Yukon News Releases
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Statement from Premier Silver on keynote address to the Arctic Security Working Group
Premier Sandy Silver has issued the following statement:
“Today I delivered a keynote address to the Arctic Security Working Group. The theme of this year’s meeting is Energy Security: Northern Considerations and Priorities. Discussing energy security provided an opportunity to share our northern realities and the Yukon’s priorities, including our work to increase renewable energy capacity in the territory and our ongoing commitment to reconciliation with Yukon First Nations.
Eighteen community groups receive funding to support Yukon youth
Over $77,000 has been awarded to 18 community groups through the Youth Investment Fund. The groups received funding for a variety of arts and recreation programming aimed to provide youth with valuable experiences and learning opportunities. Programming includes a girls running club, a recreation employment program, a theatre program, music programs and a biking club.
The Youth Investment Fund provides financial support to short-term projects aimed at youth under 19 years of age with fewer opportunities and those who may experience discrimination.
The Yukon designated an official sustainable tourism observatory by United Nations World Tourism Organization
The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce its membership in the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO). The Yukon is the second Canadian INSTO member, and the first north of 60.
The Yukon’s Supervised Consumption Site can now support inhalation
Upgrades to the Supervised Consumption Site to accommodate inhalation (smoking) as a method of drug consumption are now complete. Renovations to the ventilation system included upgrading the HVAC system and the installation of an additional window and door.
A new room was added to the facility to support inhalation and the site can now offer inhalation, oral, intranasal and injection methods of consumption. The Yukon’s Supervised Consumption Site is one of the first indoor facilities in Canada to support inhalation as a way to help reduce harm amongst people that use drugs.
New works added to the Yukon Permanent Art Collection
The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce the selection of 16 new works of art to be added to the Yukon Permanent Art Collection.
The new acquisitions are the work of artists Cole Pauls, Claire Falkenberg, Jared Kane, Annie Kierans, Rebecca Manias, Calvin Morberg, Krystle Silverfox, and Amy Tessaro. The selected works showcase an array of styles and perspectives and represent a wide range of media including stained glass, illustration, carving, painting, textile and digital collage.
Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon invest $1.95 million to support Yukon tourism sector as it adapts and grows beyond the pandemic
Joint news release with the Government of Canada
As part of National Tourism Week, federal Minister of Northern Affairs, PrairiesCan and CanNor Daniel Vandal, Yukon Minister of Economic Development and Tourism and Culture Ranj Pillai, and Member of Parliament for Yukon Brendan Hanley, announced a combined investment of $1.95 million towards the Yukon Elevate Tourism Program (Elevate) with a further investment of $25,000 from the Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon. The total cost of the two-year project is over $1.9 million.
Western Premiers conclude meetings in Regina, Saskatchewan
Premier Sandy Silver met virtually with provincial and territorial colleagues at the Western Premiers’ Conference in Regina to discuss priorities of the seven western provinces and territories.
Premier Silver led discussions on Arctic sovereignty, and the importance of strong, resilient Northern communities in supporting a prosperous federation. He also raised the Yukon’s priorities on health care, economic recovery, labour markets, energy security, sustainable development, supply chains and infrastructure.
Statement on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus in Yukon wild birds
A statement from the Government of Yukon’s Program Veterinarian Kristenn Magnusson:
“The Government of Yukon’s Animal Health Unit, along with Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Canadian Wildlife Service, have confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 virus in wild birds in the Yukon.
"Two wild waterfowl carcasses submitted from southern Yukon have tested positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).
New community centre opens in Old Crow
The Darius Elias Community Centre in Old Crow officially opened its doors on Friday, May 20, 2022, welcoming residents inside to celebrate the gathering space as part of Caribou Days.
The new 913-square metre facility provides a venue for community and cultural events. It features multiple meeting rooms, a games room, an Elders’ lounge, a training and exercise room and a full commercial kitchen for cooking traditional foods.
The new centre is more energy efficient and built to withstand possible issues due to climate change, such as permafrost or flooding.
Yukon schools and First Nations receive $300,000 for student attendance projects
This is a joint news release with Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society’s Every Student, Every Day attendance initiative.
A total of $300,000 in support has been awarded to 30 Yukon projects from the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society’s Every Student, Every Day fund, which has been operating for 10 years in the territory.
Statement on the Office of the Auditor General of Canada performance audit on the state of housing for vulnerable Yukoners
Minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Ranj Pillai and Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee have issued the following statement:
Awards ceremony honours over 40 members of Yukon’s Emergency Medical Services team
Today, the Emergency Medical Services Honour Guard presented the Yukon Emergency Services Decoration Awards, the Jon Trefry Award for Excellence and the Chief’s Award.
The awards recipients were joined by the Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn at a ceremony in Shipyards Park in Whitehorse, alongside their family and friends to celebrate Paramedic Services Week.
New working group formed to examine post COVID-19 condition
The Government of Yukon has formed a working group to learn more about post COVID-19 condition, or long COVID, and those who are experiencing its effects. Post COVID-19 condition occurs in some people who have been infected with COVID-19 and can result in a wide range of diverse and long-term effects.
The working group will rely on emerging research and personal experiences to develop information and resources for Yukoners, or those caring for Yukoners, with post COVID-19 condition.
The Yukon’s first Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-spirit+ Accountability Forum takes place in Whitehorse
Cannabis retailers can now offer online sales and home delivery
The Government of Yukon has introduced new regulations under the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act to allow the Yukon’s licensed private cannabis retailers to conduct e-commerce.
Yukoners over the age of 19 can now order cannabis products online and have them delivered to their homes.
Social responsibility requirements for online purchasing and delivery mirror those for in-store sales. For example, delivery persons will be required to verify that the person receiving the cannabis product is of legal age and not intoxicated.
Government of Yukon and municipal leaders connect at 2022 Association of Yukon Communities annual general meeting
This past weekend, Government of Yukon representatives joined municipal representatives and community leaders in Whitehorse for important discussions during the Association of Yukon Communities’ annual general meeting (AGM).
The meeting was held in-person for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. This was an election year for the Association of Yukon Communities (AYC), with a new executive team chosen for a two-year term:
Bears are awake and active in the Yukon
Conservation officers are reminding the public to be bear aware when enjoying the outdoors. Everywhere in the Yukon is bear country. Whether you are on trails, camping, paddling, gardening, or out for a dog walk in your neighbourhood, take extra precautions to keep you, your loved ones and your property safe.
This year, we want to remind Yukoners of the following:
Statement from Premier Sandy Silver on meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Premier of the Yukon Sandy Silver has issued the following statement:
“Today, I met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa. We discussed a number of Yukon priorities, including Arctic sovereignty, critical minerals and climate change, community infrastructure, health care and mental health.
“We agreed that Arctic sovereignty comes first and foremost from the people of the North and we re-affirmed our commitment to work together to support healthy, vibrant, thriving and safe communities.
Second COVID-19 boosters offered for people aged 50 and over
The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health has recommended second COVID-19 boosters to Yukoners who are aged 50 and over. This builds on the previous recommendations announced April 7 for second boosters for people who are aged 70 and over, seniors living in long-term care or other senior congregate living settings and immunocompromised Yukoners.
Throughout the pandemic, data has shown that the main risk factor for severe outcomes from COVID-19 is age. First boosters were also rolled-out in the same way and eligibility expanded based on age.
Air North, Yukon’s Airline completes first-ever direct service between Whitehorse, Yellowknife and Toronto
Air North, Yukon’s Airline, flight number 4N823 landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport Tuesday, marking the first-ever scheduled direct service between Whitehorse, Yellowknife and Toronto.