Yukon News Releases
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Public accounts reflect financial strength of Yukon
Positive financial results mean Yukon government can continue to respond to emerging priorities.
Yukon gets AA rating from global rating agency
AA rating supports stable outlook for Yukon for fourth year running.
Yukon government invests in core infrastructure and safety needs for Yukoners
The Yukon government is allocating $8.95 million to meet a number of emerging needs, including investments in infrastructure and safety enhancement.
Sound financial decisions help build a positive health care legacy
The Yukon government plans to spend $27 million to reduce the Yukon Hospital Corporation's debt
Yukon’s strong economy reflected in 2011/12 surplus
The Public Accounts for 2011/12 shows a $69.4 million surplus.
Yukon government introduces tax changes to assist families with children involved in music, arts and tutoring
A proposed Children’s Arts Tax Credit will allow Yukoners to claim $500 per child per year.
A statement from the premier on a new resource revenue agreement with Canada
Today on behalf of the Government of Yukon, Premier Darrell Pasloski signed a new agreement with the Government of Canada on resource revenues.
Yukon government budget promotes economy, manages prosperity
The 2012-13 budget includes investments in land development and affordable housing, transportation infrastructure, education and research, health care, justice, protection of the environment and improvements to community infrastructure.
Public Accounts 2010/11 released
Eighth annual surplus over nine years reported.
<strong>Yukon welcomes PM’s commitment to improve resource revenue sharing agreement</strong>
Prime Minister and Yukon Premier agree to change arrangement between Canada and Yukon for sharing resource revenues
Special warrant authorized for priority initiatives
Special warrant issued to move government priorities forward.
Yukon introduces tax changes to promote small business and investment
Changes to help both individual and corporate taxpayers.
Global rating agency affirms Yukon’s fiscal strength
Global rating agency affirms Yukon's fiscal strength
Public consultation on retirement income adequacy in Canada
Voice your concerns about the adequacy of your retirement income.
Tax room sharing agreements with First Nations renewed
Income tax paid by people living on Settlement Land continues to go to First Nation governments.