Ontario Ministry of Finance
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Providing a Helping Hand to Those Caring For Loved Ones
Ontario is making it easier for people who care for loved ones, with more respite services that allow people to take a break from their unpaid duties, increased education and training opportunities for caregivers, and a new, streamlined Ontario Caregiver Tax Credit.
Ontario Boosting On-the-Job Learning Opportunities for Students
Ontario is helping young people prepare for successful careers by creating 40,000 new work-related learning opportunities over three years for K-12 and postsecondary students, as well as recent graduates.
Statement from Minister Sousa on Housing Meeting with Minister Morneau and Mayor Tory
Today, Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance, issued a statement following a meeting on housing with Federal Minister of Finance Bill Morneau and Mayor of Toronto John Tory:
UPDATE: Ontario Sets Budget Date for April 27
Growing Small Cider and Spirits Producers' Businesses
Record Number of People Engaged to Help Shape the 2017 Budget
This year, more than 81,400 people participated in consultations to help shape policies and programs that will be part of the 2017 Ontario Budget - breaking a previous record set last year.
Ontario's Economic Growth Outpaces G7 Countries
For the eighth year in a row, Ontario is projecting to beat its deficit target, supported by the province's growing economy.
Strategic Investments Creating Foundation for Prosperity
Ontario Seeking Public Input in Markham to Develop the 2017 Budget
Ontario is seeking input from individuals, organizations and businesses in Markham to help shape policies and programs that will be part of Ontario's 2017 Budget.
Ontario Expanding Beer and Cider Sales to 80 More Grocery Stores
Ontario is moving forward on its commitment to improve convenience and choice for people across the province by expanding sale of beer and cider to 80 more grocery stores.
Green Bond Proceeds to Fund Environmentally Friendly Infrastructure Projects
Ontario has successfully issued its third green bond, raising $800 million to help build clean transportation and environmentally friendly infrastructure projects in communities across the province.
Vote on Ideas to Build Ontario Up for Everyone
Ontario is inviting the public to vote on ideas they would like to see implemented in the 2017 Budget to help people in their everyday lives by strengthening communities and improving public services.
Supporting Inclusive Economic Growth in the Peel and Halton Regions
Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance, spoke today at the Mississauga Board of Trade about the government's plan to grow the economy, create jobs and help more people benefit from the province's strong economic growth.
Ontario Seeking Public Input in Kingston to Develop the 2017 Budget
Ontario is seeking input from individuals, organizations and businesses in Kingston to help shape policies and programs that will be part of Ontario's 2017 Budget.
Supporting Inclusive Economic Growth in Southwestern Ontario
Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance, spoke today at the Rotary Club of Kitchener about the government's plan to grow the economy, create jobs and help more people benefit from the province's strong economic growth.
Ontario Economy Continues to Grow in Third Quarter of 2016
Ontario released the Economic Accounts for the third quarter of 2016 today, confirming the province's economy is growing at a steady pace.
Ontario Seeking Public Input in Windsor to Develop the 2017 Budget
Ontario is seeking input from individuals, organizations and businesses in Windsor to help shape policies and programs that will be part of Ontario's 2017 Budget.
Building a Stronger, More Inclusive Economy in Eastern Ontario
Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance, spoke today at the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa about the government's plan to grow the economy, create jobs and help more people benefit from the province's strong economic growth.
Ontario Seeking Public Input in Toronto to Develop the 2017 Budget
Ontario is seeking input from individuals, organizations and businesses in Toronto to help shape policies and programs that will be part of Ontario's 2017 Budget.
Ontario Making it More Affordable to Buy Your First Home
Ontario is reminding those looking to purchase their first home that, as of January 1, the maximum Land Transfer Tax refund has been doubled to $4,000 for eligible first-time homebuyers.