Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 1 heure 47 min

Call for Nominations for 2019 Human Rights Awards

jeu, 09/26/2019 - 08:37
Human Rights Commission -- Nova Scotians are encouraged to nominate individuals and groups for the 2019 Human Rights Awards.

Support for Hope Blooms

mer, 09/25/2019 - 14:38
Invest Nova Scotia -- Hope Blooms, a popular Nova Scotia social enterprise best known for its organic salad dressings, will be able to expand its kitchen and community space in Halifax’s north end, thanks to a loan from Invest Nova Scotia.

Fund Supports Healthy Lunches for Students on the South Shore

mer, 09/25/2019 - 10:55
Invest Nova Scotia -- Through a $160,000 investment, Invest Nova Scotia is supporting farmers and setting students up for success by delivering healthy lunches in five schools on the province’s South Shore.

Greater Flexibility, More Progress for Improving Long-Term Care

mer, 09/25/2019 - 10:05
Health and Wellness -- Government is introducing changes meant to bring immediate relief and more support to staff and residents in long-term-care homes across the province.

Committee Meetings to be Televised, FOIPOP Annual Report Released

mer, 09/25/2019 - 08:18
Speaker's Office / Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services -- The House of Assembly will be televising all standing committees, including law amendments, following the upcoming sitting of the legislature, which begins Thursday, Sept. 26.

Province Supports Active Transportation in Port Hawkesbury

mar, 09/24/2019 - 11:13
Energy and Mines -- Pedestrians and cyclists in Port Hawkesbury will soon have access to more sustainable transportation options for the town’s busiest street, with support from the province's Connect2 stream of the Low Carbon Communities program.

Government Invests in Dartmouth Food and Family Centres

mar, 09/24/2019 - 10:20
Community Services / Communities, Culture and Heritage -- The Dartmouth Family Centre will soon be located next to the Dartmouth North Community Food Centre, allowing more people to access family programs and healthy eating.

Film Productions Announced

mar, 09/24/2019 - 09:15
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) announced two new productions through the Nova Scotia Film and Television Production Incentive Fund today, Sept. 24.

NSBI Approves Innovation Rebate for Cherubini Metal Works

mar, 09/24/2019 - 09:01
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) has approved a business development incentive in the form of an innovation rebate for Cherubini Metal Works Limited in Dartmouth.

Crane Removal Update

lun, 09/23/2019 - 14:39
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Government continues to move forward with the project to remove a fallen crane in the interest of public safety. Today, Sept. 23, the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal is hiring two companies to advance the work as soon as possible.

Mise à jour sur le démantèlement de la grue

lun, 09/23/2019 - 14:38
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Le gouvernement poursuit son travail visant le démantèlement de la grue qui s'est effondrée, dans l'intérêt de la sécurité publique. Aujourd'hui 23 septembre, le ministère des Transports et du Renouvellement de l'infrastructure embauche deux entreprises pour effectuer le travail dès que possible.

Premier to meet European Union Ambassadors on Trade

ven, 09/20/2019 - 12:44
Premier's Office -- Premier Stephen McNeil will be in Ottawa Monday, Sept. 23, to promote cultural, trade and investment opportunities in Nova Scotia to European Union (EU) Ambassadors.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 09/20/2019 - 11:02
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- CONTINUING WORK

Premier Launches Action Plan to Support the International Decade for People of African Descent

jeu, 09/19/2019 - 11:42
Premier's Office / African Nova Scotian Affairs -- Government and the community need to work together to help address and eliminate the many challenges faced by African Nova Scotians. That is why, today, Sept. 18, government is releasing an action plan aimed at eliminating those challenges.

First 2019-20 Budget Update

jeu, 09/19/2019 - 09:41
Finance and Treasury Board -- The first update on Budget 2019-20 shows Nova Scotia remains on track for another balanced budget.

Emergency Order Issued for Crane Removal

mer, 09/18/2019 - 15:05
Emergency Management Office / Labour and Advanced Education -- Under the authority of the Emergency Management Act, the province has declared a localized state of emergency to ensure the safe removal of the crane at a building on South Park Street in Halifax.

Ordonnance d'urgence pour l'enlèvement de la grue

mer, 09/18/2019 - 15:04
Emergency Management Office / Labour and Advanced Education -- En vertu de la loi sur la gestion des urgences (Emergency Management Act), le gouvernement provincial a déclaré un état d'urgence localisé pour assurer l'enlèvement de la grue qui est tombée sur un édifice sur la rue South Park, à Halifax.

Investissements pour aider plus de Néo-Écossais à bénéficier de logements abordables

mer, 09/18/2019 - 12:08
Municipal Affairs and Housing -- Tous les Néo-Écossais méritent d’avoir un chez-soi, un endroit sûr, abordable et qui leur convient. C’est pourquoi le gouvernement provincial investit 88 millions de dollars sur trois ans pour que près de 3 000 ménages dans le besoin aient accès à plus d’options en matière de logement abordable.

Investments Help More Nova Scotians Access Affordable Housing

mer, 09/18/2019 - 12:07
Municipal Affairs and Housing -- Every Nova Scotian deserves a safe, suitable and affordable place to call home. That’s why government is investing $88 million over three years to ensure nearly 3,000 Nova Scotian households in need have access to more affordable housing options.

Nova Scotia Film and Television Production Incentive Fund Increase for 2019-20

mer, 09/18/2019 - 10:43
Business -- To help meet growing demand from the provincial film industry, government has added $6 million to the Nova Scotia Film Fund, for a total budget of $26 million for 2019-20.
