Yukon News Releases
Four Yukon youth honoured for outstanding contributions throughout the territory
Four Yukoners are receiving the Outstanding Youth Achievement Award in recognition for outstanding service and contributions in Yukon. The 2020 recipients are Vanessa Oliverio, Taylor Shorty, Max Zimmermann and Judy Russell.
The award recognizes Yukon youth who enrich their communities, themselves and others through constructive contributions. Recipients have demonstrated a passion for volunteering, fundraising, helping seniors and Elders, and acting as positive role models and ambassadors for their communities.
Yukon projects receive support from the Community Development Fund
Twenty-five community projects from across Yukon are receiving a total of $815,597 in Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding through the Community Development Fund.
Funding recipients include the Dawson City Yukon University campus to provide a program on recreation, culture and leisure event planning. The full list of recipients can be found below.
New eProcurement system launches in Yukon
A new eProcurement system that will make government procurement easier, faster and more reliable for businesses is now live.
The Government of Yukon has replaced the current Tender Management System (TMS) with a new, more efficient platform called bids&tenders. The online system has features that will streamline procurement, including:
Reconstruction of Hamilton Boulevard extension begins
Long-awaited repairs to an approximately 500-metre section of the Hamilton Boulevard extension will begin on August 18 and take approximately four weeks to complete.
Ice-rich permafrost under this section of the Hamilton Boulevard extension has been monitored for a number of years. Repairs can be made now that the permafrost has thawed.
Incorrect information about the Yukon Community Program on YouTube
Please note that the contact information has been updated.
The territory has seen a recent increase in immigration enquiries as a result of videos hosted on YouTube. The Government of Yukon is aware that many of these videos contain incorrect or misleading program information and is working to address the matter directly with YouTube. The Department of Economic Development is also liaising with the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce to monitor potential negative impacts.
Yukon’s next 100 years of aviation is about to take flight
The Government of Yukon is releasing a What We Heard document that will inform Flight Path, a 10-year investment strategy for aviation in Yukon.
Earlier this year stakeholders, governments, aviation experts and more than 500 survey respondents shared their ideas, priorities and concerns on the future of aviation in the territory during a series of public and stakeholder engagement sessions.
As Yukon prepares to celebrate 100 years of aviation in Yukon, this feedback will guide future investment in Yukon’s aviation system over the next 10 years.
TAO Tel-Aide to continue providing French-speaking help line services
The Government of Yukon has renewed an agreement with TAO Tel-Aide to provide French-speaking help line services in Yukon for another three years.
Since 2017, Yukon Francophones have had access to a confidential telephone service where they can receive emotional support in French. The help line is based out of south-western Quebec and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The 1-800-567-9699 line is free and confidential. Experienced volunteers, supported by a team of professionals, are there to listen.
Government of Yukon endorses Putting People First
The Government of Yukon is moving forward with the direction proposed in Putting People First, the final report of the comprehensive review of health and social services.
Putting People First provides a roadmap to transform Yukon’s health and social services system into a more integrated, collaborative and person-centred system that will better meet the needs of Yukoners.
August 12, 2020: COVID-19 update
The Government of Yukon has the following updates on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 case count
As of today, August 12, at 2 p.m. the COVID-19 case count is 15. Yukon currently has 13 recovered cases and 2,062 people have been tested.
Masks in schools
Update on school operational plans and school bussing for 2020–21
School operational plans and school bussing information, including bus routes and schedules, for 2020–21 are being shared this week.
School operational plans
Each school in Yukon is required to have an operational plan that outlines how the school will meet the health and safety guidelines for Kindergarten to Grade 12 school settings set by Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.
One new case of COVID-19 in Yukon
Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Brendan Hanley today announced the first in-territory case of COVID-19 since April 20, 2020, bringing the territory’s total to 15, including the three Yukon residents diagnosed outside Yukon.
The person is a Whitehorse resident who is recovering at home. Yukon Communicable Disease Control (YCDC) has begun contact tracing.
The individual travelled recently to Dawson. All Dawson-related contacts have been identified and are being followed up on.
Government of Yukon shares feedback on student learning during the end of the 2019–20 school year
Yukon students, families and school staff were recently asked to share their experiences and perspectives with learning during the end of the 2019–20 school year. A summary of survey results is now available on engageyukon.ca.
New baggage handling system coming to Whitehorse airport
New baggage handling equipment is coming to the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport. The Government of Yukon is working with the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority to install a new system that will make it safer and faster to manage and screen baggage.
Yukon filmmakers receive project funding
Four Yukon filmmakers have received funding for project development through the Yukon Filmmakers Fund. The fund provides support to Yukon film and video professionals to help them develop viable careers and businesses, making films and videos for broadcast or commercial release.
The funding recipients for this intake are Teresa Earle, Jack Amos, Alex Robinson and Fritz Mueller. The fund covers a range of projects and includes documentaries, a short film and a virtual reality video.
Support for restaurants extended
Restaurants and other businesses with a liquor licence will continue to receive a discount of 25 per cent off the retail price of liquor until November 1, 2020.
The extension takes into account the continued challenges that businesses face during the pandemic, including financial impacts from closures, reopening costs and reduced tourism.
Territory-wide Community Wellbeing Survey launched this week
The Government of Yukon has partnered with the Canadian Index of Wellbeing and the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health to undertake a comprehensive study of wellbeing in Yukon.
As Yukon begins transitioning into Phase 3 of the pandemic response, all Yukoners are being called on to complete the Yukon Community Wellbeing survey to measure territorial wellbeing and better understand the local impacts of COVID-19. The survey opened on Monday and responses will be collected throughout the next four weeks, closing in early September.
August 5, 2020: COVID-19 update
The Government of Yukon has the following updates on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 case count
As of today, August 5, at 2 p.m. the COVID-19 case count is 14. All of the 11 people who have contracted COVID-19 in Yukon have recovered. There are no active cases in the territory and 1,769 people have been tested. We have had no new cases since April 20.
Additional information stations set up in Beaver Creek and Watson Lake
Whitehorse students return to school on August 20
Whitehorse schools will resume classes on August 20, 2020.
The Government of Yukon and the Yukon Teachers’ Association have worked together to re-schedule a Professional Development day for teachers and school staff to support health and safety training for the 2020–21 school year.
A previously scheduled Professional Development day on October 1 for the Yukon Teachers’ Association Fall Conference is being moved to August 19 for Whitehorse schools. This will complement a Professional Development day already scheduled for August 18.
Possible COVID-19 exposure in Whitehorse and Dawson City
The Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Brendan Hanley has advised that Yukon Communicable Disease Control was notified Thursday evening by another jurisdiction that two people have tested positive shortly after returning home from a trip to Yukon.
The Chief Medical Officer of Health has completed a risk assessment and concluded that the risk to local people is low.
However, he is asking that Dawson City residents or others who may have been in the community between Monday, July 20, and Wednesday, July 22, monitor themselves for symptoms.
Yukon offers internships to study impact of COVID-19
Please note that the contact information has been updated.
Joint news release with the Government of Yukon, Mitacs, Yukon University and the University of Alberta North
A unique opportunity to participate in COVID-19 research internships will benefit both Yukon organizations and post-secondary students.