Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 5 heures 44 min

Halifax Convention Centre Kicks Off Fall Events Season

mer, 09/22/2021 - 09:04
Events East Group -- The Halifax Convention Centre will host more than 50 events this fall as the list of in-person meetings and conventions continues to grow.

25 New Cases of COVID-19, 17 Recoveries

mar, 09/21/2021 - 12:24
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Today, Sept. 21, Nova Scotia is reporting 25 new cases of COVID-19 and 17 recoveries.

Vingt-cinq nouveaux cas de COVID-19, 17 cas résolus

mar, 09/21/2021 - 12:24
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 21 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse signale 25 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et 17 rétablissements.

55 New Cases of COVID-19, 88 Recoveries

lun, 09/20/2021 - 12:37
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Today, Sept. 20, Nova Scotia is reporting 55 new cases of COVID-19 and 88 recoveries since the last update on Sept. 17.

55 nouveaux cas de COVID-19, 88 cas résolus

lun, 09/20/2021 - 12:37
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd'hui 20 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse signale 55 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et 88 rétablissements depuis la dernière mise à jour, le 17 septembre.

Celebrating Nova Scotian Volunteers

lun, 09/20/2021 - 11:12
Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage / Lieutenant-Governor -- Volunteers who give their time, promote community initiatives and offer support all year long were honoured today, Sept. 20, during a virtual ceremony for the 47th annual Provincial Volunteer Awards.

Innovacorp Sees 35 Times Return on Investment in Nova Scotia Start-up

ven, 09/17/2021 - 14:05
Innovacorp -- Innovacorp’s investment in Meta Materials Inc. (META) (NASDAQ:MMAT) resulted in a $104 million return after the Nova Scotia start-up began publicly trading its shares on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 09/17/2021 - 11:49
Public Works -- NEW WORK

Dix-huit nouveaux cas de COVID-19 à signaler, 29 cas résolus, état d’urgence prolongé

ven, 09/17/2021 - 11:22
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 17 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse signale 18 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et 29 rétablissements.

18 New Cases of COVID-19, 29 Recoveries, State of Emergency Renewed

ven, 09/17/2021 - 11:21
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- NOTE: Nova Scotia is not issuing COVID-19 news releases or updating the COVID-19 data dashboard on weekends. Monday updates will include weekend data. Today, Sept. 17, Nova Scotia is reporting 18 new cases of COVID-19 and 29 recoveries.

Statement on National Nurses Day of Action

ven, 09/17/2021 - 11:04
Seniors and Long-term Care / Office of Mental Health and Addictions / Health and Wellness -- NOTE: The following is a statement from Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health and Wellness; Barbara Adams, Minister of Seniors and Long-term Care; and Brian Comer, Minister of the Office of Mental Health and Addictions Today, Canada’s Nurses Day of Action, we want to make clear how much we value nurses and the immeasurable contribution they make to our communities, our health-care system and our province. As health-care professionals ourselves, we respect the work that nurses do every day, in all of their various roles in the health system.

Mandate Letters Outline Government’s Priorities

jeu, 09/16/2021 - 14:14
Premier's Office -- Mandate letters to cabinet ministers outlining government’s priorities for delivering solutions to Nova Scotians were posted online today, Sept. 16.

Deborah Carleton vs. Halifax Regional Police and/or the Halifax Regional Police Association Board of Inquiry

jeu, 09/16/2021 - 12:40
Human Rights Commission -- An independent human rights board of inquiry in the matter of Deborah Carleton vs. Halifax Regional Police and/or the Halifax Regional Police Association will begin Tuesday, Sept. 21, in Halifax.

34 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 à signaler, 20 cas résolus

jeu, 09/16/2021 - 11:30
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd'hui 16 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse signale 34 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et 20 rétablissements.

34 New Cases of COVID-19, 20 Recoveries

jeu, 09/16/2021 - 11:29
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Today, Sept. 16, Nova Scotia is reporting 34 new cases of COVID-19 and 20 recoveries.

Public Accounts for 2020-21 Released

jeu, 09/16/2021 - 10:36
Finance and Treasury Board -- Government released the public accounts for the 2020-21 fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, today, Sept. 16.

Six New Cases of COVID-19, 20 Recoveries

mer, 09/15/2021 - 12:17
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Today, Sept. 15, Nova Scotia is reporting six new cases of COVID-19 and 20 recoveries.

Six nouveaux cas de COVID-19 à signaler, vingt cas résolus

mer, 09/15/2021 - 12:17
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd'hui 15 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse signale six nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et vingt rétablissements.

New Office Sees Early Success

mer, 09/15/2021 - 09:30
Office of Health Care Professionals Recruitment / Health and Wellness -- The newly created Office of Health Care Professionals Recruitment is seeing some early successes and promising leads.

Cinquième phase du déconfinement reportée

mar, 09/14/2021 - 14:03
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- En raison de l'épidémiologie actuelle dans la province et dans la région atlantique, la Nouvelle-Écosse reporte la 5e phase de son plan de déconfinement jusqu'au 4 octobre, date à laquelle la politique sur la preuve de vaccination complète entre en vigueur pour certains événements et certaines activités.
