the Yukon’s hospital system is also supported through other investments such as physician payments and programs that pay for the cost of health care for Yukoners. 

  • The Department of Health and Social Services and the Yukon Hospital Corporation hold regular joint executive meetings to ensure coordination and collaboration.

  • The $140.7 million allocated to the Yukon Hospital Corporation is $135.3 million in operational and maintenance funding and $5.4 million capital funding.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Nigel Allan
Communications, Health and Social Services

News release #: 25-082

In Budget 2025–26, Government of Yukon significantly increasing investments in health care system

mer, 03/05/2025 - 12:58
In Budget 2025–26, Government of Yukon significantly increasing investments in health care system zaburke March 5, 2025 - 10:58 am

Through Budget 2025–26 and subject to legislative approval, the Government of Yukon is proposing a 29.8 per cent funding increase – a total of $206.1 million – for insured health services. This $47.3 million increase from the previous year’s $158.8 million insured health services budget is intended to address the growing demand and rising costs in hospital services, physician care and medical travel. 

This funding is in addition to the $140.7 million allocated to the Yukon Hospital Corporation in Budget 2025–26, a 21 per cent increase from the previous year’s budget, also subject to legislative approval.

Insured health services covers a range of publicly funded health services, ensuring that residents have access to necessary medical care without financial barriers. The proposed increase is primarily directed toward operational costs, demonstrating the government's commitment to improving service delivery and health outcomes across the territory. 

Funding increases are designed to address the increased fiscal demands resulting from a growing population and rising service costs and will support medical travel assistance, medevac costs, physician and specialist services, prescription drug and health benefits, diagnostic and laboratory services and telehealth services, ensuring Yukoners continue to receive timely and accessible care. 

The proposed budget also includes new funding to support medical travel for fertility treatments, helping Yukoners access reproductive health services not available locally. 

Ensuring Yukoners have access to high-quality health care remains our top priority. This proposed investment will strengthen our health system by supporting the doctors, hospitals and health programs that provide critical services across the territory. We remain committed to improving access to care and ensuring our health services continue to meet the needs of all Yukoners.

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

This funding will allow us to strengthen essential health services and enhance public health programs that directly impact the wellbeing of Yukoners. With a focus on covering rising costs and expanding access, this measure will contribute to better health outcomes for all residents, particularly those in remote and rural communities. 

Chief Medical Officer of Health Sudit Ranade

Quick facts
  • Insured health services in the Yukon cover physician care, hospital services, medical travel, pharmacare and other essential health benefits under the Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan.

  • The Government of Yukon funds hospital and emergency care services through the Yukon Hospital Corporation, which operates Whitehorse General Hospital, Watson Lake Community Hospital and Dawson City Community Hospital.

  • The proposed Insured Health Services budget for 2025–26 is subject to legislative approval.

  • The budget also provides funding to support the rollout of new health care cards, improving efficiency and access to services across the territory.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Nigel Allan
Communications, Health and Social Services

News release #: 25-081 Related information: Learn more about the Yukon's insured health services Find information about the Yukon health care card Medical travel assistance information Government of Yukon proposes record-level investment in Yukon Hospital Corporat…

Funding and investment for Yukon RCMP in Budget 2025–26

mar, 03/04/2025 - 18:39
Funding and investment for Yukon RCMP in Budget 2025–26 zaburke March 4, 2025 - 4:39 pm

The Government of Yukon is committed to building safer communities by strengthening RCMP capacity and ensuring RCMP officers have the resources they need to respond effectively across the territory. In Budget 2025–26, the Yukon government is increasing RCMP funding by $5.2 million – subject to legislative approval – bringing the total investment in the RCMP for the upcoming fiscal year to $47 million.

Through Budget 2025–26, the Department of Justice is seeking approval from the Yukon Legislative Assembly to invest strategically in ways that enable relationship building with partners to foster safer communities, to support culturally relevant services and to encourage innovation. 

If approved, new funding in 2025-26 will be used to build police capacity, support RCMP members, modernize equipment and upgrade detachments.

  • Building police capacity – $1.82 million will fund the creation of nine new positions – eight RCMP officers and one public service worker – which will improve policing capacity across the territory. This includes:
    o    New officers for specialized teams, including the Emergency Response Team, strengthening responses to high-risk incidents.
    o    Permanent funding for two officer positions with Car 867, ensuring a continued mental health-focused response to people in crisis, following the success of the two-year pilot program.
    o    The Yukon has the third highest police per capita ratio in Canada, with a police strength of 325 officers per 100,000 population.
  • An additional $354,000 has been allocated to continue to fund two RCMP resources for the Whitehorse Detachment to support community safety initiatives in the Downtown core. 
  • Supporting RCMP members – $1.51 million is allocated for RCMP pay raises per the second round of RCMP collective bargaining, with an additional $483,000 earmarked for the third round of collective bargaining. The Government of Yukon recognizes the importance of the collective bargaining process and ensuring that the hardworking members of the RCMP receive pay that reflects the increasing demands of their jobs.
  • Modernizing equipment for safer policing and public accountability – $1.39 million is allocated to invest in critical tools such as body armor, boat replacements, and the introduction of new body-worn cameras to improve officer and public safety, while enhancing accountability.
  • Improving RCMP infrastructure – In addition to the operations and maintenance budget, $3.15 million in capital funding is dedicated to upgrading and maintaining detachments across the territory. Planned projects include renovations to the Old Crow detachment, and the assessment of the Haines Junction detachment for potential future upgrades.

The Government of Yukon will continue to prioritize investments in public safety to protect Yukoners and the economy.

Our government is prioritizing public safety by ensuring the RCMP has the resources to do its job effectively. Investing in the RCMP is essential to strengthening public safety, supporting officers and ensuring they have the tools needed to respond to community needs. Initiatives like the Downtown Safety Response Action Plan and the Substance Use Health Emergency Strategy are just some of the ways we are working together to create a safer, more culturally responsive policing system for all Yukoners.

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee 

Quick facts
    • The Department of Justice is responsible for overseeing and administering four agreements that enable Yukon RCMP deployment, capital funding and operations and maintenance and are as follows: 
      o    the Territorial Police Service Agreement; 
      o    the First Nations and Inuit Policing Program;  
      o    the 911 service agreement; and 
      o    the Biological Casework Agreement.  
  • These four agreements are cost shared with the Government of Canada and act as the mechanism that provides for the intent, responsibilities, priorities, resources, reporting and accountabilities of policing services in the Yukon.  

  • As per the Territorial Police Services Agreement, the RCMP manages capital assets through an Accommodations Program Charge arrangement dealing with construction, renovation, maintenance and upgrades as needed on RCMP detachments and living quarters.

  • The Accommodation Program Charge is structured on a five-year cycle and billed accordingly.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Cecily Dawson
Communications, Justice

News release #: 25-080 Related information: The Yukon's Policing Priorities The Government of Yukon and Yukon RCMP highlight the one-year success of the Mo…

Statement from Premier Pillai on Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent

mar, 03/04/2025 - 17:29
Statement from Premier Pillai on Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent jlutz March 4, 2025 - 3:29 pm

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Today, we join people of Christian faith in the Yukon and around the world to observe Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of preparation for Lent – the 40-day journey of prayer, penance and spiritual renewal leading up to Easter.

“On Ash Wednesday, Christians attending Mass receive ashes on their foreheads, accompanied by the words, 'Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return'. This ancient ritual serves as a powerful reminder of human mortality and the need for humility, repentance and spiritual reflection during the Lenten season.

“With the beginning of Lent, we extend our best wishes to all those observing this significant time of prayer, fasting and spiritual preparation. May this Lenten season bring peace, hope and unity to all and may it inspire us to foster a more compassionate and inclusive society.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 25-079

Government of Yukon increases electricity rebates with new Winter Electrical Affordability Rebate

mar, 03/04/2025 - 17:03
Government of Yukon increases electricity rebates with new Winter Electrical Affordability Rebate zaburke March 4, 2025 - 3:03 pm

Subject to legislative approval, the Government of Yukon is putting more money back in Yukoners’ pockets by introducing a new, increased rebate on residential electricity bills.

Starting in October 2025, residential electricity consumers will see the new Winter Electrical Affordability Rebate automatically applied to their bills, replacing the Interim Electrical Rebate. The new rebate will increase to 3.377 cents per kilowatt hour, to a maximum of $33.77 per month, from October to March.

On average, residential electricity customers have received a discount of approximately $178 per year through the current Interim Electrical Rebate. The new Winter Electrical Affordability Rebate will see Yukon residential ratepayers receive a discount of up to nearly $203 per year.

This new rebate will be applied automatically to customers’ electricity bills from October to March, when electricity bills are highest.

Budget 2025–26 allocates $3.85 million to the Winter Electricity Affordability Rebate, a $350,000 increase to the amount allocated to the Interim Electrical Rebate in Budget 2024–25.

If approved by the Yukon Legislative Assembly, this will be the first budget increase for the electrical rebate since it was established in 2009.

I know electricity costs are top of mind for many Yukoners, particularly in the cold and dark months of winter when home heating costs are highest. As costs rise, this new Winter Electrical Affordability Rebate will support affordability for Yukoners.

Minister responsible for Yukon Development Corporation John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Funding included as part of Budget 2025–26 is subject to legislative approval.

  • In 2025–26, the Winter Electrical Affordability Rebate is 3.377 cents per kilowatt hour to a maximum of $33.77 per month from October to March resulting in a maximum annual rebate of $202.62.   

  • On average, Yukoners have been receiving approximately $178 per year through the Interim Electrical Rebate. 

  • The Government of Yukon has provided support to individual electrical customers since 1993.

  • The Interim Electrical Rebate replaced the Rate Stabilization Fund in 2009 with an annual budget of $3.5 million.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Kaila de Boer
Yukon Development Corporation

News release #: 25-078 Related information: Find out how the government helps to make electricity more affordable

Government of Yukon celebrates the 10th anniversary of ‘Chante-la ta chanson’

mar, 03/04/2025 - 16:39
Government of Yukon celebrates the 10th anniversary of ‘Chante-la ta chanson’ Primary image jlutz March 4, 2025 - 2:39 pm

Since 2015, French programs have been inviting students from schools across the Yukon to come together and share their voices for the annual “Chante-la ta chanson” concert.

Held at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, this year’s concert brought together elementary students from Core French, Intensive French and French Immersion and French First Language programs in Whitehorse and Dawson.

The participating schools included the following.

  • Yukon Education: Golden Horn School, Selkirk Elementary School, École Whitehorse Elementary School, Christ the King Elementary School, Robert Service School.
  • First Nation School Board: Takhini Elementary School.
  • Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon: École Émilie-Tremblay, Programme Confluence.

Each participating school performed a French song selected by their classes, showcasing their unique talents. To close the event, all the schools united with the energetic French Programs mascot to perform a special song, inviting the audience to sing along in a heartfelt finale.

As 'Chante-la ta chanson' celebrates its 10th anniversary, students continue to eagerly showcase their language skills. Events like this give them the chance to connect with peers and practise their French beyond the classroom. Learning a second language, such as French, offers a wide range of benefits for students culturally, cognitively and for personal growth. I applaud everyone who contributes to the success of this event throughout the years.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

Long-standing events such as 'Chante-la ta chanson' are shining examples of the Yukon’s vibrant Francophonie community. This gathering showcases the French language and brings us together through music and shared experiences. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported this concert over the years – especially as we celebrate its 10th successful edition!

Minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate John Streicker

Quick facts
  • The Department of Education’s French Programs Branch created “Chante-la ta chanson” in 2015 to bring together elementary school students to celebrate learning French as a second language.

  • This event united schools from Whitehorse and Dawson under three educational authorities: Yukon Education, the First Nation School Board and the Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon, fostering collaboration and connection. 

  • “Chante-la ta chanson” translates to “Sing your song”.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Julie Ménard
Communications, Education

News release #: 25-077

New vehicle will support fire service in Champagne

mar, 03/04/2025 - 15:50
New vehicle will support fire service in Champagne Primary image zaburke March 4, 2025 - 1:50 pm

As part of the Government of Yukon’s work to strengthen volunteer fire services in unincorporated communities, the Yukon Fire Marshal’s Office recently delivered a new pickup truck to Champagne’s Scene Safety Response Unit (SSRU).

The new truck is a 2024 Ford Super Duty F-350 XL pickup, equipped with radios, a 300GMP Honda pump and a 300-gallon tank.

The 10 volunteers in Champagne’s SSRU have been training for the past year with the Yukon Fire Marshal’s Office and neighbouring fire departments to support fire safety in their community.

The Government of Yukon and the Yukon Fire Marshal’s Office will continue encouraging community-based, community-driven and community-supported volunteer fire services by providing appropriate equipment, training and administrative support across the territory. 

A second SSRU truck is in Whitehorse being fitted with radio and water tank before heading to another volunteer fire service in the next month. Additionally, work is underway for the Yukon government to procure a new fire rescue truck in 2025.

To learn more about volunteering for their local fire service, people can contact the Fire Marshal’s Office by emailing cs.fmo@yukon.ca or phoning 867-456-6517.

The Yukon government is committed to the sustainable delivery of rural fire services. We appreciate the work done by Champagne volunteers in partnership with the Yukon Fire Marshal’s Office firehalls. We look forward to continued progress together.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

Champagne & Aishihik First Nations is excited to be part of the Yukon government Scene Safety Response Unit (SSRU). The community of Champagne has received a new fire protection pickup truck fitted with a 300-gallon water tank, a 300 GMP Honda pump and radios. This equipment will help the community of Champagne respond to fire emergencies more effectively. 

The SSRU in Champagne is already making a difference in keeping our community safe. In the summer of 2024, a small fire started at the top of the hill in Champagne. Luckily, community members spotted the fire and were able to extinguish it before it spread. Having new equipment and training for citizens will go a long way in protecting the community of Champagne. 

With 10 volunteers now able to respond to local emergencies, the support for fire safety in Champagne has significantly improved.

Champagne & Aishihik First Nations is proud to be working with the Yukon government and the Yukon Fire Marshal's Office. 

Shäw nithän. 

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Dän nätthe äda Kh’úkhįá (Chief Barb Joe) 

The Fire Marshal’s Office is delighted to equip Champagne’s Scene Safety Response Unit with this new vehicle. It’s great to see training and dedication come together with the right equipment to help deliver community safety. 

Yukon Fire Marshal Kiara Adams

Quick facts
  • The Fire Marshal’s Office is working with Yukon communities to establish levels of fire service in each community, from Fire Safety Champion, to Scene Safety Response Unit, to full Fire Department. The goal is to match community needs and capacity with an appropriate and sustainable fire program

  • Volunteers for all levels of fire service are paid an honorarium for time spent in training or callout.

  • Before the new vehicle arrived, Champagne’s unit was using a pickup truck loaned by the neighbouring Ibex Valley Fire Department. 

  • SSRU volunteers are trained to operate the equipment to establish wet perimeters around burning buildings and prevent spread to other structures. An SSRU is an intermediate level of fire service, not a full fire department, so volunteers in these communities do not put water on fire or enter burning buildings.

  • The Fire Marshal’s Office works with Yukon communities to oversee 16 volunteer fire departments and fire programs, providing administrative support, personal protective equipment and training resources to more than 196 volunteers across the territory. The FMO also oversees the Special Heavy Operations Team (SHOT).

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Julia Duchesne 
Communications, Community Services 

News release #: 25-076 Related information: Become a volunteer firefighter

Statement from Premier Pillai on U.S. tariffs

mar, 03/04/2025 - 14:54
Statement from Premier Pillai on U.S. tariffs zaburke March 4, 2025 - 12:54 pm

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Today, the Trump Administration decided to push forward with unjustified and short-sighted 25 per cent tariffs on all Canadian goods. The Yukon is responding.

“The Government of Yukon has developed a path forward to support a strong Team Canada response to see these tariffs lifted and to limit the impact on Yukoners. 

“As part of our initial response, and effective today, our government will: 

  • Reduce purchasing of products of American origin: Direct the Yukon Liquor Corporation to stop placing orders of U.S.-made alcohol and to remove U.S.-made products from all Government of Yukon liquor stores. Because we do not want to hurt local businesses, licensees may continue to sell American-made products they already have in stock, but no new orders for U.S.-made alcohol will be placed. 
  • Limit U.S. business’ access to government procurement: Direct the Department of Highways and Public Works to update territorial government procurement policies to encourage the purchase of more goods and services from local businesses and non-U.S. companies and minimize the purchase of U.S. goods and services.
  • Mitigate impacts on Yukon businesses: Our government is allocating $1 million to develop an assistance program, complementary to federal support programs, to help Yukon businesses adapt to the uncertain economic environment created by these tariffs. The goal of this funding is to keep support as flexible as possible, to be tailored to the specific needs of affected businesses. This program is funded through Budget 2025-26 and subject to legislative approval. Contingency funds in Budget 2025–26, also subject to legislative approval, will also be available to support Yukon businesses.
  • Support "Buy Yukon" campaigns: Support the development of buy local campaigns organized by local chambers of commerce.
  • Break down interprovincial and international trade barriers: Through the Department of Economic Development, work with Yukon chambers of commerce and provincial and territorial partners to reduce barriers to internal and international trade and promote access to non-U.S. markets.

“Our government is developing a second round of responses to these tariffs to hit back at the Trump administration, should they continue down this destructive path. I want to thank Yukoners who have reached out with their ideas. We are studying all of our options and will continue to update Yukoners in the days and weeks to come. I will also keep working with fellow Premiers, federal leaders and local governments to support local businesses, industries and Yukon workers and families.

“The United States is our most important trading partner and Canada’s closest friend and ally, but this is not how you treat your friends. To our friends and family in Alaska: our lives and economies are interconnected, and we hope you will continue to visit our territory and experience all that it has to offer. Please know these measures are not directed at you, but we must do what we can to stand up for our country, our sovereignty and our way of life.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 25-075 Related information: U.S. tariff response

Statement from Premier Pillai on Ramadan

ven, 02/28/2025 - 16:37
Statement from Premier Pillai on Ramadan zaburke February 28, 2025 - 2:37 pm

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“This weekend marks the start of Ramadan, a holy month of prayer, fasting, community and reflection for Muslims around the world.

“Ramadan is a time of generosity and community, as Muslim families and friends come together to break their fasts, study the Quran and support those in need. For those of us who practice other religions, Ramadan is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about other faiths and connect over the values and beliefs that we share.

“The values of compassion, resilience, and gratitude that Ramadan inspires resonate across all cultures and faiths, here in the Yukon and around the world.

“We are fortunate to live in a society that embraces diversity and inclusion. I would like to thank the Yukon Muslim Society for their work on behalf of the territory’s thriving Muslim population, whose dedication to their faith and to our community enriches us all.

“To all those observing this sacred month, I hope that Ramadan brings you peace, health, and fulfillment.

“Ramadan Mubarak! رمضان مبارك”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 25-071

Government of Yukon releases second progress update on Auditor General of Canada’s 2022 housing recommendations

ven, 02/28/2025 - 14:38
Government of Yukon releases second progress update on Auditor General of Canada’s 2022 housing recommendations zaburke February 28, 2025 - 12:38 pm

The Government of Yukon has released its latest progress update on efforts to address the recommendations from the 2022 Auditor General’s report on housing needs for the Yukon’s most vulnerable residents.

Since December 2022, the Government of Yukon has worked with partners to advance the actions outlined in the work plan. This plan focuses on creating sustainable, community-focused housing solutions guided by data and strengthened through partnerships. 

Key advancements in 2024 include:

  • implementing standardized housing needs assessments;
  • improving coordination of housing access;
  • enhancing data sharing; and
  • aligning funding resources with community priorities.

As of December 2024, the work plan includes 33 actions, 16 have been completed and 17 are underway. These actions are part of the Government of Yukon’s long-term strategy to drive meaningful change and align with broader strategies, such as the recommendations and the strategic plan. The Government of Yukon is committed to providing Yukoners with stable, affordable, quality housing and helping ensure the right supports are in place so all Yukoners can have a safe and accessible place to call home.


Housing remains a priority for our government and we are making meaningful progress on the recommendations from the 2022 Auditor General’s report. By working with partners and focusing on long-term solutions, we are advancing initiatives to provide Yukoners with stable, affordable housing and the supports needed to help them thrive. These efforts align with the Putting People First report and the Creating Home strategy, reflecting our commitment to building inclusive communities and creating opportunities for all Yukoners.

Premier and Minister responsible for Yukon Housing Corporation Ranj Pillai

Safe, stable and supportive housing is a cornerstone of health and wellbeing. By working with our partners and addressing the Auditor General’s recommendations, we are continuing to build a coordinated and data-driven approach to meet housing needs across the territory. This work is critical to creating healthier, stronger communities and improving outcomes for Yukoners.

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • The Auditor General’s report followed a performance audit on the state of housing for vulnerable Yukoners. The audit focused on emergency shelters, transitional housing, supportive housing and social housing available in the territory between April 1, 2015, and November 30, 2021.

  • The following actions have been updated in 2024:  

    Progress on joint work plan initiatives include:

    • Action 87.3: Coordinate access to supportive housing. In partnership with the Safe at Home Society, Yukon Housing Corporation and the Department of Health and Social Services have repurposed 408 Alexander Street to provide safe, coordinated and supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness.
    • Action 87.4: Develop a standard approach to assessing housing needs. Yukon Housing Corporation and the Department of Health and Social Services will use this approach to evaluate housing needs in all Yukon communities on a five-year cycle.
  • Progress on Yukon Housing Corporation work plan initiatives include:

    • Action 40.6: Collaboration with federal partners, aligning new funding with community priorities to address ongoing and emerging needs. This effort secured over $2 million a year of joint federal and territorial funding until 2028 to provide safe housing for survivors of gender-based violence.
  • Progress on the Department of Health and Social Services work plan initiatives include:

    • Action 62: Regular and comprehensive needs analysis, including a review of the use of hotels as temporary accommodation, to support decision-making on housing with services and social supports. This work includes comprehensive analysis, integration of real-time data and the development of forecasting tools to better address housing needs and challenges.
    • Action 64: Ensure all agreements with third-party providers are comprehensive and monitored for key deliverables. The Department of Health and Social Services has enhanced its agreement management processes. Agreements are now comprehensive, regularly monitored and integrated into standard business operations to ensure accountability. 
    • Action 91: Establish appropriate performance indicators and conducting regular evaluations to assess and report on program outcomes. The Department of Health and Social Services is developing performance indicators, evaluation frameworks and monitoring plans. These efforts aim to improve accountability and ensure programs meet their intended goals.

Since the launch of the 36-action work plan in December 2022 the following actions have been updated.

  • Removed Action 31.3 because five-year evaluations of the social housing program are no longer required by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
  • Combined actions 90.1 and 90.2 to create a new action to focus on measuring and evaluating program performance, including social housing.
  • Combined Actions 40.1 and 40.5 to clarify how data integration, community needs assessments and financial and capital considerations will be utilized. These actions are also reflected in the Creating Home strategy through enhancing operational performance, comprehensive management of Yukon Housing Corporation’s housing portfolio and collectively addressing housing challenges. 
  • Revised action 87.4 to enhance clarity and better align with ongoing work required to address the findings from the Auditor General’s 2022 report on Yukon housing. 
Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Kim Sheridan
Communications, Yukon Housing Corporation

Thibaut Rondel
Communications, Health and Social Services

News release #: 25-070 Related information: Get updates on the response to the Auditor General’s 2022 report on Yukon housi… Memorandum of Understanding: Yukon Housing Corporation and Department of Health… Government of Yukon in partnership with Safe at Home Society will open a new su… New housing funding supports Yukoners facing gender-based violence

Statement from Premier Pillai on the Ontario election

ven, 02/28/2025 - 12:08
Statement from Premier Pillai on the Ontario election zaburke February 28, 2025 - 10:08 am

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“On behalf of the Government of Yukon, I would like to congratulate Premier Doug Ford on his government’s re-election in yesterday’s provincial election in Ontario.

“Premier Ford has been given a renewed mandate to serve the people of Ontario. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and strengthening the relationship between our jurisdictions and our country. Strong partnerships between provinces and territories are essential to tackling the challenges and opportunities ahead.

“I wish Premier Ford and his team success as they work on behalf of Ontarians and I look forward to continuing our work together around the Premiers’ table, in the spirit of cooperation and shared prosperity.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 25-069

Government of Yukon continues planning for a new school in downtown Whitehorse

ven, 02/28/2025 - 10:54
Government of Yukon continues planning for a new school in downtown Whitehorse jlutz February 28, 2025 - 8:54 am

The Government of Yukon is advancing plans for a new school in downtown Whitehorse.

As part of the Government of Yukon’s work to modernize educational facilities across the territory, École Whitehorse Elementary is being relocated to the Takhini Land Reserve, where a new modern facility can be built to support French-language learners. The new facility will provide students with an upgraded learning environment, while ensuring continued access to quality education.

As part of this work, the Government of Yukon has heard from downtown Whitehorse residents about the importance of having a school in their neighbourhood. Building off findings from the October 2023 report, What We Heard: Whitehorse Schools Capital Planning Public Engagement, the Department of Education has been meeting with the City of Whitehorse, Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and downtown commercial property owners to discuss potential opportunities for a new school in downtown Whitehorse.

Additional engagement is planned with the downtown residents' association, school councils in Riverdale and downtown, school boards and education stakeholders to gather information to evaluate educational, spatial and community needs for a potential new school.

The Government of Yukon believes that downtown residents need to be involved in shaping the future of downtown. For this reason, the Government of Yukon has allocated $50,000 in Budget 2025–26 – subject to legislative approval – for the first round of public engagement about a school in downtown Whitehorse, starting in late spring 2025.

This engagement will focus on understanding the community’s educational needs, identifying potential locations and sharing key findings from stakeholder meetings and demographic trends.

Our government looks forward to working with the community to explore opportunities for a new downtown school. Education plays a key role in vibrant, healthy communities, which is why building a new school in downtown Whitehorse is essential to expanding opportunities for current and future generations of Yukoners. We look forward to hearing from downtown residents so we can work together to set up young people for success.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

Quick facts
  • Currently, there are four schools located in downtown Whitehorse: École Whitehorse Elementary School, the Wood Street Centre, the Individual Learning Centre and Aurora Virtual School. There are also several childcare facilities located in downtown Whitehorse.

  • The new École Whitehorse Elementary School will be built at the northwest corner of the Takhini Educational Land Reserve.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Julie Ménard
Education, Communications

News release #: 25-068 Related information: What We Heard report : Whitehorse Schools Capital Planning public engagement Whitehorse school facilities capital planning Whitehorse school replacement ranking Statement from Minister of Education Jeanie McLean on a new downtown Whitehorse…

Lotteries Yukon supports major new arts infrastructure with mobile stage funding to Yukon Arts Centre

jeu, 02/27/2025 - 12:52
Lotteries Yukon supports major new arts infrastructure with mobile stage funding to Yukon Arts Centre zaburke February 27, 2025 - 10:52 am

This news release has been edited to clarify that it is the 50th anniversary of Lotteries Yukon.

Lotteries Yukon, in recognition of their 50th anniversary, and partnership with the Yukon Lottery Commission, is excited to announce the funding of a new, state-of-the-art mobile stage for the Yukon Arts Centre. This contribution represents a major enhancement to the territory's arts and culture infrastructure, providing an invaluable asset for local artists, organizations and communities.

The new stage will enhance the Yukon Arts Centre’s ability to showcase diverse performances across the Yukon, in both an outdoor and indoor setting. The mobile stage also ensures that both local and outside artists can reach audiences across the Yukon and provide more opportunities for Yukoners to experience high quality performances. 

By eliminating the need for costly rentals from southern providers and shipping equipment to the north, the mobile stage also offers significant cost savings for Yukon non-profits, making it a practical and sustainable resource for years to come.

Building on this exciting addition to the territory’s arts and culture landscape, and as part of their 50th anniversary, Lotteries Yukon, in partnership with the Yukon Arts Centre, is pleased to announce a free summer concert series. The summer series will feature live performances across the Yukon, providing Yukoners with more opportunities to experience high-quality performances. Full details will be announced this spring at lotteriesyukon.com.

The Yukon Lottery Commission's investment in this mobile stage is a significant step forward in increasing access to the arts for Yukoners across the territory. While the Yukon Lottery Commission operates at arm's length from government, its efforts align with our shared goal of ensuring that all communities, regardless of size or location, have opportunities to experience the cultural enrichment that live performances provide. This new stage will help bring the arts directly to Yukoners, supporting local talent and fostering a deeper connection to the creative spirit of our territory.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Lottery Commission and Lotteries Yukon Sandy Silver 

For 50 years, the Yukon Lottery Commission has been proud to support projects that enrich the lives of Yukoners, and this stage is another exciting investment in our vibrant arts and culture scene. Music has a special way of bringing people together and Yukoners have always had a deep love for it. Live performances not only create shared experiences but also have positive benefits on mental health. This mobile stage will bring music and the arts to new audiences, strengthening the bond between artists and communities across the territory. It will also open doors for local musicians to shine on a world-class stage with professional sound, showcasing Yukon talent like never before. We’re especially thrilled to kick off the upcoming summer concert series, made possible by this stage and look forward to bringing Yukoners of all ages together for some amazing performances.

Chair and Chief Executive Officer Yukon Lottery Commission Sara Skelton

This visionary contribution, generously funded by the Yukon Lottery Commission, will create a lasting legacy for the Yukon. The mobile stage is more than a game-changing addition to our infrastructure—it is a catalyst for sustained cultural impact. It will empower us to extend live performance opportunities across Whitehorse and remote Yukon communities, ensuring that future generations can experience the transformative power of the arts. This legacy project will pave the way for innovative future initiatives and creative collaborations, including our upcoming celebratory summer concert series, which promises a star-studded lineup of performers and events. Ultimately, this investment will secure a vibrant cultural future for the Yukon.

Chief Executive Officer Yukon Arts Centre Casey Prescott

Quick facts
  • The Yukon Lottery Commission is an arms-length agent of the Government of Yukon mandated to provide funding for Yukoners focused on arts, sports and recreation with revenue from lottery ticket sales. Lotteries Yukon is the administrative team that delivers on the decisions of the Yukon Lottery Commission.

  • Lotteries Yukon has been supporting community projects across Yukon for 50 years, funding initiatives that enhance the lives of Yukoners through arts, sports and recreation.

  • The Projects Fund aims to support community non-profit organizations to implement projects that enhance the Yukon's cultural vibrancy and recreational opportunities.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

James Price
Lotteries Yukon

News release #: 25-067 Related information: Lotteries Yukon

Program providing paid sick leave to Yukon workers extended until April 2026

jeu, 02/27/2025 - 10:49
Program providing paid sick leave to Yukon workers extended until April 2026 jlutz February 27, 2025 - 8:49 am

Subject to legislative approval of Budget 2025–26, the Government of Yukon is extending the Paid Sick Leave Rebate Program for an additional year, keeping the program available until March 31, 2026.

This program covers the cost of up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per 12-month period for eligible workers at no cost to their employer.

The rebate program helps Yukon businesses by:

  • allowing them to provide more employee benefits without paying extra costs;
  • strengthening competitiveness in the labour market; and
  • helping create a more supportive work environment by enabling employers to offer paid sick leave through voluntary participation in the program.

The rebate program helps Yukon workers by:

  • providing financial stability for employees and self-employed workers who must take time off work because of sickness or injury;
  • helping keep people healthy in the Yukon; and
  • alleviating the need for workers to choose between getting sick and getting paid.

Since the program launched in April 2023, over 170 Yukon businesses have applied for rebates and over 1,100 employees have received paid time off through the program when they are sick. In the first year of the program, approximately 50 per cent of employees who used the program worked in retail trade, 19 per cent in accommodation and food services and 13 per cent in the health and social assistance sector.

In addition to supporting workers, paid sick leave is an important component of maintaining public health and small business competitiveness. By empowering Yukoners to make the decision to stay home when they are feeling sick, we are helping to ensure that they aren’t risking their health and the health of others and don’t have to choose between their wellbeing and financial stability. I am glad that our government can continue to offer this rebate to support both businesses and their staff.

Premier and Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • The $850,000 in funding for this program is included in Budget 2025–26 and is subject to legislative approval.

  • The rebate, paid to employers and self-employed Yukoners, covers up to 40 hours of sick leave per year for eligible employees and self-employed workers making less than or equal to the average hourly private sector wage in the Yukon.

  • When an employee takes time off because they are sick, they will continue to be paid by their employer as if they had been at work. The employer will then apply to the Government of Yukon for a rebate to cover those costs.

  • Workers employed by the Government of Yukon and its corporations, the Government of Canada and its corporations, Yukon First Nations governments, municipalities and federally regulated industries are not eligible.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development

News release #: 25-066 Related information: Paid Sick Leave Rebate for employers and self-employed

Statement from Minister McLean on Pink Shirt Day

mer, 02/26/2025 - 17:30
Statement from Minister McLean on Pink Shirt Day jlutz February 26, 2025 - 3:30 pm

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean has issued the following statement:

“Today, Yukoners across the territory join together to observe Pink Shirt Day, a day dedicated to standing up against bullying in all its forms. This annual event serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of kindness, empathy and inclusion in our schools, workplaces and communities.

“Pink Shirt Day, which originated in Canada in 2007, has grown into a global movement with individuals and groups from all corners of the world taking a stand against bullying. Here in the Yukon, we proudly participate in this day of action to reaffirm our commitment to creating environments where everyone – regardless of their background or identity – feels respected and valued.

“This year, the official Pink Shirt Day design highlights “cultivating a community of kindness”. As Yukoners, we recognize that bullying is not just an individual issue but a collective responsibility. It is through our shared efforts – whether it’s educators, parents, community leaders or peers – that we can create spaces where young people feel safe and supported. Whether it’s through school activities, community events or simply wearing pink, each act of solidarity sends a clear message: bullying has no place in our society.

“While we come together to combat bullying, we must also acknowledge the unique challenges faced by 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, who experience bullying at higher rates than their straight and cisgender peers. The Department of Education is committed to continuous learning and the ongoing development of its Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Policy, reflecting our dedication and commitment to inclusivity and respect for every individual.

"The Safe and Caring Schools Policy demonstrates our dedication to fostering compassionate, respectful and secure environments. It establishes clear standards and procedures to prevent violence, bullying and discrimination, ensuring a strong and effective response to any such incidents. Safety, respect and inclusion are fundamental rights, guaranteed to all students and staff in our schools. These rights are upheld for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, place of origin, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, age or ability.

“In the Yukon, we know that kindness is powerful. By taking action today – and every day – we can help nurture a future where every person feels safe, valued and empowered to be their true self.

“We encourage everyone across the Yukon to join us in wearing pink today as a symbol of our shared commitment to kindness, respect and inclusion.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 25-065 Related information: Safe and Caring Schools Policy

New agreement enhances policing for Kluane First Nation through collaborative tripartite partnership

mer, 02/26/2025 - 17:19
New agreement enhances policing for Kluane First Nation through collaborative tripartite partnership zaburke February 26, 2025 - 3:19 pm

This is a joint news release between the Government of Canada, Kluane First Nation and the Government of Yukon.

The Government of Canada, the Government of Yukon and the Kluane First Nation have entered into a First Nations and Inuit Policing Program Community Tripartite Agreement, marking a significant milestone in community safety for Kluane First Nation. This agreement will assign two dedicated, community-focused RCMP positions to support Kluane First Nation. It underscores the shared commitment of all parties to fostering safer, healthier communities through collaborative partnerships and culturally informed policing solutions.

These positions will provide community-based enhanced policing services to Kluane First Nation, in addition to the RCMP’s core policing duties under the Territorial Police Service Agreement. The agreement is intended to provide policing services which are professional, dedicated and responsive to the needs and cultures of individual communities. These services are cost-shared by the Government of Canada paying 52 per cent and the Government of Yukon paying 48 per cent. 

The day-to-day duties of the new officers will align with the community safety priorities identified in the Letter of Expectations and will be co-developed between the RCMP and the Kluane First Nation community members who are in the Community Consultative Group. This cooperative approach helps ensure that policing efforts align closely with the unique needs and priorities of the Kluane First Nation community.

Today, a community event was held in Burwash Landing to celebrate this important community safety milestone and to acknowledge the beginning of the agreement.  

This community specific agreement is a powerful step forward in fostering autonomy and building relationships between the RCMP and the Kluane First Nation. It demonstrates our government’s dedication to supporting the safety and security of our communities by providing enhanced and culturally responsive policing to meet the unique needs of Yukoners.

Minister of Justice and Attorney General Tracy-Anne McPhee 

Kluane First Nation welcomes this community-specific policing agreement as a significant step towards greater autonomy and improved relations with the RCMP. This initiative aligns with our self-governance goals and recognizes our unique needs as a First Nation. We see it as an opportunity to ensure culturally appropriate law enforcement that respects our traditions and values. By fostering this important relationship, we're enhancing the safety and security of our community while strengthening our nation's sovereignty. This agreement demonstrates a commitment to responsive policing that truly serves the Kluane First Nation people. 

Chief of Kluane First Nation Kwanathi inlį Robert (Bob) Dickson

This Community Tripartite Agreement, funded through the First Nations and Inuit Policing Program, will provide Kluane First Nation with more community-focused policing through the RCMP. This long awaited, crucial step, will enhance community policing and marks progress in strengthening the relationship between the RCMP and the community.

Member of Parliament for the Yukon Brendan Hanley, on behalf of the Minister of Public Safety David J. McGuinty

Yukon RCMP are pleased to support Kluane First Nation by providing dedicated enhanced policing through this Community Tripartite Agreement. It has been over 60 years since a permanent Detachment presence was in Burwash Landing and the two assigned positions to Kluane First Nation are an important step in continuing to build and improve relationships while working with Kluane First Nation citizens on their community safety priorities in this area. The employees of Haines Junction Detachment, along with the M Division Senior Management Team, are excited to get to work on moving forward on initiatives unique to the community. Shä̀w níthän.

Yukon RCMP Commanding Officer Chief Superintendent Lindsay Ellis

Quick facts
  • Kluane First Nation is one of 11 Self-Governing First Nations in the Yukon. Kluane First Nation signed their Land Claim and Self-Government Agreement in October 2003 and it came into effect in February 2004. 

  • Self-Governing First Nations in the Yukon operate in tripartite with the Government of Yukon and the federal government.

  • The First Nations and Inuit Policing Program funds policing services that are professional, dedicated and responsive to First Nations and Inuit communities. Costs are shared between the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon at a ratio of 52 per cent federal and 48 per cent territorial.

  • Budget 2021 announced up to $540.3 million over five years, beginning in 2021–22, and $126.8 million ongoing, to support Indigenous communities currently served under the First Nations and Inuit Policing Program and expand the program to new communities.

  • In 2024–25, the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon increased the number of First Nations and Inuit Policing officers assigned to the Yukon by six RCMP members, resulting in 25 officers assigned to Yukon First Nations.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Media Relations
Public Safety Canada

Francis Lefebvre
Communications, Justice

News release #: 25-066 Related information: Kluane First Nation First Nations and Inuit Policing Program

Statement from Premier Pillai on the Yukon Sustainability Award winners

mar, 02/25/2025 - 18:03
Statement from Premier Pillai on the Yukon Sustainability Award winners jlutz February 25, 2025 - 4:03 pm

Premier and Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Last week, three Yukon businesses were recognized for their commitment to sustainability at ECO Impact 2025, an annual event hosted by Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) Canada. This annual event celebrates the work of environmental professionals across the country, bringing together industry leaders, policymakers and innovators to discuss best practices in sustainability and environmental management.

“As part of this event, the Yukon Sustainability Awards were presented to businesses demonstrating outstanding environmental stewardship in the territory. I invite Yukoners to join me in congratulating this year’s recipients.

  • Small Business Award – Future Proof My Building Consulting Ltd.
  • Medium-Large Business Award – Snowline Gold Corp.
  • The Regional Business Award – Tincup Wilderness Lodges Ltd.

“Our government partnered with ECO Canada to establish the Yukon Sustainability Awards to recognize environmentally conscious business practices and draw attention to leaders in sustainability across all sectors of the territory’s economy. Yukoners take pride in environmental responsibility and it is essential to highlight and celebrate those who integrate sustainable practices into their operations.

“The award recipients were selected by a jury made up of industry, academic and government professionals from across Canada and beyond. Businesses were assessed based on corporate sustainability practices and environmental management systems and how they support the Yukon’s Our Clean Future strategy, our roadmap for climate action and a green economy.

“This marks the second year that Yukon businesses were recognized for their sustainability efforts. Last year’s winners included Parsons Inc., High Latitude Energy Consulting and Environmental Dynamics Inc.

“Thank you to ECO Canada for making these awards possible and congratulations once again to this year’s winners.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 25-064

Statement from Minister Silver on the federal consumer carbon pricing program

mar, 02/25/2025 - 18:01
Statement from Minister Silver on the federal consumer carbon pricing program zaburke February 25, 2025 - 4:01 pm

Minister of Finance Sandy Silver has issued the following statement: 

“All candidates in the federal Liberal leadership race – one of whom will serve as Canada’s next Prime Minister – have stated their intention to end, freeze or significantly change the consumer carbon price in Canada. 

“The leaders of the Conservative Party of Canada and the federal New Democratic Party have also stated their intent to end or significantly change the federal carbon pricing mechanism, indicating that it is highly unlikely that a carbon price will be in place following the next federal election.

“Given that the end of the federal carbon price means the Yukon will no longer receive revenues to sustain our made-in-Yukon carbon rebate program, I have written to the federal government and asked them to work closely with the territory to ensure a systematic wind down of the program in the Yukon and a cancellation of the planned April 1, 2025, carbon levy increase.

“Our carbon rebate programs were developed in good faith, in partnership with Canada and the territories, to address northern challenges. 

“The Government of Yukon is calling for immediate discussions with federal officials to plan for these changes and ensure that Yukoners are not left behind as Canada shifts its approach to fighting climate change.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 25-063
