Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 4 heures 13 min

Program Changes Support a More Diverse, Inclusive Workforce

mar, 07/30/2019 - 10:33
Labour and Advanced Education -- Government is helping more Nova Scotians who are underrepresented in the workforce upgrade their skills and become job ready. The Skills Development Program is changing to provide quicker access to training for these unemployed Nova Scotians looking for a job.

Film Production Announced

mar, 07/30/2019 - 09:02
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) announced a newly approved production through the Nova Scotia Film and Television Production Incentive Fund today, July 30.

Hants Family Named Woodland Owners of the Year

lun, 07/29/2019 - 11:14
Health and Wellness -- For this year’s top woodland owner, working in the woods has been a family affair for three generations.

Support for Students in Continuing Care Program

lun, 07/29/2019 - 10:23
Health and Wellness -- Government is offering support to encourage more people to enter the continuing care field.

Soutien aux étudiants dans le programme de soins continus

lun, 07/29/2019 - 10:21
Health and Wellness -- Le gouvernement offre une aide pour encourager plus de gens à intégrer le secteur des soins continus.

New Bikeway Network in Halifax and Dartmouth

lun, 07/29/2019 - 09:17
Energy and Mines -- Pedestrians and cyclists in Halifax and Dartmouth will soon have 30 kilometres more in accessible transportation options.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 07/26/2019 - 11:02
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- CONTINUING WORK

Projects to Help Reduce Emissions In Annapolis Valley

ven, 07/26/2019 - 10:04
Energy and Mines -- Three communities in the Annapolis Valley will deliver projects to reduce emissions and fight climate change, with support from the province.

Quatre vins de la Nouvelle-Écosse reçoivent un prix d’excellence

jeu, 07/25/2019 - 13:12
Lieutenant Governor -- Aujourd’hui, 25 juillet, quatre vins ont reçu le Prix du lieutenant-gouverneur de 2019 pour l’excellence des vins de la Nouvelle-Écosse lors d’une cérémonie à la Résidence du gouverneur.

Four Nova Scotia Wines Receive Award for Excellence

jeu, 07/25/2019 - 13:04
Lieutenant Governor -- Four wines received the 2019 Lieutenant Governor's Award for Excellence in Nova Scotia Wines at a ceremony at Government House in Halifax today, July 25.

Two Companies Qualify to Bid on Halifax Infirmary Expansion

jeu, 07/25/2019 - 11:40
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal / Health and Wellness -- Two companies have qualified to bid to lead the expansion of the Halifax Infirmary, a major component of the QEII New Generation project.

Public Accounts for 2018-19 Released

jeu, 07/25/2019 - 09:21
Finance and Treasury Board -- Government released the public accounts for the 2018-19 fiscal year today, July 25.

Tidal Licence Issued to Sustainable Marine Energy

mer, 07/24/2019 - 09:21
Energy and Mines -- The Department of Energy and Mines has issued a licence to Sustainable Marine Energy Canada for a tidal electricity project.

Photo Contest Winners Chosen from Thousands of Entries

mer, 07/24/2019 - 08:53
Tourism Nova Scotia -- Tourism Nova Scotia asked for photos from people of their best-kept secret places in the province and thousands of Nova Scotians responded.

Gagnants du concours de photos choisis parmi des milliers de soumissions

mer, 07/24/2019 - 08:39
Tourism Nova Scotia -- Tourisme Nouvelle-Écosse a demandé aux gens de soumettre des photos des endroits qui sont les secrets les mieux gardés de la province, et des milliers de gens ont répondu à l'appel.

NSBI Approves Payroll Rebate

mar, 07/23/2019 - 09:25
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) has approved a business development incentive in the form of a payroll rebate for VERB Interactive Inc (VERB).

Film Productions Announced

mar, 07/23/2019 - 09:03
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) announced two newly approved productions through the Nova Scotia Film and Television Production Incentive Fund today, July 23.

Expert Panel to Advise Minister on Safety in School Sports

lun, 07/22/2019 - 10:30
Education and Early Childhood Development -- NOTE: More information on members of the Inter-School Sport Safety Review Panel is available at . An expert panel has been invited to advise Zach Churchill, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, on safety in school sports across the province.

Un groupe d'experts conseillera le ministre sur la sécurité dans les sports à l'école

lun, 07/22/2019 - 10:22
Education and Early Childhood Development -- REMARQUE : Des renseignements supplémentaires sur les membres du Comité d'examen de la sécurité dans les sports interscolaires se trouvent au . Un groupe d'experts a été invité à offrir des conseils à Zach Churchill, ministre de l'Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance, au sujet de la sécurité dans les sports scolaires à l'échelle de la province.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 07/19/2019 - 10:59
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- NEW WORK
