Yukon News Releases
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Dawson ice bridge under construction
Government of Yukon staff and contractors began their attempt to build an ice bridge in Dawson this afternoon. This marks the first time that the government has tried to induce ice formation for the purposes of creating an ice bridge.
If the construction is successful and ice and weather conditions are favourable, the government will expect the bridge to be open to the public in a few weeks.
Government of Yukon and Teslin Tlingit Council sign intergovernmental agreement to work together on shared priorities
Joint news release with Teslin Tlingit Council
Today, Premier Sandy Silver and Teslin Tlingit Council Naa Sháade Háni Richard Sidney met in Teslin to sign an intergovernmental agreement.
The agreement will help the governments successfully facilitate economic, social, cultural and development initiatives. It will also enhance government-to-government collaboration and reconciliation by outlining shared priorities and creating a plan to address these matters together.
Yukon releases draft legislative summary of proposed Cannabis Control and Regulation Act
The Government of Yukon has released a draft legislative summary of its Cannabis Control and Regulation Act and is seeking feedback from Yukoners, First Nation governments and municipalities.
The summary outlines the key provisions of the proposed Act, which must be passed prior to the federal government's legalization of cannabis in Canada this summer.
The proposed Act is being developed in a manner to reflect the Government of Yukon’s guiding principles and is informed by feedback received from Yukoners in 2017.
Yukoners invited to help the Government of Yukon and the City of Whitehorse improve public engagement
Joint news release with the City of Whitehorse
The Government of Yukon and the City of Whitehorse today launched Talking Together: A stronger dialogue between you and your government, a joint effort to learn what Yukoners see as meaningful engagement.
Yukoners are invited to give their thoughts on what we can do to better engage with the public and help us to become more accountable, transparent and responsive.
New population estimate for the Porcupine caribou herd
Since the last count in 2013, the population has grown from an estimated 198,000 to 218,000 caribou. The herd has grown annually at a rate of 3.7 per cent since the 2010 estimate of 169,000.
Order of Yukon in development
Premier Sandy Silver yesterday announced that the Government of Yukon is developing the Order of Yukon. He made the announcement at the Commissioner’s New Year’s Levee, which was Commissioner Doug Phillips’ final public event.
At present, Yukon has no award equal to those offered in other Canadian provinces and territories. The Order will give Yukoners the opportunity to nominate exceptional individuals for highest-level recognition.