Yukon News Releases

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Update on community space pilot project at Jim Smith Building

mer, 05/22/2024 - 16:25

The Government of Yukon wishes to thank all those who made the Jim Smith Building community space pilot project a success, including Yukon government staff and community members.

The pilot project ran from March 18 to May 17, 2024, and was part of the government’s efforts to decentralize essential support services in downtown Whitehorse, aimed to improve accessibility to safe spaces for all, especially vulnerable populations.

Public update on after-action review: Klondike flooding 2024

mar, 05/21/2024 - 13:47

Following the de-activation of the Emergency Control Group (ECG) in relation to break-up on the Klondike River and flooding in the Klondike Valley, an After-Action Review was held between all agencies involved in the monitoring and response related to this incident. The goal of this meeting was to evaluate the response and improve future emergency response strategies. 

Key findings:

Ready-to-Learn Symposium celebrates innovative approaches in Yukon schools

ven, 05/17/2024 - 14:42

The Government of Yukon, through the Department of Education, is committed to fostering learning environments that support every child’s emotional and cognitive development. On May 3, approximately 100 Yukon educators attended the Ready-to-Learn Symposium in Whitehorse. This symposium celebrated and advanced the Ready-to-Learn Schools initiative, which is transforming classrooms across the Yukon by creating supportive and inclusive learning environments.

The Yukon’s identification cards are getting a fresh, new look

ven, 05/17/2024 - 13:37

The Government of Yukon will begin issuing new, upgraded driver’s licences and general identification cards after May 31, 2024. The new ID cards have been updated to align with the latest North American design standards. With these changes, the Yukon will have the most secure driver's licences and general identification cards available in Canada.

The new cards will:

Statement on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia from Deputy Premier and the Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate McLean and Minister of Health and Social Services McPhee

ven, 05/17/2024 - 12:12

Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean and Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee issued the following statement:

“Today, May 17, across the Yukon and around the world, we recognize International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. This is an opportunity to raise awareness of the discrimination, injustices and far too often violence and harassment faced by people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions.

Temporary pause on Whitehorse-based Yukon Nominee Program applications

jeu, 05/16/2024 - 17:09

Effectively immediately, the Government of Yukon is putting a temporary pause on the intake of Whitehorse-based applications for the Yukon Nominee Program. This measure aims to streamline efforts in processing existing applications. The program will continue to accept applications for nominees in Yukon rural communities.  

The Government of Yukon congratulates the Association of Yukon Communities on a successful AGM

jeu, 05/16/2024 - 16:36

Premier Ranj Pillai issued the following statement:

“On behalf of the Yukon government, I want to express congratulations to the Association of Yukon Communities for hosting a successful 49th Annual General Meeting in Dawson City, from May 9 to 12, 2024. I greatly appreciate the Association of Yukon Communities’ efforts to bring together the territory’s elected officials and staff for a weekend of fostering deep community connection.

Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on recent meetings with Selkirk First Nation and Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation

jeu, 05/16/2024 - 13:08

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Earlier this week, alongside MLA for Mayo-Tatchun Jeremy Harper, I had the pleasure of connecting with the leadership of Selkirk First Nation and the leadership of Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation in their respective communities.

During these meetings, Yukon First Nation Chiefs, Council members and I discussed areas of concern, common interests and opportunities for continued collaboration on shared priorities between our governments.

The Government of Yukon launches new online permits for commercial morel mushroom harvesting

mer, 05/15/2024 - 19:41

Permits to commercially harvest morel mushrooms are now available online. The new online system makes applying for and accessing permits quicker, easier and more flexible.

Harvesting morel mushrooms for commercial use entails large-scale collection for profit-driven distribution and sale while harvesting morel mushrooms for personal use typically involves gathering small quantities for individual consumption. A permit is not required to harvest morel mushrooms for personal use.

The Government of Yukon supports mineral exploration with $1.4 million in program funding

mer, 05/15/2024 - 16:19

The Government of Yukon is focused on investing in key sectors to build a sustainable and resilient economy. As such, the Government of Yukon is providing the mineral exploration industry with $1.4 million in funding through the Yukon Mineral Exploration Program in 2024–25. This year’s funding has been awarded to 42 projects focused on locating new discoveries and advancing exploration at known mineral occurrences.

2024 rent index set at 4.9 per cent

mer, 05/15/2024 - 13:59

Effective May 15, 2024, the rent index will be adjusted from five per cent to 4.9 per cent. Landlords may not increase rents beyond this prescribed rent index. Landlords may also choose not to increase rent.

As required by the Regulation to amend the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, the residential rent index is adjusted yearly on May 15 to align with the Consumer Price Index for Whitehorse.

The rent index was implemented as part of the 2023 Confidence and Supply Agreement between the Yukon Liberals and the Yukon New Democratic Party.   

Statement from the Minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate Streicker on Yukon Francophonie Day

mer, 05/15/2024 - 11:40

Minister John Streicker has issued the following statement:

“Today I'm thrilled to celebrate Yukon Francophonie Day, officially recognized by the Government of Yukon since 2007.  

I invite all Yukoners to join in honouring the French language and Francophone culture that contribute to the Yukon's rich and diverse history.

Every year, we proudly support l’Association franco-yukonnaise for their community gathering open to all Yukoners. I encourage all Yukoners who are able, to attend these festivities.

Yukon school calendar dates finalized for 2024–25

lun, 05/13/2024 - 12:27

A complete list of calendar dates for all Yukon schools for the 2024–25 school year is now finalized and available online at Yukon.ca. The calendar includes dates for all three school authorities: the First Nation School Board, Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon and Yukon Education.

School calendars are developed in partnership with school administrators, school councils and school communities and then approved by the Minister and school boards for schools under their authority.

Statement from Premier Pillai on the 2024 Arctic Inspiration Prize winners

ven, 05/10/2024 - 13:30

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Every year the Arctic Inspiration Prize nominees inspire us with their innovation, creativity and passion for their communities.

“I offer my heartful congratulations to all the nominees, and I am immensely proud to see four prizes awarded to finalists from the Yukon.

The May 1 snow survey shows snowpack ranges from well below average to record setting in Old Crow

ven, 05/10/2024 - 11:39

The Government of Yukon Water Resources Branch has released the May 1 Yukon Snow Survey Bulletin and Water Supply Forecast. This is an important survey for Yukoners as it helps forecast water levels and flow conditions across the territory. Using these findings, the Government of Yukon and its partners can better prepare for potential flood risks.

Overall, the survey found that the snowpack ranges from well below average across the central Yukon to record high in Old Crow.

Northern Premiers meet in Nunavut for annual forum

jeu, 05/09/2024 - 15:11

Premier of the Yukon Ranj Pillai, Premier of the Northwest Territories R.J. Simpson and Premier of Nunavut P.J. Akeeagok met this week in Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet), Nunavut for the annual Northern Premiers’ Forum.

The Northern Premiers’ Forum is a crucial platform for leaders of the three territories to convene and tackle shared challenges. This year, the meeting in Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet), Nunavut, highlighted the significance of gathering in a community outside of the territorial capital.

Statement from Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Streicker on a milestone at the abandoned Minto Mine site

jeu, 05/09/2024 - 12:39

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker has issued the following statement:

“Last month, reclamation and closure efforts at the Minto Mine site reached a milestone, surpassing the target of having 1 million cubic metres of water storage capacity available at the site. Adequate water storage capacity allows us to be able to respond safely to unforeseen weather events and ensure ongoing environmental protection.

The Government of Yukon and Association of Yukon Communities collaborate on Comprehensive Municipal Grant review

mer, 05/08/2024 - 13:56

This news release has been updated with an anticipated conclusion date for the work of this task force. 

As part of its commitment to fostering vibrant communities and ensuring effective delivery of essential services to residents, the Government of Yukon is collaborating with the Association of Yukon Communities to enhance the Comprehensive Municipal Grant.

Emergency alerting system test and other awareness activities planned for Emergency Preparedness Week

mar, 05/07/2024 - 17:10

As Yukoners come together for Emergency Preparedness Week, May 5 to 11, 2024, the Government of Yukon is marking this important week with a series of awareness and educational activities to help Yukoners prepare for flood and fire season.

Public engagement on new lands legislation opens May 7, 2024

mar, 05/07/2024 - 16:46

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and Council of Yukon First Nations.

The Government of Yukon is developing a new Public Lands Act, a crucial step towards modernizing land management in the territory. In collaboration with First Nation partners, the government is seeking input from the public to shape this new legislation to ensure it reflects the values and interests of Yukoners.
