Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 3 heures 32 min

Programme de prise en charge avant et après l'école et service de transport scolaire pour la prématernelle

mar, 08/20/2019 - 10:39
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Les familles auront un accès amélioré à la prématernelle en septembre grâce à l'expansion du Programme de prise en charge avant et après l'école et au service de transport scolaire pour la prématernelle.

Before and After Program, Busing Coming for Pre-primary

mar, 08/20/2019 - 10:32
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Families will have more opportunities to access pre-primary in September with the expansion of the Nova Scotia Before and After Program and bus service.

Funding for Affordable Housing

mar, 08/20/2019 - 09:59
Municipal Affairs and Housing -- The province is creating more affordable housing options for Nova Scotians by investing $197.1 million as part of a federal-provincial agreement to strengthen housing programs.

Funding for Sport, Recreation Facilities

mar, 08/20/2019 - 09:25
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Government is investing about $1.5 million this year to develop and improve sport and recreation facilities across the province.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 08/16/2019 - 11:00
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- NEW WORK

Ski Cape Smokey to Become a Year-Round Recreation Destination

jeu, 08/15/2019 - 13:00
Business -- The new owners of Ski Cape Smokey plan to transform the ski hill in Ingonish Beach, Victoria Co., into a year-round recreation and tourism destination.

Aquaculture Mission to Norway

jeu, 08/15/2019 - 11:22
Fisheries and Aquaculture -- Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Keith Colwell is leading a delegation to Norway in support of Nova Scotia’s growing aquaculture sector.

La vaccination avant la rentrée scolaire est recommandée

jeu, 08/15/2019 - 08:09
Health and Wellness -- La vaccination contribue à la bonne santé des enfants et des familles.

Immunizations Encouraged Before School

jeu, 08/15/2019 - 08:08
Health and Wellness -- Helping children and families stay healthy means making sure immunizations are up-to-date.

New Regulator for Audiologists, Speech-Language Pathologists

mer, 08/14/2019 - 12:54
Health and Wellness -- Audiologists and speech-language pathologists will have to be licensed to work in Nova Scotia, beginning in November.

Tourism Nova Scotia Wins National Travel Award

mer, 08/14/2019 - 09:13
Tourism Nova Scotia -- Tourism Nova Scotia has taken home the 2019 Explore Canada Industry Award of Excellence for its Nova Scotia Lobster Crawl media campaign.

Financement à l'appui des efforts communautaires de recrutement de médecins

mer, 08/14/2019 - 08:47
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- AVIS AUX CHEFS DES NOUVELLES : Leo Glavine, ministre des Communautés, de la Culture et du Patrimoine, sera disponible pour répondre aux questions des médias aujourd'hui 14 août à 11:30 h, devant la bibliothèque législative à Province House, au 1726 rue Hollis. Un nouveau programme de subventions à l'appui des collectivités visant à attirer et à maintenir en poste des médecins et leur famille accepte maintenant les demandes.

Funding to Support Community Efforts in Doctor Recruitment

mer, 08/14/2019 - 08:45
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage Leo Glavine will be available to media at Province House, 1726 Hollis St., today, Aug. 14, at 11:30 a.m. in front of the library. A new grant program to support communities trying to attract and keep doctors and their families is open for applications.

Long-Term Care Home, Better Internet Service for Mi’kmaw Community

mar, 08/13/2019 - 10:40
Health and Wellness / Business -- Government is supporting families and economic growth in Eskasoni through two cost-shared infrastructure projects - a new 48-bed long-term care home and the installation of fibre optic cable for high-speed internet.

More Support for Hiring Young, Diverse People

mar, 08/13/2019 - 09:45
Labour and Advanced Education -- Government hiring programs are helping more diverse young people enter the workforce.

Government Supports Hants County Exhibition Facility Upgrades

lun, 08/12/2019 - 12:22
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- The province is investing $50,000 in facility upgrades ahead of the annual Hants County Exhibition.

Immigration to Nova Scotia Continues to Rise

ven, 08/09/2019 - 12:20
Immigration -- Nova Scotia continues to break records with the number of immigrants choosing to live here.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 08/09/2019 - 11:19
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- NEW WORK --- YARMOUTH COUNTY: Highway 103

Invest Nova Scotia Welcomes New Board Members

ven, 08/09/2019 - 10:04
Invest Nova Scotia -- George Karaphillis of East Bay, Cape Breton Regional Municipality and Jolene MacEachern of Debert, Colchester Co. were announced as new members of Invest Nova Scotia’s board of directors today, Aug. 9.

Approvals Issued for Spraying

ven, 08/09/2019 - 09:17
Environment -- The Department of Environment has issued four new approvals for pesticide spraying covering 938 hectares.
