Yukon News Releases
Statement from Minister of Environment Pauline Frost on commitments to caribou and climate change in new US-Canadian agreement
On February 23, the President of the United States and the Canadian Prime Minister met and announced the Roadmap for a Renewed US-Canada Partnership.
Minister of Environment Pauline Frost sees this announcement setting course in the right direction. She offers the following statement:
New Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act coming into force April 1, 2021
The territory’s new Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPP) and regulations will come into force on April 1, 2021.
The new Act strengthens privacy protections for Yukoners, yet is flexible enough to meet the changing needs of access to information, openness and transparency.
In addition to the new Act and regulations, the government has developed a large suite of publicly available resource materials to support the transition to the new Act, including:
Affordable seniors housing coming to Whitehorse
Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home.
Yukon societies and business corporations have updated legislation
Yukon societies, business corporations and cooperative associations now have modern, updated legislation to guide them, effective April 1. The Corporate Statutes Amendment Act, which includes updates to the Business Corporations Act, the Cooperative Associations Act and the new Societies Act, has been proclaimed. With the amendments, the new Societies Act has also been proclaimed and its new regulations have been approved.
Campgrounds opening early in 2021
Yukon campers will now have a longer season to enjoy the great outdoors. Campgrounds will open as early as May 1 around the territory, subject to site conditions.
This is the earliest that Yukon campgrounds have ever opened. This extension stems from a commitment in the Yukon Parks Strategy, which launched in 2020.
Council of Yukon First Nations and NGO selected to operate Housing First residence
The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) and John Howard Society Pacific have been selected by the Government of Yukon to assume operation of the Housing First residence on Wood Street in Whitehorse as of April 6, 2021.
The two organizations have formed a new partnership that capitalizes on their mutual and individual areas of expertise. They recently submitted a joint proposal that meets all of the criteria outlined in the Expression of Interest issued by the Government of Yukon in October 2020.
February 25, 2021: COVID-19 update
Please note the number of people tested and vaccinated for COVID-19 has been updated.
The Government of Yukon has the following updates for the Yukon public on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 cases and recoveriesAs of Wednesday, February 24, the COVID-19 case count for Yukon is 72 with no active cases. Seventy-one people have recovered and one person has died. We have tested 8,048 people.
COVID-19 supports for Yukon businesses continue
Please note the extended deadline for applications to TASS and TNASS for the current 2020–21 fiscal year has been updated in the Quick facts.
The Government of Yukon is extending and expanding several COVID-19 economic programs to support Yukon businesses. These programs will help keep local businesses in operation during the pandemic and contribute to Yukon’s economic resiliency.
Government of Yukon holds aviation lease parcel lottery
As part of the Government of Yukon’s commitment to providing opportunities for growth within the aviation sector a total of 10 aviation lease parcels located in Whitehorse and Mayo are now available through a land lease lottery. These parcels will provide a variety of opportunities for established and growing aviation businesses in the territory.
The deadline to submit your application package is March 23, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. The lottery will take place via live stream on April 13, 2021 at 10 a.m. Successful winners of the lottery will be contacted directly.
Opioids remain a danger to communities
The opioid overdose crisis continues to be one of the most serious public health crises in Canada’s recent history. The Government of Yukon is working with our community partners to expand drug-checking capacity in the territory, and to remind people not to use alone and to keep naloxone kits on hand.
Statement from Premier Silver on the passing of Darius Elias
Premier Silver has issued the following statement:
“Like many Yukoners, I was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Darius Elias. I knew him as a fellow politician, an avid hockey fan, a loyal citizen of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, and a proud father, and a dear friend.
Dates set for additional COVID-19 vaccine clinics
Following the confirmation of the shipment of additional vaccine does in February, the Government of Yukon has set new vaccine clinic dates for Whitehorse residents. The clinic at the Convention Centre will reopen for first doses on Monday, February 22, 2021, for targeted groups.
The clinic will open to all Yukoners age 18 and older on Monday, March 1, 2021. Eligible residents are encouraged to book appointments in advance. Walk-ins will not be accommodated until Thursday, March 11, 2021. Appointments can be booked online.
February 18, 2021: COVID-19 update
The Government of Yukon has the following updates for the Yukon public on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 cases and recoveriesAs of Wednesday, February 17, the COVID-19 case count for Yukon is 72. Sixty-nine people have recovered, one person has died, and there are two active cases. We have tested 7,916 people.
Canada and Yukon invest in municipal infrastructure for residents of Faro
The safety and well-being of Northerners are top priorities of the governments of Canada and Yukon. Today, Member of Parliament for Yukon Larry Bagnell, on behalf of Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Catherine McKenna, and Minister of Community Services for the Government of Yukon John Streicker, announced funding for a new consolidated fire hall and public works building for the Town of Faro.
February 13, 2021: additional public exposure notices
Three additional public exposure notifications are being issued today. These notifications are issued as a precaution. It does not mean COVID-19 plans, regulations and guidelines have not been followed.
Exposure notices
People may have been exposed to COVID-19 infection if they were at the following locations at the listed times and dates:
February 12, 2021: COVID-19 case update
Yukon is reporting two new cases of COVID-19 today; one is confirmed and the other is a probable positive.
- Case 71: Whitehorse resident, linked to an outbreak in an industrial worksite outside of Yukon
- Case 72: Whitehorse resident, linked to a previous case
Health status: Both are self-isolating and recovering.
Exposure notices
People may have been exposed to COVID-19 infection if they were at one of the following locations:
Statement from Premier Sandy Silver and Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost on Yukon’s next vaccine shipment
Premier Silver and Minister Frost have issued the following statement:
“We have received confirmation the Yukon will receive 16,100 doses of the Moderna vaccine by the end of the month. The mass clinic for all eligible Yukoners will open in Whitehorse as soon as possible following the arrival of these doses.
Opening the clinic to all Yukoners 18 and older reduces barriers for vaccine access, which aligns with recommendations that the greatest way to protect the community is to immunize as many individuals as quickly as possible.
Government of Yukon will retender Carmacks arena construction
Construction of the new Carmacks arena will be retendered in March 2021. The Government of Yukon terminated the right of the original contractor to continue work on the project on December 15, 2020, due to performance issues and delays.
The Government of Yukon has started legal action, filing a Statement of Claim against the contractor and the bonding company.
The Government of Yukon remains dedicated to the completion of this project. Work on the arena will continue during court action.