Yukon News Releases
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Canada-Yukon Housing Benefit supports rental housing affordability
Joint news release with the Government of Canada.
Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. That is why the Government of Canada partnered with the Government of Yukon to provide additional support to hundreds of low-income households across the territory between now and 2027.
Government increasing supports for Yukon seniors and Elders
The Government of Yukon is enhancing programs and services for Yukon seniors and Elders, with the goal of supporting them to age in place in their own homes and communities.
The Community Day Program, offered at Whistle Bend Place, will be expanded beginning April 1, 2021. Two additional staff will be hired, increasing the daily capacity to 16 clients if it is safe to do so within current safety guidelines. Funding will also be provided to support transportation for individuals who would otherwise be unable to attend the program.
Premier Sandy Silver extends condolences to Watson Lake community
Premier Sandy Silver released the following statement:
I am very saddened by this loss and I send my condolences to the friends and family of the deceased. On behalf of all Yukoners, I also send support and love to the entire community of Watson Lake at this difficult time.
I am grateful for all that Yukoners have and continue to do to keep the spread of COVID-19 to a minimum. Thank you for your efforts and please, continue to be vigilant in taking the recommended precautions to keep yourself, your community and all Yukoners safe.
First COVID-19-related death in Yukon
Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley has confirmed the death of one of the five people recently diagnosed with COVID-19 in Watson Lake.
The person passed away at home on October 29 while they were in self-isolation. A Coroner’s investigation has concluded that their death was caused by COVID-19 infection.
The person who has died was older and had underlying medical conditions.
The level of COVID-19 risk to residents of Watson Lake and other Yukoners has not changed as a result of this death.
Government of Yukon announces further funding for territory’s high performance athletes
The Government of Yukon, in partnership with the Yukon Lottery Commission, today announced 20 Yukon athletes and one official will receive $33,000 for the second intake of this year’s High Performance Athlete Assistance Program.
In June 2020, $69,500 was awarded to 26 athletes and three officials for the program’s first intake for 2020. There were two intakes this year due to the impacts of COVID-19.
Yukon’s COVID-19 case count rises to 23
One new case of COVID-19 was confirmed today by Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley. This is the territory’s 23rd case of COVID-19 infection and is not linked to the Watson Lake cluster.
Laboratory results confirmed the positive diagnosis on the night of Wednesday, October 28. Yukon Communicable Disease Control (YCDC) staff has completed contact tracing and there is no risk of public exposure.
2019–20 Public Accounts released
Today, Premier and Minister of Finance Sandy Silver tabled the 2019–20 Public Accounts in the Legislative Assembly.
The 2019–20 Public Accounts have been audited by the Auditor General of Canada and have received an unqualified audit opinion, which indicates that the government’s financial statements are fairly and appropriately presented without any identified exceptions.
Update devices and calendars to Yukon Standard Time
Yukoners are reminded that they do not need to turn their clocks back this weekend. Make sure devices are ready to show the new Yukon time by installing the latest updates to operating systems and other scheduling software.
As Yukon moves closer to transitioning into a new permanent time, the government has become aware of an issue with calendars, scheduling and appointments after November 1, 2020.
New electric vehicle fast charging stations available for use in Yukon
The Government of Yukon has installed two new Level 3 electric vehicle charging stations in Haines Junction and Marsh Lake. These fast-chargers join three others located in Whitehorse and Carcross and are available for public use.
October 28, 2020: COVID-19 update
The Government of Yukon has the following updates for the Yukon public on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 cases and recoveries
Watson Lake COVID-19 cluster is now at five
Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Brendan Hanley today confirmed two additional cases of COVID-19, bringing the territory’s total to 22 cases since the first case was announced on March 22, 2020.
These two new cases are associated with the recent exposures in Watson Lake. Both individuals had not recently travelled and are from the same household which has confirmed direct exposures. A source of origin is still being investigated and contact tracing is actively underway. The two individuals are currently doing well and self-isolating at home.
Commissioner launches new Yukon Service Pin
The Commissioner’s Office is launching the Yukon Service Pin to recognize people who have served or are serving in the military or as a first responder. In this case, first responders include paramedics, emergency medical technicians, police officers, firefighters, rescuers and other trained members of organizations connected to this type of work, either as a volunteer or as a paid employee. Military service includes all branches of the Canadian military, including the Canadian Rangers.
COVID-19 public health notifications issued for Watson Lake
Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley today confirmed three additional cases of COVID-19, bringing the territory’s total to 20 cases since the first infection was announced on March 22, 2020.
A source of origin is still being investigated and contact tracing is actively underway.
This is the fourth incidence of infection in a rural community since COVID-19 was reported in Yukon.
The community is being identified because of possible cases of exposure at three locations in Watson Lake.
October 21, 2020: COVID-19 update
The Government of Yukon has the following updates for the Yukon public on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 cases and recoveries
As of today, October 21, at 11 a.m., the COVID-19 case count for Yukon is 17. Fifteen people have recovered and there are currently two active cases, with both people in self-isolation and recovering at home. We have tested 3,814 people.
COVID-19 Testing Centre
Public engagement on the future of immigration in Yukon set to begin
Yukoners are being asked to contribute their ideas and experiences with the Yukon Nominee Program to help inform immigration in the territory for the next 10 years.
The Government of Yukon is modernizing its economic immigration strategy to guide policy and program development and to ensure immigration programming continues to be responsive to the needs of Yukon’s economy.
Individuals can provide input by visiting engageyukon.ca. Survey responses will be accepted until December 4, 2020.
Getting the flu shot is more important than ever this year
With the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the flu vaccine is more important than ever. Yukon’s influenza vaccine will be available starting on Monday, October 19, with the first week aimed at those most vulnerable to complications from influenza. These include Yukon residents with chronic medical conditions, as well as those over 65, pregnant women, and young children.
Yukon School Council honoraria increased
The Government of Yukon has increased School Council honoraria rates for School Council members for the first time since 1991.
Recognizing the important role and responsibilities of School Councils and Boards in the governance of Yukon public schools, the Government of Yukon has increased the maximum honoraria rates for School Council members and Chairs, and for School Board trustees. School councils and boards provide a voice for students and families on developing policies, growth planning, input on the school calendar, school renovations, staffing needs and school programs.
COVID-19 case count increases to 17
Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Brendan Hanley confirmed two additional cases of COVID-19 in Yukon. This brings the territory’s total to 17 cases since the first case was announced on March 22, 2020.
Lab results confirmed the positive diagnosis on Sunday. Contact tracing has been completed and Yukon Communicable Disease Control (YCDC) has been in touch with all contacts. There is no increased risk to the public due to these cases.
New funding package announced for tourism industry hard hit by COVID-19
Tourism and Culture Minister Jeanie McLean today announced the Tourism Accommodation Sector Supplement. This support program of up to $2.88 million is being added to the Yukon Business Relief Program to help eligible accommodation businesses as they are a critical part of Yukon’s tourism infrastructure.
This support is one element of a broader funding package of up to $15 million over three years for the Yukon tourism industry to help the industry deal with the unprecedented impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on global tourism and travel.
HPV vaccine program in Yukon to be expanded
The Government of Yukon is expanding the eligibility of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program to include all Yukoners up to and including age 26.
Previously the HPV vaccine was only available for girls age nine to 18 and boys age nine to 14. This expanded vaccine coverage will be publicly funded and will be available starting January 1, 2021.