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Updated: 6 hours 48 min ago

David Ramsay: NWT Oil and Gas Strategy – Update

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 15:42

Mr. Speaker, the Northwest Territories has the potential to be an energy giant. We are home to world-class oil and gas reserves in the Deh Cho, Central Mackenzie, Mackenzie Delta, and Beaufort Sea. This territory sits atop an estimated 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and seven billion barrels of oil. Estimates indicate the Arctic contains one-fifth of the world’s untapped oil and gas reserves.

In order to develop the Northwest Territories’ tremendous petroleum resources in an environmentally responsible and economically efficient manner, we need to develop a comprehensive plan. Today I would like to talk to you about this Government’s work to create an Oil and Gas Strategy.

Similar to the approach taken to develop the Economic Opportunities Strategy and the Mineral Development Strategy, which were released by this Government in 2013, we are drawing upon the expertise and knowledge of regional and territorial stakeholders, Aboriginal governments and industry to develop a strategy that truly reflects Northern values and priorities.

Historically, the NWT economy has been reliant on mining. While there has been oil and gas activity in the territory for decades and this sector has made significant contributions to the economy over the years, particularly in the Central Mackenzie Valley around Norman Wells, the sector is far from reaching its full potential.

Mr. Speaker, the oil and gas sector currently faces the challenge of low global oil prices. As such, it is an opportune time for the NWT to focus on actions that will make us a more competitive and attractive destination for oil and gas investment and responsible development in the days to come.

The NWT Oil and Gas Strategy will outline how we intend to control the pace of the NWT’s oil and gas development. It will focus on building upon the existing foundation of oil and gas exploration in the NWT and establish a clear path to responsible production of oil and gas across the territory’s petroleum-rich regions. The Strategy will outline opportunities to help people gain appropriate trades and skills for future employment in the oil and gas industry.

Mr. Speaker, the next step towards realizing this Strategy is to gather additional public input through an online survey that will soon be released. We have already completed interviews with subject matter experts and held focus groups with key stakeholder organizations and businesses, and Aboriginal and community government representatives in regional centres across the territory.

We will also seek input from the Members of the Legislative Assembly. The consultation process will provide us with an opportunity to increase awareness about the importance of responsible oil and gas development in the NWT, the associated benefits for all NWT residents, and the support and infrastructure required to develop this industry. The NWT Oil and Gas Strategy is expected to be released in June 2015.

Mr. Speaker, managing the NWT’s natural resources responsibly will help provide a solid basis to our economy and support the creation of jobs and economic opportunities for NWT residents and businesses. This Strategy, informed by the input of the public, Aboriginal governments, MLAs and stakeholders, will help guide our decisions over the next 20 years and ensure that our residents enjoy sustainable benefits from the development of NWT petroleum resources.

I look forward to providing Members with further updates on the Oil and Gas Strategy as it develops.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Tom Beaulieu: Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 15:39

Mr. Speaker, the second winter of construction on the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project is in full swing with our contractor working 24 hours a day, seven days a week from both Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk. Our contract partner, EGT Northwind, is focused on constructing new embankment and installing needed structures during the 20-week construction season, while continuing to train and employ Inuvik and Northern residents on the largest new highway construction project underway in northern Canada.

Engineers with the Department of Transportation estimate that since the project started last February, crews have moved over 1.5 million cubic metres of embankment material. To put that figure into perspective, it is approximately 62,500 loads of material moved by the 34 rock trucks currently hauling 24 hours a day.

Moving a massive quantity of material requires a small army of well-coordinated, trained, and enthusiastic employees. EGT Northwind has almost 600 people currently employed to operate and maintain the heavy equipment and support vehicles, supply and operate the work camps, and manage all aspects of the project from engineering and design to monitoring the construction area for signs of wildlife. I invite Members to join me in thanking the many individuals who are working to build the 120-kilometre segment of highway during the harshest season of the year.

Approximately 70 percent of the workforce is comprised of residents of the Beaufort Delta region and other NWT communities who have had more than 29,000 person-days of employment. That is a substantial contribution to meeting this Assembly’s priority of creating employment opportunities where they are most needed.

Mr. Speaker, delivering meaningful training opportunities contributes to a sustainable future for Northern residents who wish to enter the construction industry. The contractor has successfully trained more than 70 individuals as heavy equipment operators and 30 individuals as Class 1 and 3 drivers with airbrakes. These valuable and transferable skills will outlast the highway’s construction and allow residents to take advantage of job opportunities associated with other developments ongoing across the NWT.

The Department also collaborated with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to produce a workshop for frontline project personnel on protecting water resources and fish habitat.

Mr. Speaker, environmental stewardship remains a priority for the Department in the delivery of its programs and services, including the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project. The Department employs construction and operational procedures that use the best environmental practices to ensure wildlife, land, fishery, and water resources are protected. It also continues to track progress on 286 commitments made to regulatory agencies to ensure the project is delivered in a manner that addresses the concerns, expectations, and requirements of all parties involved.

Mr. Speaker, constructing the northern-most segment of Mackenzie Valley Highway to the Arctic coast was made possible in part by Canada’s strategic investment of $200 million. The Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project continues to be managed within the $299 million budget and remains on schedule, with an estimated 40 kilometres left to be completed at the end of this winter construction season.
An Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project display is set up in the Great Hall of our Legislative Assembly Building and I invite residents to come learn more about the project.

The construction on the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway is moving Northerners that much closer to completing a vision of a Canada that’s connected by road from coast to coast to coast.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Jackson Lafferty: Enhancements to the NWT Nominee Program

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 15:33

Mr. Speaker, I would like to inform the House that the Territorial Nominee Program has been greatly enhanced to better meet the needs of employers and to advance the population and economic growth objectives set by this government.

Economic growth in the territory is creating opportunities for employment and investment in many sectors, particularly in the non-renewable resource sector. To continue to build a strong and competitive economy this Government has committed to increasing immigration as a component of the broader economic and population growth work while maintaining our priority to continue to prepare Northerners for future economic and employment opportunities.

This is why we are taking a coordinated and unified approach to enhancing immigration programs and services to attract and retain more skilled newcomers to the territory. Enhancing immigration will help grow and diversify the labour force and support economic growth and prosperity over the long term.

The Nominee Program is a government-wide initiative delivered by two departments. The Department of Education, Culture and Employment delivers two employer driven streams, and the new Express Entry Stream. The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment delivers two business streams.

The Nominee Program has been identified as one of the pillars of the GNWT’s efforts to support the territory’s population growth objectives. ITI has set a target of 8 nominees formally enrolled in the business related stream. ECE committed to increasing the number of employer driven applications under the Nominee Program by 25 percent each year over five years beginning in 2014.

To this point, I am very pleased to announce that ECE has already surpassed this target. In 2014, the number of approved nominee applications increased by more than 50 percent. This translates into 48 approved applicants including their 62 dependents – a total of 110 people approved under the Employer Driven Nominee Program in 2014. We are also on track to surpass our target this year. This is great news for the territory, and over five years we project more than 800 new residents living in and contributing to the NWT economy. This initiative is a key component of our Growth Strategy, aimed at attracting 2000 new residents to the NWT over the next 5 years.

We have made several key enhancements to the Nominee Program. First we have provided a one-stop and seamless program administered by knowledgeable and dedicated staff. We have also engaged with employers and other stakeholders to hear from them first-hand how best to improve the program. With their input, we have revised program procedures and materials to ensure information is accurate, clear and understandable. We have introduced program service standards and launched a toll-free information line for employers across the NWT. All of these enhancements will better facilitate the application and nomination process.

We moved our Northern employment services website from Jobs North to Canada’s Job Bank in January to provide employers and job seekers with enhanced online employment services.

The Department has expanded the Nominee Program with the introduction of the new Express Entry System. Citizenship and Immigration Canada launched the new Express Entry System for skilled immigrants in January 2015. This new system allows the Government of Canada to select and manage applications for permanent residence more efficiently and faster. Through the Nominee Program, ECE has implemented a new Northwest Territories Express Entry System for skilled workers. The addition of the NWT Express Entry System provides another 100 available positions for potential candidates in addition to the 150 currently available through the Nominee Program, bringing the total to 250 spots for candidates.

Mr. Speaker, we are also leading the development of an Immigration Framework. This Framework will focus the GNWT’s efforts and strategies to help employers get the talent they need, increase growth and diversification of the economy, and promote the NWT as a destination-of-choice for talented newcomers.

In the months ahead the department will be engaging employers and stakeholders to inform the Immigration Framework and will continue this important work to enhance our immigration programs and services to help keep our economy strong and ensure our residents prosper.

At the same time, ECE is leading a Skills 4 Success Initiative, to take a hard look at our skills training and post-secondary education programs and supports. We want to improve employment success for Northern residents, close skill gaps for in-demand jobs, and more effectively respond to employer and community needs. We all recognize that the number one resource in the NWT is its own people.

Mr. Speaker, I want to emphasize the importance of these initiatives to the territory. A growing, vibrant economy needs workers and, with our abundant natural resources, there are jobs emerging all the time, without people to fill them. A coordinated approach to immigration, our work force, and labour market will help improve economic and population growth, and increase opportunities for our residents.

Masi, Mr. Speaker.

Tom Beaulieu: NWT Transportation Strategy

Wed, 02/18/2015 - 15:32

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Transportation is updating its Multi-modal Transportation Strategy that will guide further development of our integrated air, road, rail, and marine systems over the next 25 years.  Engaging stakeholders and the public so we understand their priorities and needs has been a critical part of the process. Later this afternoon I will table the NWT Transportation Strategy 2015-2040 Stakeholder Engagement Report summarizing what the Department of Transportation heard during the initial phase of public engagement held in the fall of 2014.   The strategy will be regularly reviewed going forward to ensure it is current and reflect the needs of the Northwest Territories.

The Department used public meetings, online surveys, written surveys, a letter writing campaign, and face-to-face interviews to gather perspectives on the transportation system. We heard from stakeholders across the NWT, including Members of this Assembly, Aboriginal leaders, community leaders, residents, businesses, industry and key stakeholder organizations from the NWT and southern Canada who conduct business in our territory.

The Stakeholder Engagement Report summarizes their input and confirms the strong supporting role that transportation infrastructure continues to play in enabling economic growth for our territory and the delivery of essential services to its residents.  It is clear that Northerners and stakeholders want to see further enhancement and expansion of transportation facilities and services to meet current and future needs.

Three key themes emerged during the consultation. First, we must continue to maintain and improve our existing highways, winter roads, marine and airports to enhance the level of service and improve transportation safety. Second, we must expand the transportation system into new areas of the NWT to better connect our communities and support resource development potential. Finally, we must continue to improve the way we do business by modernizing transportation policy and regulations, by better communicating with the public to improve awareness and safety, by embracing new technology, and by adapting the system to the effects of climate change.

Our next step is to prepare a draft of the transportation strategy based on feedback gathered through engagement and technical background reports.  The Department will then visit each region of the NWT again in the spring of 2015 to discuss the draft strategy with residents and stakeholders.

Mr. Speaker, northerners recognize that safe and cost-effective transportation services are important to our communities and to the development of new economic opportunities in each region of the NWT.  We look forward to further engagement with residents this spring.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Glen Abernethy: On-the-Land Programming

Tue, 02/17/2015 - 15:36

Mr. Speaker, as we have been hearing in this Assembly recently, on-the-land healing programs are critical to achieving our goal of healthy, educated people free from poverty. That discussion echoes recommendations previously made by the Minister’s Forum on Addictions and Community Wellness.

The Department of Health and Social Services recognizes the importance of spiritual and cultural healing and has made on-the-land programming a key component of the continuum of care and treatment of addictions. We are working with Aboriginal governments to deliver on-the-land programs as part of Territorial addictions services. These programs are designed and developed by communities to meet their needs, whether that is aftercare, youth programming, or dedicated time for families to heal together.

In the 2013-2014 fiscal year, three very different pilot projects took place in the Tlicho, Inuvialuit, and Akaitcho regions. These three projects helped us work with partners to determine the most effective approaches to on-the-land healing and common factors for success.

All three Aboriginal governments have indicated that community response to these initial pilot projects was very positive, and there was great interest in knowing when the next program might be offered.

This success reinforces our commitment to continued investment and ongoing evaluation of on-the-land programs. Aboriginal governments are essential partners in this effort, and we are working collaboratively to meet the needs of all residents. Aboriginal governments are using the funding, and the additional resources and expertise available through the Department, to deliver programs unique to their regions.

I’d like to highlight some of those programs for Members today:

The Tlicho Community Services Agency held on-the-land programs for Tlicho residents in the summer of 2014, and is planning a session centered around traditional knowledge and aftercare for the winter of 2015.

Building on successful pilot projects last summer, the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation is offering five additional wellness camps to residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, at Reindeer Station and the Gwich’in Campground.

The Gwich’in Tribal Council will provide a five-day on-the-land program for the four Gwich’in Settlement communities: Aklavik, Inuvik, Tsiigehtchic, and Fort McPherson.

The Sahtu Dene Council will offer two 10-day camps near Délîne for families from across the region.

The Akaitcho Territory Government will support community-based on-the-land addictions programs delivered by the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, the Deninu Kue First Nation, and the Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation.

Plans for the Dehcho have not yet been finalized, but we continue to work with them to determine the best approach for their region.

Mr. Speaker, this is an exciting approach to treatment and healing, and demonstrates this Government’s commitment to providing residents with innovative mental health and addictions services that support them on their path to wellness.

We are off to a good start, but we know that the demand for on-the-land programs far exceeds what we can provide alone. The Department is working closely with other Departments, Aboriginal governments, and our partners in the philanthropic sector, to explore the potential for a Funder Collaborative that will allow communities and Aboriginal governments to tap into other funding sources.

It is the hope and expectation of all partners in these initiatives that their work will lay the groundwork for expanded on-the-land healing opportunities across the Northwest Territories in the future.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Glen Abernethy: On-the-Land Programming

Tue, 02/17/2015 - 15:36

Mr. Speaker, as we have been hearing in this Assembly recently, on-the-land healing programs are critical to achieving our goal of healthy, educated people free from poverty. That discussion echoes recommendations previously made by the Minister’s Forum on Addictions and Community Wellness.

The Department of Health and Social Services recognizes the importance of spiritual and cultural healing and has made on-the-land programming a key component of the continuum of care and treatment of addictions. We are working with Aboriginal governments to deliver on-the-land programs as part of Territorial addictions services. These programs are designed and developed by communities to meet their needs, whether that is aftercare, youth programming, or dedicated time for families to heal together.

In the 2013-2014 fiscal year, three very different pilot projects took place in the Tlicho, Inuvialuit, and Akaitcho regions. These three projects helped us work with partners to determine the most effective approaches to on-the-land healing and common factors for success.

All three Aboriginal governments have indicated that community response to these initial pilot projects was very positive, and there was great interest in knowing when the next program might be offered.

This success reinforces our commitment to continued investment and ongoing evaluation of on-the-land programs. Aboriginal governments are essential partners in this effort, and we are working collaboratively to meet the needs of all residents. Aboriginal governments are using the funding, and the additional resources and expertise available through the Department, to deliver programs unique to their regions.

I’d like to highlight some of those programs for Members today:

The Tlicho Community Services Agency held on-the-land programs for Tlicho residents in the summer of 2014, and is planning a session centered around traditional knowledge and aftercare for the winter of 2015.

Building on successful pilot projects last summer, the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation is offering five additional wellness camps to residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, at Reindeer Station and the Gwich’in Campground.

The Gwich’in Tribal Council will provide a five-day on-the-land program for the four Gwich’in Settlement communities: Aklavik, Inuvik, Tsiigehtchic, and Fort McPherson.

The Sahtu Dene Council will offer two 10-day camps near Délîne for families from across the region.

The Akaitcho Territory Government will support community-based on-the-land addictions programs delivered by the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, the Deninu Kue First Nation, and the Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation.

Plans for the Dehcho have not yet been finalized, but we continue to work with them to determine the best approach for their region.

Mr. Speaker, this is an exciting approach to treatment and healing, and demonstrates this Government’s commitment to providing residents with innovative mental health and addictions services that support them on their path to wellness.

We are off to a good start, but we know that the demand for on-the-land programs far exceeds what we can provide alone. The Department is working closely with other Departments, Aboriginal governments, and our partners in the philanthropic sector, to explore the potential for a Funder Collaborative that will allow communities and Aboriginal governments to tap into other funding sources.

It is the hope and expectation of all partners in these initiatives that their work will lay the groundwork for expanded on-the-land healing opportunities across the Northwest Territories in the future.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Morel Mushrooms

Tue, 02/17/2015 - 15:31

Mr. Speaker, last year’s extreme forest fires burned an area of over three million hectares. While it was likely the worst fire season we’ve ever had, wildland fires are a natural occurrence, leading to forest and wildlife renewal.

One early sign of renewal is the appearance of morel mushrooms, and we anticipate a bumper crop this summer.

Morel mushrooms are a prized delicacy sought by national and international food service markets. They cannot be cultivated in a commercial environment, and NWT morels, in particular, are known to be of better quality, taste, texture and size than those found elsewhere.

We saw evidence of the economic potential of this resource last summer, when residents in the Deh Cho – working with southern buyers – realized an estimated 750 thousand dollars from the harvest of morel mushrooms in the Fort Simpson vicinity. Mr. Speaker, if this year’s harvest meets expectations, it could be worth as much as ten times that amount for residents in communities around Great Slave Lake.

The harvest of NWT morels offers an opportunity to make a significant contribution to our Northern economy. Mr. Speaker, our role as Government is to establish an environment in which such opportunities can be identified, pursued and realized.
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment has been preparing for a significant harvest of morels for a number of years. As well, ENR will be pursuing amendments to the Forest Management Act to allow for the regulation of mushrooms.

In anticipation of this year’s morel crop, ITI, along with our partners, is developing a comprehensive handbook and field guide – and is preparing to deliver a number of orientation workshops to help inform, prepare and protect NWT residents interested in taking part in this year’s harvest.

We hope to be able to advise southern buyers that they will not need to bring large crews of pickers to the NWT – highlighting, instead, that we have a trained, knowledgeable resident workforce in our communities to support the morel harvest.

The NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy speaks of the importance of diversifying our territorial, regional and community economies by investing in Northern businesses and taking advantage of resources that are readily available to residents of the NWT.

Mr. Speaker, morel mushrooms are one such resource that is ripe for the picking we look forward to a bountiful crop this summer.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Morel Mushrooms

Tue, 02/17/2015 - 15:31

Mr. Speaker, last year’s extreme forest fires burned an area of over three million hectares. While it was likely the worst fire season we’ve ever had, wildland fires are a natural occurrence, leading to forest and wildlife renewal.

One early sign of renewal is the appearance of morel mushrooms, and we anticipate a bumper crop this summer.

Morel mushrooms are a prized delicacy sought by national and international food service markets. They cannot be cultivated in a commercial environment, and NWT morels, in particular, are known to be of better quality, taste, texture and size than those found elsewhere.

We saw evidence of the economic potential of this resource last summer, when residents in the Deh Cho – working with southern buyers – realized an estimated 750 thousand dollars from the harvest of morel mushrooms in the Fort Simpson vicinity. Mr. Speaker, if this year’s harvest meets expectations, it could be worth as much as ten times that amount for residents in communities around Great Slave Lake.

The harvest of NWT morels offers an opportunity to make a significant contribution to our Northern economy. Mr. Speaker, our role as Government is to establish an environment in which such opportunities can be identified, pursued and realized.
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment has been preparing for a significant harvest of morels for a number of years. As well, ENR will be pursuing amendments to the Forest Management Act to allow for the regulation of mushrooms.

In anticipation of this year’s morel crop, ITI, along with our partners, is developing a comprehensive handbook and field guide – and is preparing to deliver a number of orientation workshops to help inform, prepare and protect NWT residents interested in taking part in this year’s harvest.

We hope to be able to advise southern buyers that they will not need to bring large crews of pickers to the NWT – highlighting, instead, that we have a trained, knowledgeable resident workforce in our communities to support the morel harvest.

The NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy speaks of the importance of diversifying our territorial, regional and community economies by investing in Northern businesses and taking advantage of resources that are readily available to residents of the NWT.

Mr. Speaker, morel mushrooms are one such resource that is ripe for the picking we look forward to a bountiful crop this summer.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Implementation of the NWT Mineral Development Strategy

Mon, 02/16/2015 - 15:41

Mr. Speaker, the resource sector is the single largest contributor to the NWT economy. Mining has created more than 28,000 jobs and produced $46 billion in minerals since the early 1930s. Those numbers help to tell the story of our success in this industry, which has provided residents and businesses across the territory with opportunities.

 To ensure our residents and communities receive long-term benefits from responsible mineral exploration and development, the NWT Mineral Development Strategy and Implementation Plan were developed. Of the 28 recommendations in the Plan, the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment is the lead on 12. Today, I would like to update Members on the progress we are making on a few of these initiatives.

 One of these initiatives is the Mining Incentive Program, launched last June. The program was oversubscribed by almost 200 percent in its inaugural year, with seven exploration companies and two prospectors receiving funding. We hope to continue this successful program for 2015.

 We also recently announced the establishment of a Mining Industry Advisory Board. Once established, this Board will provide technical advice to government and ensure mining regulations are in place to foster economic growth while maintaining high regulatory, environmental and social standards.

This Board will consist of between five and seven volunteers with a wide range of technical knowledge and sustainable development expertise. The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment will recommend names of possible board members after consultation with the NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines to reflect the best cross section of mining expertise as possible.

To promote the Northwest Territories as an attractive place to invest in mineral development we have a marketing and investment campaign underway with the theme of “Unlocking our Potential”. In addition to advertisements, this campaign will build on our presence at the events and tradeshows we participate in. At the Mineral Exploration Roundup in Vancouver in January, we had a tradeshow booth that showcased the Northwest Territories and its tremendous potential to the prospectors, geoscientists, and investors in attendance. I look forward to providing you with an update on this campaign at a later date.

Good geoscience information is critical to the long-term development of the NWT mining sector. To ensure government and industry have the information they need, we are working to position the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office as the principal source of public geoscience knowledge, another recommendation in the Implementation Plan. A study of the glacial history and permafrost conditions of the central Slave Geological Province will provide insight to guide our efforts to stimulate the next round of diamond and metals exploration in the Slave Province. This is thanks, in part, to an increase in geoscience research funding from the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency.

We also have plans to build a Geological Materials Storage Facility in Yellowknife that will house the territory’s substantial geological collections. Exploration companies and prospectors can re-use the existing drill core, which, for some companies, has resulted in millions of dollars of exploration savings.

Mr. Speaker, the Mineral Development Strategy and Implementation Plan give this government an important tool for supporting this sector and will continue to be evaluated and updated as we move forward to ensure that actions remain relevant and effective.

This Assembly has a vision of a strong, sustainable and prosperous North, Mr. Speaker. For more than 80 years, the mining industry has been a pillar of the Northwest Territories’ economy. The Mineral Development Strategy and Implementation Plan will help us to ensure the mining industry continues to be a key contributor to achieving our vision and the NWT’s economic growth.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Glen Abernethy: FOXY Arctic Inspiration Prize

Mon, 02/16/2015 - 15:37

Mr. Speaker, today I rise to recognize the Fostering Open Expression among Youth team, better known as FOXY, for receiving the 1 million dollar Arctic Inspiration Prize. 

The Arctic Inspiration Prize recognizes and promotes the extraordinary contribution made by teams in gathering Arctic knowledge and using this knowledge for real world applications. The prize is awarded by a selection committee, engaged partners and ambassadors. FOXY was nominated for this award by Premier Bob McLeod, with support from Minister Lafferty, Minister McLeod and myself. This year was the first time the entire prize had been awarded to one group, rather than split among several recipients. 

FOXY is a northern-based, youth-led sexual health education program that has been operating in the Northwest Territories for three years. It focuses on the complex determinants of sexual health in the Canadian North, not just visible indicators of sexual health problems and provides honest, realistic, and comprehensive education that empowers young women to make their own informed decisions. This program is designed by and for young women. It recognizes and addresses the link between sexual health and mental health and supports youth in developing healthy relationships based on equality, respect, and consent. By encouraging youth, and especially young women, to connect with their cultures and fostering the growth of young leaders and strong social support networks, FOXY also contributes to community wellness. 

FOXY was created as a new way of talking with young people about sexual health, sexuality, and relationships. FOXY has provided sexual health education in the Northwest Territories since 2012. This education helps combat the high rate of sexually transmitted infection in the Northwest Territories and provides young women with knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions regarding sexuality. 

Mr. Speaker, I’m sure all Members are interested in what the FOXY team will do with their well-deserved award. The additional support will help them expand the program into Yukon and Nunavut. FOXY will also provide its sexual health and leadership programs to all genders. This initiative will certainly be a great use of these extra resources. 

Mr. Speaker, healthy, educated people is a goal of this Assembly and of the Government of the Northwest Territories. The Department of Health and Social Services is working toward that goal by continuing to deliver sexual health prevention and promotion activities and work with other GNWT departments on initiatives that address underlying factors contributing to the spread of STIs. 

Working with innovative community partners also helps us progress toward our goal, and we will continue to work with FOXY to identify opportunities for enhanced community and youth engagement on sexual health issues. I am proud of FOXY’s achievement and excited about our on-going collaboration. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Corrections on-the-land programs

Thu, 02/12/2015 - 15:43

Mr. Speaker, in every community visit, when discussing Corrections and Justice issues, we hear that on-the-land programming helps people heal and reconnect to their culture and values. In the Department of Justice, we know this to be true. This type of programming has long been a cornerstone of programming in the NWT. 

In the Assembly last year I talked about work the Department has undertaken to ensure inmates are receiving appropriate cultural and on-the-land programming while in NWT corrections facilities. Finding capable partners with the right kind of cultural knowledge and experience to deliver these programs is essential to their success. 

Our first efforts to identify groups, Elders and individuals who could help us deliver the Wilderness Program for low-risk offenders were met with limited response and we were unable to select any qualified contractors. The Department of Justice, however, remains committed to developing this programming and has been actively engaging communities to help identify potential operators. 

We believe that significant community involvement is essential for an effective Wilderness Program. Over the last year, Corrections Service staff have talked with communities to ensure potential operators of on-the-land programs are aware of our interest and will be able to deliver these specialized corrections-based cultural programs. We are committed to building a Program with significant community involvement. 

Recently, an Expression of Interest was again publicly advertised. We also sent it directly to those who might be interested in partnering with us in this work. I am pleased to advise the responses are encouraging. Over the next several weeks, community partners who may be able to fulfill the Program needs will be invited to come and have an open discussion with Departmental staff. These discussions will ensure both the operators and staff have a strong mutual understanding of the Wilderness Program and associated requirements. 

After these discussions, we hope potential applicants will have increased capacity to successfully respond to a Request for Proposals for the Wilderness Program early in the next fiscal year. Aligning the needs of the inmate population and the interests of the operators and staff is critical for the success of this unique Program. 

Mr. Speaker, in order for inmates to turn their lives around we cannot underestimate the need for strong community partnerships, support of the Corrections service and the willingness of inmates to participate in these on-the-land healing programs. We are working to be supportive and constructive as we build sustainable and effective programs in partnership with our communities. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Jackson Lafferty: Early Childhood Development action plan update: iPads for new parents and a grant program for early childhood workers

Thu, 02/12/2015 - 15:39

Mr. Speaker, all children in the NWT deserve the best possible care, nurturing and support, so that they can develop physically, emotionally, socially, culturally and spiritually. When these supports are in place right from the start, children are more likely to grow up to become healthy productive members of their communities and society. 

The Departments of Health and Social Services and Education, Culture and Employment continue to work in partnership to ensure that there is increased access and participation in early childhood programs, enhanced quality of early childhood services, and improved integration and collaboration at all levels of the early childhood system. Achieving our vision and goals requires an effective, comprehensive, and coordinated approach to improve early childhood developmental outcomes. Today I would like to update you on some of the achievements in our Right from the Start Early Childhood Development Action Plan. 

In December 2014, Education, Culture and Employment launched the Early Childhood Staff Grant Program. This Program supplements the traditionally low wages of the early childhood sector, to help attract new people and encourage them to further their post-secondary training. Making the field more attractive to trained people is critical, as the quality of early childhood programs is directly related to the number of years of training that staff have. To date, we have received more than 140 applications, and the first payments will be made on February 13, 2015. 

Mr. Speaker, we also successfully implemented another key action identified in the Early Childhood Education Action Plan. In January 2015, 10 successful applicants were awarded the first ever Right from the Start Early Childhood Development Scholarship. At $5,000 each, these scholarships will help our northern students to achieve their goals and complete their early childhood development post-secondary training, investments further benefitting our NWT children. 

To support new parents and caregivers as they embark on the important journey of raising children, ECE will give them iPads filled with useful early childhood apps and resources. We know this generation of parents are much more technologically savvy, and we want to provide them with resources that will assist them in raising their children. Distributing the iPads will also give us an important opportunity to introduce new parents to early childhood staff and resources available in their communities. What better way for relationships to develop than learning about fun and relevant resources that benefit modern parents and caregivers as they are raising their children. These iPads are the techno “baby bags” of the future. I look forward to seeing how tradition combines with innovation to continue serving our children and families in the NWT. 

Mr. Speaker, these are but a few of the commitments and innovations emerging out of the Right from the Start Framework and Action Plan, very actively underway. These developing programs and services are streamlining and improving access for our families with young children, and creating an understanding that investing in our youngest children is an investment in the future of the Northwest Territories. 

Masi, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: CanNor tourism funding

Thu, 02/12/2015 - 15:36

Mr. Speaker, the tourism industry offers opportunities for economic development throughout all regions of the Northwest Territories, and federal funding can support this growing and vibrant industry. 

On February 9, along with myself and Mr. Don Morin, Chair of Northwest Territories Tourism, the federal Minister Responsible for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq announced a contribution of approximately $2.8 million to support tourism development in the Northwest Territories. The contribution includes just over $1.4 million for tourism projects supported by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, and $1.4 million in funding for NWT Tourism. These funds will be spent over the remaining current fiscal year and in 2015/2016. 

The funding dedicated to Industry, Tourism and Investment’s tourism projects will include research, the development of a visitor exit survey, community tourism development, and training activities. 

There will be an emphasis on five communities with emerging tourism opportunities: Lutselk’e, Fort Resolution, Fort Simpson, Deline and Tuktoyaktuk. 

I would like to thank these communities for their vision in pursuing tourism for economic development, the well-being of their residents, and cultural vibrancy. Funding will support baseline research to measure the impacts of these investments, as well a series of initiatives to build community tourism capacity. 

The investment in NWT Tourism will take place over the same time period. This funding will support the implementation of a two-year marketing plan to further promote the territory to target markets in Asia, Europe and North America. Marketing activities include advertising and promotions, attendance at trade shows, market research and the development of a five-year marketing strategy. 

This strategy will respond to new opportunities, such as the emerging market in China and other Asian nations. It will guide the annual marketing plans going forward. The overall goal of these activities is to increase the number of tourists visiting and spending money in the Northwest Territories. 

I am pleased to share that Industry, Tourism and Investment will also be contributing funding to these two initiatives through existing tourism support programs. Our share includes $5.7 million for the ITI tourism projects and $1.4 million for NWT Tourism over two years, bringing the total investment announced by our two governments this week to approximately $10 million. 

Mr. Speaker, the number of tourists discovering our spectacular territory continues to grow every year. Tourism brings around $130 million to the Northwest Territories each year, and employs 2,500 people. To further grow this important sector we need support, and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment welcomes and appreciates the investment of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency. 

Once again we would like to thank the federal government for their continued support. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Pilot rebate program to encourage on-location filming in the Northwest Territories

Thu, 02/12/2015 - 14:50

YELLOWKNIFE (February 12, 2015) – A new pilot program that aims to increase film production activity in the Northwest Territories has been created. 

The NWT Film Rebate Program was developed by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) in response to an Economic Opportunities Strategy (EOS) recommendation. The EOS identified the film sector as a priority area in which Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) investment could create viable economic opportunities. 

“The NWT film and television industry has enjoyed extraordinary successes in recent years and the GNWT is committed to being a supportive partner in its ongoing growth,” said Minister of ITI David Ramsay.  “In addition to encouraging on-location filming, this program will foster partnerships with our territorial film industry, lead to the purchase of goods and services, and the hiring of local residents.” 

The program will provide incentives to productions filming on-location in the NWT. Program categories include financial rebates for the purchase of goods and services, travel to and within the NWT and wages for the training and hire of local residents, particularly in recognized film industry positions.  The program also includes an increased incentive for productions filming outside of Yellowknife, to encourage film activity throughout the NWT. 

Information about the contribution program is available at 

The ongoing implementation of the EOS fulfils the 17th Legislative Assembly’s priority to strengthen and diversify the NWT’s economy. 

Media inquiries:
Leslie Campbell
Senior Communications Officer
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Tel: (867) 920-3343

David Ramsay: Community policing plans demonstrate a difference

Wed, 02/11/2015 - 15:45

Mr. Speaker, communities have worked with the RCMP to develop policing priorities and action plans that designate specific priorities to make our communities safer. I would like to share with Members how this collaboration is making a difference in our communities. 

Stopping bootlegging and stemming the inflow of prohibited liquor is a main focus for many communities. This priority is very important, especially around Christmas, holidays and other community events. It requires active participation by everyone, including community members and leaders, RCMP and partners to combat bootlegging and maintain healthy homes and communities. 

In Deline, strong partnerships between the RCMP, citizens and community leaders recently led to successful initiatives including check stops and investigations. These resulted in a seizure of a significant amount of alcohol – in December, a total of 67 bottles of vodka, 51 cans of beer and two bottles of wine. Charges were subsequently laid under the Deline Liquor Restriction Regulations. 

However, it wasn’t all about punitive activities. In addition to enhanced law enforcement, the community of Deline hosted cultural activities with RCMP participation throughout the holiday season. Their aim was to help promote sobriety and safer, healthier choices. The results are clear. In December 2014 there was a 32 percent reduction in the number of calls to the RCMP for service compared to December 2013. 

Other communities have seen similar successes. Fort Resolution saw charges laid for a seizure in December totalling 73 bottles of liquor, and Fort Good Hope had 51 bottles confiscated in one seizure. Each of these communities saw positive change for December as a result of these actions. 

If you have information about any illegal activity affecting your community, speak with your local RCMP. You can also call Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers is safe and anonymous and will get your information to the people who can help to make positive change happen. 

As you can see from these examples, each of us is able to have an impact and make a difference when we work together to build safer homes and communities. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Introduction of the Fresh Fish from Great Slave Lake brand

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 15:37

Mr. Speaker, Great Slave Lake is the every-day workplace of a proud community of northern fishers who work tirelessly to harvest some of the best tasting fish in Canada – and deliver it year round to the marketplace. 

Great Slave Lake represents a huge and sustainable resource. The product offerings are excellent and the stock is healthy and well managed.  Yet, most of the fish available to NWT residents in grocery stores and on restaurant menus is imported from southern Canada or elsewhere. 

The Government’s NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy highlighted the importance of both revitalizing our territory’s fishing industry and encouraging and growing domestic and export markets for NWT products. 

In January, the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment took a step towards addressing both of these elements of our grass roots economy with the introduction of a marketing and awareness campaign aimed at promoting domestic sales of fresh fish from Great Slave Lake.    

The Fresh Fish from Great Slave Lake logo and brand was officially launched at a highly successful simultaneous media event held at the Hay River Super A and Yellowknife Direct Charge Co-op. 

In addition to supporting direct sales by industry fishers and NWT storeowners, the new logo and marketing campaign will be used by restaurant owners to promote fresh Great Slave Lake fish on menus. 

Mr. Speaker, to further improve opportunities in commercial fishing, we are working with NWT fishers to find ways to establish effective product distribution systems and ensure security of supply. 

Under the Northern Food Development Program, we are working to advance capital, freight subsidies and additional market supports to Great Slave Lake fishers that will allow them to better and more effectively distribute their product to consumers. 

Mr. Speaker, it is important to highlight that this Program also applies to other fisheries in the territory. For example, one of the crown jewels of the NWT fishery is the pickerel fishery in Kakisa. This fish is highly sought-after in both domestic and export markets. We will soon be meeting with producers in the community to determine how to adapt our marketing program to meet their needs and generate greater returns for the community. 

We are also developing an entrant strategy to attract new fishers from inside and outside of the NWT to our industry, and we are looking to make key investments to construct a new export grade plant and to help our current fishers modernize their operations.  

Mr. Speaker, growing the economy is an important part of creating a prosperous territory that gives NWT residents the opportunity to support themselves and their families. We believe that our fishery is an area in which we can realize significant economic growth and we are acting to stimulate a new era of self‑sufficiency for the NWT’s fishery – rebuilding it with new markets, new fishers and new infrastructure to return it to the leading economic contributor it once was. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 


Robert C. McLeod: Progress Statement – Year one milestons and accomplishments in the Department of Lands

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 15:35

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Lands has made significant progress since taking over the management of public land in the Northwest Territories as part of Devolution last April.

Much of the Department’s progress to date has been due to the hard work of its employees. While about 75 percent of our positions were filled by existing federal and GNWT staff when Devolution came into effect, the remainder of the Department’s positions had to be staffed.

Mr. Speaker, April 1st was just the beginning. Since its creation, the Department of Lands is setting priorities, planning and managing new issues as they arise. As a new department, Lands is responsible for developing or revising policies and frameworks that will guide how we manage and administer land in the NWT. Extensive work has been undertaken to develop policy frameworks for recreational land management, land use planning as well as environmental liabilities and financial assurances. These are not short-term projects, Mr. Speaker, and involve a considerable amount of research, consultation and analysis.

The Department of Lands has engaged with Aboriginal governments, stakeholders and the general public in all regions of the NWT to gather input on a variety of initiatives, and will continue to do so in the future.

One of the first organizational changes to be made in the Department of Lands was the establishment of the Liabilities and Financial Assurances Division. I announced the creation of this office last fall. Since that time, the division, with the support of ITI, ENR and the Department of Finance, has been working on a comprehensive policy framework for making decisions related to the nearly $600 million we have in posted securities. As well, work was done to conclude a surety bond for $253 million for the Ekati water license.

All this while job descriptions were being finalized, staffing actions started, and work on an informatics system to manage securities for the entire GNWT was being commenced. This Division has also provided expert advice, support to government-wide decision-making and departmental coordination for significant resource development security reviews.

Mr. Speaker, the transfer of responsibility from the federal to the territorial government for setting up the Surface Rights Board was a major milestone for the GNWT. I expect to announce the appointments to this Board by the end of March, with members assuming their substantive functions on April 1st, 2016.

At the core of the Department of Lands is the Land Use Sustainability Framework, and its implementation and monitoring represents one of our key responsibilities. A component of this work includes promoting and supporting effective land use planning in all regions of our territory, and developing a land use planning policy framework. A critical step in doing this is engagement. Earlier this month, the Department hosted an interdepartmental workshop to develop best practices for reviewing and implementing land use plans. In March, external engagement will begin with a forum for Aboriginal planning partners to allow open dialogue and to develop relationships with our partners.

Mr. Speaker, the Department is the home department for the Informatics Shared Service Centre. This division supports Lands, Industry, Tourism and Investment, and Environment and Natural Resources. We are working towards the establishment of the Western Arctic Centre for Geomatics. The Centre is an opportunity to improve strategic partnerships between our stakeholders, including Aboriginal governments, federal departments, and academic institutions by providing better information, coordinating remote sensing projects and developing operational monitoring programs. The establishment of this new office in Inuvik will build regional capacity to use remote sensing tools and technology for baseline monitoring that supports economic decision-making and enables ongoing environmental management. This is also a great opportunity to encourage our youth to pursue this type of career path.

All of these major accomplishments occurred while the Department was busy doing its “day job” of managing and administering land and resources in the NWT. Lands is managing hundreds of leases and other land dispositions, has conducted over 600 inspections as of December 31st, 2014. We have created five Regional Superintendent positions and set up their associated offices, developed plans for new garage and equipment storage facilities for two regions, conducted a full inventory review and developed a movable assets management plan for our equipment. As well, Mr. Speaker, our Superintendents and senior inspectors have developed a comprehensive entry-level Recruitment and Training Program for our new Resource Management Officer 1 inspector positions. I will have more to say on this later in the Session.

Finally, led by our Project Assessment Branch, Lands has also coordinated our Government’s input into several large scale project preliminary screenings and concluded our first decision as the Minister responsible for Environmental Assessments. This demonstrates our government’s commitment to supporting balanced, responsible development of NWT resources and timely decision making.

Mr. Speaker, we have a strong and hard working group of employees and I am confident that we will continue to make significant progress on the priorities that have been outlined for Lands. The Department is committed to working with all landowners to responsibly and sustainably manage the lands, waters and natural resources of the Northwest Territories for the benefit of current and future generations – that is our mission, because Land is Life.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2014-2015 High Performance Athlete Grant recipients named

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 14:27

YELLOWKNIFE (February 10, 2015) – The recipients of the 2014-2015 High Performance Athlete Grant (HPAG) were announced today by Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) Robert C. McLeod and Maureen Miller, President of the Sport North Federation. 

“Supporting Northern athletes competing at the national and international levels is an important part of sport development in the NWT,” said Minister McLeod.  “These athletes inspire our youth, provide strong leadership in the sport sector, and set a positive example for all youth and our future sport stars.” 

The Sport North Federation is an important partner in delivering sport programs across the North and also recognizes the value of this program. 

“This program aids NWT athletes in a variety of sports to pursue their goals and dreams,” said Sport North President Maureen Miller. “ Training at a high level in sport is a costly pursuit involving expenses for coaches, travel and equipment.  The High Performance Grant program provides and enables athletes to compete both nationally and internationally and serve as role models for NWT youth.  The Sport North Federation wishes to congratulate all of the grant recipients for their achievements in the pursuit of excellence.” 

One of the NWT athletes who has benefited from this program and will be representing Canada on the world stage at the Snowboarding World Cup in Turkey is Andrew Matthews. 

“The NWT High Performance Athlete Grant is the crucial catalyst that northern athletes like myself need to take the next step in their athletic careers, whether that step is competing with the best athletes in Canada or the best athletes in the world this program makes it possible,” said Matthews. “The funding makes a massive difference in allowing Northerners to be competitive with the Canadian provinces as well as internationally. The difference can be seen in the increased success of not only top NWT athletes participating in the Olympics but also the increasing number of young athletes being successful in their various sports across Canada. Investing in high performance sport is giving young people an opportunity to strive for greatness in athletics and in doing so the NWT is investing in the potential and future of northern youth.” 

One of the NWT’s most recent Olympic athletes, Brendan Green had this to say about the High Performance Athlete Grant: “The High Performance Athlete Grant has been instrumental in my career as a high performance athlete.  Since the initiation of this program, Northern athletes have developed into some of the best and most resilient athletes in Canada.  I truly believe the NWT is leading the way in amateur athlete support, and there will be many more incredible athletes to come out of the North. This is just the beginning!” 

The High Performance Athlete Grant program provides financial support to high performance athletes from the NWT.  The Sport North Federation and MACA jointly approve all recipients.  More details on the High Performance Athlete Grant program can be found on the MACA website at

Backgrounder: 2014-16 HPAG Recipients

Media inquiries:
David Maguire
Communications and Web Advisor
Municipal and Community Affairs
Tel: 867-920-3092

Single Window Service Centre model receives national recognition

Mon, 02/09/2015 - 16:41

YELLOWKNIFE (February 9, 2015) – The Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT) Single Window Service Center model has been recognized for its innovative management by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC). The Single Window Service Center model received bronze in Federal/Provincial/Territorial category of the  IPAC/Deloitte Public Sector Leadership Award for 2014. This is the fourth IPAC Award the Government of Northwest Territories has received.  Previous recipients include the GNWT’s Executive Council, Department of Transportation and the South Slave Divisional Board of Education.  

The Single Window Service Centre model is unique to the Northwest Territories.  Its success is rooted in respecting the  traditional and cultural needs of residents as they access government services. Since the program was launched in 2010 it has grown across the NWT from eight to eighteen single window service centres, with another two to be added in the near future.  The Government Service Officers have responded to over 19,000 requests from residents in small communities for help accessing GNWT and Government of Canada programs and services. 

“The Government of the Northwest Territories is committed to supporting all communities and regions,” noted Premier Bob McLeod. “The Single Window Service Centres and government service officers program proves that we can be more efficient by creating positions in smaller communities to help residents connect with the programs and services they need.” 

Supporting sustainable, vibrant and safe communities and regions is a priority for the Government of the Northwest Territories. This commitment is demonstrated in programs like the Single Window Service Centres, decentralization, regional recruitment and capacity building initiatives across the NWT, all working towards supporting communities. 

Representatives of the Single Window Service Centre program will be recognized at the NWT Legislative Assembly on Monday afternoon. 

For more information about the IPAC Award and the GNWT’s submission, please contact: 

Dan O’Neill
Regional Director
Department of Executive
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel.: 867-873-7897

David Ramsay: Successful trade mission to China and Japan

Mon, 02/09/2015 - 15:37

Mr. Speaker, in January the Premier and I led a second trade mission of NWT business representatives and government officials to China and Japan. Our delegation included NWT tour operators, partners in our fur and fashion industries, and a member of our territory’s diamond manufacturing sector Ms. Verda Law, of Yellowknife Tours, Mr. Ragnar Wesstrom of Enodah Wilderness Adventures, Mr. Hideo Nagatani from Aurora Village, Mr. Andrew Stanley, a trapper from Hay River, Mr. Fernando Alvarez of Jacques Cartier Clothing and Mr. Dylan Dix of Crossworks Manufacturing. 

Collectively we offered a significant, multi-sector mission highlighting the opportunities that exist within our territory’s key sectors. In the interest of NWT businesses, our objective was, in part, to leverage a greater share of the immense and growing market in Asia for luxury products and travel vacations. 

To that end, we showcased our fur and diamonds in foremost international fashion venues like the 41st Annual Fur and Leather Show in Beijing and the International Jewellery Fair in Tokyo. 

Due to its high quality, limited supply, and the sustainable and humane manner in which it is harvested, our Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs are being increasingly sought by socially and fashion conscious consumers in Asia. 

Almost immediately following our meetings with fur buyers at the Beijing Fur and Leather show, we were advised that five new clients had registered to buy our wild fur at the upcoming March sale in Helsinki. 

Meanwhile, our endorsement of a proposed MOU between the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Fur Institute of Canada has advanced that initiative to a point where it may be signed in the next three weeks. This is a big step – not only for the spirit of cooperation that it represents – but also for the fundamental role that it will play in protecting our collective interests in the fur industry.

Our presentations and meetings on tourism netted similar immediate results. Two new and major tour operators have come forward since our mission with plans to package and sell the NWT product in China. With upwards of 100 thousand Chinese travelling annually, it represents an extraordinary potential return on our investment – and the possibility of even greater growth in our territory’s Aurora industry – already reaching record performance measures. 

The Premier and I also met with the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency to provide an update on the creation of the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Optic Link and growth of the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility. The establishment of a fixed fibre optic link opens the door for a broad range of satellite-related activities for investors interested in projects relating to data harvesting. We believe the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency could be a strong partner with the NWT and Canada with a joint venture similar to those already established with other international partners. 

Mr. Speaker, beyond our work to stimulate interest, investment and economic growth for NWT businesses, our second mission to China has served to add prestige and credibility to our relationships with the governments that guide and govern this trade. The Canadian Ambassador to China, Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques, communicated to us and to Chinese government officials during our meetings, the significance of the GNWT’s investment in building relations through this return mission to China. Our trip served also to open doors with investors interested in learning more about the exciting opportunities that exist in our territory. I would like to express my appreciation to both Ambassador Saint-Jacques and to Mr. Mackenzie Clugston, Canada’s Ambassador to Japan. The success of our trade mission would not have been possible without the outstanding support given by both of the Ambassadors, and their staff. 

Opportunities for investment are being increasingly sought and recognized by the Chinese in particular. These investments are not necessarily limited to non‑renewable resources. Since our mission, the Canadian Consulate in Shanghai has received an inquiry from a company currently exporting Canadian fresh water fish to China and looking for additional sources of high-quality products. 

Mr. Speaker, we are acting on the momentum established by this mission and responding to immediate inquiries. I look forward to sharing more detailed information with Members of this House in person and in subsequent meetings and briefings. 

I can assure Members that we will continue to encourage and nurture a strong network of relationships and investments in China and Japan, and in other international markets. Our growing political and reciprocal relationship with these nations is one that articulates the full value of the potential that exists for our Territory and the returns that can be realized from investors, corporations and even nations that are interested in partnering and investing in the North. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
