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GNWT and Gwich’in Tribal Council hold intergovernmental meeting

Wed, 06/03/2015 - 14:38

YELLOWKNIFE (June 3, 2015) – Members of Cabinet of the 17th Legislative Assembly and the Gwich’in Tribal Council’s Board of Directors met in Yellowknife yesterday evening.  

“Strengthening relationships with Aboriginal governments is a priority of the Legislative Assembly and this meeting builds upon the Memorandum of Understanding on Capacity Building that was signed on May 11th between the Gwich’in Tribal Council and the Government of the Northwest Territories,” said Premier Bob McLeod. “We are committed to working together to build a strong, sustainable future for the Gwich’in region and our territory.” 

“This meeting is a good opportunity to further maintain and strengthen our relationship with the GNWT while working together towards our common goals,” said President James Wilson of the Gwich’in Tribal Council. 

During the meeting the parties agreed to undertake the following work: 

  • Create a working group to look at core principles and objectives
  • Work collaboratively on issues of violence against women and girls, and Aboriginal children in care
  • Meet with communities to discuss the composition of the Regional Wellness Council and the criteria of selecting representatives to sit on the Regional Wellness Council
  • Ensure distribution of updated Medical Travel Policies and how community members can access emergency medical travel
  • Work together to assess the GTC Camp and assess options for future use
  • Update information on the Gwich’in business public registry and population information as well as ensure that 2 meetings per year take place
  • Share information on education programs and areas where they are under accessed

This was the fifth meeting of the Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) and the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) since they signed an intergovernmental agreement on October 13, 2012.  The Umbrella Intergovernmental Agreement regarding Intergovernmental Cooperation and Coordination recognizes the importance of the government-to-government relationship between the GTC and the GNWT. It commits both governments to meet twice per year. 

Media inquiries: 

Roya Grinsted
Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2308            

 Tony Devlin
Communication Director
Gwich’in Tribal Council
Tel: 867-777-7923

Call for applications for the 2015–2016 Youth Ambassador Program

Wed, 06/03/2015 - 14:33

YELLOWKNIFE (June 3, 2015) – The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs is now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 Northwest Territories (NWT) Youth Ambassador Program. The program provides NWT youth with opportunities to build leadership skills through participation at special events and volunteer assignments.  In the past, NWT Youth Ambassadors have attended the Arctic Winter Games, Canada Winter Games, Canada Summer Games and the North American Indigenous Games. 

“Participants in the NWT Youth Ambassador Program get to build skills and confidence through coordinated volunteer experience,” said Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs and Minister Responsible for Youth Robert C. McLeod. “Providing youth with development opportunities is important for developing the leaders of tomorrow.  I encourage all NWT youth who meet the criteria to apply to be ambassadors and represent their community and the NWT.” 

Applicants are selected based on community involvement, commitment to a healthy lifestyle and a personal reflection on how the Youth Ambassador Program will help them in the future.  To qualify for the program, youth must be between 16 and 24 years of age on December 31, 2015. The deadline to apply is September 25, 2015.  All NWT youth who qualify are encouraged to apply. 

The Youth Ambassador Program is part of the Government of the Northwest Territories’ Healthy Choice Framework and is working to maximize opportunities for NWT residents by helping young people improve their skills and make healthy choices.  Providing youth with development opportunities will create healthy, educated residents as outlined in the 17th Assembly’s vision of Believing in People and Building on the Strengths of Northerners

For more information on the Youth Ambassador Program, to apply online, or to download an application form, please visit   

To submit a verbal application over the phone, please contact Dawn Moses, Youth/Volunteer Officer, at (867) 873-7329 or by email at   

Media inquiries:
David Maguire
Communications and Website Advisor
Municipal and Community Affairs
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-3092

Northwest Territories solidly on path to reconciliation: Education Minister attends TRC closing event

Wed, 06/03/2015 - 14:32

OTTAWA (June 3, 2015) – Northwest Territories Minister of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) Jackson Lafferty attended the Walk of Reconciliation and spoke at the Actions of Reconciliation event during the closing ceremonies of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on June 1 in Ottawa.

“I am both pleased and saddened to attend this event,” said Minister Lafferty. “There has been such an outflow of support, interest and action generated by the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, but we are truly just getting started. In the Northwest Territories, we heeded the challenge laid before us by the TRC four years ago – to address the history and legacy of residential schools for our students. We responded, and along with the Government of Nunavut, the TRC and the Legacy of Hope Foundation, we developed the first comprehensive teaching resource in Canada on the history of residential schools and their legacy. We have made this a mandatory requirement for graduation for all students attending high school in the NWT.”

As of February 2015, all teachers in the NWT have been offered the training for this course, now in its second edition. Feedback from the first year informed the second printing, and numerous teachers from across the territory claim it has profoundly changed their perspective on the impacts of residential schools across Canada. 

Minister Lafferty added, “as Justice Murray Sinclair of the TRC has said consistently, ‘there is no reconciliation without education.’ Teachers are a critical part of this information, which is why we have included them as key partners in sharing the materials and stories gathered through our resource and materials. We want to ensure this moves beyond our northern borders to the rest of Canada.

“This is one of the reasons we have invited Aboriginal educators and indigenous scholars from across Canada to the Aboriginal Educators’ Symposium, coinciding with the Council for Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) annual conference, in Yellowknife at the end of June. Recognizing that educators have the ability to transform students’ lives, we hope to explore how to better support Aboriginal educators in their work and to determine how to attract and retain more Aboriginal people to the teaching profession. This is so fundamental to our path to reconciliation and I will be extending an offer to provide training on the residential schools experience to other jurisdictions at the CMEC conference at the end of the month. This will provide other jurisdictions with the information to develop and design their own training for the specific needs of their teachers.”   

Minister Lafferty is the co-lead with Alberta for the CMEC pan-Canadian Aboriginal Education plan, which was committed to at CMEC 2014.

For more information on the NWT’s residential school system materials and resources, please click The Residential School System in Canada: Understanding the Past – Seeking Reconciliation – Building Hope for Tomorrow

Media inquiries:
Jacqueline McKinnon
Education, Culture and Employment
T: 867-920-6222
C: 867-446-6002


Communiqué de presse – Les Territoires du Nord-Ouest bien engagés sur la voie de la réconciliation : le ministre de l’Éducation assiste à l’événement de clôture de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation 

Ottawa, le 3ème juin 2015 – Jackson Lafferty, ministre de l’Éducation, de la Culture et de la Formation des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, a participé à la marche de la réconciliation et s’est exprimé lors de l’événement sur les gestes de réconciliation, pendant les festivités de clôture de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation, le 1er juin à Ottawa. 

« Je suis à la fois heureux et triste d’assister à cet événement », a déclaré le ministre Lafferty. « Nous avons été impressionnés par la portée du soutien, de l’intérêt et des actions générés par les travaux de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation, et ce n’est qu’un début. Aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest, nous avons décidé de relever le défi que la Commission nous a proposé il y a quatre ans, qui était de s’intéresser à l’histoire et à l’héritage des pensionnats pour nos étudiants. Nous avons répondu présents et conjointement avec le gouvernement du Nunavut, la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation et la Fondation autochtone de l’espoir, nous avons mis au point le premier document pédagogique exhaustif sur l’histoire et l’héritage des pensionnats au Canada. Dorénavant, tous les étudiants des TNO doivent étudier ce document pour obtenir leur diplôme. » 

À compter de février 2015, tous les enseignants des TNO ont pu suivre une formation pour offrir ce cours qui est donné pour la deuxième année. Les commentaires recueillis pendant la première année nous ont permis d’en peaufiner la deuxième édition, et nombreux sont les enseignants qui ont déclaré que ce document avait radicalement changé leur point de vue sur les répercussions des pensionnats au Canada. 

Le ministre Lafferty a ajouté : « Comme l’a toujours dit le juge Murray Sinclair de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation, il n’y a pas de réconciliation possible sans éducation. Les enseignants sont au cœur de la transmission de ce message et nous leur avons assigné un rôle de partenaire clé en leur donnant accès aux documents et aux récits issus de nos ressources sur ce sujet. Nous souhaitons insuffler cet élan partout au Canada, au-delà des frontières des TNO. » 

« C’est une des raisons pour lesquelles nous avons invité des enseignants et universitaires autochtones des quatre coins du pays à participer au Symposium des enseignants autochtones à Yellowknife à la fin du mois de juin, date qui coïncide avec celle de la conférence annuelle du Conseil des ministres de l’Éducation du Canada (CMEC). Partant du principe que les enseignants peuvent transformer la vie des étudiants, nous espérons explorer des pistes pour aider au mieux les enseignants autochtones dans leur travail et trouver des façons d’attirer et de maintenir en poste davantage d’enseignants autochtones. Ce point est essentiel dans notre cheminement vers la réconciliation et je proposerai la mise en place d’une formation sur les pensionnats dans d’autres provinces et territoires lors de la conférence du CMEC à la fin du mois. Cela leur permettra d’accéder à des outils pour concevoir leur propre formation en fonction des besoins de leurs enseignants. »   

Le ministre Lafferty codirige avec l’Alberta le Plan pancanadien pour l’éducation des Autochtones du CMEC, qui a été ratifié en 2014.

Pour en savoir plus sur les documents et ressources dont nous disposons sur le régime des pensionnats aux TNO, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant : The Residential School System in Canada: Understanding the Past – Seeking Reconciliation – Building Hope for Tomorrow (en anglais). 

Demandes de renseignements aux médias :
Jacqueline McKinnon
Éducation, Culture et Formation
Tél. : 867 920-6222
Téléc. : 867 446-6002
Courriel :

GNWT credit rating of Aa1 / Stable confirmed

Wed, 06/03/2015 - 14:29

YELLOWKNIFE (June 3, 2015) – Minister of Finance J. Michael Miltenberger is pleased that Moody’s Investors Service continues to recognize the Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT) sound fiscal management with another Aa1 credit rating. 

The rationale for the GNWT’s Aa1/Stable Outlook credit rating was included in a credit analysis published by Moody’s and based on their annual review of the GNWT’s fiscal plans and outlook – and in particular the government’s borrowing activity and the impact of devolution. 

“Once again, Moody’s has confirmed their recognition of our responsible fiscal management,” said Minister Miltenberger. “We have adopted fiscal policies that have supported the economy by maintaining spending and by investing significantly in infrastructure, but remain committed to our goal of long-term fiscal sustainability.” 

Minister Miltenberger added, “our commitment to responsible fiscal management will not change with the recent increase in the borrowing limit. In keeping with our Fiscal Responsibility Policy, we will maintain strict control of expenditure growth so that we can continue to fund at least half of our infrastructure investments through surpluses. This has become increasingly challenging because of projected flat revenue growth. However, our prudent fiscal policy and governance practices give me confidence we will meet these fiscal challenges head on.”

Moody’s high investment grade rating reflects prudent fiscal policies, a low debt burden and a developed fiscal framework with a track record of positive consolidated surpluses.

The highest possible credit rating issued by Moody’s is Aaa, one level above the GNWT’s.

Media inquiries:
Roya Grinsted
Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2308

Premier and Minister promote NWT diamonds at international industry event

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 17:03

YELLOWKNIFE (June 2, 2015) – The Northwest Territories diamond industry took the stage at the industry’s premiere trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada this past weekend.

Speaking to an audience celebrating Dominion Diamond Corporations’ CanadaMark Diamond, NWT Premier Bob McLeod highlighted the territory’s unique approach to resource and diamond development that is allowing northern and Aboriginal businesses evolve as thriving partners and investors in the economy.  “The diamond industry has helped to build a model for northern resource development in the North,” said Premier McLeod. “We are turning our attention to developing other resources – and using our territory’s diamond experience and northern potential into a foundation for national prosperity.”

“The Northwest Territories is recognized globally as one of the most prospective regions in the world to search for economic kimberlite pipes,” said Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment David Ramsay. “So much so, that the original founders of our industry are now returning to explore and develop again. Our government continues to invest in geological research to further assist industry in their exploration.”

The JCK event brought together over 2,500 companies and over 20,000 buyers and investors from the world’s diamond industry to meet and conduct business.  The GNWT presence at the event reflected the importance of the diamond sector to the NWT.  NWT diamond producers from Dominion Diamond Corporation, Rio Tinto and De Beers Canada also attended, as did representatives from Crossworks Manufacturing Limited.

In the face of a dwindling world supply, Canadian diamond output is expected to increase.  With the NWT’s fourth diamond mine set to open next year, the Premier and Minister showcased the NWT as an integral part of the future of diamonds, not only in Canada, but on an international stage.

They met with present and future investors in the NWT industry and promoted opportunities in secondary industries focused on cutting and polishing high quality rough diamonds.

Media Inquiries:
Roya Grinsted

Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2308

Parenting After Separation workshops expand to Behchoko and Hay River

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 15:47

YELLOWKNIFE (June 2, 2015) – Workshops designed to assist families who are going through marriage breakdowns have now been expanded to the communities of Behchoko and Hay River.

The Parenting After Separation workshop is designed to help parents make positive transitions, both for their children and for themselves, after a separation or divorce.  In these free workshops difficult issues are discussed and assistance is offered by facilitators for constructive resolutions. Ultimately, the goal is to make a painful process easier for both parents and their children. 

“We want to continue to offer valuable help for those families in turmoil due to marriage breakdown,” said Minister of Justice David Ramsay. “With this workshop, families will have a better understanding of their legal situation and the ability to make better decisions for themselves and their children. While the program has been offered in Yellowknife, there is also demand in other communities. This expansion has started with the communities of Behchoko and Hay River.”

Parents interested in participating in a free workshop are asked to call 867-873-7424 or toll-free 1-866-217-8923.  More information is also available at the Justice website and follow the links in “Children and families”.

The Parenting After Separation workshop series continues in Yellowknife on a regularly scheduled basis and will be available as demand allows in smaller communities.

Media inquiries:

Sue Glowach
Senior Communications Advisor
Department of Justice
Tel: 867-920-3130

J. Michael Miltenberger: Citizens First Survey Results

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 15:41

Mr. Speaker, every budget session, I have provided this House with an update on the progress being made under the Service Innovation Strategy.  Today, I want to tell you about a tool we have to measure how satisfied Northern residents are with government service delivery.

The national “Citizens First” survey measures how satisfied Northwest Territories residents are with the Government of the Northwest Territories services they receive over the phone, in person and online. Since the survey began in 1998, it has gained international attention and recognition and remains the “gold-standard” in research on public sector service delivery.    

The GNWT participated, for the first time, in 2014, in “Citizens First 7” – the seventh in this series of studies.

These surveys explore various aspects of a changing service environment, tracking perceptions of service quality and performance for a wide range of services offered by municipal, provincial/territorial and federal governments.

Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, the Yukon and Quebec have all participated in the survey. A combined telephone and mail/mail-to-online approach was used. Where appropriate, comparisons are provided to the overall national results and “Best Provincial/Territorial” results which represent the highest score by participating individual province or territory. Four hundred and three people were surveyed in the NWT.

The GNWT participated not only to establish a baseline for measuring progress, but also to understand more about what our residents expect from government, and what makes for the most satisfying service experience regardless of what “channel” Northerners access government services.   The term “channel” refers to how you access the service.  It can be online, in person, or on the telephone.

This first survey provided us with some very interesting information.  The Office of the Chief Information Officer has been making presentations and sharing the results of the report and recommendations for improvement with all of the government departments.

What did we find out?

  • The NWT’s service reputation score is the highest in Canada with a score of 66. The NWT’s score is higher than the national average and has the highest score of the participating provinces and territories. Your reputation score is indicative of the public perception of your services.  I hope this is not just beginner’s luck!
  • We also found out that NWT residents felt this government was responsive to the needs of a diverse population – whether it be visible minorities or people with a disability.
  • The NWT’s client satisfaction score – where NWT residents are asked to rate a recent experience with a territorial government service – saw the GNWT receiving scores on par with the highest score among the eight provinces/territories participating in the survey.

We will not let those good scores go to our heads.  We recognize there is room for improvement.  An article in May 8th ‘s Yellowknifer, entitled “Calls to the GNWT go to the Birds,” Mr. Walt Humphries points out how both he and Ms. Cece McCauley have found it difficult to find the information they needed from the GNWT.

Similar to the issues of the two Northern News Services columnists, the survey revealed the “findability” of information on our websites requires improvement as does our telephone wait times.  We also found out that we have challenges in solving problems, correcting errors and dealing with complaints, especially when a resident has to use more than two channels to solve their problem, or tell their story to multiple people.

In addition to providing some very valuable baseline information, the survey also summarized some priorities for improving services – like “customer service”.

The Office of the Chief Information Officer will offer service training for employees in June for Frontline Service Providers and in October for Certified Service Managers.   The training will help employees and their managers become accredited in service delivery. It also aligns with the Service Innovation Strategy objective to improve government service delivery, and as departments look at putting more services online, they can look to these survey results for baseline information on where to focus their efforts.

This was just a brief overview of the Citizen First survey. I encourage everyone to read it in its entirety.  It can be found on the Department of Finance website and I will table the survey results later today at the appropriate time.

We are pleased that we received positive results from our first survey and good feedback from residents about where we can improve.  I want to thank all the residents who took part in the survey, because your feedback is very important to us.  I also want to encourage everyone to take part in the next survey, if you are asked, because we are listening!  Finally, I want to take the time to commend all of our public servants on the front line, and their managers, for always keeping our “Citizens First” in mind, every day.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Jackson Lafferty: Online Child Care Inspection Reports

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 15:39

Mr. Speaker, ensuring the care and safety of children and providing accessible programs and services to families across the Northwest Territories is a top priority of the Government of the Northwest Territories.

The Department of Education, Culture and Employment identified the need to do a full review of the current licensing system for daycare centres, family day homes and Aboriginal Head Start programs to ensure compliance with legislation as part of Action 6 of the Right from the Start Early Childhood Framework and Action Plan. ECE is responsible for licensing these programs under the NWT Child Day Care Act and Standards and Regulations. As a result of the review, the Department has made licensing reports of child care centres available to the public.

Information from licensing inspections completed after April 1, 2015 will now be posted to ECE’s website in a searchable format. This will encourage child care programs’ continued compliance with the Child Day Care Standards Regulations and give parents and caregivers peace of mind. The Department is always looking to improve the systems in place, and these enhancements will increase transparency and provide parents with valuable information to make informed choices about their child care options.

Mr. Speaker, only six other jurisdictions in Canada provide online child care inspection summaries, putting the NWT among the lead. These improvements are part of the ongoing work by the Departments of Health and Social Services and Education, Culture and Employment on the Right from the Start Early Childhood Development Framework and Action Plan.

Enhancing the quality of licensed early childhood education and care programs contributes to the GNWT’s ongoing efforts to streamline and improve access for families with young children, providing them with the programs and services they need to see their children grow and thrive.

Masi, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Expansion of Court Programs and Services

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 15:36

Mr. Speaker, in cooperation with the judiciary, the Department of Justice has been supporting specialized courts in Yellowknife since 2011. Specialized courts and their programs provide offenders with an opportunity to take responsibility for their actions and get the support that they need to lead healthier lives for themselves and their families.

Today I want to advise Members that in April the Domestic Violence Treatment Option Court, was expanded to Hay River. The DVTO Court, as it is known, is now available for offenders from Hay River, Enterprise and the Kátł’odeeche First Nation.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the judiciary for leading the way in the expansion of DVTO Court to the South Slave. As a result the Department is now able to extend related services to these communities, in collaboration with the RCMP and Health and Social Services.

Like the DVTO Court in Yellowknife, offenders must accept responsibility for their actions and be willing to participate in the eight-module PARTNER program to learn how to change their behaviour. Each person remains under court supervision and will return for sentencing by the DVTO judge at the end of the program.

Mr. Speaker, we must take every opportunity possible to reduce the violence that is so destructive to our families and the personal well-being of individuals. The DVTO Court in Hay River, and the PARTNER program that supports it, work with low-risk offenders to break the cycle of domestic violence. We hope to see very positive results.
I would like to advise Members that we have also very recently expanded our Parenting After Separation workshop delivery to communities outside Yellowknife. This program assists parents before they ever make it as far as the court system. People whose marriage is breaking down can often be confused, frustrated or angry. This is frequently compounded when children are involved. The free workshop we have been offering parents for some time helps them make positive transitions through separation or divorce. Difficult issues are discussed and assistance offered for constructive resolutions. This assistance makes this difficult process easier for parents and their children.

On May 28th, the first Parenting After Separation workshop was offered in Behchoko and in Hay River on May 29th. More workshops will be scheduled to meet local interest and demand. The Department also has plans to begin offering this workshop in Fort Smith, Inuvik and Norman Wells in the fall of 2015.

Mr. Speaker, the Department has taken the time to make sure that these programs are effectively meeting the needs of offenders and families. We are pleased that we now have the experience, in addition to the support of the judiciary and other partners, to serve more communities. We support this Assembly’s vision of strong independent people who are safe and secure in their communities. We will continue to provide programming as effectively and efficiently as possible, ensuring that everything is in place for successful outcomes.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Robert C. McLeod: Canadian Tire Partnership

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 15:34

Mr. Speaker, as many Members will have seen earlier today in the Great Hall, the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and Canadian Tire Corporation announced a new partnership to support physical activity and sport opportunities for NWT children and youth.

Canadian Tire Corporation has committed to providing up to $225,000 over three years for equipment, training and capacity building to support MACA’s After School Physical Activity Program.

As Members may recall, this program supports local programs that get school-aged children and youth more physically active in every NWT school.

On behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories I want to thank and recognize Canadian Tire for their generous donation and for their commitment to assist in improving opportunities for our children and youth.

I would also like to thank Minister of State for Sport, the Honourable Bal Gosal, for connecting us with the Canadian Tire Corporation, during NWT Days this past January and getting the wheels in motion for the fantastic announcement earlier today.

I also want to recognize all schools in the Northwest Territories and the NWT Teachers Association, which represents teaching staff, for their support. Most of our programs are run in schools or have volunteer teacher support. We simply could not offer these opportunities without you.

Mr. Speaker, sadly up to 85 percent of NWT youth are not physically active enough to gain any significant health benefit. This is slightly better than the Canadian average but very disappointing when it means that nearly 9 out of every 10 youth are at risk.

In these times of tight financial resources, it is incredibly important for government to join forces with the corporate sector and others to help make a difference. Canadian Tire has led by example. In future, I hope we can encourage others to join the cause.

In closing Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Landon French, Vice-President of Community Relations for traveling to Yellowknife to help me make the announcement. Together we can make a difference.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker

Tom Beaulieu: Canada Transportation Act Review

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 15:30

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to welcome members of a federally appointed arm’s length panel undertaking a statutory review of the Canada Transportation Act.  They are visiting the Northwest Territories this week to gather feedback from Northerners into new federal transportation policy and program development.

The Panel will conduct a comprehensive examination of how the Act operates as it relates to the economic regulation of transportation.

Mr. Speaker, this is a valuable and unique opportunity for Northerners to provide our perspective on how the transportation system can be leveraged to support economic growth with nation-building projects, such as the Mackenzie Valley Highway to Norman Wells, or an all-weather road into the Slave Geological Province or the Tłįchǫ̨ region.

The review is also an opportunity to examine the role of transportation in supporting sustainable economic development, in the Northwest Territories.

Unfortunately, the lack of infrastructure is creating obstacles to exploration and development in remote areas.  The challenges are most acute in regions where residents, businesses, and industry depend on air or barge transportation to receive essential goods and services.

Mr. Speaker, officials with the Department of Transportation have been working in partnership with the NWT Chamber of Commerce to coordinate a roundtable discussion in Yellowknife this afternoon with the Review Panel.

The Roundtable involves approximately 35 representatives of the NWT transportation sector such as industry representatives, users, experts, and others who represent a broad range of perspectives and experience on northern transportation.

The discussion will examine how changes to federal policy and programs can help to resolve current and emerging transportation challenges in the NWT.

Mr. Speaker, Review Panel members will be visiting Hay River tomorrow where they will meet with representatives such as NTCL, Coast Guard, and the Great Slave Harbour Authority.  These meetings will provide Panel Members with first-hand information on areas of concern that involve the federal government, such as dredging the Port of Hay River and critical sections of the Mackenzie River to accommodate fully loaded tugs and barges, fishing boasts, and the Coast Guard fleet.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Transportation’s involvement in the federal review of the Canada Transportation Act aligns with the 17th Assembly’s goal of realising a diversified economy for Northerners by making strategic investments in infrastructure.

Thank you.

Canadian Tire Brings ACTIVE AT SCHOOL movement to the Northwest Territories

Tue, 06/02/2015 - 13:59

YELLOWKNIFE (June 2, 2015) – Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) Robert C. McLeod and Mr. Landon French, Vice-President, Community Relations at Canadian Tire Corporation, announced a new partnership agreement which will provide $225,000 towards equipment training and capacity building for after school physical activity programs through ACTIVE AT SCHOOL.

“Building partnerships to provide better services to Northwest Territory residents is one of the strategic goals of this government,” said Minister McLeod. “Working with Canadian Tire via ACTIVE AT SCHOOL to improve existing programs, including MACA’s own Active After School program, will benefit youth across the Northwest Territories and improve opportunities in the after-school time period.”

Canadian Tire is the founding member of ACTIVE AT SCHOOL, a partnership of more than 80 influential sport, wellness and health organizations from across Canada. Launched in 2013, the initiative supports Canada’s provincial and territorial governments in their goal to reverse the trend of inactivity among Canadian youth.

“We are proud to partner with Minister McLeod to help get all 50 schools and over 8,500 students across the Northwest Territories active for 60-minutes every day,” said Landon French, Vice-President, Community Relations, Canadian Tire Corporation.  “Through ACTIVE AT SCHOOL, Canadian Tire will work with local government to build on existing programs to provide kids with the opportunity to develop essential life skills like teamwork and leadership through quality, physical activity.”

Part of the Healthy Choices Framework, the Active After School program supports schools, and community organizations that work with schools, to create or expand on programs that get school-aged children and youth physically active. The funding and materials provided by ACTIVE AT SCHOOL will help expand these programs and provide enhanced opportunities for youth in the Northwest Territories.

To learn more about the Active After School program visit  and for ACTIVE AT SCHOOL,

Media inquiries:

Jenny Aitken

Corporate Affairs Division

Department of Municipal and Community Affairs

Government of the Northwest Territories

Tel: (867) 920-8059



Candice Bruton

Communications Advisor

Canadian Tire Corporation

Tel: 416-520-3184



David Ramsay: Tourism Week

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 15:44

Mr. Speaker, this is National Tourism Week and across the NWT we are celebrating with events ranging from the “Be A Tourist In Your Own Town” promotion here in Yellowknife to community picnics, film screenings, open houses, and complimentary tours of local attractions.

There is much to celebrate and I would like to take a moment to highlight some of the recent successes and milestones this vibrant sector of our economy has achieved.

Last October, I shared with Members that over 90,000 visitors travelled to the Northwest Territories in the 2013-14 fiscal year. That is the highest number of visitors that we have welcomed to our territory in a decade. Visitor spending also rose dramatically – increasing by 24 percent in 2013-14 – to over $132 million dollars.

Growth and success seems destined to continue in 2015. Web traffic to the NWT Parks online reservation system doubled over last year when it opened on April 15th. Over $100,000 worth of reservations were generated within the first five hours it was open.

Less than a year after its establishment, the NWT Conference Bureau has secured four conferences worth an estimated $1 million dollars in future business for the NWT’s tourism sector. An additional six conference bids could double this estimate by year end.

Mr. Speaker, these numbers tell us that our tourism industry is building momentum. It is vital that our government continue to support and grow this sector through the development of new products, community infrastructure and training and mentorship opportunities.

Tourism 2020, an extension of our two previous five-year tourism development plans is expected to launch in the 2016-17 fiscal year and will guide the next chapter of our government’s work and investments to grow and advance tourism in our territory. It will focus on creating exceptional visitor experiences in the Northwest Territories, enhancing the skills of the tourism service sector, and supporting communities to develop attractions, products and services for visitors.

Mr. Speaker, strengthening and growing our tourism industry is a collaborative effort.
Investment and funding leveraged from Canada’s Northern Economic Development Agency serves to build community tourism capacity and create new tourism products. Destination marketing is expertly accomplished by Northwest Territories Tourism. Advice and guidance flows to our decision-making processes from the Tourism Marketing Advisory Committee and the Aboriginal Tourism Champions Advisory Council.

Above all else, our tourism sector succeeds on the basis of the hard-working individuals who operate and deliver our territory’s tourism products and services – and provide the face and friendly smiles that welcome the world to our North.

Men and women, Mr. Speaker, like Toni and Henry Heron whose effective management, special brand of hospitality and willingness to share in their Aboriginal culture has contributed to the recognition of Queen Elizabeth Territorial Park near Fort Smith as one of the Top 25 Campsites in Canada by Explore Magazine.

Collectively, we are working to ensure that the NWT tourism sector will grow, continue to thrive and provide economic benefits across the NWT.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Robert C. McLeod: Income Included in Calculation of Public Housing Rent

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 15:42

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to inform Members about changes to how the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation calculates rent for public housing tenants.

In the coming months, Canada Child Tax Benefit payments, and payments to foster parents will no longer be included as sources of income for the purpose of calculating public housing rents.  I believe this change properly reflects the values of our people by supporting families who fulfill their responsibility to care and raise our children. In order to implement this change, I have directed the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation to update their policies and procedures and develop training material for Local Housing Organizations to allow for full implementation by October 1st of this year.

As Members are aware, the public housing rent scale was revised at the beginning of this government to improve consistency and fairness and address any disincentives to work.  The further changes we are announcing today in the public housing program builds on that work through improved consistency in our government’s approach to social programming.  This treatment of income aligns closely with the policies of the Department of Education, Culture and Employment and the Department of Health and Social Services.

In addition, Mr. Speaker, the NWT Housing Corporation will begin using the total income reported on the income tax returns of household members to calculate rent.  This approach will reduce the burden of monthly reporting for tenants and is consistent with the decision to not include Child Tax Benefit and foster parent payments in rent calculations, as the Canada Revenue Agency does not consider them as income.

Reducing the reporting burden is especially important for tenants such as seniors and single parents.  Not requiring income verification every month respects the dignity of public housing tenants by treating them more like other tenants and supports their self-reliance.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that we can continue to make the public housing system responsive to the needs of our people and through this change further support our families and seniors, improve the consistency of government and foster self-reliance.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Glen Abernethy: Working Together: An Action Plan to Reduce and Eliminate Poverty in the Northwest Territories

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 15:39

Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time today I will table “Working Together: An Action Plan to Reduce and Eliminate Poverty in the Northwest Territories.” This collaborative Action Plan demonstrates our government’s commitment to work in partnership with other stakeholders to tackle poverty in the Northwest Territories. It builds on the great work that produced “Building on the Strengths of Northerners”, the Anti-Poverty Strategic Framework, in 2013. Like the Strategic Framework, this Action Plan was developed by all levels of government working together with representatives from the private sector and non-government organizations.

In 2014, I tabled the Government of the Northwest Territories’ Anti-Poverty Action Plan, which outlined our Government’s commitments to act and invest in this important area. But we already knew that government can’t do it alone. We also committed to work with non-government organizations, community and Aboriginal governments, business and industry, and other stakeholders to develop a multi-stakeholder territorial Anti-Poverty Action Plan.

That work has rolled out over the last year. I want to recognize the efforts of all the partners who participated in two Anti-Poverty Round Tables over the past 18 months. The perspectives, knowledge, passion and commitment of all participants were instrumental in the creation of the Action Plan, and will be critical to its implementation.
Mr. Speaker, the completion of this Territorial Action Plan is not the end of a process, but the beginning. The Action Plan outlines priority areas for action under the five pillars of the Anti-Poverty Framework, and demonstrates how these priorities link to those identified in community wellness plans. It outlines work under way in each priority area, setting the stage for annual updates. This living document will help all of us work together to ensure our actions have the maximum impact on tackling poverty across the Northwest Territories
I particularly want to thank the members of the Advisory Committee who took on the work of leading the development of this Action Plan. They include Co-chair Bronwyn Watters, and members Julie Green, Mark Heyck, and Bob Simpson.

I also want to make special mention of the late Liidlii Kue First Nation Chief Minnie Letcher, who as Co-Chair of the Advisory Committee was passionately committed to ensuring the community voice was represented in this Action Plan.

Mr. Speaker, this Action Plan is just a start. As our collective efforts evolve so will this Plan. I am confident that, working together we can begin to truly make a difference to improve the quality of life of all residents of the NWT.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

J. Michael Miltenberger: 2015 Fire Season Forecast

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 15:34

Mr. Speaker, I do not wish to be the bearer of bad weather reports but as Mother Nature may have it, and based on the reports from our meteorologist, we will once again experience drought over the summer of 2015.

The prediction for this fire season is for another year of hot, dry weather. The downturn in weather for the next two days is unlikely to make much difference. It will be getting warmer and drier in all regions starting on Wednesday.

This is the first time since 1998 that an El Niño winter is followed by an El Niño summer. In general, El Nino is known to produce warmer and drier weather.

The Northwest Territories has been under the effect of a blocking ridge through the month of May. All regions have been snow-free since mid-May, except for some areas in the Inuvik regions. This is very early.

All regions witnessed record-breaking temperatures and very little to no precipitation through the month of May.

Most of our long-term seasonal forecast models indicate a high probability that these drought conditions will continue through August over at least portions of the southern Northwest Territories.

Indeed, five of seven weather models show very dry conditions across either all, or portions of, the Deh Cho, North Slave and South Slave.

These conditions will likely result in extreme fire behaviour and intense wildland fires, which can be difficult for crews to extinguish.

Everyone has a responsibility to prevent and protect their homes, cabins and communities from the risk of wildland fires. Property owners and communities should be using FireSmart tools to reduce their risk of loss from wildland fire.

FireSmart homes, cabins and neighbourhoods allow firefighters to concentrate on fighting the wildland fire, which ultimately protects more homes and lives. Information on FireSmart is available from local Environment and Natural Resources offices and local community governments.

As of today, 51 fires have been reported in the Northwest Territories affecting 69,320 hectares. Thirteen of those fires are out. Four were person-caused. This time last year, six fires had been reported with 31.5 hectares affected.

Environment and Natural Resources brought on its human and aviation resources early to deal with fire starts. Most crews had an early start in the southern regions.

Helicopter and air tankers have already been brought on to ensure wildland fires threatening communities or other values at risk are dealt with swiftly and aggressively. Infrared scanning of critical areas is being done to ensure these fires are out and there are no holdover fire surprises.

As in previous years, we will continue to provide regular updates about wildfires both on our website and Facebook page.

Mr. Speaker, last summer was record breaking. There were 385 fires, 3.4 million hectares of forest land was affected by fire and several communities were threatened. The overall cost was over $56 million.

Environment and Natural Resources will be acting upon lessons learned from the 2014 fire season.

Work on several of the recommendations of the 2014 Northwest Territories Fire Season Review Report, which has been shared with Members of the Legislative Assembly, has begun. Most of the work will be completed this summer or through the next year.

Areas recommended for improvement included public engagement, safety, human resources, fire management strategy and policy, operations, and procurement and financial resources.

Despite the unprecedented challenges Environment and Natural Resources faced last summer in managing the wildland fires, there were no serious injuries or fatalities to firefighters, residents or visitors.

Environment and Natural Resources continues to actively monitor the fire environment and has plans to assess and respond to new wildfire starts.

Mr. Speaker, I know we all hope Mother Nature will cooperate this summer by providing much-needed precipitation in regular intervals.
In the meantime, Environment and Natural Resources will continue to work with other departments and communities to improve the GNWT’s response to emergencies.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Bob McLeod: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Closure

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 15:32

Mr. Speaker, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be holding its closing events from May 31 to June 3 in Ottawa. This is time to reflect and I would like to express my appreciation for the great work accomplished by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The work that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has done in the Northwest Territories and across Canada has been a critical step in the healing process for people suffering from the abuse and trauma of residential schools.

It has been no small task. The Commission visited our communities, set up supports, and provided a forum where survivors could share their pain and begin to heal.

I would like to thank the members of the Commission, and in particular Commissioner Marie Wilson, a fellow Northerner, for her dedication and commitment during this process.

Residential schools have been the source of much of the pain and loss that many generations of Aboriginal people experienced. At the same time, schools can also be where some of that past is reclaimed, where some of the reconciliation that is needed can happen, where some of our hope for the future can be found.

There must be places dedicated to exploring this learning and reconciliation. Truth and Reconciliation Commission events and school curriculum are two examples of those places.

I am proud to say that the Government of the Northwest Territories has been a leader in Canada with the development of the Residential Schools curriculum in partnership with the Government of Nunavut, the Legacy of Hope and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

A significant part of our history is in this curriculum and the coursework and resources provide a deeper understanding of the impacts of residential schools on the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. This will give our students insight into the challenges faced by survivors, and a context for healing and reconciliation.

Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Northwest Territories, I want to thank the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for helping us to put the events and the effects of residential schools into their proper place in Canada’s history. From now on, all people who go through our school systems will know what has happened and the impacts on the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Second Construction Season Successful on the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway

Mon, 06/01/2015 - 14:14

INUVIK (June 1, 2015) A successful second construction season has come to a close on the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway in the Northwest Territories. Once completed, this important piece of northern infrastructure will provide all-weather access to Tuktoyaktuk, which is currently only served by ice road, barge, and air. It will also be the only public road to the Arctic Ocean in Canada.

At the peak of the winter construction season in 2014-15, substantial progress was made on 65.1 kilometres of the120.4-kilometre all season highway project that employed over 600 people, 78% of which were from the North. The contractor hauled and placed 2.1 million cubic metres of embankment material, and installed one new bridge and 20 large culverts during this past construction season.

This project is generating numerous socio-economic opportunities for the region. The new highway is the most northern section of the envisioned Mackenzie Valley Highway, which will connect Canada’s highway network from coast to coast to coast. It will decrease the cost of living in Tuktoyaktuk by enabling goods to be shipped by road year-round, increase opportunities for business development, reduce the cost of job-creating onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration, and strengthen Canada’s sovereignty in the North.

Quick Facts

  • The Government of Canada is contributing up to $200 million towards this project.
  • The Government of the Northwest Territories is contributing $99 million towards this $299-million project.


“Our Government is pleased to see the tremendous progress made on the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway. This historic project is creating jobs and ensuring continued economic growth and long-term prosperity in Canada’s North. Our Government will continue to work with the Government of the Northwest Territories to promote social and economic development in the North and across Canada.”
The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq
Minister of the Environment,
Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency,
Minister for the Arctic Council and Member of Parliament for Nunavut

“Strategic investments in territory-building infrastructure projects will help us better achieve our government’s vision of a strong, prosperous Northwest Territories. We are very pleased with the contractor’s progress and achievements with local employment, training, safety, and quality under difficult conditions. The project is proceeding as planned and we are looking forward to the highway’s opening.”
The Honourable Tom Beaulieu
Minister of Transportation
Minister of Public Works and Services
Minister of Human Resources Government of the Northwest Territories

Associated Links

Inuvik-to-Tuktoyaktuk Highway Enters its Second Construction Season

Construction of Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway Well Underway

PM marks start of construction on historic roadway

Minister Aglukkaq Confirms New Funding For Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway

 For additional information on the New Building Canada Plan, visit:

To learn more about the Government of Canada’s focus on jobs and the economy consult Canada’s Economic Action Plan at

Learn more about the innovative engineering techniques used during the winter construction of the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway at

Vincent Rabault
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and
Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Patricia Russell
Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Communications
Department of Transportation
Government of the Northwest Territories
Follow us on Twitter at @GNWT_DOT

Infrastructure Canada
Toll free: 1-877-250-7154
Follow us on Twitter at @INFC_eng

Jackson Lafferty: GNWT Support for the Native Communications Society

Fri, 05/29/2015 - 12:14

Mr. Speaker, ensuring Aboriginal languages survive for future generations is a key priority for our government and the Members of this Legislative Assembly. One of the most effective ways to ensure the continued use of all of the NWT’s 11 official languages is simply using and hearing these languages as part of our day to day interactions. This theme of “use it or lose it” resonates through the regional Aboriginal language plans now being implemented by Aboriginal governments, the 2009 Committee Report on Official Languages and the Government’s 2010 “Aboriginal Languages Plan – A Shared Responsibility”.

Broadcasting in the official languages is one way all of our official languages are in use and heard by our listeners in all of our communities. Stories and important information are shared with one another over the radio and television in not just English, but the other ten official languages. In fact, many of our unilingual listeners rely on the radio as the primary source of information to receive the news in their language.

Mr. Speaker, this invaluable service is provided to us in part by the Native Communications Society and its broadcasting arm, CKLB. They have provided cultural and language programming since 1982, with broadcasts in English, French, Tłįchǫ, South Slavey, Gwich’in, North Slavey and Chipewyan. In recognition of their important contribution to Aboriginal language revitalization, the Government of the Northwest Territories has long provided core funding to NCS and the Inuvialuit Communications Society, who provided programming in Inuvialuktun and Inuinnaqtun. This is in addition to Federal Government funding they are eligible to receive under the Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting Grant.

Over the past few years, they have experienced some operational challenges, culminating in CKLB having to stop live broadcasts and programming in July 2014. Aside from going off the air, it also meant a loss of jobs for people in many of our communities.

Mr. Speaker, as is true for Aboriginal language revitalization generally, it is truly a shared responsibility and for that reason I continue to lobby the federal government to increase their funding for Aboriginal and French language programming in the current round of negotiations of the renewal of the Official Languages Agreement.

Aboriginal language broadcasting contributes to both our oral traditions and recording languages for those future generations. Having them on our radios, computers and televisions ensures that the North continues to hear, read and explore our languages that are so closely connected to our cultures.

This is why, Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce that this government will reprofile $500,000 annually, found from within, on an ongoing basis, for aboriginal broadcasting. Of that amount, $400,000 dollars will be provided to the Native Communications Society and $100,000 dollars will be provided to the Inuvialuit Communications Society.

The funding will allow NCS to be up and running by June 1st, broadcasting first in Tłįchǫ and South Slavey. They have plans to resume live broadcasting of North Slavey, Gwich’in, Chipewyan and will be adding French later on this year.

We will also continue to make every effort to secure funding from the Federal Government to sustain Aboriginal language broadcasting in the NWT. Our funding will complement the Federal contribution of approximately $700,000 to Aboriginal broadcasting.

Mr. Speaker, we have worked closely with the Native Communications Society to discuss how we can help support the organization with a better financial and operating model. NCS and CKLB play a critical part in promoting and sustaining our Aboriginal languages across the NWT and it is our priority to support them. Our languages are a foundational part of our heritage and the cultural mosaic of the North, and we must support every avenue we can to keep them alive for generations to come.

Masi, Mr. Speaker.

Glen Abernethy: Working to Better Coordinate Service Delivery of Social Supports to NWT Residents

Fri, 05/29/2015 - 12:10

Mr. Speaker, this government is committed to achieving this Legislative Assembly’s vision of strong individuals, families and communities. By working together in partnerships we can reach our goal of healthy and educated people in sustainable and vibrant communities throughout our territory.

To help promote, preserve and manage the long-term health and social well-being of NWT residents, the Social Envelope Committee of Cabinet and the corresponding Deputy Minister Committee have introduced a number of initiatives and actions. We have previously talked about some of them, such as our actions to help reduce poverty in the NWT, promote community wellness and better address mental health and addictions issues. Today I want to tell you about some of our actions to ensure stronger coordination and collaboration in the delivery of social services and supports for NWT residents.

A number of our recent strategic frameworks, including the Early Childhood Development Strategy, the Anti-Poverty Strategic Framework, and the Addictions and Mental Health Action Plan, speak to a more integrated approach to service delivery. The shift to more consciously coordinated service delivery is also evident in the 2015 -2016 budget which included investments to support integrated approaches to case management and initiatives to improve integration of services to people with a variety of needs.

We recognize the need to examine programs and make sure that we are taking a client focused approach to service delivery. We are seeing many successes in this work. This includes proposed changes to the way the NWT Housing Corporation will calculate rent for public housing clients. Minister Robert C. McLeod will have more to say about this later during this Session.

Different departments are working closely together to promote healthy living for our youth. The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs has established a new Children and Youth Resiliency Program to support community programming that helps our youth build resiliency and be more physically active. A healthy snacks component has also been added to this popular after school, physical activity program.

Progress has also been made on protocols and training for support service delivery staff when it comes to referrals or support to clients with apparent mental health issues. The Mental Health First Aid program teaches GNWT front line workers how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, how to provide initial help and how to guide people to community mental health resources and professional help. Mental Health First Aid training has been provided to staff in the Corrections Service as well as to staff of the departments of Education, Culture and Employment; Municipal and Community Affairs; Health and Social Services and Justice. In addition, the Department of Justice has Mental Health First Aid instructors in-house. The Integrated Case Management team has two instructors available to deliver the three-day Mental Health First Aid workshops to employees and the public.

We are also making progress on services and supports to seniors. In collaboration with the NWT Seniors’ Society, the Seniors Information Handbook has been updated. This valuable resource for seniors provides a comprehensive list of government programs and services that seniors and their caregivers can access to help them make informed decisions and remain independent and active in their home communities. A companion booklet for caregivers is being developed and will provide information to assist families caring for their loved ones. The Government Service Officers have received training on the Handbook and are using it as a resource to support effective service delivery to residents.

Mr. Speaker, these are just some examples of our work to improve the coordination of service delivery and supports to NWT residents. We will continue to advance this important work in the belief that better coordination and collaboration across GNWT departments and agencies that offer social services and supports will lead to improved access and outcomes for NWT residents.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
