Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
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Nouvelle loi sur la sécurité routière

mer, 10/03/2018 - 12:25
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- La loi désuète de la Nouvelle-Écosse sur les véhicules automobiles (Motor Vehicle Act) sera remplacée par une nouvelle loi moderne sur la sécurité routière (Traffic Safety Act) qui contribuera à renforcer la sécurité sur les routes et les autoroutes de la province.

Personnes de soutien embauchées pour l'intégration dans l'éducation

mer, 10/03/2018 - 12:23
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Tous les aides-enseignants, les spécialistes du soutien parental, les spécialistes de l'autisme et du comportement, les psychologues scolaires et les orthophonistes ont maintenant été embauchés afin d'appuyer les élèves en classe.

Inclusive Education Supports Hired

mer, 10/03/2018 - 12:22
Education and Early Childhood Development -- All education assistants, parent navigators, autism and behavioral support specialists, school psychologists, and speech language pathologists have now been hired to better support students in the classroom.

Premier Announces Staffing Change

mer, 10/03/2018 - 12:14
Premier's Office -- Premier Stephen McNeil congratulated his outgoing chief of staff, Ryan Grant, today, Oct. 3, on his outstanding service to the province.

Northwood Launches Virtual Reality Program for Older Nova Scotians

mer, 10/03/2018 - 09:42
Seniors -- Older Nova Scotians can now visit Nova Scotia landmarks from the comfort of the Northwood facility in Halifax through virtual reality programming. The project was launched today, Oct. 3, as part of Seniors Week.

New Board Chair Elected

mer, 10/03/2018 - 09:04
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc.’s (NSBI) private-sector led board of directors has elected Marie Mullally as its new chair.

Updating, Improving Government Website

mar, 10/02/2018 - 14:00
Communications Nova Scotia -- Visitors to government’s website,, will notice some changes starting today, Oct. 2, as updates and improvements are made to make program and service information easier to access.

Province House to Celebrate 200th Anniversary

mar, 10/02/2018 - 12:34
Speaker's Office -- The 260th anniversary of the House of Assembly, making it the oldest elected assembly in Canada and one of the oldest in the Commonwealth was marked today, Oct. 2, by speaker Kevin Murphy.

Province Hosts First Career Fair

mar, 10/02/2018 - 07:50
Public Service Commission -- The Government of Nova Scotia will showcase the public service as an employer to younger workers at its first career fair today, Oct. 2 from 10 3 p.m.

Publication du rapport financier d'octobre 2018

mar, 10/02/2018 - 07:37
Auditor General -- Le vérificateur général Michael Pickup a publié aujourd'hui 2 octobre un rapport sur son travail de vérification financière effectué en 2018.

October 2018 Financial Report Released

mar, 10/02/2018 - 07:32
Auditor General -- Auditor General Michael Pickup issued a report on his 2018 financial audit work today, Oct. 2.

Treaty Day Celebrations

lun, 10/01/2018 - 10:18
Aboriginal Affairs -- Treaty Day celebrations will be held today, Oct. 1 to honour the importance of the treaty relationship and recognize the achievements of Mi'kmaw elders and youth.

More Clean Energy Coming to Northern Nova Scotia

lun, 10/01/2018 - 10:03
Energy and Mines -- Community groups in northern Nova Scotia are adding more clean, renewable solar energy to our electricity grid with support from the province.

Traffic Advisories, Halifax Regional Municipality, Lunenburg County and Richmond County

lun, 10/01/2018 - 09:50
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY: Highway 102

Province Takes Steps to Address CBRM Flood Mitigation

lun, 10/01/2018 - 09:07
Emergency Management Office -- On Oct. 10, 2016, many homeowners in Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) were impacted by a historic storm which brought over 225 millimetres of rain to the region and left many residents with flooded and damaged homes and property.

Multi-use Trail Bridge Opens Near Digby

sam, 09/29/2018 - 10:14
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Nova Scotians can now safely connect to trails in the Digby area with the completion of a new, multi-use trail bridge in Conway.

Traffic Advisory, Richmond County

ven, 09/28/2018 - 14:26
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Richmond County: Lennox Passage Bridge

Celebrate Older Nova Scotians During Seniors Week, Op-ed

ven, 09/28/2018 - 11:45
Seniors -- NOTE: The following is an op-ed from Minister of Seniors Leo Glavine. Oct. 1-5 is Seniors Week.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 09/28/2018 - 10:32
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- NEW WORK ---

Provincial Population Hits Record High

jeu, 09/27/2018 - 14:45
Premier's Office -- Nova Scotia’s population has hit a record high, growing by more than 23,000 since 2015.
