Ontario Ministry of Finance
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Ontario Launches New, Modern Financial Services Regulator
Beverage Alcohol to be Sold in Hundreds of Additional Stores Across Ontario
NORTH YORK - The government of Ontario is putting people first and improving choice and convenience for consumers by expanding sales of beverage alcohol to nearly 300 new retail outlets across Ontario - many opening this summer, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance, announced today. These stores will provide new economic opportunities for businesses across the province, while offering local craft brewers and wineries with greater reach and visibility.
Fitch Rating Statement: Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance
Ontario Passes Budget That Protects What Matters Most
TORONTO — Ontario's Government for the People has taken important steps in providing relief for families and businesses while charting a path to a balanced budget and protecting critical public services such as health care and education — without introducing any new taxes.
Ontario to Deliver True Choice, Convenience and Fairness for Beer and Wine Consumers
Today, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance, announced the Government of Ontario is putting people first and moving forward to fulfill its commitment to increase choice, convenience and fairness for alcohol consumers.
Report from Ontario's Special Advisor on Beverage Alcohol
Ontario to Provide Estate Tax Relief for Families
Ontario's Government for the People is proposing to provide tax relief to families when they need it most by reducing and simplifying the Estate Administration Tax.
CARE to Help Ontario Parents Find and Afford the Best Care for Their Kids
2019 Ontario Budget: Ontario's Plan to Protect What Matters Most
In its first Budget, Ontario's Government for the People has introduced a comprehensive and sustainable plan that sets out a five-year path to a balanced budget to protect critical public services such as health care and education.
Ontario Appoints Special Advisor for Alcohol Review
Ontario's Government for the People has named Ken Hughes to the newly created role of Special Advisor for the Beverage Alcohol Review.
Ontario Invests in Horse Racing to Strengthen Rural Communities
Ontario's Government is putting people first by supporting rural communities through new investments to help the province's horse racing industry create and protect good jobs.
Statement from the Finance Minister on the 2019 Federal Budget
"Today's federal budget confirms the federal government does not share Ontario's vision for making our province, let alone our country, Open for Business and Open for Jobs, and threatens manufacturing jobs and small businesses in Ontario. This in addition to hurting hard-working families by imposing its job-killing carbon tax.
Ontario to Release 2019 Budget on April 11
Ontario's Third Quarter Finances Show $1 Billion Reduction in Deficit
Today Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance, was joined by Peter Bethlenfalvy, President of the Treasury Board, to provide an update on the province's finances. The government released the Ontario 2018-2019 Third Quarter Finances which, for the first time, reveal a $1 billion reduction in the Province's deficit, largely driven by increased economic activity from consumers and businesses. The deficit is now projected to be $13.5 billion in 2018-19.
Ontario Helping With Recreational Cannabis Costs
Reforming Auto Insurance for the People
The Ontario Government, working for the people, is inviting drivers and consumers to share their views on how to lower the province's auto insurance rates as part of its commitment to making life more affordable.
Ontario Stands Up For Families and Businesses
Ontario Takes a Phased Approach to Cannabis Retail Licensing Due to National Supply Shortages
Today, the Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Attorney General and the Honourable Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance, released the following statement on changes being made to the licensing process for recreational retail cannabis stores in Ontario:
Ontario Launches Consultations on Alcohol Choice and Convenience
Ontario's Government for the People is inviting consumers and businesses to share their views on how beverage alcohol choice and convenience can be increased in the province.