Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 3 heures 19 min

Nova Scotia Heads to Asia for Province’s First Culture Export Mission

mer, 05/09/2018 - 11:01
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Communities, Culture and Heritage Minister Leo Glavine is leading a mission to China and Japan to explore business and export opportunities for Nova Scotia’s growing culture sector.

Project to Renovate Province House Gardens

mer, 05/09/2018 - 08:59
Speaker's Office / Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- A project will begin later this spring to renovate the south gardens of the Nova Scotia legislature.

Nouvelles mesures de soutien pour l'intégration dans l'éducation

mar, 05/08/2018 - 12:37
Education and Early Childhood Development -- En septembre, les élèves de la Nouvelle-Écosse profiteront de l'embauche de plus de 190 nouvelles personnes, y compris des praticiens en matière de soins aux enfants et aux jeunes, des spécialistes du soutien parental, des aides-enseignants, des psychologues et des orthophonistes, afin de répondre aux besoins complexes des classes et des élèves, avec un accent sur les mesures de soutien comportemental et de soutien pour les élèves ayant un trouble du spectre de l'autisme.

New Inclusive Education Supports for Students

mar, 05/08/2018 - 12:30
Education and Early Childhood Development -- This September, Nova Scotia students will benefit from the hiring of more than 190 people, including child and youth care practitioners, parent navigators, education assistants, psychologists and speech language pathologists, to address student and complex classroom needs, starting with a focus on behaviour and autism supports.

Le Conseil investit dans un plus grand nombre d'enseignants

mar, 05/08/2018 - 10:34
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Le Conseil pour l'amélioration des conditions en salle de classe financera 57 nouveaux postes d'enseignants au secondaire pendant l'année scolaire 2018-2019, et il continuera ses investissements.

Council Invests in More Teachers

mar, 05/08/2018 - 10:32
Education and Early Childhood Development -- The Council to Improve Classroom Conditions will fund 57 new high school teachers in the 2018-19 school year and continue investments.

Nova Scotia Proclaims the International Decade for People of African Descent

mar, 05/08/2018 - 10:13
Premier's Office / African Nova Scotian Affairs -- Premier Stephen McNeil proclaimed the International Decade for People of African Descent in Nova Scotia, today, May 8.

Fentanyl Seized at Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility

mar, 05/08/2018 - 09:53
Justice -- Fentanyl was seized recently during a routine search at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Halifax.

Film Productions Announced

mar, 05/08/2018 - 09:05
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) announced newly approved productions through the Nova Scotia Film and Television Production Incentive Fund today, May 8.

Consultations prévues sur l'accessibilité

lun, 05/07/2018 - 12:39
Justice -- REMARQUE : Une liste des endroits où auront lieu les séances de consultation suit le présent communiqué. Les gens sont invités à soumettre leurs commentaires sur le plan du gouvernement pour une Nouvelle-Écosse accessible lors de séances de consultations qui se dérouleront du 22 mai au 4 juin dans plusieurs collectivités.

Consultations Planned for Accessibility

lun, 05/07/2018 - 12:35
Justice -- NOTE: A list of engagement session locations follows this release. People are invited to provide input into the province’s plan for an accessible Nova Scotia at engagement sessions from May 22 to June 4 in various communities.

Applications Available for Emergency Services Provider Fund

lun, 05/07/2018 - 12:29
Municipal Affairs -- Applications for the Emergency Services Provider Fund program are now open for the 2018-19 year.

Learn 2 Fish Program is for Children and Families

lun, 05/07/2018 - 11:42
Fisheries and Aquaculture -- All ages can benefit from expanded Learn 2 Fish programs being offered this spring around the province.

Traffic Advisory, Antigonish County

ven, 05/04/2018 - 12:57
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- ANTIGONISH COUNTY: Highway 104, James River Bridge

Battle of the Atlantic Anniversary to be Commemorated

ven, 05/04/2018 - 12:30
Premier's Office -- The anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic, Canada's longest continuous military engagement of the Second World War, will be commemorated on Sunday, May 6.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 05/04/2018 - 10:41
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- CONTINUING WORK

Premier to Present on Marine Protected Areas

ven, 05/04/2018 - 08:40
Premier's Office -- Premier Stephen McNeil will make a presentation to the National Advisory Panel on Marine Protected Area Standards in Moncton, today, May 4.

Halifax Wins Bid to Host the 2020 North American Indigenous Games

jeu, 05/03/2018 - 17:16
Premier's Office -- Halifax (K’jipuktuk) has been chosen to host the 2020 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG), which will be the largest multi-sporting event to be held in Nova Scotia. This also marks the first time the games will be hosted in Atlantic Canada.

L'essai du système d'alerte d'urgence inclura les téléphones cellulaires

jeu, 05/03/2018 - 12:23
Emergency Management Office -- Les Néo-Écossais recevront maintenant les alertes publiques du système d'alerte d'urgence sur leur téléphone cellulaire. Un essai du système d'alerte aura lieu le mercredi 9 mai à 13 h 55 dans le cadre de la Semaine de la sécurité civile.

Emergency Alert Test to Include Cell Phones

jeu, 05/03/2018 - 12:20
Emergency Management Office -- Nova Scotians will now get public alerts on their cell phones from the public emergency alerting system. A test alert will take place on May 9 at 1:55 p.m. as part of Emergency Preparedness Week.
