Yukon News Releases

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Flight Path engagement takes off

mer, 11/20/2019 - 19:00

Yukoners are being given an opportunity to guide how we invest in the territory’s aviation system. The public engagement launching today will help inform Flight Path, a 10-year investment strategy, on how we prioritize and invest in Yukon’s aviation system.

A 90-day survey and community meetings throughout the territory will give participants a chance to share their views on how our aviation system can be improved.

Leckie Awards recognize excellence in mining practices

mar, 11/19/2019 - 17:00

The winners of the 2019 Robert E. Leckie Awards were announced yesterday evening at the 47th Annual Geoscience Forum & Trade Show banquet. This year’s recipients were John Alton and Moonlight Mining.

Local firm to design new mixed income housing project in Whitehorse

mar, 11/19/2019 - 13:01

Local company Kobayashi and Zedda Architects has been awarded the tender for design for the planned mixed use, mixed income housing project at Fourth Avenue and Jeckell Street in Whitehorse.

As part of this design contract Kobayashi and Zedda Architects will provide engineering services for the project and will continue to engage the City of Whitehorse, the Housing Action Plan Implementation Committee and other key stakeholders in the design process to make sure that the project reflects Whitehorse’s community needs.

Contract awarded for multiple projects in Old Crow

lun, 11/18/2019 - 17:45

This news release has been corrected and updated.

Stantec has been awarded the owner’s advisor contract for the planning and construction of a community Health and Wellness Centre and a mixed-use, 10-unit housing complex in Old Crow.  

The Health and Wellness Centre will replace the existing health centre and provide both health and social services with a collaborative care model. The 10-unit housing complex will provide housing stock that will help address community housing needs.

Take Action on Radon Campaign 2019

lun, 11/18/2019 - 12:12

November is Radon Action Month in Canada and the Government of Yukon is encouraging homeowners to test their homes.

Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. The invisible, radioactive gas occurs naturally in some soils and may be present in any home in the territory. It enters buildings through cracks, drains, sump pumps and gaps around pipe fittings. If a test shows that radon levels are above the Health Canada guideline of 200 Becquerels per cubic metre (200 Bq/m3) Yukoners are encouraged to take action to remove radon from their home.

Mayo Airport receives Transport Canada certification

jeu, 11/14/2019 - 18:21

Following extensive upgrades, the Mayo aerodrome was certified as an airport by Transport Canada on November 1, 2019. The certification will allow the Mayo airport to support scheduled service on a long-term basis in anticipation of continued resource development in the region, increasing travel options for travellers, industry and Mayo citizens.

Government responds to Wolverine mine security report

jeu, 11/14/2019 - 15:27

The Government of Yukon has responded to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ review of the process by which the security amount for the Wolverine mine was determined. The security is a deposit companies pay in advance to cover the cleanup and closure costs of their mine, also known as reclamation and closure.

The Government of Yukon contracted PricewaterhouseCoopers to carry out an independent review of how the government assessed and approved reclamation and closure plans, and set the financial security amount for the Wolverine mine since its temporary closure in October 2015. 

Feedback sought on draft climate change, energy and green economy strategy

jeu, 11/14/2019 - 13:02

Yukoners are invited to provide feedback on a new draft strategy – Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy.

This fall, the Government of Yukon declared a climate change emergency. The strategy outlines how the territory proposes to take action to address the impacts of climate change while building a green economy and ensuring Yukoners have access to reliable, affordable and renewable energy.  The draft strategy was developed in collaboration with Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous groups and Yukon municipalities.

Find a Family Doctor online program launched

mer, 11/13/2019 - 16:51

In partnership with the Yukon Medical Association, the Government of Yukon is pleased to launch Find a Family Doctor, an online program that matches Yukoners with physicians who are registered in the program and accepting new patients.

Whitehorse and surrounding area residents are a click away from being matched with a doctor. The online registration makes it easy for eligible individuals to find a family doctor for them and their family.

Survey finds Yukoners strongly support tourism

mer, 11/13/2019 - 15:50

The results of the 2019 Yukon Resident Perceptions of Tourism Survey show that 94 per cent of Yukoners feel tourism is good for Yukon and 89 per cent feel tourism is good for their community. Measuring and monitoring resident perceptions of tourism was identified as one of the three goals in the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy.

Yukon opens Housing First residence

mar, 11/12/2019 - 12:47

Yukon’s first ever Housing First residence has officially opened at the corner of Wood Street and Fifth Avenue in Whitehorse.  Residents will begin moving in by the end of November.

Former Premier Dennis Fentie honoured at celebration of life

ven, 11/08/2019 - 17:58

A celebration of life was held for former Premier Dennis Fentie today at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre. Mr. Fentie passed away on August 29, 2019.

Mr. Fentie was first elected to the Yukon Legislative Assembly as the MLA for Watson Lake in 1996 as a member of the Yukon New Democratic Party. In 2002, Mr. Fentie joined and became the leader of the Yukon Party, and was elected as Yukon’s seventh Premier, a position he held until 2011.

Feedback sought on proposed amendments to Wills Act

jeu, 11/07/2019 - 18:21

The Government of Yukon is inviting input on proposed amendments to the Wills Act. An online survey regarding the modernization of this Act is available on EngageYukon until December 23, 2019.

The following amendments to the Act are being considered:

Non-beverage glass will no longer be accepted for recycling

mer, 11/06/2019 - 12:23

Joint news release with Government of Yukon, City of Whitehorse, Raven Recycling, P&M Recycling and Whitehorse Blue Bin Recycling

Recycling depots across Yukon will no longer accept non-beverage glass starting November 30, 2019. Glass jars, bottles, containers and other non-refundable glass like pickle jars will no longer be accepted at recycling facilities in Whitehorse or at rural depots. Refundable glass beverage containers like beer, juice and liquor bottles will still be accepted.

Changes to the third Housing Initiatives Fund intake

mar, 11/05/2019 - 16:19

The third intake of the Housing Initiatives Fund launched on November 1, 2019 to support the construction of affordable housing for Yukoners across the territory.

This call for projects includes three streams: one for shovel ready projects in Whitehorse, one for shovel ready projects in communities and one for project concepts. First Nations governments, First Nations Development Corporations, developers, contractors, community organizations and the general public can apply for funding to support projects that will increase affordable housing options in their community.

Sarah Ouellette is Yukon’s 2019 Farmer of the Year

lun, 11/04/2019 - 16:06

The Government of Yukon has recognized Sarah Ouellette, operator of Sarah’s Harvest, as Yukon’s 2019 Farmer of the Year.

Ms. Ouellette’s small-scale certified organic farm near Lake Laberge produces high-quality vegetables for sale at various locations around Whitehorse. Ms. Ouellette was recognized for her professional, highly skilled operation that not only produces high-quality food, but is also a place that contributes to Yukoners’ knowledge and appreciation of agriculture.

Government launches new driver licensing and registration system

lun, 11/04/2019 - 13:28

The Government of Yukon is launching a new integrated system that will streamline vehicle and licence-related transactions and better protect Yukoners’ personal information.

YuDriv is a client-centred platform that includes a new driver licensing and registration system. Once fully implemented, this system will improve service delivery and lay the groundwork for additional online services for Yukoners.

Four Yukon-based organizations receive funding to prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls

ven, 11/01/2019 - 16:30

Four Yukon-based organizations will receive $50,000 each over the next two years to help prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls in Yukon. The funding comes from the Prevention of Violence against Aboriginal Women fund.

Funding for the projects is administered through the Government of Yukon Women’s Directorate, which supports women’s and equality-seeking organizations.

Yukoners encouraged to try out for Team Yukon

ven, 11/01/2019 - 12:18

Beginning this weekend, interested participants from across the territory will have the opportunity to try out for Team Yukon for the 2020 Arctic Winter Games. For the upcoming Games, participants can try out for 21 different sports and Team Yukon’s cultural contingent. The first sports trials begin this weekend, November 1 to 3, for futsal, basketball and volleyball.

Fossils suggest ancient rhinos and turtles once roamed Yukon

jeu, 10/31/2019 - 12:55

According to a study published today by the journal American Museum Novitates, fossils found near Whitehorse in the 1970s indicate rhinoceroses and turtles inhabited Yukon approximately eight million years ago.
