Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 5 heures 36 min

Des employés des Services de santé d’urgence mis à l’honneur pour leurs années de service

mar, 09/28/2021 - 08:33
Health and Wellness -- Remarque : la liste des médaillés des Services de santé d’urgence figure à la fin du présent communiqué. Des employés de première ligne des Services de santé d’urgence, dont une personne ayant 45 années de service, ont été mis à l’honneur lors d’une cérémonie virtuelle préenregistrée de remise des médailles pour souligner leurs longs états de service.

Emergency Health Services Employees Honoured

mar, 09/28/2021 - 08:32
Health and Wellness -- NOTE: A list of Emergency Health Services employees receiving the award follows this release. Emergency Health Services (EHS) front-line staff – including one person with 45 years of service – were honoured through a pre-recorded virtual EHS Long Service Award ceremony.

Un décès, 83 nouveaux cas de COVID-19, 46 cas résolus

lun, 09/27/2021 - 14:44
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- REMARQUE : La Nouvelle-Écosse commencera à signaler le nombre d'écoles où il y a une exposition possible au virus chaque jour à compter de demain, le 28 septembre. Aujourd'hui 27 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse annonce un décès lié à la COVID-19. Un octogénaire est décédé dans le secteur du centre.

One Death, 83 New Cases of COVID-19, 46 Recoveries

lun, 09/27/2021 - 14:43
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- NOTE: Nova Scotia will begin reporting the number of schools with cases of COVID-19 daily, starting tomorrow, Sept. 28 Today, Sept. 27, Nova Scotia is reporting one death related to COVID-19. A man in his 80s in Central Zone has died.

Investment Supports Efforts to Attract Newcomers and Build Nova Scotia’s Economy

lun, 09/27/2021 - 11:04
Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage / Labour, Skills and Immigration -- A $2.5-million marketing investment will support new provincial immigration and migration targets by helping Nova Scotia attract newcomers from across Canada and around the globe.

Government Invests in Road and Rink Improvements

lun, 09/27/2021 - 10:12
Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage / Public Works -- Government is investing $33.5 million in three programs to improve roads and rinks in Nova Scotia.

Premier’s Statement on Truth and Reconciliation Week

lun, 09/27/2021 - 09:30
Premier's Office -- NOTE: The following is a statement from Premier Tim Houston Kwe. Teluisi (hello, my name is) Premier Tim Houston.

Paramedics Recognized on Ninth Annual Medic Monday

lun, 09/27/2021 - 07:31
Health and Wellness -- Today, Sept. 27, is the ninth annual Medic Monday in Nova Scotia. It is a day to celebrate the 1,200 dedicated paramedics who provide highly skilled care to Nova Scotians every day.

First Session of the 64th General Assembly Resumes Oct. 12

ven, 09/24/2021 - 13:11
Speaker's Office -- The first session of the 64th General Assembly will resume at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 12 when the Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia delivers the speech from the throne.

More Support for Communities Across Nova Scotia

ven, 09/24/2021 - 13:04
Municipal Affairs and Housing -- Municipalities will receive an additional $32 million from the province to help pay for crucial services for Nova Scotians.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 09/24/2021 - 12:46
Public Works -- NEW WORK

34 nouveaux cas de COVID-19, 12 cas résolus

ven, 09/24/2021 - 12:21
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- REMARQUE : Le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse ne publie pas de communiqués sur la COVID-19 et ne fait pas la mise à jour du tableau de bord sur la COVID-19 pendant la fin de semaine. La mise à jour du lundi inclura les données de la fin de semaine. Aujourd'hui 24 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse signale 34 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et 12 rétablissements.

34 New Cases of COVID-19, 12 Recoveries

ven, 09/24/2021 - 12:20
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- NOTE: Nova Scotia is not issuing COVID-19 news releases or updating the COVID-19 data dashboard on weekends. Monday updates will include weekend data. Today, Sept. 24, Nova Scotia is reporting 34 new cases of COVID-19 and 12 recoveries.

Two Escape from Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility

ven, 09/24/2021 - 11:45
Justice -- NOTE: Photos of the escaped men are available at: Two inmates escaped from the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Dartmouth at around 8:51 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23.

Speaker, Deputy Speakers Chosen

ven, 09/24/2021 - 10:37
House of Assembly -- Members of the legislative assembly elected Keith Bain as Speaker of the House of Assembly today, Sept. 24, during a special sitting.

Providers Speak Up For Health Care, Patients – Op-Ed

jeu, 09/23/2021 - 15:57
Premier's Office -- NOTE: The following is an op-ed from Premier Tim Houston Over the last few days, Health and Wellness Minister Michelle Thompson, our health leadership team and I have been touring the province, meeting with front-line health-care workers to hear their ideas and solutions for improving health care in this province.

VirtualCareNS Pilot Program Expanding Provincewide

jeu, 09/23/2021 - 14:34
Premier's Office -- People on the Need a Family Practice Registry across the province will soon have access to virtual care.

Un décès, 41 nouveaux cas de COVID-19, 20 cas résolus

jeu, 09/23/2021 - 12:35
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd'hui 23 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse annonce un décès lié à la COVID-19. Une octogénaire est décédée dans le secteur du centre.

19 New Cases of COVID-19, 29 Recoveries

mer, 09/22/2021 - 12:45
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Today, Sept. 22, Nova Scotia is reporting 19 new cases of COVID-19 and 29 recoveries.

19 nouveaux cas de COVID-19, 29 cas résolus

mer, 09/22/2021 - 12:45
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd'hui 22 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse signale 19 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 et 29 rétablissements.
