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Anti-Poverty projects selected for funding

lun, 08/18/2014 - 17:27

YELLOWKNIFE (August 18, 2014) – Fourteen organizations have been selected to receive Anti-Poverty funding in the NWT. The Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT) Anti-Poverty Action Plan received $500,000 to provide organizations with funding for projects and initiatives to help reduce poverty at community, regional and territorial levels. Applicants submitted project proposals for review by the Anti-Poverty Action Plan Advisory Committee and approval from Minister of Health and Social Services Glen Abernethy.

“The successful proposals demonstrated ingenuity and respect for culture and tradition. The GNWT is proud to assist these fourteen organizations in realizing the objectives they have outlined in their proposals and to ultimately improve the lives of people in the territory,” said Minister Abernethy.

The fourteen organizations were selected based their particular initiative and how it would help address certain aspects of poverty in the NWT. The successful applicants will receive funding amounts ranging from $7,000 to $80,000, based on the size, targets and objectives of the different projects.

“The range of initiatives that each chosen project proposed cover each part of the territory, all of which help address some aspect of the picture of poverty in the NWT. Most importantly I believe this partnership between the GNWT, Aboriginal and community governments, Band Councils, NGOs and other groups demonstrates our ability to work together to address issues which affect us all,” said Minister Abernethy.

Healthy, educated people free from poverty is a goal of the 17th Legislative Assembly. By empowering organizations to carry out projects that will have a direct impact on poverty, the GNWT is working towards achieving this goal.

For more information on the GNWT Anti-Poverty Action Plan please consult:

NWT Anti-Poverty Roundtable Final Report:

GNWT Anti-Poverty Action Plan:

Building on the Strengths of Northerners – A Strategic Framework toward the Elimination of Poverty in the NWT:

For more information contact:
Damien Healy
Manager Planning and Communications
Department of Health and Social Services
Tel: (867) 920-8927

Boat safety training in communities to benefit tourism industry

jeu, 08/14/2014 - 12:32

YELLOWKNIFE (August 14, 2014) – A boat-safety certification course that will improve the safety skills and knowledge of tourism operators and their guides out on the water is an important initiative that will improve the safety of boaters and make the boating experience enjoyable for tourists.

Offered in partnership by the Departments of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI), Transportation and Health and Social Services, the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency (PCOC) certification course will be offered in Ulukhaktok, Fort Resolution, Lutsel K’e, Trout Lake and Tulita. A successful course was already delivered in Deline, with 12 participants. The Transport Canada approved course is available for all pleasure boaters and these are targeted primarily at tourism operators. Community members can also apply to participate.

“We all want safe waterways, and with all of the visitors who enjoy the NWT’s extensive network of rivers and lakes by boat, it is well worth the time for tourism operators to take this safety course,” said Minister of ITI, David Ramsay. “Tourism operators will have the opportunity to enhance their safety skills to operate in Northern waters, which will help to ensure everyone has a positive boating experience.”

People interested in taking the certification course can contact their regional office For more information about the PCOC, visit

Through its implementation of the NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy (EOS), the GNWT is working to realize the 17th Assembly’s goal of a diversified economy that provides all communities and regions with opportunities and choices.  $75,000 has been invested through the EOS this year to supplement and enhance short term training identified under the GNWT’s Tourism 2015 Strategy.

For more information:

Alayna Ward
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel:         (867) 920-8696




NWT Credit Rating of Aa1 / Stable Confirmed for GNWT

mer, 08/13/2014 - 13:31

YELLOWKNIFE (August 13, 2014) – Minister of Finance J. Michael Miltenberger is pleased with Moody’s Investors Service’s endorsement of the Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT) sound fiscal plans through the continuation of their Aa1 credit rating for the GNWT announced Monday.

Moody’s Investors Service yesterday published its credit opinion the GNWT summarizing its rationale for the GNWT’s Aa1 / Stable Outlook credit rating.  The credit opinion summarizes Moody’s assessment of the GNWT’s fiscal plans and outlook – and in particular the government’s borrowing activity and the impact of devolution.

Moody’s states that: “The NWT adheres to prudent fiscal policy that aims to maintain the structural alignment of revenues and expenses while making necessary expenses in priority areas such as health, social services and infrastructure. The NWT’s fiscal plan is guided by a Fiscal Responsibility Policy that includes guidelines with respect to the types of activities for which debt can be issued as well as limits on total debt and debt servicing costs to ensure affordability. . The NWT, overall, displays strong governance and management factors. Adherence to the Fiscal Responsibility Policy helps to ensure continued fiscal discipline as the territorial government addresses its identified infrastructure needs.”

Moody’s high investment grade rating also reflects the territorial economy, which, while narrowly based and focused on resource development, generates high employment rates and GDP per capita.

While economic growth has been volatile due to the structure of the economy, the credit risk is mitigated by the territory’s low debt burden. “We have adopted fiscal policies that have supported the economy by maintaining spending and by investing significantly in infrastructure, but remain committed to our goal of long-term fiscal sustainability,” Minister Miltenberger said.

The GNWT’s rating is on par with that of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The highest possible credit rating issued by Moody’s is Aaa, one level above the GNWT’s. The NWT’s debt burden is low when compared to that of most Canadian regional governments.

For more information, contact:

Shaun Dean
Press Secretary
Office of the Premier/Cabinet
Government of the Northwest Territories
Phone: (867) 669-2304




Public Safety Update: North Slave Region

mer, 08/06/2014 - 19:21

YELLOWKNIFE (August 6, 2014) — North Slave communities are experiencing intermittent smoke issues due to ongoing fires in the region. Residents are advised to be aware of travel restrictions and health issues related to smoke.

At this time no communities are being threatened by forest fires. The GNWT continues to work with our partners in community governments and local agencies to ensure public safety.

Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA)

MACA, through the Emergency Measures Office, is working to coordinate GNWT resources to notify the public about the current fire situation and allocate GNWT resources as required.


Transportation (DOT)

Conditions on August 6 have allowed Highway 3 to be opened without restrictions and regular traffic has been flowing throughout the day. The Department is reminding the public to slow down in areas where there may be reduced visibility, watch for bison, and cooperate with any highways officers that may be on the road.

Conditions may change quickly. For the latest updates on highway conditions, visit, call 1-800-661-0750, or follow @GNWT_DOT on Twitter.


Environment and Natural Resources (ENR)

ZF-085, the fire burning approximately 27 km northwest of Yellowknife and approximately 7km from the highway, received some rain last night. Crews and air support continue to work on the east and southwest flanks of the fire, and have made significant progress in containing the fire. Crews continue to do values at risk protection along the highway. The fire is not considered a threat to Yellowknife or Highway 3 at this time. Residents will be advised if conditions change.

For the latest updates on NWT fire conditions, visit, the NWT Fire Facebook page, and the ENR website for daily fire updates at 3pm.


Health and Social Services

The Department of Health and Social Services has been working to advise the public of precautions they can take in response to forest fire smoke. Information on health concerns related to forest fire smoke can be found on the Department’s website at


City of Yellowknife

The City of Yellowknife, effective Tuesday August 5, 2014 until September 2, 2014, is offering free use of the Yellowknife Fieldhouse for Yellowknife residents during regular posted hours. This service includes free use of the running/walking track, children’s play area, as well as the open fields during times when there are no scheduled programs or day camp programs. The City has extended the current flexi-pass card holders for an additional month to accommodate those residents that have already purchased a flexi-pass.

The City also welcomes truckers and tourists waiting for Highway 3 to open to use the City’s Fieldhouse facility for showers and recreation. Shower facilities on the main level, are available daily from 6am-9pm.

Yellowknife residents can like the City of Yellowknife’s Our Yellowknife page on Facebook and follow @OurYellowknife on Twitter for information about emergency preparedness and response in Yellowknife.


Further Information

New Public Safety Updates will be provided as information becomes available. Updates will be distributed to local media and posted online at

Updates will also be posted at the following facilities in Yellowknife:

1. City Hall

2. Library

3. Pool, Fieldhouse & Multiplex

4. Northern Frontier Visitors Centre

5. Fire Hall




Media Inquiries

Spokespeople will be made available for media interviews. To organize an interview, contact David Maguire, Communications and Web Advisor, at 920-3092 or 446-3084.



Joint news release: Investments in Aviation Training for NWT and Nunavut students/ Investissements dans le domaine de la formation en aéronautique pour soutenir les étudiants des T.N.-O. et du Nunavut

mer, 08/06/2014 - 10:24

YELLOWKNIFE (August 6, 2014) – Northerners who are training to work in the aviation industry at northern airports are eligible for scholarships sponsored by the Governments of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Discovery Air, Keewatin Air and North-Wright Air.

Scholarships worth $5,000 will be awarded to help students with the high costs of training for a variety of careers in northern aviation. Previous winners have gone on to careers such as airport operations specialists, airport managers, aviation-related and Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME), and pilots.

“Our government is committed to helping northerners get training to pursue aviation careers in their communities,” said Northwest Territories Minister of Transportation Tom Beaulieu. “The aviation industry has been key to northern life for many years and is a vital connection linking communities to each other. Investments in our residents and in training through this scholarship have long-term benefits for the industry and our transportation system.”

“Air travel is a necessity in Nunavut,” said George Kuksuk, Nunavut’s Minister of Economic Development and Transportation. “The Government of Nunavut encourages more Nunavummiut to develop careers in the aviation industry and this scholarship gives them a step up as they access the required training.”

The Northern Aviation Scholarship is available to full-time residents of either territory. Applications are due August 29 for this month’s intake and September 26 for the final intake of the year.


For more information, contact:

Brenda Norris
Media Liaison
Government of the Northwest Territories

Matthew Illaszewicz
Manager, Communications
Department of Economic Development and Transportation
Government of Nunavut


YELLOWKNIFE (le 6 août 2014) – Les résidents du Nord inscrits dans des programmes de formation en aéronautique dans le but de travailler dans des aéroports nordiques sont admissibles à des bourses d’études parrainées par les gouvernements des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et du Nunavut, et par les entreprises Discovery Air, Keewatin Air et North-Wright Air.

Des bourses d’études d’une valeur de 5 000 $ seront attribuées à des étudiants pour les aider à atténuer les coûts élevés de formation dans plusieurs domaines de l’aéronautique. Les récipiendaires antérieurs ont notamment entrepris des carrières de spécialistes en exploitation d’aéroport, de gestionnaires d’aéroports, d’ingénieurs en aéronautiques, de techniciens en entretien d’avion et de pilotes.

« Notre gouvernement est déterminé à aider les résidents du Nord à poursuivre des carrières dans le domaine de l’aéronautique dans leurs collectivités, » a déclaré le ministre des Transports des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Tom Beaulieu. « L’industrie aérienne joue un rôle clé en milieu nordique depuis de nombreuses années, car elle permet de relier les collectivités les unes aux autres. Cet investissement sous forme de bourses d’études aura des retombées à long terme pour l’industrie et notre système de transports.

« Le transport aérien est une nécessité au Nunavut », a indiqué le ministre du Développement économique et des Transports du Nunavut, George Kuksuk. « Le gouvernement du Nunavut encourage les Nunavummiut à faire carrière dans l’industrie aéronautique, et cette bourse d’études permet de les soutenir pendant qu’ils acquièrent la formation requise.

Les Bourses d’études en aéronautique sont offertes aux résidents à plein temps des deux territoires. Les demandes doivent être reçues d’ici le 29 août pour les bourses qui seront accordées ce mois-ci, et le 26 septembre pour la dernière série de bourses qui seront accordées au cours de la présente année.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter :

Brenda Norris
Relations avec les médias
Gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Matthew Illaszewicz
Gestionnaire des communications
Ministère du Développement économique et des Transports
Gouvernement du Nunavut


mer, 08/06/2014 - 10:16

(4:47pm AUG 5, 2014, YELLOWKNIFE) Smoky conditions and reduced visibility from the Birch Lake fires and the fires north of Birch Lake, are significantly affecting travel between Yellowknife and Fort Providence.

At this time no communities are being threatened by forest fires. The GNWT continues to work with our partners in community governments and local agencies to ensure public safety.

Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA)

MACA, through the Emergency Measures Office, is working to coordinate GNWT resources to notify the public about the current fire situation.

MACA is also working with the City of Yellowknife to ensure local emergency preparedness. This includes working with other GNWT departments to allocate resources as necessary as the current fire situation evolves.

Transportation (DOT)

DOT is working to ensure safety of travel on Highway 3. Highway Officers are conducting patrols and using the latest fire information from ENR to determine whether the highway can be travelled safely.

With smoke conditions changing rapidly, the public is advised to check road closure conditions before travelling the highway. The road will be closed if travel is unsafe.

On August 5, 2014, conditions cleared unexpectedly for a short time along Highway 3. DOT was able to move a convoy of about 100 vehicles through from Fort Providence to Yellowknife. A significant portion of the traffic in this convoy included commercial vehicles with supplies bound for Yellowknife. A convoy from the Behchoko side of the blockade was escorted south at 4:30pm on August 5 with ENR support. DOT continues to evaluate highway conditions and move convoys through as it is deemed safe.

For the latest updates on highway conditions, visit, call 1-800-661-0750, or follow @GNWT_DOT on Twitter.


Environment and Natural Resources (ENR)

ENR is coordinating fire suppression activities and providing information on current wildfire conditions across the NWT. ENR also has fire behaviour experts regularly monitoring fires to help anticipate potential changes or advances. This information is being used to determine emergency response measures.

Structural protection crews are working to place sprinklers on values North of Highway 3.

For the latest updates on NWT fire conditions visit The NWT Fire Facebook page, and the ENR website for daily fire updates at 3pm.

City of Yellowknife

The City of Yellowknife, effective Tuesday August 5, 2014 until September 2, 2014, is offering free use of the Yellowknife Fieldhouse for Yellowknife residents during regular posted hours.  This service includes free use of the running/walking track, children’s play area, as well as the open fields during times when there are no scheduled programs or day camp programs.  The City has extended the current flexi-pass card holders for an additional month to accommodate those residents that have already purchased a flexi-pass.

The City also welcomes truckers and tourists, waiting for Highway 3 to open, to use the City’s Fieldhouse facility for showers and recreation.  Shower facilities, on the main level, are available daily from 6am-9pm.

Parking for truckers is available at the Fieldhouse.  Please contact the City to learn more about site access and location.

While in Yellowknife, please note that other facilities such as the pool (user fee), trails, parks, museum, as well as number of restaurants and shops are located throughout our downtown, Old Airport Road, Old Town as well as Kam Lake. Visitor Services are also available at the Northern Frontier Visitors Centre.

Yellowknife residents can like the City of Yellowknife’s Our Yellowknife page on Facebook and follow @OurYellowknife on Twitter for information about emergency preparedness and response in Yellowknife.


Further Information

New Public Safety Updates will be provided as information becomes available. Updates will be distributed to local media and posted online at

Updates will also be posted at the following facilities in Yellowknife:

1. City Hall

2. Library

3. Pool, Fieldhouse & Multiplex

4. Northern Frontier Visitors Centre

5. Fire Hall



Voluntary evacuation request lifted

jeu, 07/31/2014 - 18:57

YELLOWKNIFE (July 31, 2014) – The Government of the Northwest Territories has lifted its voluntary evacuation request for residents living along Highway #3 between Yellowknife and Kilometre 300.

Firefighting actions undertaken by Environment and Natural Resources, including the control line to stop the fire from advancing towards the highway, and improved weather conditions prevented the fire from moving any closer and lessened risks posed to residents living along the highway. Residents are free to return to their homes, but advised to continue to monitor the situation for future changes.

There is no direct threat to Yellowknife at this time, although city residents may experience increased smoke from this fire.

For links to official online information from the GNWT about forest fires, please visit

Mining Incentive Program celebrates successful launch

jeu, 07/31/2014 - 10:38

YELLOWKNIFE (July 31, 2014) – The Government of the Northwest Territories’ Mining Incentive Program (MIP) has been oversubscribed in its inaugural year, with strong interest shown by companies and prospectors in the Northwest Territories and across Canada.

The program was launched in June 2014 and provides funds to eligible prospectors and mining exploration companies that are already engaged in mining exploration projects or proposing new projects in the NWT. It aims to offset some of the financial risk associated with grassroots mineral exploration in the NWT.

“The Mining Incentive Program helps our government support those with the energy, expertise and perseverance that this industry relies on to conduct mineral exploration in an environmentally sustainable way,” said Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment David Ramsay. “I especially look forward to using this program to contribute to the success of northern and Aboriginal-owned businesses pursuing mining projects, so more northerners can enjoy the benefits of economic development and a healthy mining sector.” 

The MIP is administered by the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, which recently informed successful applicants as they make plans to carry out field work during the short summer season.

Launching MIP is part of implementing the GNWT’s Mineral Development Strategy and demonstrates the government’s commitment to growing a strong and diversified economy across the NWT.

For more information:

Alayna Ward
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-8696

Backgrounder – Mining Incentive Program

Selection of preferred proponent advances Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link project

mer, 07/30/2014 - 12:36

YELLOWKNIFE (July 30, 2014) – The installation of a high-speed fibre optic link connecting communities in the Mackenzie Valley and Beaufort Delta to the fibre grid in southern Canada is one step closer today with the announcement by Minister of Finance J. Michael Miltenberger that the Northern Lights Fibre Consortium has been selected as the preferred proponent to design, build, finance and operate the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link (MVFL).

The Consortium, led by Ledcor Developments Ltd., LTS Infrastructure Services Limited Partnership and Northwestel Inc., was selected based on the evaluation of proposals submitted to the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) by pre-qualified contractors.

“Investing in state-of-the-art communications infrastructure helps support economic development for the Beaufort Delta and the Northwest Territories,” said Minister Miltenberger. “The fibre link will provide new opportunities for business, including in the e-commerce and high-tech sectors, and allow for the expansion of the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility, a leader in remote data sensing with international clients. The MVFL will also support more efficient and effective delivery of government programs and services such as health care and education to the communities it will connect.”

To ensure the project is able to achieve a planned commissioning date by the second quarter of 2016, the GNWT and Northern Lights will be working together during the next few months on completing survey, geotechnical and other early planning activities in preparation for the design and installation of the fibre link.

“The selection of a preferred proponent and implementation of an early works agreement are important project milestones that will help us meet the planned in-service date for the MVFL of mid-2016,” said the Minister.

The GNWT and Northern Lights will also be working closely with communities along the Mackenzie Valley and with environmental regulatory authorities to ensure that the design, construction and operation of the fibre link will fully meet all environmental requirements.

For more information:
Shaun Dean
Director, Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2304


Background: Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link (MVFL)

The MVFL route extends from McGill Lake in southern NWT, 90 km south of Fort Simpson, to Tuktoyaktuk on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, a distance of approximately 1,270 km.

The system will be installed in two phases: McGill Lake to Inuvik with a planned completion of mid-2016, and an extension to Tuktoyaktuk following the completion of the all-weather highway extension from Inuvik.

Seven communities will be served directly by the MVFL, with possible future access to an additional five communities in the region using microwave systems to connect with the MVFL system.

Construction of the MVFL will support the further expansion of the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility by its international partners, positioning the facility as one of the leading sites for tracking and receiving real-time data from polar-orbiting satellites for scientific, mapping, weather surveillance and other purposes.

Training, resources and youth mentorship top priority at ATCAC annual meeting

mar, 07/29/2014 - 17:08

YELLOWKNIFE (July 29, 2014) – The Aboriginal Tourism Champions Advisory Council (ATCAC) met July 16-17 to set priorities and discuss the future of Aboriginal tourism in the Northwest Territories. This year’s meeting took place at North Nahanni Naturalist Lodge on Cli Lake in the Dehcho Region.

Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) David Ramsay looks forward to the continued efforts to establish Aboriginal tourism. “Visitors from around the world are in search of authentic cultural experiences. The languages, traditions and values of our Aboriginal people provide just that. The GNWT is dedicated to supporting the success of our tourism industry and the development of Aboriginal tourism products,” the Minister said. 

Meeting participants discussed ways to grow and develop Aboriginal tourism in the territory, including:

  • Working with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment to create tools and resources to grow Aboriginal tourism across all NWT communities, including PowerPoint presentations, brochures and an illustrated book that outlines the principles of tourism development. ATCAC would use and distribute these resources to people in the Aboriginal tourism industry.
  • Further development of youth mentorship programs. For example, in Aklavik, there is interest in having summer students learn how to set nets and cut, smoke and store dried fish. This will not only promote a marketable Aboriginal product but also help to preserve culture by creating an environment where elders and youth work together.
  • Encouraging participation in FirstHost, a tourism-specific customer service training program developed specifically for Aboriginal communities, was also identified as valuable to guides and instructors in NWT communities.
  • Food safety courses, wilderness first aid, CPR training and traditional arts programs were also recommended.

Co-chairs of the Aboriginal Tourism Champions Advisory Council Ria Letcher and Jenni Bruce said the annual meeting was productive. “Through discussions we were able to finalize recommendations and a plan. We look forward to our next step, which is engaging the public. Establishing Aboriginal tourism in our communities and guaranteeing cultural authenticity is paramount,” said Ria Letcher.

The two-day meeting was hosted by the ATCAC and sponsored by the Department of ITI.

The support and development of Aboriginal tourism will help to strengthen and diversify the NWT economy and build a strong, sustainable future for our territory. These are key priorities for the 17th Legislative Assembly.

For more information:
Alayna Ward

Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-8696

Minister Ramsay elected president of the Pacific Northwest Economic Region Foundation

mer, 07/23/2014 - 18:12

Minister Ramsay, outgoing PNWER President Senator Ranker, Montana Governor Bullock and Premier McLeod

YELLOWKNIFE (July 23, 2014) – Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) David Ramsay was elected president of the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) today at the PNWER 24th Annual Summit held in Whistler, BC.

“The Pacific Northwest Region is one of the fastest growing economic regions in North America and unparalleled in terms of its wealth, beauty and economic potential,” said Minister Ramsay. “I am honoured to be named President and looking forward to leading this great organization during the next year, to representing the interests of Northwest Territories residents and our northern neighbours, and to demonstrating the value, importance and potential of PNWER and the good work of the organization.”

The NWT became a member of PWNER in July 2009. Minister Ramsay has served as vice president since 2011 and is the first PNWER president from the NWT. His new role involves heading the executive committee, the decision-making body of PNWER, and leading PNWER delegations on annual visits to Washington, D.C. and Ottawa. 

Premier McLeod was also in attendance at the PNWER Summit. “The Northwest Territories has a wealth of resources that could help it contribute significantly to the economic growth of the Pacific Northwest region and the country,” said Premier Bob McLeod. “Building and maintaining strong relationships with other jurisdictions that share our interest in creating sustainable growth and prosperity will be key to realizing our potential and I congratulate Minister Ramsay on his new leadership role with PNWER.”

PNWER is recognized by both the United States and Canada as the model for regional and bi‐national cooperation. It was established to achieve continued economic growth while maintaining and enhancing the natural environment. Formed in 1991, members also include British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska.

Participation in PNWER reflects the priority of the Legislative Assembly to build a strong and sustainable future for our territory built on partnerships.

For more information:

Alayna Ward
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-8696

Municipal Administrator appointed in Fort McPherson

mar, 07/22/2014 - 10:45

YELLOWKNIFE (July 22, 2014) – Under authority provided by the Hamlets Act, the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs has appointed Bill Buckle as Municipal Administrator for the Hamlet of Fort McPherson effective July 17, 2014 for an indeterminate term. The appointment of an Administrator means that the hamlet council has been dissolved; all responsibilities of council are now being handled by the Administrator in cooperation with the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA).

Mr. Buckle has extensive experience in municipal management in communities across the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. He was previously Municipal Supervisor in Fort McPherson, where he helped the community government develop a deficit recovery plan that will now be implemented. 

“Appointing a Municipal Administrator is not a step I took lightly,” said Minister Robert C. McLeod. “The Fort McPherson hamlet council has faced some challenges over the past few years and I am confident this move is in the best interests of residents and will provide the community government with a good basis for beginning its recovery.”

In addition to appointing Mr. Buckle as the Administrator, Minister McLeod also appointed three Deputy Administrators: Tom R. Williams, Deputy Minister of MACA; Eleanor Young, Assistant Deputy Minister of MACA; and Lorie Fyfe, MACA Inuvik Region Superintendent.

The Administrator was appointed to help the community government get back to a positive financial position. Over the past three years the community government has faced a number of difficulties that have led to a significant deficit in excess of $2 million.

For more information:

David Maguire
Communications and Website Advisor
Municipal and Community Affairs
Government of the Northwest Territories
Phone: (867) 920-3092

Northwest Territories Forest Fire Information

lun, 07/21/2014 - 20:09

YELLOWKNIFE (July 21, 2014) – Government of the Northwest Territories departments are working together with community governments  and other organizations and agencies to monitor forest fire activity in the Northwest Territories and respond to potential threats to public safety, communities and critical infrastructure as required.

During this period of increased forest fire activity, individual departments are providing information on current activities through a variety of means, including on the Internet.

Please visit the following websites for the most recent, accurate official information on forest fire activity, road closures and other issues related to forest fires:

  • Daily updates on NWT fires are published on the Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) website each afternoon at 3:00 p.m. (under the heading “What’s New”).
  • The NWT Fire website provides daily wildland fire situation reports for the whole NWT and each region, as well as a live map of forest fire activity and downloadable maps of forest fire activity, lightning activity and fire danger.
  • ENR is also providing information and updates on its Facebook page.
  • The Department of Transportation (DOT) is providing information about road closures on its home page and Travel Alerts page. The department aims to update information every four to five hours between 6:00 a.m. and midnight, or as significant developments occur.
  • DOT’s Road Conditions page provides information on the latest conditions for all roads in the Northwest Territories.
  • Follow @GNWT_DOT on Twitter to receive the latest updates from Transportation.
  • Information about air quality in the NWT is available from the NWT Air Quality Monitoring Network. Air quality information may also be posted to Environment Canada’s Public Weather Alerts page.
  • The Chief Public Health Officer has published the following information on Health Effects of Smoke Exposure due to Forest Fires.  Follow @NWT_CPHO and @ACSP_TNO on Twitter for public health information in English or French.
  • Yellowknife residents can like the City of Yellowknife’s Facebook Page: Our Yellowknife and follow @OurYellowknife on Twitter. The City will help distribute emergency information from the GNWT when required and will also use these sites to provide information about emergency preparedness and response in Yellowknife.

Each department or organization is responsible for updating their pages on their own as required by the current situation.

This list is also available on the GNWT website at

Be Water Smart – Another Healthy Choice

lun, 07/21/2014 - 12:44

YELLOWKNIFE (July 21, 2014) – National Drowning Prevention Week is July 19-27. People living in and visiting the NWT are encouraged to “be Water Smart” while enjoying activities in, on or around our rivers, lakes and oceans.

Minister of Health and Social Services Glen Abernethy recognizes that although there has been some decrease in the number of water-related fatalities in the NWT, there must be a greater awareness of measures that can be taken to help prevent drowning. “We must continue to educate NWT residents and visitors that drowning can be prevented. If we make positive choices we can reduce the number of people lost to drowning,” said Minister Abernethy.

While water-related fatalities fell from 12.1 per 100, 000 in 2002-2007 to 6.9 in 2007-2011, this number remains much higher than the national average; something which can be changed.  Smart practices include wearing lifejackets, never swimming alone, knowing the weather and water conditions, advising others of your plans before heading out and never consuming drugs and alcohol while boating.

“Parents and caregivers of children play a key role in drowning prevention, as they can help teach safety and smart practices in the water,” says the Minister. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to actively supervise children – keep watch and be within arms’ reach in, around or on water.

“As adults we must also recognize that we are all prone to drowning if we do not practice water safety,” added Minister Abernethy.

For more information on being water smart please visit

NWT Water Smart and the Drowning Prevention Action Plan are initiatives of the Healthy Choices Framework, a Government of the Northwest Territories program to promote health and safety through appropriate choices. Healthy Choices supports the goal of the 17th Assembly for safe communities and the priority of investing in prevention, education, and awareness.

For more information:
Damien Healy
Manager Planning and Communications|
Department of Health and Social Services
Tel: (867) 920-8927

National Parks Day celebrated in the NWT

ven, 07/18/2014 - 16:05

YELLOWKNIFE (July 18, 2014)Canada’s National Parks Day takes place on Saturday, July 19 this year. The Northwest Territories, home to 33 territorial parks and five national parks, recognizes the annual celebration as a significant day.

“From thundering waterfalls, to serene hiking trails and abundant wildlife and scenery, our parks are some of the most impressive in the country,” said Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment David Ramsay. “Parks Day reminds us to celebrate the beautiful landscape available just beyond our backyards. Be sure to thank the hardworking tourism and parks staff you see while enjoying the campgrounds and facilities this summer.”

Parks and campgrounds in the territory are a big draw for visitors looking to experience outdoor activities in a stunning natural landscape. The number of visitors to the territory – 76,000 between 2012 and 2013 – was among the highest recorded in the last decade. Overall, the tourism industry contributes $100 million to the economy annually.

The parks in the NWT have garnered media attention this year. National Geographic Traveler identified Nahanni National Park as one of the must-see places in 2014. Wood Buffalo National Park was featured in Above and Beyond Magazine when it became the largest of the world’s 40 dark sky preserves. Also, Fred Henne and Blackstone Territorial Parks made the list of Best Family Campgrounds in Canada in Today’s ParentMagazine.

Each year, National Parks Day encourages Canadians to connect with the environment around them. Events that highlight the significance and variety of Canada’s parks and historic places will be held throughout the country.

For more information:

Alayna Ward
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-8696

NWT Delegation attends national Skills for the Future Symposium

jeu, 07/17/2014 - 13:04

YELLOWKNIFE (July 17, 2014) – In Charlottetown, PEI last week, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty and a delegation of Northwest Territories (NWT) labour market and education representatives attended the national Skills for the Future symposium to discuss the evolving needs of Canada’s labour markets.

At the symposium, Minister Lafferty agreed to join efforts with education and labour market ministers of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories to ensure that provincial and territorial skills training and education systems continue to innovate and further strengthen Canada’s economic competitiveness.

“This symposium was successful because it was an opportunity to bring delegates together from across the country representing education, training and business interests to join us in our discussions and share their experiences,” said Minister Lafferty.  “We were fortunate to have eight NWT delegates accompany me and I thank them for their time and participation. Through this experience, these delegates will bring home information highlighting key challenges in the labour market relevant to the North and their organizations, and I hope this will lay a foundation for collaborative partnerships that will benefit our residents in their training and skills development.”

The provinces and territories are committed to strong education and training systems that respond effectively to the labour market conditions of each region.  The ministers released a joint declaration announcing three principles that will form the basis of future action:

  • Education and training must empower Canadians to acquire the skills they need for success in the job market in a flexible and dynamic environment.
  • Partnerships and alignment with business, labour, education and training providers are key to ensuring synergy between education and skills training systems and Canada’s labour markets.
  • Access to accurate, relevant, and timely labour market and education data is essential to support Canadians to make smart career choices, as well as enable government and business to make evidence-based decisions in planning for the future.

Provincial and territorial education and labour market ministers will report back to Canada’s Premiers in advance of their meeting in August, and will recommend that provinces and territories reconvene to ensure progress on the three principles and determine next steps.

The Department of Education, Culture and Employment is currently reviewing postsecondary education and skills training systems, programs and supports with the goals of improving employment success for Northern residents, closing skills gaps for in-demand NWT jobs, and more effectively responding to employer needs.

“The NWT is experiencing unprecedented opportunities with employment and economic growth,” stated Minister Lafferty.  “We want NWT residents to be first in line for those opportunities and, through our education and skills training initiatives, we hope to see more Northerners in fulfilling careers, leading healthy productive lives.”

For more information on the Skills for the Future symposium, visit

For more information:

Jacqueline McKinnon
Manager | Communications and Public Affairs
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222


NWT interests heard at the Forum of Labour Market Ministers

mer, 07/16/2014 - 16:59

YELLOWKNIFE (July 16, 2014) – In Charlottetown, PEI last week, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty met with Labour Market Ministers from across the country to ensure jurisdictions are focusing on Canadians having the skills they need to compete in a global economy.

Ministers discussed several elements that are critical to strong labour markets and collaborative efforts that can be undertaken to support this goal. Recent changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program were also discussed, which gave Minister Lafferty the opportunity to reiterate shared concerns expressed at the Western Premiers Conference in Iqaluit, Nunavut, July 9-10, 2014.

“It is important that national policies related to skills development and immigration are responsive to labour market needs in small jurisdictions and local economies,” said Minister Lafferty. “As with other jurisdictions across Canada, I expressed concerns related to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to federal Minister Jason Kenney. I will continue to work in close collaboration with Minister Kenney to respond to these local challenges.”

Other important topics discussed at the meeting included the need for enhanced labour market information and data sharing; the need for enhancement and harmonization of apprenticeship in Canada; effective and accountable labour market programming; improved labour mobility; and efficient foreign credential recognition for newcomers.

Minister Lafferty stated, “we want to ensure we work in collaboration with the federal government and learn from other jurisdictions to implement the most effective labour market measures to ensure that Northern residents have the skills and knowledge they need for employment success, now and into the future.”

For more information on the Forum of Labour Market Ministers, visit

For more information:

Jacqueline McKinnon
Manager | Communications and Public Affairs
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222



NWT Minister’s Aboriginal education proposal endorsed by national ministers of education

ven, 07/11/2014 - 12:25

YELLOWKNIFE (July 11, 2014) – In Charlottetown, PEI this week, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty presented a two-year strategy on national Aboriginal education to the Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC), to wide endorsement.

At the 2013 CMEC summit, Minister Lafferty was appointed CMEC Lead Minister on Aboriginal education to develop an Aboriginal education strategy that would lead the efforts of jurisdictions across Canada to ensure that education systems meet the needs of Aboriginal students.

“Research shows that effective Aboriginal education programs are key to achieving greater social and economic equality, considering that about half of the difference in labour force participation rates can be attributed to educational differences,” said Minister Lafferty. “This strategy focuses on continuing to promote and encourage the development of resources that address the legacy of Indian Residential Schools, developing curriculum and teaching resources focused on Canadian history and the legacy of Indian Residential Schools for use in Bachelor of Education and teacher education programs across Canada, supporting Aboriginal students pursuing careers in education, and sharing resources and promising practices in Aboriginal education. This is a critical need that we must address and, with the support of my colleagues across Canada, we have agreed to a unified approach that I am confident will set us on the right path.”

Education Ministers also agreed to hold the next CMEC meeting in Yellowknife in summer 2015, along with an Aboriginal Educator Summit to support Aboriginal students interested in pursuing a career in teaching. Ministers will be asked to discuss the importance of ensuring that all Canadian educators, regardless of whom they are or where they teach, possess an accurate understanding and awareness of the history and legacy of Canadian Indian Residential Schools. This development provides an incredible opportunity for ministers to expand upon this notion in the future towards a consideration of a commitment to implement mandatory Indian Residential School curriculum in all Bachelor of Education and pre-service teaching programs across Canada.

Within the second year, work will commence toward the development of a postsecondary resource on Indian residential schools and an online resource for sharing resources and promising practices on Aboriginal Education. These actions will support all jurisdictions in improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal learners and all Canadians. Ultimately, Ministers of Education recognize that improved educational outcomes for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) learners will benefit all Canadians, strengthen greater attachment of Aboriginal people to the labour force and support Aboriginal learners to be better prepared for an increasingly knowledge-based economy.

“We must continue to build on the tremendous work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission over the past few years to raise awareness of the legacy of Indian Residential Schools,” stated Minister Lafferty. “The Northwest Territories and Nunavut have heeded that call to action, and now include residential school resources as a dedicated part of their K-12 curricula. We must now expand our efforts to all Canadian education systems – K-12 and post-secondary. This is vital to the future of our communities, our economy and our country as a whole.”

For more information on the Aboriginal Education Proposal, visit

For more information:

Jacqueline McKinnon
Manager | Communications and Public Affairs
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222



GNWT Emergency Bulletin: Reid Lake Fire (July 7, 2014 – 3:00 p.m.)

lun, 07/07/2014 - 17:03

No change from the July 07 11:00 a.m. bulletin

Local smoke conditions in Yellowknife could worsen this afternoon and later tonight.

Bulletins will  be suspended until new information or conditions demand.


For more information on wildfires please consult and the NWT Fire Facebook page.

For more information on wildfires please call:

Judy McLinton
Environment and Natural Resources
