Ontario Ministry of Finance
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Government Appoints Council to Review Hydro One, OPG and the LCBO
The Ontario government has appointed a council to recommend ways to improve the efficiency and optimize the full value of Hydro One, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), and the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO). The Premier's Advisory Council on Government Assets will examine how to get the most out of key government assets to generate better returns and revenues for Ontarians.
Eliminating Waitlists for Developmental Services
Ontario plans to eliminate waitlists for direct funding for 21,000 people with developmental disabilities.
Investing in Community Health Infrastructure
Ontario plans to increase investments to community health infrastructure by $60 million over the next three years to ensure access to high-quality health services in communities across the province.
Food for Thought for More Ontario Students
Ontario is expanding and enhancing its Student Nutrition Program so that 56,000 more children and youth will get the nutritional boost they need to succeed at school.
Helping More Seniors Stay Connected, Active and Engaged
Ontario is proposing to help more seniors stay connected to their community by doubling the Seniors Community Grant Program, the province's first grant program dedicated solely to seniors.