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Public Advisory: Now Accepting Applications for Annual Job Creation Partnerships Program

ven, 01/17/2025 - 15:05

The Provincial Government is now accepting applications for the 2025-26 Job Creation Partnerships program. This year will feature the following pay for workers to reflect Employment Insurance (EI) and minimum wage rates:

  • Supervisor or high-skilled positions – $695 per week (e.g., project supervisor, qualified carpenter or program manager)
  • Moderately skilled positions – $670 per week (e.g., museum interpreter, administrator or program coordinator)
  • Labourer or lower-skilled positions – $624 per week (e.g., labourer, office clerk or maintenance worker)

The Job Creation Partnerships program is designed to support projects that provide EI eligible individuals with opportunities to gain work experience to improve their employment prospects. Employers can apply online.

While the final deadline for applying is June 15, 2025, applicants are encouraged to apply early as approvals will begin to be issued after March 31, 2025.


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Environmental Assessment Bulletin

ven, 01/17/2025 - 14:35

The Honourable Lisa Dempster, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, has announced the following relative to Environmental Assessment – Part 10 – of the Environmental Protection Act.

Veterans Memorial Bridge Quarry                                                         (Reg. 2336)
Proponent: Nunatsiavut Construction Inc.
The project has been released from environmental assessment subject to conditions as outlined in the minister’s decision letter available on the Department of Environment and Climate Change website at:

Burin Peninsula EverWind Green Fuels Project                               (Reg. 2321)
Proponent: Everwind Fuels
The proposed Burin Peninsula EverWind Green Fuels Project is undergoing an environmental assessment and an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required. The Environmental Assessment Committee (EAC) has prepared draft EIS Guidelines that identify information that must be included in the EIS. The public is invited to review these guidelines and provide written comments by February 26, 2025. Comments received will be considered before final EIS guidelines are issued to the Proponent.

More information on the project is available on the department’s website at:

Written comments must be submitted by February 26, 2025, to:
Eric Watton
EAC Chair
Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment and Climate Change
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

Learn more
Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment and Climate Change
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL   A1B 4J6

Environmental assessment information is available at:

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Project comments may be sent to:

Anyone submitting comments on a project under environmental assessment should notify the Department of Environment and Climate Change if they DO NOT wish to have their comments shared with the project proponent.

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Media Advisory: Minister Crocker to Announce Year of Sport Funding Programs 

ven, 01/17/2025 - 13:30

The Honourable Steve Crocker, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation, will announce funding programs for the Year of Sport on Monday (January 20). The event will take place at 1:30 p.m. at the Paul Reynolds Community Centre, 35 Carrick Drive, St. John’s.

Minister Crocker will be joined by the Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Justice and Public Safety and Member of the House of Assembly for Virginia Waters-Pleasantville, and Steve Martin, Executive Director of Recreation NL.


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Provincial Government Expanding Eligibility for Aging Well at Home Grant and Caregiver Benefit

ven, 01/17/2025 - 10:25

Changes to the eligibility criteria for the Provincial Government’s Aging Well at Home Grant and the Caregiver Benefit will help more seniors remain in their homes and help caregivers provide assistance to seniors.

Changes to the eligibility criteria include increasing the annual income threshold for both programs to:

  • $32,000 for single applicants (previously $24,999).
  • $49,000 for couples (previously $34,999).

The deadline to apply for the Aging Well at Home Grant has been extended to February 28, 2025.

Through the Aging Well at Home Grant, eligible low-income adults over the age of 65 can receive $400 per year to help with the costs of household and health care services such as snow clearing, grocery delivery, and prescription delivery.

NL Health Services administers the Aging Well at Home Grant and the Caregiver Benefit.

For more information on the Aging Well at Home Grant:

If you previously applied to the Aging Well at Home Grant, it is not necessary to re-apply. Your application will be reviewed and processed with the information already provided.

The Caregiver Benefit provides $400 per month to eligible caregivers who provide significant unpaid assistance to low-income seniors with complex care needs as determined by a clinical assessment.

For more information on the Caregiver Benefit:

If you previously applied for the Caregiver Benefit, you can contact your case manager to determine if you are eligible.

Expansion of the eligibility criteria for the two programs is based on feedback from the public and Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services and is intended to further support healthy aging and improved well-being of seniors.

“As a government, we remain committed to supporting seniors in our province to age well with dignity and independence. Expanding the eligibility criteria for these initiatives helps ensure that more seniors can benefit from these programs and remain in their homes longer.”
Honourable John Hogan, KC
Minister of Health and Community Services

“Expanding eligibility criteria for the Aging Well at Home Grant and Caregiver Benefit will help improve access to supports and services for seniors to age with dignity. Our government is focused on the well-being of seniors in our province and are working to ensure seniors have the ability to remain healthy, active, citizens living in age-friendly and dementia-friendly communities.”
Honourable Paul Pike
Minister of Children, Seniors, and Social Development

“Improving access to services that support well-being is a priority for Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Health Services. We welcome the expanded program criteria, which will enable more seniors from across the province to access the Aging Well at Home Grant. This funding can assist with the costs of household and health-care services, and ultimately support eligible seniors to live and age well in their own homes.”
Darla King, Vice-President of Transformation Well-Being
NL Health Services


Learn more
Seniors Health and Well-Being Plan

Wellbeing NL

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Public Advisory: Provincial Child Benefit and Nutrition Benefit Payments Coming on Monday

ven, 01/17/2025 - 09:10

The first Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit payment of 2025 will be issued Monday, January 20, along with the federal Canada Child Benefit payment. The early childhood component of the Prenatal-Early Childhood Nutrition Supplement will also be issued.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit is a tax-free amount of up to approximately $150-170 per month per child under 18 years of age, depending on family size and income, to help low-income families with the cost of raising children.

The early childhood component of the Prenatal-Early Childhood Nutrition Supplement is an additional benefit of $150 per month per child for eligible families with children under the age of five to help with the cost of nutritious food. After the child is born, this benefit is provided to low-income families by the Provincial Government in addition to the Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit in a single monthly payment included with the Federal Canada Child Benefit.

The prenatal component of the Prenatal-Early Childhood Nutrition Supplement helps with the cost of nutritious food during pregnancy. It is delivered separately by the Provincial Government and is also issued next week. While pregnant, you can apply for the Prenatal-Early Childhood Nutrition Supplement by calling 1-800-508-4788 or filling out an online application at the link below. Once a child is born, both provincial benefits are automatically added to your Canada Child Benefit.

For more information, or to find our if you are eligible to receive either of these Government of Newfoundland and Labrador benefits, follow the links below:

Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit
Prenatal-Early Childhood Nutrition Supplement

For a list of payment dates, please click here.

To receive benefits, eligible individuals must ensure their annual income tax return is filed. If you need help filing a tax return and are in receipt of Income Support, please call a Client Services Officer at 1-877-729-7888. Any person in low income who needs help filing their Income Tax can go to or call the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800- 959-8281.



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Media Advisory: Minister Stoodley to Hold Media Availability

jeu, 01/16/2025 - 09:40

The Honourable Sarah Stoodley, Minister of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills, will hold a media availability today (Thursday, January 16) to respond to the Federal Government’s 2025 economic immigration spaces allocation for Newfoundland and Labrador.

The availability will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the Media Centre, East Block, Confederation Building.


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Residents Encouraged to Have their Say on Policing Services in Newfoundland and Labrador

mer, 01/15/2025 - 14:21

The Policing Transformation Working Group is reminding residents that the survey to help shape the future of policing services in Newfoundland and Labrador is available until Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

This survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous. The survey can be found here.

The survey was developed as a part of public engagement efforts to hear from Newfoundlanders and Labradorians about policing services in the province. It was established with feedback from community partners such as City of St John’s, End Homelessness St John’s, End Sexual Violence, First Light, Office of the Seniors’ Advocate, Public Legal Information Association of NL, Stella’s Circle, Thrive and Transition House Association of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The survey is administered by Quality of Care NL, an applied health and social systems research and evaluation program based at Memorial University. Quality of Care has advanced expertise in public engagement and survey development, including management of the public engagement process for Health Accord NL.

For any questions about the survey or if you require assistance in completing the survey, please email

The Provincial Government established the Police Transformation Working Group in 2023.

“I encourage residents to avail of this confidential survey and share their opinions of policing in our province. The Working Group has already received tremendous feedback, with over 3,200 surveys completed. I thank those who have already taken the time to provide their input to help guide efforts to ensure Newfoundlanders and Labradorians receive the most effective and efficient policing services possible.”
Honourable Bernard Davis
Minister of Justice and Public Safety


Learn more
SURVEY: Shaping the Future of Policing in Newfoundland and Labrador

Minister Hogan Launches Policing Transformation Initiative

Quality of Care NL



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Ministers Abbott and Haggie Join Town of Gander in Providing Update on Local Housing and Homelessness Hub

mer, 01/15/2025 - 12:30

As part of its ongoing commitment to addressing issues of housing and homelessness, the Provincial Government is providing funding to the Gander Housing and Homelessness Hub to support their work in establishing a service hub in the area. The Provincial Government is providing the Hub with more than $117,000 for operational expenses and pre-development costs as it works to finalize details of the model and structure of the hub, which is anticipated to offer a range of housing supports and services.

The Honourable John G. Abbott, Minister of Housing and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, and the Honourable John Haggie, Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs and MHA for Gander, today joined His Worship Percy Farwell, Mayor of Gander, and members of the Gander Housing and Homelessness Hub to discuss next steps in their efforts to support individuals experiencing homelessness in the area.

This project is part of the Town of Gander’s New Beginnings Proposal to address critical housing needs in the community. The Hub has engaged a consultant to solidify the project scope, based on an evaluation of current and future needs in the region. It is anticipated that the consultant’s work will be completed by spring 2025 and will provide critical guidance on next steps.

The Hub will be the latest step in a concerted response to homelessness in the region. In August, the Provincial Government announced the creation of a Transitional Housing initiative on Airport Boulevard, supported by a one-time investment of $430,000 and $859,000 in operating funding. Overseen by the Central Residential Services Board, this initiative will provide up to 15 individuals with transitional housing beds to help bridge the gap between homelessness and stable housing.

The $117,000 provincial investment includes more than $67,000 in new funding, as well as $50,000 through the Community Housing Growth Fund, announced in December 2024.

“This latest funding to the Gander Housing and Homelessness Hub is a sign of our ongoing commitment to their efforts to address homelessness in the central region. My thanks to the Board, to Mayor Farwell and the town council, and to my colleague Minister Haggie for their continued collaboration in supporting the most vulnerable in the region.”
Honourable John G. Abbott
Minister of Housing and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions

“I am pleased to be a part of this announcement and would like to thank the Housing and Homelessness Hub and the Town of Gander for their vision and perseverance.  Along with wraparound services from many community partners, these first steps along the housing continuum are a move in the right direction for individuals, families and our community.”
Honourable John Haggie
Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs and MHA for Gander


Learn more
More Projects Approved under Newfoundland and Labrador Community Housing Growth Fund

Provincial Government Investing in Transitional Housing Initiative in Gander

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New Provincial Court Judge Appointed

mer, 01/15/2025 - 10:00

The Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Justice and Public Safety, today announced the appointment of a new Provincial Court judge.

Andrew O. Brown is appointed to the Provincial Court in Clarenville. The appointment is effective today.

A detailed biography can be found in the backgrounder below.

“On behalf of the Provincial Government, I offer my sincere congratulations to Judge Andrew Brown on his new role. Judge Brown brings extensive experience with him. The Provincial Court of Newfoundland and Labrador will greatly benefit from his commitment and dedication to the practice of law.”
Honourable Bernard Davis
Minister of Justice and Public Safety


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Biography for Judge Andrew O. Brown
Andrew Brown attended Dalhousie Law School after attending Memorial University for three years. He graduated in 1997 and articled at a small Halifax firm, Cragg and Weir, gaining admission to the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society in 1998.

He stayed at Cragg and Weir until late 1999 when he returned to Newfoundland and Labrador and completed the Law Society’s Bar Admission Course, becoming a member in April 2000.

In May 2000, Mr. Brown started working as a general practitioner with Easton, Facey, Hillier and Lawrence in Gander, with particular interest in his work as a Crown agent for the Federal Prosecution Service of Canada. In 2002, he returned to St. John’s, working briefly with the Crown Attorney’s Office before joining the Federal Prosecution Service of Canada, which has since transformed into the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC).

For the first five years at PPSC, he primarily conducted “economic crimes” prosecutions, especially tax evasion and contraband offences under to the Excise Act, Income Tax Act, Customs Act and Excise Act, 2001. For the next few years, he was primarily responsible for drug prosecutions under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CBSA), including complex wiretap conspiracy cases.

From 2010 to 2018 he was the team leader for the St. John’s PPSC office, working as supervisor for other counsel and staff, while maintaining a CDSA caseload of his own, acting as a wiretap agent, and participating in the PPSC’s Regional Management and Regional Litigation Committees.

In 2018, Mr. Brown became deputy chief federal prosecutor for the Atlantic Region, managing PPSC cases and personnel in the four Atlantic Provinces with CFP Shaun O’Leary.

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Multi-Materials Stewardship Board Partners with 2025 Canada Games to Deliver the Greenest Games

mer, 01/15/2025 - 09:45

Today, the Honourable Lisa Dempster, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced a $500,000 sponsorship from the Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) Waste Management Trust Fund to help ensure the 2025 Canada Games in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, will be recognized as the greenest games in the event’s history.

MMSB is proud to be the presenting partner of the 2025 Canada Games Sustainability Program. The partnership solidifies MMSB’s commitment to environmental stewardship while helping the games set a new benchmark for sustainability in large-scale events.

The Sustainability Program presented by MMSB will include initiatives focused on reducing waste, promoting environmental responsibility, and providing educational outreach to encourage eco-friendly practices throughout the games. These efforts will ensure the games leave a lasting, environmentally and socially positive impact on Newfoundland and Labrador. MMSB’s partnership will further enhance the games’ commitment to sustainable operations, aligning with the host society’s mission to create a greener, more responsible event.

From August 8-25, 2025, the 2025 Canada Games in St. John’s will bring together over 4,800 athletes, managers, and coaches, across 19 different sports for the largest multi-sport event in the country.

“We often talk about the need for implementing sustainable practices into our day-to-day lives. But we must also work to put sustainability at the forefront of all activities and events. It is important that we show our young athletes that we are committed to creating green efforts that will ensure the well-being of communities, recreational facilities, venues, and the environment alike. Through greener choices, we can help preserve our province’s pristine environment for generations to come.”
Honourable Lisa Dempster
Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister Responsible for the MMSB

“Sustainability is a core value for the 2025 Canada Games, and our partnership with MMSB allows us to take meaningful steps toward hosting an environmentally responsible event. This program is robust and reflects our commitment to minimizing environmental impact while setting a strong example for future events in Newfoundland and Labrador and beyond. We are very grateful to MMSB for their support in this.”
Kim Keating and Karl Smith,
Co-Chairs of the 2025 Canada Games Board

“MMSB is proud to support the 2025 Canada Games and make environmental sustainability a central focus of this landmark event. The Sustainability Program reflects our dedication to waste reduction in Newfoundland and Labrador and our commitment to inspiring greener choices every day. We believe the eco-friendly initiatives showcased during the games will inspire lasting habits and set a standard for future events across the province and beyond.”
Derm Flynn, Chair


Learn more
2025 Jeux du Canada Games

Multi-Materials Stewardship Board

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Funding Awarded for 14 Community Violence Prevention Initiatives  

mer, 01/15/2025 - 09:30

The Honourable Pam Parsons, Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality, today announced $523,165 in funding for 14 projects through the Provincial Government’s new Community Violence Prevention Program.

Funding for the program is made possible through a $13.6 million, four-year bilateral agreement with Women and Gender Equality Canada under the National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence.

The program’s objectives support targeted and community-driven efforts, led by community partners within Newfoundland and Labrador, to address the complex root causes of gender-based violence, violence against women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people, particularly those living in rural areas, and to help reduce underlying risk factors that lead to harm and victimization.

Proposals for funding were considered based on the following criteria:

  • Supporting survivors, their families, and their communities.
  • Engaging men and boys in gender-based violence prevention.
  • Ending the normalization of violence within communities.
  • Addressing stigma against gender-based violence.
  • Promoting healing and mental well-being of those impacted by gender-based violence.
  • Building community support networks, particularly at the regional and municipal levels.

Details on the 14 projects can be found in the backgrounder below.

“By supporting community-led initiatives that address the root causes of violence, we are effecting lasting change. We are committed to working with community leaders and organizations to ensure that the grants under this new program make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and families affected by gender-based violence.”
Honourable Pam Parsons
Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality

“Women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQI+ individuals in rural and remote areas face greater risks of gender-based violence. That’s why the funding announced today is so important – it’s going directly to community organizations at the heart of real, systemic change. These organizations are lifelines, making an incredible difference for those who need it most. Through the National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence, the Government of Canada is investing in life-saving projects that will help build safer, stronger communities across Newfoundland and Labrador.”
Honourable Marci Ien
Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth


Financement accordé à 14 initiatives communautaires de prévention de la violence 

Learn more
Community Violence Prevention Grants Program

Office of Women and Gender Equality

National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence

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Canadian Mental Health Association NL 
In partnership with the Lonely Man Project and the Nunatsiavut Government, this funding will help address the link between men’s mental health and gender-based violence, through an inclusive and culturally sensitive approach. Targeting community leaders, activists, elders, influencers, as well as individuals at high-risk for domestic violence, this initiative will foster conversations around the role of men in violence prevention, while participating in winter activities like dogsledding, ice fishing, and snowshoeing. Events will be held in each of the province’s four regions – Eastern, Western, Central and Labrador.
Grant Awarded: $48,530

YWCA St. John’s 
In partnership with the Public Legal Information Association of Newfoundland and Labrador and End Sexual Violence NL, this funding will be used to enhance community programming for intersectional gender-equality services in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Corner Brook, and Central Newfoundland, through the organization’s Financial Empowerment Program. Financial empowerment helps address the healing and well-being of those impacted by gender-based violence.
Grant Awarded: $50,000

Stella’s Circle 
Funding will be used to increase capacity for the Just Us Women’s Centre in St. John’s, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Correction Centre for Women in Clarenville (NLCCW), to meet the unique needs of highly marginalized individuals involved with the criminal justice system. This includes clinical support to women and gender diverse victims and survivors with histories of gender-based violence for individual and group counselling and system navigation at the NLCCW. Of the 200 women accessing services through the Just Us Women’s Centre, 90 per cent have a history of gender-based violence and 70 per cent are mothers.
Grant Awarded: $50,000

Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador
In partnership with Conseil scolaire francophone de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, the funding will see the implementation of interactive workshops for students in grades five to 12, that will challenge pre-conceived ideas about gender, and create discussion about building and maintaining healthy, stable relationships with family and friends. These workshops will be held in each of the province’s French language schools that are in St. John’s, on the West Coast and in Labrador. The interactive workshops will be adapted to the cultural and linguistic context of the young people, as well as to their age and needs. They are intended to empower participants and prevent and encourage reflection on gender-based violence.
Grant Awarded: $22,409

Empower NL
Designed in partnership with the Women’s Economic Council and the DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada (DAWN), this funding will see a series of five community-driven pop-up events within the Avalon and Eastern regions of the province, that are designed to empower women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals with disabilities, by addressing the root causes of gender-based violence. The events will be guided by Independent Living Canada’s four core pillars of information and networking; peer support; independent living skills development and research and community development.
Grant Awarded: $48,328

Newfoundland Indigenous Peoples Alliance
In partnership with the NorPen Status of Women Council and the Town of Port Saunders, this funding will be used to hire a facilitator to help women requiring transportation, shelter, housing, emergency services and justice services when faced with gender-based violence. Indigenous women experience higher rates of violence especially in rural and remote communities.
Grant Awarded: $50,000

Daybreak Parent Child Centre
Funding to this organization will be used to develop a parent group to be titled Growing Up … as Parents: Dads Helping Dads which focuses on engaging men and boys in gender-based violence prevention, will also include a mentoring component, and help build community support networks with other community-based agencies. Planned activities include program planning and implementation, material development and mentoring.
Grant Awarded: $50,000

Sandwich Bay 50-Plus Club
This Indigenous-led organization of seniors will use the funding to facilitate healing and well-being workshops, as well as training, including suicide intervention training for people who work with seniors and youth, to address the stigma associated with bullying, harassment, and gender-based violence. They are supported by Labrador Grenfell Health (NL Health Services), the Nunatukavut Community Council, Community Youth Network and Violence Prevention Labrador.
Grant Awarded: $3,853

First Light
This funding will benefit cultural, and justice supports programs in urban settings, connecting Indigenous People with elders and cultural skills and experiences, enhancing violence prevention through an indigenous-led approach. Supports are provided weekly at the His Majesty’s Penitentiary in St. John’s, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Correctional Centre for Women in Clarenville.
Grant Awarded: $49,775

Seniors NL
In partnership with the Public Legal Information Association of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Journey Project, this funding will strengthen the NL Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and encourage involvement from municipalities, businesses, government agencies and community groups. Rural and remote communities will receive training on how to recognize and report violence, and how to best support victims and their families in promoting healing and well-being.
Grant Awarded: $50,000

THRIVE / Blue Door Peer Support
Blue Door supports approximately 30 individuals who have experienced sexual exploitation and or human trafficking, including gender-based violence. In partnership with Lifewise, funding will be used to increase support hours and access to the Blue Door program.
Grant Awarded: $8,470

Violence Prevention East
In partnership with NL Schools, NL Health Services and the Department of Justice and Public Safety, funding will be used to develop school agenda books for students in the Eastern region (Clarenville and area) in grades seven to 12. These books will include critical information gender-based violence, including sexual violence laws, consent, the sharing of intimate images, healthy relationships, gender identity, bystander intervention, bullying and mental health.
Grant Awarded: $16,250

Violence Prevention Avalon East

Bystander awareness and intervention is a growing subject area in the violence prevention sector. Funding will be used in rural areas of the province to implement educational tools and resources to address the stigma surrounding intimate partner violence. Funding will also be used to continue the Bystander Awareness Initiative, a program which positively promotes community connections for individuals experiencing intimate partner violence.
Grant Awarded: $25,550

Multicultural Women’s Organization of Newfoundland and Labrador
In partnership with the City of St. John’s, the City of Corner Brook, the Town of Gander, women’s centres, and the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate, funding will be used to offer programs to raise awareness for newcomer men and boys regarding violence prevention, addressing the positive roles they can play as fathers, role models, and influencers within their families and communities.
Grant Awarded: $50,000

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Mayor Elizabeth (Betty) Moore Honoured with Newfoundland and Labrador Confederation 75th Anniversary Medal

mer, 01/15/2025 - 08:10

The following is being distributed at the request of the Municipal Assessment Agency:

The Municipal Assessment Agency (MAA) is proud to announce that Mayor Betty Moore of Clarke’s Beach, who also serves as the board chair and Avalon director for the agency, has been awarded the Newfoundland and Labrador Confederation 75th Anniversary Medal (1949–2024). The prestigious recognition ceremony took place on December 18, 2024, at Rumors Lounge in Avondale.

Mayor Moore was one of 17 distinguished recipients honoured with this medal, which recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities and the province. Ms. Helen Conway-Ottenheimer, MHA for the District of Harbour Main, presented the medals and certificates on behalf of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Assisting with the presentation was Officer Shawn Hannaford of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Holyrood detachment.

“It is a great honour to recognize Mayor Moore for her extraordinary dedication and contributions to Clarke’s Beach and to Newfoundland and Labrador as a whole,” said CEO Don Hearn. “Her leadership and commitment have made a lasting impact on her community and the region.”

Mayor Moore holds the distinction of being the longest-serving mayor in Clarke’s Beach and is believed to be the longest-serving female mayor in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Her decades of service have been marked by tireless advocacy for community development and a steadfast commitment to improving the lives of residents.

The Confederation 75th Anniversary Medal commemorates Newfoundland and Labrador’s journey since joining Canada in 1949 and celebrates individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the province. This medal reflects Mayor Moore’s enduring legacy as a trailblazer and community builder.

The Municipal Assessment Agency extends heartfelt congratulations to Mayor Moore on this well-deserved honour and thanks her for her unparalleled service to the community and the province.


Media contact
Catherine Morgan
Municipal Assessment Agency

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Media Advisory: Ministers Abbott and Haggie Participating in Town of Gander Housing Announcement

mar, 01/14/2025 - 15:21

The Honourable John G. Abbott, Minister of Housing and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, and the Honourable John Haggie, Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs and MHA for Gander, will join the Town of Gander and representatives from the Gander Housing and Homelessness Hub for an announcement on their project’s next steps tomorrow (Wednesday, January 15).

The event will take place at Town Hall, 100 Elizabeth Drive, Gander, at 12:30 p.m.

The ministers will join His Worship Percy Farwell, Mayor of Gander, town councillors and representatives from the Gander Housing and Homelessness Hub, the Central Residential Services Board and Raising the Roof at this announcement.



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Business Navigators Program Officially Launched

mar, 01/14/2025 - 14:05

To help make it easier to navigate policies and processes for small businesses, the Provincial Government has officially launched a new Business Navigator initiative. The Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC, Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology, announced that, beginning today, the Business Navigator Program will assist businesses in dealing with the Provincial Government by providing a one-on-one, personalized service for inquiries related to requirements to establish and operate businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Budget 2024 allocated $500,000 for business navigators to ensure businesses connect with the correct resources to help streamline processes. The role also includes identifying unnecessary and impeding regulations and red tape to determine what can be eliminated or improved to ensure a more timely, efficient and effective regulatory environment. An online portal, dedicated email ( and phone line (1-833-404-2283) for the submission of inquiries is now available for businesses to use to connect with the navigators and request information.

Business navigators can provide information for businesses related to:

  • Provincial Government regulations and programming.
  • Identifying licences, permits and inspections needed to operate your business.
  • Providing support information for additional requirements like financing, taxes and staffing.

The team of three business navigators are located in St. John’s, Clarenville and Corner Brook. They will work with key points of contact within Provincial Government departments to facilitate engagement with a business to provide clarity or resolve any items related to the inquiry and maintain engagement to ensure issues are resolved. Additional information on the program can be found on the website.

“Our government is committed to ensuring businesses in this province are successful and sustainable. We have heard from Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade and other stakeholders of the importance of having a navigator program in Newfoundland and Labrador similar to those in other Atlantic provinces. We encourage anyone with questions on operating a business in the province to contact this team so we can help your business grow and thrive.”
Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC
Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology

“We are delivering on our commitment to reduce red tape and other unnecessary burdens for business through such initiatives as the Business Navigators Program. The new navigators will help facilitate and support business to ensure a strong economy. Other measures we are taking to help business include reducing the small business corporate income tax rate and offering tax credits to support manufacturing and processing as well as film, video, and green technology. All with the vision of building a stronger, smarter, self-sufficient, and sustainable province.”
Honourable Siobhan Coady
Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance

“We’re excited to see this program launch. The Board of Trade has been advocating for this type of support for quite some time and we will continue to work alongside the Provincial Government to shape initiatives like the business navigators. Operating a business is incredibly challenging right now and anything that can be done to reduce the burden is welcomed and necessary. Our province needs a thriving business private sector.”
AnnMarie Boudreau
St. John’s Board of Trade

“I am pleased to see the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador launch the business navigators. Helping businesses navigate bureaucracy is a step in reducing red tape as time is money. Our 19 chambers across Newfoundland and Labrador are committed to supporting this initiative and working together to create a stronger, more efficient business environment.”
Rhonda Tulk-Lane
CEO Atlantic Chamber of Commerce


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Business Navigators

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Media Advisory: Premier Furey to attend First Minister’s Meetings in Ottawa

mar, 01/14/2025 - 13:25

The Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, will be joining Canada’s Premiers for important discussions with the Prime Minister and key federal counterparts at the First Minister’s Meeting in Ottawa tomorrow (Wednesday, January 15).

Premier Furey is committed to strengthening Canada-United States relations with a unified and collaborative approach to protect our valued trade partnership, and to secure economic stability for Newfoundland and Labrador.

The First Minister’s Meeting is an opportunity to develop well-defined strategies that defend Canada’s interests as an independent, sovereign nation. Premier Furey will deliver Newfoundland and Labrador’s support for a strong response to the immediate tariff concerns while giving careful consideration to the broader economic impacts.

In 2023, Newfoundland and Labrador exports to the United States totalled approximately $4.5 billion, which represented 37 per cent of the province’s total exports, including 60 to 80 per cent of seafood harvested in Newfoundland and Labrador. This volume of trade highlights the importance of the United States to the provincial economy.


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Media Advisory: Minister Dempster to Announce Funding for 2025 Canada Games

mar, 01/14/2025 - 12:30

The Honourable Lisa Dempster, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, will announce sponsorship funding from the Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) in support of the 2025 Canada Games tomorrow (Wednesday, January 15).

The event will take place at the 2025 Canada Games Volunteer Centre, 260 Waterford Bridge Road, St. John’s, beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Minister Dempster will be joined by Derm Flynn, board chair, MMSB, and Karen Sherriffs, CEO, Canada Games Host Society.


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Provincial Government Announces Support for Mavin Industrial

mar, 01/14/2025 - 10:02

A Newfoundland and Labrador tech company that is making it easier to follow safety protocols on the jobsite is receiving support from the Provincial Government as it works to improve its product. The Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC, Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology, today announced a Provincial Government investment of $186,000 from the Business Growth Program to support Mavin Industrial and development of its OPAS Mobile software.

OPAS Mobile is a digital field management platform that seeks to digitalize environmental, health and safety processes and forms for industrial clients, and to help them comply with health and safety regulations. Examples of industries currently using OPAS Mobile include mining, fire safety, logistics, and manufacturing.

Through this project, Mavin is working to enhance OPAS Mobile’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. The company aims to leverage its in-field experience and examine new ways to manage industrial projects using artificial intelligence. By combining AI enhancements, offline availability, advanced analytics, enterprise-level security, predictive insights, and user-requested features, the company hopes to make substantial changes to jobsite safety. Mavin also hopes to proactively use AI and Machine Learning to flag potential safety issues.

Mavin Industrial currently has nine employees and will hire two more through this project, which will facilitate the development of valuable AI driven software development expertise in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Business Growth Program provides non-repayable contributions for projects or initiatives to assist businesses start, innovate, scale and improve sales locally, nationally or internationally. Investments from this fund aim to support development and commercialization, productivity improvement and innovation, knowledge and technical assistance and growth and internationalization.

In addition to this investment from the Provincial Government, Mavin Industrial is receiving advisory services and $73,305 in research and development funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program supporting intelligent field safety and project management enhancements to its OPAS platform.

“With its OPAS Mobile software, Mavin Industrial is providing services to Newfoundland and Labrador companies, making jobsites and workplaces safer. Adding AI to OPAS holds the promise of improved efficiency with reduced need for manual intervention. We are pleased to assist the company as works towards fundamentally improving worker health and safety using technology.”
Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC
Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology

“We’re using our collective, hands-on experience within our target markets to build some of the most innovative field-management software in the world. This government support accelerates our development, fueling growth and enabling us to bring world-class solutions to international markets at a pivotal time. It will help us compete with other software providers on the global stage and market our products internationally.”
Vince Payne
CEO, Mavin Industrial


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Business Growth Program

Mavin Industrial

OPAS Mobile

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Public Advisory: Call for Proposals to Support Humanitarian Migrants Through Community Partnerships

lun, 01/13/2025 - 14:45

The Provincial Government is calling for proposals from eligible organizations to support the settlement and integration of humanitarian migrants in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is part of an ongoing commitment to provide safe haven and support the integration of individuals seeking asylum when capacity is available.

Humanitarian migrants include individuals who have applied for refugee protection in Canada and are awaiting a decision on their claim. These individuals can live and work in Canada while their claims are being processed. Newfoundland and Labrador has agreed to assist the voluntary relocation of some humanitarian migrants currently residing in Ontario and Quebec, in collaboration with the Federal Government.

The Provincial Government will undertake intensive pre-arrival job matching that has proven to be a successful resettlement approach, as demonstrated by actions taken to welcome Ukrainians to Newfoundland and Labrador. This is an opportunity to assist local employers to meet labour market needs throughout Newfoundland and Labrador by hiring skilled humanitarian migrants.

The selected community partner will play a pivotal role in supporting housing, employment, and other essential services for these newcomers.

Eligible organizations must be non-profit or community-based entities registered in Newfoundland and Labrador, with a proven track record of working with newcomer populations. Applicants must demonstrate their capacity to deliver services throughout the province, engage employers, promote community buy-in on immigration, and address the housing, employment and other settlement needs of humanitarian migrants.

This program aims to ensure that humanitarian migrants receive comprehensive support, including reception services, mental health referrals, long-term housing solutions, and employment assistance. The overarching goal is to help migrants achieve independence and community integration while addressing their immediate needs.

All proposals must be submitted electronically to by January 20, 2025.



Program Overview
The Provincial Government is seeking a community partner to support the housing and indirect housing needs of humanitarian migrants who live in Newfoundland and Labrador and may arrive in this province through the current partnership between the Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills and the Government of Canada. Humanitarian migrants may be relocated throughout the province and, as such, this partner must have the ability and capacity to do the following:

  • Deliver programs and services throughout the province.
  • Develop housing, and/or hold mortgage(s) and/or lease(s) for the purposes of housing, and related property management activities.
  • Ability to provide indirect housing supports such as:
    • Reception and conduct needs assessments.
    • Community navigation and connections.
    • Navigation and/or referral to mental health and other health supports.
    • Long-term housing search support.
  • Provide employment supports such as pre-employment skills, job-search, job-matching, employment readiness and employment maintenance.
  • Deliver a humanitarian approach to aid in the implementation and delivery of programs and policies that align with ultimate goals of community integration and independence for the clients.
  • Ability to support employer and community engagement throughout the province.

Successful proposals will need to clearly demonstrate the organization’s capacity to engage employers, encourage community buy-in on immigration, and address the housing and settlement needs of humanitarian migrants.

Eligibility Criteria
Proposals are invited from organizations that:

  • Are non-profit or community-based entities registered in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Have a proven track record of working with immigrant and refugee populations.
  • Have a network or experience engaging with employers and housing providers in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Have experience in delivering services that promote social integration, employability, and housing solutions for vulnerable groups.

Evaluation and Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • The organization’s experience and capacity to implement programs targeting vulnerable newcomer groups.
  • A demonstrated ability to engage employers and foster community buy-in on immigration.
  • The ability to deliver effective housing solutions, including working with housing providers and local authorities.
  • A clear and feasible work plan, with measurable outcomes and timelines.
  • A detailed budget.
  • Commitment to collaboration with other community stakeholders, including local governments, service providers, and advocacy groups.

Application Instructions
All proposals must be submitted electronically to by January 20, 2025. The application must include:

  • A project proposal outlining activities, outcomes, and budget.
  • Evidence of community partnerships and employer engagement plans.
  • A detailed work plan with timelines and measurable outcomes.

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Media Advisory: Minister Parsons to Hold Media Availability

lun, 01/13/2025 - 12:05

The Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC, Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology, will hold a media availability today (Monday, January 13) to respond to former Premier Danny Williams’ comments on the Churchill Falls MOU. The availability will take place at 2:45 p.m. in the Natural Resources Building, 50 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s.


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Auditor General Delivers Report on Outstanding Performance Audit Recommendations

lun, 01/13/2025 - 10:00

Auditor General of Newfoundland and Labrador, Denise Hanrahan, today delivered a monitoring report on outstanding performance audit recommendations to the House of Assembly. The report covers reports issued from 2017 to 2021 and provides a status update on performance recommendations.

The Office of the Auditor General undertakes performance audits that examine how well government and its entities manage resources and operations. Performance audits seek to determine if specific programs or functions are working as intended and offers recommendations for improvement.

“Recommendations are a critical part of our audits, and it is reasonable to expect that departments fully implement recommendations within three years of an audit being issued. However, this year’s monitoring indicates that one in three recommendations (thirty-seven per cent) from 2017 to 2021 remain outstanding. Even more alarming is that two out of three of those (sixty-two per cent) are over five years old,” commented Denise Hanrahan, Auditor General of Newfoundland and Labrador.

For example, Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services has not implemented eight recommendations (twenty-eight per cent), including seven related to the home support program. As a result, serious gaps continue with respect to the timely review of home support service assessments and the monitoring of home support hours. Additional information on outstanding recommendations can be found in the backgrounder below.

“Unresolved recommendations – especially after several years – indicates those topics still have gaps that require further attention. Particularly concerning are the number of departments and entities with low implementation rates across a number of performance audit reports. This type of inaction means risks remain, can grow or new risks may be created,” added Auditor General Hanrahan.

The Office of the Auditor General monitors previous performance audit report recommendations over seven years. An initial follow-up is conducted approximately two years after the release of a report, followed by continuous monitoring annually for an additional five years or until recommendations are fully implemented or otherwise resolved.

The full report can be found by visiting the link below.


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Chrysta Collins
Office of the Auditor General


As of January 2025, there are 29 recommendations not implemented in the expected three-year time frame. There are many government departments and entities that have areas where improvements could be made, where services could be more efficient; and where savings could be realized with more effective program delivery.

Of particular concern:

  • Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services has not implemented eight recommendations (twenty-eight per cent), including seven related to the home support program. As a result, serious gaps continue with respect to the timely review of home support service assessments and the monitoring of home support hours.
  • The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure has seven outstanding recommendations (twenty-four per cent), including those related to training of school bus drivers, root cause analysis of ferry vessel mechanical issues and road condition and complaints management.
  • The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation has not completed any of the four recommendations (0 per cent) made from the 2019 report on the Oversight of Provincial Wellness Priorities. It was recommended the department:
    • Develop an action plan for healthy active living to support government’s health outcome targets and bring indicators in line with the Canadian average by 2025.
    • Develop a monitoring/evaluation framework for overall healthy active living programming and ongoing assessment of progress against established targets and desired outcomes.
    • Develop a reporting framework for partnering departments on the information required to monitor, evaluate and report on the progress of healthy active living priorities.
    • Work with partnering departments to improve the effectiveness of oversight of provincial healthy active living priorities across government.
  • The Department of Education does not have a nutrition policy that applies across the province and certain elements of internal control oversight related to the K-12 system continue to be unaddressed.
  • A key finding from the NLC audit remains outstanding, specifically the issue of conflict of interest within the public service and Crown entities.
    • The department should adequately address conflicts of interest within the public service and Crown entities, including consideration of any legislative amendments required to improve accountability and transparency.
  • Recommendations related to compliance with compensation policies by entities and those charged with their governance remain outstanding.

The Office of the Auditor General is no longer monitoring 36 outstanding recommendations that were originally reported in six reports from 2016.

  • Salaried Physicians – 15 outstanding recommendations
  • Road Ambulance Services – 11 outstanding recommendations
  • Acute Care Bed Management – five outstanding recommendations
  • Child Protection Services – two outstanding recommendations
  • Fire and Emergency Services – Newfoundland and Labrador – two outstanding recommendations
  • Teacher Allocation in Schools – one outstanding recommendation

Ongoing performance audit work at the Office of the Auditor General includes:

  • Memorial University: Facilities Management
  • Auditor General’s Report on the Province’s 2024 Financial Statement Audits
  • Medical Care Plan (MCP)
  • Royal Newfoundland Constabulary: Operations
  • Personal Care Homes
  • Health Sector Contracts – Phase 1
  • Housing Corporation: Supply Management
  • House of Assembly Compliance Audit

Upcoming performance audit work at the Office of the Auditor General includes:

  • Long-Term Care
  • Health Sector Contracts – Phase 2


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