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First Intergovernmental Council Meeting held in Yellowknife

ven, 09/19/2014 - 17:52

First Intergovernmental Council Meeting held in Yellowknife

September 19, 2014 (YELLOWKNIFE) – Leaders and officials from  the Government of the Northwest Territories, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Northwest Territory Métis Nation, Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated, Gwich’in Tribal Council, Tłı̨chǫ Government, Salt River First Nation and Denínu Kų́ę́ First Nation attended the first Intergovernmental Council meeting today in Yellowknife.

A key feature of the Devolution Agreement is the creation of an Intergovernmental Council to allow governments to cooperate and collaborate on matters related to lands and resource management. The Council is established by the Northwest Territories Intergovernmental Agreement on Lands and Resources Management (NWTIALRM), which was signed in February of this year. The overall goal of the Intergovernmental Council is to work together to explore ways to collaborate and coordinate on land, water and resource management issues. Leaders and officials gathered in Yellowknife and talked about processes for future meetings and priority areas for work in the coming year. Leaders approved the Terms of Reference for the Intergovernmental Council Secretariat. This Secretariat was tasked with undertaking work in a number of key areas including:

  • Identifying priority legislation for review
  • Establishing a working group to investigate options related to Impact Benefit Agreements, including focusing on best practices from the NWT and other jurisdictions and to return to the Intergovernmental Council with those options
  • Developing recommendations to improve Aboriginal government capacity throughout the NWT
  • Reviewing processes for water management and planning, including improving baseline data related to water
  • Reviewing the Land Use Sustainability Framework and providing any agreed upon recommendations
  • Establishing a working group to discuss options related to the administration of resource revenue allocations.

The Council provides an important new opportunity for northern leaders to cooperate on land and resource management across jurisdictions, while respecting the autonomy and authority of each government over its own lands. The inaugural meeting of the Intergovernmental Council is a first step in a new era of cooperation between the Government of the Northwest Territories and Aboriginal governments.   It builds on and complements the GNWT’s ongoing work to engage Aboriginal governments in the spirit of respect, recognition and responsibility and foster strong partnerships that will benefit all residents of the NWT.

2014-09-19 Final Backgrounder Intergovernmental Council

For more information, contact:

Brenda Norris
Media Liaison
Government of the Northwest Territories                                                              

Bob Simpson
Director, Intergovernmental Relations
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

Earl Jacobson
Executive Director
Northwest Territory Métis Nation

Ethel Blondin-Andrew
Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated

Helen Sullivan
Chief Operating Officer
Gwich’in Tribal Council

Laura Duncan
Tłı̨chǫ Executive Officer
Tłı̨chǫ Government

Chief Harry Deneron
Acho Dene Koe First Nation

Chief Louis Balsillie
Denínu Kų́ę́ First Nation

Allen Stanzell
Salt River First Nation

Christine Gagnon appointed Chief Judge of the Territorial Court

jeu, 09/18/2014 - 18:11

YELLOWKNIFE (September 18, 2014) – Minister of Justice David Ramsay today announced the appointment of the Honourable Judge Christine Gagnon to the position of Chief Judge of the Territorial Court of the Northwest Territories.

Under the Territorial Court Act, the Chief Judge is appointed to a non-renewable term of five years. The term of the current Chief Judge, the Honourable Chief Judge Robert Gorin, will expire on October 2, 2014 at 5 pm at which point the new Chief Judge’s term will take effect.

“We want to thank Chief Judge Gorin for his dedication during his term,” said Minister Ramsay. “The people of the Northwest Territories have been very well served.”

Chief Judge Gorin will continue to serve as a Territorial Court Judge once his term expires.

Judge Christine Gagnon graduated from the University of Montreal in 1987, and is fluently bilingual. Judge Gagnon was in private practice before serving as a Crown prosecutor based in Iqaluit from 2001 to mid-2006. Following that,  she moved to the federal Department of Justice in Ottawa, and then to Yellowknife in June 2007 as Senior Counsel. Judge Gagnon was appointed to the Territorial Court in February, 2009.

Minister Ramsay said, “We are certain Judge Gagnon will uphold the long history of impartiality and professionalism demonstrated by the Northwest Territories judiciary and confident she will continue to promote access to justice for the residents of the NWT.”

The Chief Judge is responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the court, including scheduling the sittings of the Territorial Court and the assignment of territorial judges.  The Chief Judge is also responsible for the selection and conduct of territorial judges and the supervision of justices of the peace.

Media inquiries:
Sue Glowach
Senior Communications Advisor
Department of Justice
Tel: 867-920-3130




News Release: Grubstake program provides support to trappers at start of new season

jeu, 09/18/2014 - 12:02

YELLOWKNIFE (September 18, 2014) – Over $100,000 in funding is being issued to eligible NWT trappers as part of the Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT) Trapper’s Grubstake Program.

“Traditional harvesting is an important element of the NWT’s economy and the Trapper’s Grubstake Program helps to offset some of the start-up costs required at the beginning of the season,” said Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) Minister David Ramsay. “Our trappers are the very best in their trade and, as a result, so is the fur they ship to market.”

As part of the GNWT’s Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur Program (GMVF), delivered collaboratively by ITI and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Trapper’s Grubstake provides financial support to trappers, ranging from $100 for 20 pelts up to a maximum of $2,000 for 400 pelts. To receive a grubstake payment, NWT trappers must have delivered a minimum of 20 pelts to GMVF in the previous trapping season.

The GMVF Program provides one-window access to international markets for NWT trappers and works with the Fur Harvesters’ Auction. The program also helps trappers to maximize their returns and learn best practices for trapping and pelt preparation. In addition to the grubstake support, the GMVF Program offers guaranteed advances and prime fur bonuses.

The NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy (EOS) recognizes the important role of traditional pursuits in the NWT economy and endorses investment in the GMVF Program. By actively supporting the harvesting and marketing of wild fur, the GNWT is helping to diversify the NWT economy, a goal of the 17th Legislative Assembly.

Media inquiries:

Leslie Campbell
Senior Communications Officer
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-3343



Investments in early childhood guided by new early development data

mer, 09/17/2014 - 13:08

YELLOWKNIFE (September 17, 2014) – New data released today by the Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) confirms that actions the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is undertaking to support the healthy development of children in the NWT are focused on areas of greatest need. The information was collected over three years using the Early Development Instrument (EDI), a standardized method of measuring readiness to learn that is used across Canada and in several other countries.

“The Early Development Instrument is the first reliable measure we’ve had to see how prepared our young children are for school,” said Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty. “The information we’ve gathered over the past three years will help us focus and target our early childhood development investments in areas where they will have the greatest impact and gives us a baseline we can use to measure our success.”

The EDI measures five areas of early development: physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive development and communications skills and general knowledge. Baseline data gathered over three years indicates that many NWT children are vulnerable in one or more areas:

  • 38% of five-year-old children in the NWT are vulnerable in one area of their development, as compared to 25% in the rest of Canada. This is as high as 53% in small communities.
  • 23% of five-year-old children are vulnerable in at least two areas of their development, as compared to 12% in the rest of Canada.
  • 12% of NWT children are at risk in the area of physical development related to nutrition, sleep and general well-being; more than triple the national average.
  • 8.5% of NWT children have been identified with multiple challenges, as compared to the Canadian average of 3.8%.

The EDI results emphasize the need for targeted investment in the NWT’s children and support work the GNWT has already outlined in its Right from the Start: Early Childhood Development Framework and Action Plan. This ten-year strategy will guide GNWT action on early childhood development and addresses the need for enhanced early learning opportunities and new programs and services.

“We need to recognize that we didn’t get to this point overnight,” said Minister Lafferty. “There are decades of cultural and social practices that have affected our kids and it will take time to reverse that. The EDI clearly demonstrates that the NWT’s children need better supports and rich early learning opportunities for healthy growth and development. Our government has already started making the changes all our children and their families need and, with Right from the Start, have the plan we need to ensure long-term success.”

Actions already taken by the GNWT in support of early childhood development include introducing free, optional, developmentally appropriate and play-based Junior Kindergarten, new scholarships for students taking early childhood diploma or degree programs, wage subsidies and professional development opportunities for early childhood workers and licensing changes that give day home operators more flexibility in working with two and three-year-old children. Upcoming actions include providing baby bags for new parents and important parenting information loaded on electronic tablets.

Backgrounder – Early Development Instrument

For more information, visit:

Media inquiries:

Jacqueline McKinnon
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Education, Culture and Employment
Tel: (867) 920-6222



Inspections make NWT roads and highways safer during Brake Safety Week

mer, 09/17/2014 - 12:21

YELLOWKNIFE (September 17, 2014)  Department of Transportation staff continued to ensure the safety of NWT roads and highways by conducting brake inspections in four communities last week.

“Safe driving is everyone’s responsibility, and all drivers need to keep their vehicles in safe operating condition,” said Minister of Transportation Tom Beaulieu. “If your brakes aren’t working, you are a hazard to yourself and to other drivers.”

Highway Transport Officers inspected 48 commercial vehicles in Hay River, Enterprise, Yellowknife and Behchoko during Brake Safety Week, September 7-13. Eight of those vehicles were found to need immediate repairs and were taken off the road.

“Safe travel is our top priority and it is especially important for our children as they go to school,” said Minister Beaulieu. “Our staff immediately put an increased focus on school bus safety and are helping to educate commercial vehicle operators to properly maintain their vehicles.”

Brake Safety Week is part of the Operation Airbrake program sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, an international not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote commercial motor vehicle safety and security. It supports the 17th Assembly’s goal of keeping NWT communities sustainable, vibrant, and safe.

Media inquiries:

Megan Holsapple
Manager of Communications
Department of Transportation
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel:  (867) 873-7712
Cell: (867) 447-1368


Ministers discuss economic importance of arts, culture and heritage

mar, 09/16/2014 - 12:49

YELLOWKNIFE (September 16, 2014) – Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty met with federal and provincial Ministers of Culture and Heritage last week to review new economic data on culture, arts, heritage and sport in Canada.  The meeting was co-chaired by the Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, and the Honourable Robert Henderson, Minister of Tourism and Culture for Prince Edward Island.

The economic data comes from the Culture Satellite Account (CSA), a precise and reliable source using the most rigorous and transparent methodology to date to measure the economic importance and activity of arts, culture and heritage in Canada. The CSA stems from a partnership between Statistics Canada, Canadian Heritage, all of the provinces and territories, numerous municipalities and several non-governmental organizations. New statistics will be provided every year on a range of indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP) and jobs.

“Arts and culture are extremely important to Northerners many of whom make their living in this way,” said Minister Lafferty.  Having an accurate way to measure the impact and importance of these activities provides us with reliable evidence on which to base investment decisions on the arts.”

Other priorities and collaborative projects were discussed at the meeting such as working together to grow the creative economy; supporting heritage conservation through sustainability, revitalization and re-use of heritage buildings; and TV channel unbundling.  Ministers also discussed the upcoming celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Confederation, including economic opportunities it presents and how to get youth involved.

Ministers re-affirmed their interest in the 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games, which will give provinces and territories a chance to highlight and celebrate their culture and creativity.

Media inquiries:

Jacqueline McKinnon

Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222




FPT Labour Ministers discuss psychological health and safety issues in the workplace

lun, 09/15/2014 - 18:52

YELLOWKNIFE (September 15, 2014) – Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty joined his colleagues at the Ministers of Labour meeting in Halifax earlier this month.  On the agenda was psychological health and safety issues in the workplace.

The Ministers’ discussions demonstrated links between safe and healthy workplaces, job creation and economic development. Ministers recognized the profound impact psychological health and safety issues have on Canadian workers, businesses and the economy.

Minister Lafferty, who is also the Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission, said, “at any week across Canada more than 500,000 people do not go to work because of mental illness.  In the Northwest Territories we want our workplaces to be healthy, productive and respectful to all.  A workplace with a culture of trust and civility is a more dynamic environment for everyone.”

Ministers agreed to raise awareness of psychological health and safety issues in their jurisdictions and to promote initiatives that address the psychological health and safety of workers. Preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace, including psychological health and safety issues, is an essential component of the health, well-being and economic success of Canadians.

As part of their respective responsibilities, Ministers agreed to encourage the promotion of the Voluntary National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace as a best practice within their jurisdictions.  They also agreed to continue sharing research, information and best practices within their own governments, as well as across jurisdictions, to address workplace psychological health and safety for workers, including youth.

The Ministers also discussed issues concerning international labour organization conventions and labour provisions of trade agreements.

Media inquiries:

Jacqueline McKinnon

Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222




NWT Releases 2013 student assessment results

ven, 09/12/2014 - 13:34

YELLOWKNIFE (September 12, 2014) – The Government of the Northwest Territories (NWT) released the 2013 student attendance and Alberta Achievement Tests results today. The Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) uses this information to measure the success of the territory’s education system and to ensure ECE is making the best use of resources to provide quality education for all students in the territory.

“Research has shown that a child’s attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing his or her success at school,” said Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty. “Everything we have been working toward reflects meeting student and family needs, how we can help them engage in their education, and their sense of belonging and identity within their school and community. Early Childhood Development, Junior Kindergarten, the Early Development Instrument and Education Renewal and Innovation are all aligned to create a foundation for our children to develop and lead productive lives. It is critical that we continue developing these initiatives to ensure we bridge achievement gaps and challenges facing our children and families.”

The Alberta Achievement Tests (AATs), developed by Alberta’s Department of Education, are used in the NWT as the two education systems use similar curriculum. The AATs help to determine if students are learning what they are expected to learn and meeting curricular objectives in Language Arts and Mathematics. The tests are written at the end of the school year in grades 3, 6 and 9. The results are shared with educators and parents and used by policy makers to improve student learning.

AATs provide a picture of a student’s performance on one particular day, and show how well a student has performed in relation to Alberta curricular objectives.

Trends in the 2013 attendance and AAT data show little difference from previous years, revealing once again that there is a need for significant improvement.  The results confirm that far too many NWT children and youth are falling short of their potential and falling behind other Canadian students. Students in small communities are at greatest risk of lagging behind. The results underscore that meaningful and sustainable change is required in the NWT, especially in the areas of early childhood development and learning, which is a major focus of the K-12 Education Renewal and Innovation initiative.

Backgrounder – 2012-13 Attendance and AAT Results

For more information, visit


Media inquiries:

Jacqueline McKinnon
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222




Call for 2014 NWT Fire Service Merit Award Nominees  

ven, 09/12/2014 - 11:54

YELLOWKNIFE (September 12, 2014) – The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) is seeking nominations for the NWT Fire Service Merit Awards.

Based on nominations from community members, fire departments and fire chiefs, the NWT Fire Service Merit Awards honour and recognize individuals and community fire departments for their significant contributions to fire safety and fire service in communities across the NWT.

“Recognizing community firefighters, both paid and volunteer, is an important way we can say thank you to those who sacrifice to protect our homes and communities,” said Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs Robert C. McLeod. “I encourage all residents to consider nominating an individual or fire department for their exceptional service.”

Members of the public can nominate individuals or community fire departments online at Printable nomination forms are also available on the website.

The deadline for nominations is September 26, 2013.

Recipients of the NWT Fire Service Merit Awards will be announced during National Fire Prevention Week October 5 – 11, 2014.

For more information, please contact:                 

David Maguire
Communications and Web Advisor
Municipal and Community Affairs
Phone: (867) 920-3092




New liabilities and financial assurances office to ensure responsible development

ven, 09/12/2014 - 11:53

YELLOWKNIFE (September 12, 2014) – Minister of Lands Robert C. McLeod today announced new measures that will help the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) ensure development on public lands is done responsibly and respects the value Northerners place on the land and environment.

As part of implementing new responsibilities assumed through devolution, the GNWT will be adopting a coordinated government-wide approach for managing environmental liability and securities for resource development.  A dedicated division will be established in the Department of Lands to oversee security management and policy development.  The Division will provide strong and effective collaboration between departments with legislated responsibilities for security deposits and central agencies such as the Departments of Finance and Justice. The Division will also lead and coordinate short and longer term policy development and the Government’s ongoing management of securities.

“Respect for the land is part of the Northern way of life,” said Minister McLeod. “I am confident that the new Liabilities and Financial Assurances Division will help our government fulfill its new responsibilities and make sure that public lands are managed appropriately, especially when it comes to establishing accurate cost estimates for security deposits.”

Requiring securities as a part of the development review process helps ensure potential environmental liabilities can be remediated and the northern environment protected.  Security deposits help protect government and taxpayers from the risk of having to bear the costs of meeting these conditions.

Under devolution, GNWT departments became responsible for administering securities related to their respective legislative mandates.  The new division will ensure a government-wide, unified and consistent approach on this important work.

For more information:

Leila Beaudoin
Department of Lands
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 765-6741


Destination Délįnę offers new model for community-based tourism in the NWT

jeu, 09/11/2014 - 19:02

DELINE, NWT (September 11, 2014) – An Aboriginal tourism initiative between the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) and the community of Délįnę is proving to be a viable model for attracting tour groups to the territory’s smaller communities.

Destination Délįnę specializes in providing traditional Aboriginal experiences and recently welcomed its first tour group to the community. The visitors had the opportunity to participate in checking fish nets, berry picking, making bannock, story-telling, a hand games tournament and a community drum dance.

“I commend the people of Délįnę for their hard work and effort to develop and promote their community as a travel destination,” said Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment David Ramsay. “There is strong interest in the tourism industry for meaningful and authentic travel experiences, and this is exactly what Destination Délįnę offers. This is an excellent example of how other smaller communities can gain profile in the travel industry.”

“Aboriginal traditions and customs are important to the people of the NWT. I applaud Délįnę, the birthplace of ice hockey in Canada, for creating this remarkable tourism initiative that welcomes visitors with a true cultural experience,” said Norman Yakeleya, MLA for Sahtu.

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is working with the Aboriginal Tourism Champions Advisory Council (ATCAC) to develop a strategy that will capitalize on trending interest in Canada’s North and meet the growing demand for non-consumptive tourism products highlighting Aboriginal cultural experiences.

The Destination Délįnę initiative is responsive to recommendations in the NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy, developed to realize the 17th Legislative Assembly’s priority to strengthen and diversify the NWT economy.

For more information, contact:
Leslie Campbell
Senior Communications Officer
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-3343

Yellowknife Day Shelter Contract Awarded

mer, 09/10/2014 - 20:29

Yellowknife (September 10, 2014) –  On September 9, 2014, the Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority (YHSSA) awarded the NWT Disabilities Council with a contract to provide day shelter services effective October 1, 2014.

Health and Social Service Minister Glen Abernethy noted, “today is an important day, because it demonstrates our society’s commitment to care about everyone. We have heard many times and in many venues about the challenges that some of our citizens experience on a daily basis. It is a moral obligation for government to find ways to support clients that live in difficult circumstances and need our help, and I commend the efforts made by all of these partners to create a sustainable daytime shelter service for people at a time when it is most needed.”

Denise McKee, Executive Director for the NWT Disabilities Council said, “we are pleased to have been awarded the contract for the operation of the Day Shelter, and we will continue to work, as part of an integrated team, to address the complex issues faced by individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and related issues.”

“YHSSA is excited to work with the NWT Disabilities Council for the successful delivery of daytime shelter services to clients in need of support, and we will work closely with this partner to ensure improvements are made that facilitate appropriate access and support to clients” said Liz Wyman, Board Chair of YHSSA. “I would also like to recognize the other key stakeholders that supported the success of this initiative, including the Department of Health and Social Services, the City of Yellowknife, the Departments of Public Works and Services, Education, Culture and Employment, Justice, and the NWT Housing Corporation, and the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce; and I wish to thank Peterson and Auger for providing the critical space needed for this initiative to go forward.”

Working with other government departments and the City of Yellowknife, the Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority (YHSSA) issued separate Request for Proposals (RFPs) for a service provider for the Day Shelter, and leased space.  On September 2, 2014, a lease was signed with Peterson/Auger for a property located at 5023-49th Street in Yellowknife.  The lease is for two years, with optional yearly extensions for an additional three years.

The Yellowknife Day Shelter is funded by the Department of Health and Social Services and the City of Yellowknife.

For more information contact:
Damien Healy
Manager Planning and Communications
Department of Health and Social Services
Tel: (867) 920-8927


Denise McKee
Executive Director
NWT Disabilities Council
Tel: (867) 873-8230
Toll Free: 1-800-491-8885

Raising the profile of tourism in the NWT at Ministers Conference

mer, 09/10/2014 - 17:19

CHARLOTTETOWN (September 10, 2014) – Aboriginal tourism development, improving visitor access and engaging the United States market were topics highlighted at the Canadian Council of Tourism Ministers Meeting this week.

Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) David Ramsay joined federal, territorial and provincial tourism ministers in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on September 8-9 for the meeting. Discussions focused on aligning efforts to maximize Canada’s global presence as a travel destination.

“This was an ideal forum for Canadian colleagues to collaborate on how to improve tourism marketing, products and regulations,” said Minister Ramsay. “Aboriginal tourism was discussed as a major asset for the Canadian tourism industry.”

Minister Ramsay had the opportunity to present the NWT’s Aboriginal tourism story and available visitor experiences. “Growing the Aboriginal tourism sector is an important goal and discussions about growing the industry were insightful and informative,” said the Minister.

Through exploring and participating in opportunities for tourism growth and development, the Government of the Northwest Territories is working to build a strong and sustainable future for the Northwest Territories, a key priority of the 17th Legislative Assembly.

Media inquiries:

Leslie Campbell
Senior Communications Officer
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel:         (867) 920-3343




New Early Childhood Development scholarships launched  

mar, 09/09/2014 - 13:28

YELLOWKNIFE (September 9, 2014) – Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty announced a new scholarship for people considering a career in early childhood development today.

Ten $5,000 scholarships are available to qualifying full-time college and university students to help with the cost of attending accredited post-secondary institutes offering diploma and degree programs with a direct focus on early childhood development.

The Departments of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) and Health and Social Services (HSS) have been collaborating on Right from the Start: A Framework and Action Plan for Early Childhood Development for the last two years, renewing an older early childhood strategy to reflect new research and priorities of the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT). Accompanied by an action plan, the renewed framework outlines the work the GNWT plans to accomplish over the next several years through investments in programs and services aimed at improving outcomes in early childhood development.

The action plan describes 22 targeted actions for program and service enhancement and implementation. Action 21 details increasing the number of qualified early childhood development professionals in licenced programs, and outlines a number of tasks to address the action. Establishing a scholarship fund is one of these tasks.

“The investments we have made to date in early childhood development are just the start of developing a solid foundation of improved and new programs, and equitable access and support for families,” said Minister Lafferty. “This initiative is paramount for the future of our territory. The early years in a child’s life are the most critical for healthy development and truly set our children on the path they will follow for the rest of their lives. A scholarship fund for people entering or already registered in an early childhood program is one of the best steps we can take to ensure our children have access to the right programs with qualified early childcare professionals. It also fulfills one of the commitments we have made to the profession.”

For more information, visit or

For more information:

Jacqueline McKinnon
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222





Stand Up Stop Bullying NWT bullying prevention awareness campaign launches

lun, 09/08/2014 - 12:17

YELLOWKNIFE (September 8, 2014) – The Department of Education, Culture and Employment has officially launched the NWT Stand Up Stop Bullying campaign.

The campaign will initially focus on youth to help effect behaviour change across the Northwest Territories (NWT) and continues the Government of the Northwest Territories’ work to support healthy, educated people that also included the passage of Bill 12: An Act to Amend the Education Act on November 1, 2013.

“Research from across Canada and around the world indicates that youth are the catalyst for changing entrenched perceptions and behaviours in society,” said Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty.  “We know that this generation of youth are more savvy, more informed and more technologically proficient than any generation before them. They are far more engaged in the issues of the day, and bullying and its often tragic effects have a significant footprint in our social consciousness. We are seeing more youth speak out about this issue than ever before.”

One of the primary tools of the awareness campaign is the website, which includes resources for students, parents and teachers, as well as research and information from across Canada on bullying prevention and awareness. The campaign will kick off with contests for both schools and individual students.  Submissions from the contests will be used in the ongoing promotion of bullying prevention, ensuring that youth continue to be engaged in bullying awareness across the NWT.

“We hope our students understand the importance of speaking out against bullying,” said Minister Lafferty. “Empowering our youth is critical to their success in many areas, and will help build a strong and safe school environment that will impact them beyond the walls of the schools.”

Territorial schools are currently working with the Safe and Caring Schools Committee to finalize the Safe Schools plans, regulations, policies and procedures to implement in the 2014-15 school year.

For more information, visit

Media inquiries:

Jacqueline McKinnon
Manager, Communications and Public Affairs
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222





Territorial Premiers Renew a Shared Vision for Canada’s North

jeu, 09/04/2014 - 17:37

YELLOWKNIFE (September 4, 2014) – Canada’s territorial Premiers renewed their collaborative vision for the North at the Northern Premiers’ Forum in Yellowknife today.

A Northern Vision: Building a Better North outlines a vision for the North shared by the governments of the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut. It will help the territories to continue working together to ensure the North is a region of vibrant, healthy communities with sound economies and diverse opportunities, and where the environment is protected for future generations.

“Much has changed in the North since A Northern Vision was originally released seven years ago,” said Northwest Territories Premier Robert McLeod. “Political changes through NWT devolution and the settlement of modern treaties and self‑government agreements mean that northerners are taking greater control of their own destinies. The federal government’s Northern Strategy has brought greater focus to the North and its potential, while Canada’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council has increased international attention.”

Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski said: “I am committed to working with my territorial counterparts to create a stronger North. We have reinforced this commitment by renewing A Northern Vision, a document outlining our shared priorities of energy, infrastructure, governance and productive and engaged citizens. Our priority is to ensure continued economic growth in Canada’s North for the benefit of northerners and all Canadians.”

Nunavut Premier Peter Taptuna said: “I welcome an updated version of A Northern Vision as Nunavut is committed to building a stronger North with healthy and self-reliant residents. Nunavut has grown and evolved since the original document was released seven years ago. I believe a renewed focus on energy, infrastructure, governance and responsible resource development can benefit all three territories, their citizens and the rest of Canada.”

The renewed vision is based on four strategic pillars. Productive and Engaged Citizens highlights the territorial governments’ support for healthy and self-reliant residents, including a strong education system and practical skills training.

Energy speaks to the need for reliable and affordable energy systems in order to reduce the cost of living for residents and businesses, and to unlock the North’s substantial resource wealth.

Infrastructure describes the need for robust, reliable infrastructure as the basis for strong communities and resilient economies. Improved transportation systems, including roads, airports, northern ports and coastal access, are essential for improving the quality of life of northern residents.

Governance supports the steps territories are taking to control their environmental, economic, social and political destinies. Partnerships with Aboriginal and Inuit governments and groups are key to this work, as land, resources and self‑government agreements continue to be achieved. A significant accomplishment in this area was the devolution of province-like powers to the Government of the NWT on April 1, 2014.

Responsible environmental stewardship supports each of these pillars, recognizing that the land is central to the North’s cultural identity.

Northern Premiers originally released A Northern Vision: A Stronger North and a Better Canada in 2007. Given changes in the North since then, the Premiers committed at the 2013 Northern Premiers’ Forum to review and update the document.

The previous Northern Vision resulted in pan-territorial cooperation in the areas of climate change and energy. In 2011, Northern Premiers published Paths to a Renewable North: A Pan-Territorial Renewable Energy Inventory and the Pan-Territorial Adaptation Strategy: Moving Forward on Climate Change Adaptation in Canada’s North, which led to the three territories co-hosting the 2013 Pan-Territorial Permafrost Workshop.

For more information visit or contact:

Shaun Dean
Cabinet Communications
Government of the NWT
Tel: 867-669-2304

Elaine Schiman
Cabinet Communications
Government of Yukon
Tel: 867-633-7961

Yasmina Pepa
Press Secretary to Premier Peter Taptuna
Government of Nunavut
Tel: 867-222-0961



2014 Northern Premiers’ Forum     Working together to build a better North

YELLOWKNIFE (September 4, 2014) – Territorial Premiers met today for the 12th annual Northern Premiers’ Forum.

The forum provides Premiers with the opportunity to discuss issues of mutual concern, develop made-in-the-North solutions, and promote northern interests. This year, the Premiers renewed the Northern Co‑operation Accord, the formal agreement that outlines how the three governments work together. The Premiers also launched A Northern Vision: Building a Better North, an update to the territories’ broad collaborative vision originally published in 2007.

Mental wellness

Premiers agreed that mental health is a vital part of the overall well-being of communities, families and individuals.  They discussed the challenges of delivering mental health services in remote communities and noted that technology is commonly used in the delivery of other types of healthcare.  Premiers directed their Health Ministers to consider ways to advance E-Mental Health, and other methods of delivering mental health services in remote communities and report back on the outcome of their work at the 2015 Northern Premiers’ Forum.


Premiers highlighted the importance of access to stable and affordable housing to northern families, communities and the economies of the territories.

As noted in A Northern Vision, Premiers agreed that the economic potential of the territories will be fully realized through the construction of strategic infrastructure, such as housing, which will encourage investment, enable job creation and improve the standard of living. Key to this is a robust private sector able to participate in meeting the housing needs of the North.

Premiers also recognize the important role that the federal government must play in partnership with the territories as they work to strengthen the North’s housing stock, communities and economy.


Premiers agreed that clean, reliable, affordable energy is the backbone of a sustainable economy, is essential for the well-being of northerners, and fosters investment and economic growth in the North.

Premiers discussed he need for affordable electricity, especially in off-grid communities, an issue that significantly impacts northern communities. This issue was an area of focus at the 2014 Western Premiers Conference in Iqaluit and again at the meeting of Canada’s Premiers last week in Charlottetown. The Premiers stressed the importance of working together in a number of different areas, including renewable and alternative forms of energy. They noted the significant profile given to energy issues in A Northern Vision.

Northern infrastructure

Premiers discussed the vital role of modern infrastructure in developing Canada’s North. Many northern communities are highly dependent on air and marine transportation services, owing to the lack of reliable road access. The construction of all-season roads, improving marine facilities and navigational charts for northern Canada is necessary to support the sustainable development of the North’s rich resource base. It will also improve the safety and effectiveness of critical industry and community marine resupply and resource export operations. In addition, Premiers noted the significant impact  that a strong telecommunications network has on the lives Northerners  and to the business community.

Premiers noted the importance of the investments the federal government continues to make in northern infrastructure. They emphasized that a strong infrastructure network encourages development in the North, which benefits northern communities and Canada.

Arctic Council

As the second half of Canada’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council unfolds and the Ministerial meeting approaches, Premiers reaffirmed their commitment to working with Canada to ensure territorial priorities continue to be reflected in Canada’s Arctic Council engagement.  As A Northern Vision emphasizes, reaching out to our circumpolar neighbours through the Arctic Council is essential.

Premiers are pleased that the Canadian Chairmanship has consistently hosted meetings in the North.  Premiers encouraged Canada to continue to involve territorial governments in Arctic Council work. Premiers also committed to working with Canada to ensure there is youth engagement with the Arctic Council

Pan-Territorial Adaptation Strategy

Premiers also received an update on the Pan-Territorial Adaptation Strategy, originally released at the 2011 Northern Premiers’ Forum. The initiative, which grew from the previous Northern Vision, has resulted in partnerships across the three territories to address climate change issues and identify common actions and measures in response to this emerging problem. This partnership continues to carry out important work to address the challenging issue of climate change, and Premiers look forward to receiving future updates.

Next meeting

Premier Taptuna confirmed that the 2015 Northern Premiers’ Forum will be held in Nunavut.


Political Leaders Meet to Discuss Declines in Bathurst and Bluenose-East Barrenground Caribou Herds

ven, 08/29/2014 - 12:33

YELLOWKNIFE (August 29, 2014) – Political leaders from Aboriginal Governments, the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) and wildlife management authorities met in Yellowknife this week to discuss the continued decline of the Bluenose-East and Bathurst barren ground caribou herds.

Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Minister J. Michael Miltenberger called the meeting after receiving results from the June 2014 reconnaissance surveys of the calving grounds for both herds.

“The trends from these surveys suggest that both herds are declining at an alarming rate,” said Miltenberger.  “As leaders and managers, there is a need for us to review the current information about both herds and determine together, the management actions needed to help in their recovery and conservation.”

Reconnaissance surveys are undertaken once a year to determine trends in herd size. Population surveys are done every three years to determine the herd size.

The Bathurst herd numbered about 470,000 in 1986 and declined to about 32,000 in 2009.  The herd was considered stable but still low in numbers between 2009 and 2012, at about 35,000 animals.

The June 2014 reconnaissance survey of the Bathurst calving ground suggests that the herd continues to decline.

The 2013 population survey of the Bluenose-East herd indicated it had declined to about 68,000 animals from the more than 100,000 animals estimated during the 2010 survey.

The June 2014 reconnaissance survey of the Bluenose-East calving ground suggests that the herd has continued to decline by about 30 percent.

The results were shared with Aboriginal leaders and representatives from wildlife management authorities.

“I am optimistic that after frank discussion, we can move forward and determine the short term management actions needed before the start of the 2014-2015 winter harvest,” said Miltenberger. “We will reconvene in late October to discuss and decide what further actions we’ll need to take to conserve these two herds.”

Population surveys for the Bathurst and Bluenose-East herds are planned for summer 2015.


For more information, contact:

Judy McLinton
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Environment and Natural Resources
Tel:  (867) 873-7379




New tourism training and mentorship opportunities coming to the NWT

ven, 08/29/2014 - 11:30

YELLOWKNIFE (August 29, 2014) – New and prospective tourism operators in the Northwest Territories (NWT) now have an opportunity to be mentored by highly skilled and experienced business and tourism professionals from across Canada.

To strengthen its Tourism Business Mentorship Program, the Department of Industry Tourism and Investment (ITI) has signed an agreement with the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), one of Canada’s leading volunteer-based development organizations.

Minister of ITI, David Ramsay, sees the agreement as an opportunity for industry growth. “This partnership is a natural fit for the tourism industry and our tourism operators are a vital part of a visitor’s experience. Through this agreement we are striving to equip our operators with the best training resources.”

The Tourism Business Mentorship Program helps resident tourism operators maximize their potential by providing an opportunity and financial support to learn business skills from experienced mentors.

The CESO strengthens economic and social wellbeing in Canada and worldwide by working cooperatively with partners to match and engage its pool of skilled and experienced Canadian volunteers.

NWT residents interested in applying for the program are invited to contact their ITI Regional Offices.

Strengthened tourism training needs were highlighted by the NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy (EOS). Through the implementation of this Strategy, the GNWT is working to realize the 17th Legislative Assembly’s goal of a diversified economy that provides opportunities to all communities and regions.


For more information, contact:

Alayna Ward
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel:         (867) 920-8696

Ulrike Komaksiutiksak
Canadian Executive Service Organization



GNWT thanks Sheila Bassi-Kellet for service

ven, 08/22/2014 - 18:27

YELLOWKNIFE (August 22, 2014) – The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) wishes to express its gratitude to Ms. Sheila Bassi-Kellett for her 25 years of service to the GNWT, and to clarify the circumstances of the departure of Ms. Bassi-Kellett from the public service as of August 1, 2014.

Ms. Bassi-Kellett, like all Deputy Ministers, served at pleasure. In ending Ms. Bassi-Kellett’s tenure, the GNWT chose to exercise its contractual right to end the relationship.  The GNWT wishes to emphasize that her departure from the position of Deputy Minister of the Department of Human Resources was on a without-cause basis. There is no suggestion that her dismissal related to her performance. 

Ms. Bassi-Kellett has faithfully and loyally served the Government of the Northwest Territories throughout her years of service and the GNWT wishes Ms. Bassi-Kellett all the best in the future.

The Department of Human Resources remains committed to providing quality services to GNWT departments and agencies and a decision regarding the appointment of a new Deputy Minister of Human Resources will be made in due course.

For more information:
Shaun Dean
Director, Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2304

GNWT outlines plans for improving health and social services system

mar, 08/19/2014 - 10:21

YELLOWKNIFE (August 19, 2014) –  The Government of the Northwest Territories is seeking input on options for ensuring the NWT health and social services system better meets the changing needs of NWT residents. The issues and plans for addressing them are outlined in Caring for our People – Improving the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services System, a discussion paper released today by Minister of Health and Social Services Glen Abernethy.

“I am travelling to regions across the NWT to meet with residents and gather feedback on our plans for best health, best care and a better future. We know we have room to improve our system, and want to hear from the public to ensure we are on the right track,” said Minister Abernethy. 

The discussion paper outlines steps to develop a single strategic plan for the health and social services system. Based on discussions with a number of stakeholders, the plan seeks to improve services for all residents of the NWT. The plan outlines actions in a number of areas including moving towards a single integrated health and social service system.

The Department of Health and Social Services has created a survey for residents to respond to the discussion paper. Residents will have until September 30, 2014 to provide feedback.

For more information contact:
Damien Healy
Manager Planning and Communications
Department of Health and Social Services
Tel: (867) 920-8927
