Yukon News Releases

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Statement from Minister McPhee on the 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline

jeu, 11/30/2023 - 11:28

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee has issued the following statement:

“Today marks an important milestone for mental health and suicide prevention. The Government of Canada has introduced the national 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline, a simple three-digit number that anyone can now call or text for help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Government consults on conservation measures for sheep populations in southwest Yukon

mer, 11/29/2023 - 19:03

The Yukon government has started consultation and targeted engagement with affected First Nations, outfitters and stakeholders on options to address conservation concerns for thinhorn sheep in five Sheep Management Units in southwest Yukon: Brooks Arm, Ruby Range, Donjek, Nutzotin and Flat Top.

New regulations under Public Utilities Act approved

mar, 11/28/2023 - 15:59

The Government of Yukon has approved two new regulations under the Public Utilities Act that will allow the Yukon's public utilities to purchase renewable electricity generated in British Columbia.

The change enables the Yukon’s utilities to buy power from Tlingit Homeland Energy Limited Partnership’s hydroelectric expansion project in Atlin and the Daylu Dena Council’s solar farm located in Lower Post.

Apprenticeship Excellence Awards celebrates graduates in trades

lun, 11/27/2023 - 14:07

On November 23, the Government of Yukon hosted the Yukon Apprenticeship Excellence Awards. This year's ceremony celebrated the graduations of 141 Yukon apprentices, with 116 apprentices receiving one or more awards of excellence.

Awards of Excellence are presented for outstanding achievement during apprenticeship levels or for an interprovincial Red Seal accomplishment. Several attendees were honoured for their excellence in multiple trades, showcasing their versatility and expertise across different disciplines.

Statement from Minister McLean on the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

lun, 11/27/2023 - 10:52

Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean has issued the following statement:

Yukoners reminded to consult designated harvesting map for holiday tree cutting in Whitehorse

ven, 11/24/2023 - 11:38

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and the City of Whitehorse.

The Government of Yukon and the City of Whitehorse would like to remind Yukoners to consult the designated harvesting map before cutting down a Christmas tree this year.

Yukoners can access the harvesting map and other important harvesting information on Yukon.ca/Christmas-trees. The map includes a “my location” tool to make sure Yukoners are cutting in the right area.

Statement from Premier Pillai on Holodomor Memorial Day

ven, 11/24/2023 - 10:34

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“As we commemorate Holodomor Memorial Day tomorrow, we solemnly remember one of the darkest chapters in human history, where millions of Ukrainians lost their lives due to human-made famine in the early 1930s. This day serves as a painful reminder of the suffering and hardship endured by countless individuals and families.

The 2023 fall sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly has concluded

jeu, 11/23/2023 - 19:27

With the conclusion of the Fall 2023 Legislative Assembly, the Government of Yukon is making significant progress to make life safer and more affordable for Yukoners.

Today, the 2023-2024 First Supplementary Estimates passed with the support of Liberal and NDP caucuses. The estimates include a $17 million funding increase for the Yukon Hospital Corporation, to help them meet their budgetary needs for the remainder of the fiscal year. This is in addition to the increase in core funding to the Yukon Hospital Corporation in the 2023-2024 Budget.

Bates Crescent is partially closed for Riverdale incident investigation

jeu, 11/23/2023 - 17:45

The Yukon Fire Marshal’s Office is conducting a cause and origin investigation, in coordination with the RCMP, of the November 14 incident in Whitehorse. As a result, Bates Crescent is partially closed – from house numbers 15 to 19 – as of Wednesday, November 22.

The Yukon’s 2023 State of the Environment report released

jeu, 11/23/2023 - 17:23

Today, the Minister of Environment Nils Clarke tabled the State of the Environment report for 2023 in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. The report tracks environmental indicators that show trends in the Yukon’s environment through the lens of climate change, air, water, land and fish and wildlife indicators.

The report includes information as of the end of the 2022 calendar year. This year’s report includes three new indicators, which are avian influenza, biodiversity and groundwater levels in the Yukon Observation Well Network.

The Yukon receives increase in 2023 allocations under the Yukon Nominee Program

jeu, 11/23/2023 - 11:31

The Government of Yukon is listening to local businesses across the territory and is committed to helping them meet their labour needs.

In order to help businesses respond to the labour shortage, the Government of Yukon has successfully advocated with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for an increased allocation in 2023 to the Yukon Nominee Program. The Yukon has received an increase of 150 to its 2023 allocations, for a total allocation of 580.

Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on the Government of Canada’s 2023 Fall Economic Statement

mer, 11/22/2023 - 18:52

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Yesterday, Canada’s Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland delivered an update on the state of Canada’s finances and economy in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement.

Housing Initiatives Fund launches latest intake process for affordable housing projects across the Yukon

mer, 11/22/2023 - 15:49

To support Yukoners’ access to affordable housing, the Government of Yukon is now accepting applications for the seventh intake of the Housing Initiatives Fund.

The Housing Initiatives Fund is designed to increase the number of new, quality, affordable units in the territory by providing capital grants to community housing providers, First Nations governments and development corporations, municipalities, and private sector entities and individuals in order to support their efforts to build new affordable housing units across the territory.

2022–23 Public Accounts Report released

mer, 11/22/2023 - 15:27

Today, Minister of Finance Sandy Silver tabled the 2022–23 Public Accounts in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. The Public Accounts report the actual audited financial results for the prior fiscal year and the financial position at the end of that fiscal year.

The Office of the Auditor General of Canada is responsible for verifying that the consolidated financial statements fairly represent its financial results in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards.

The Government of Yukon releases Yukon Health Status Report 2022

mar, 11/21/2023 - 17:20

The Government of Yukon has tabled the 2022 Health Status Report in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. The comprehensive report is issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health every three years and updated annually. This update provides additional information on communicable diseases and immunizations in the Yukon.

Statement from Minister Mostyn on winter emergency preparedness

mar, 11/21/2023 - 16:53

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn has issued the following statement:


“Winter is here. This is an exciting time for Yukoners as we break out the skis, tune up our sleds, and get ready to enjoy the winter’s wonders.

“Winter brings its own dangers and hazards. Whether it’s fire, floods, ice storms or power outages, our government is ready and works closely with our partners to protect the health and safety of all Yukoners.

“Getting ready for winter involves keeping a few simple things in mind.

The Government of Yukon recognizes excellence in responsible mineral exploration

mar, 11/21/2023 - 13:20

The winner of the 2023 Robert E. Leckie Award for Excellence in Environmental Stewardship was announced yesterday evening at the 51st Annual Geoscience Forum & Trade Show banquet.

This year’s recipient is Snowline Gold Corporation. The company’s mineral exploration work about 220 kilometres east of Mayo stands as an excellent example of progressive reclamation, cleaning up as you go. In addition, they have made efforts to clean up historic exploration camps on their properties.

Statement from the Minister McPhee and Minister McLean on Transgender Day of Remembrance

lun, 11/20/2023 - 19:47

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee and Minister of Education and Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean have issued the following statement:

“Every year on November 20, we observe Transgender Day of Remembrance. On this day, we mourn and remember transgender people whose lives were lost to violence and rededicate our efforts to ensure that transgender, Two-Spirit+, and gender non-conforming people are able to live life to the fullest, without experiencing hate, discrimination, abuse or violence. 

Government of Yukon begins review of Child Care Act

lun, 11/20/2023 - 18:30

High quality early learning and child care environments support improved outcomes for Yukon children, which is key for later success in school and life. The Government of Yukon is working to update the Child Care Act, which came into force on July 1, 1990. Changes to this legislation will consider the key principles of quality, affordability, inclusivity and accessibility. 

Statement from Minister McPhee on National Addictions Awareness Week

lun, 11/20/2023 - 17:51

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee has issued the following statement:

“This week is National Addictions Awareness Week, a time dedicated to deepening our understanding of substance use and addiction in the Yukon and across Canada.

“This year, under the theme of 'Inspiration, Innovation and Inclusion,' we acknowledge that substance use is a complex challenge with far-reaching implications.
