Yukon News Releases
/* ES HIDE ALL TABS FOR KUOOT php print render($tabs); */ ?>Premier, Minister and Yukon business delegation conclude Tokyo portion of Asia mission, sign tourism agreement
Premier Ranj Pillai, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and Tourism and Culture John Streicker and a Yukon business delegation have concluded business development meetings in Tokyo and signed a tourism agreement with Japanese tour companies. Premier Pillai and the business delegation will continue the Asia mission in the coming days in Trivandrum, India.
Statement from Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee on National Suicide Prevention Week
Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee has issued the following statement:
Tickets now available for the 2023 United Way Breakfast
The Government of Yukon will host the annual United Way Breakfast fundraiser on Friday, October 6 at the Sternwheeler Hotel & Conference Centre from 7 to 10:30 am.
Government of Yukon shares literacy and numeracy strategies for Yukon Education schools
September 8 is International Literacy Day, a time to recognize the importance of literacy as a foundation for lifelong learning and development and as a matter of human rights and dignity.
Literacy and numeracy are two important skills that develop during early childhood. They are a key component of student success, and the Government of Yukon is committed to improving these skills for students across the territory.
Premier, Minister and business delegation leave on Asia mission
Premier Ranj Pillai, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and Tourism and Culture John Streicker, and a Yukon business delegation departed today on a mission to Tokyo, Japan, and Trivandrum and New Delhi, India. The Premier and Minister met briefly with the Consul General of Japan Mr. Maruyama and Consul General of India Mr. Manish in Vancouver before their departure.
The business delegation accompanying the Premier and Minister includes:
Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister Richard Mostyn on Firefighters’ National Memorial Day
Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn have issued the following statement:
“Since the day’s establishment in 2017, Canadians have paused on the second Sunday in September to remember firefighters who have fallen in the line of duty.
“On Sunday, September 10, we will join all Yukoners in observing Firefighters’ National Memorial Day. This day commemorates the courage, selflessness and unwavering commitment of firefighters and remembers those firefighters who have fallen in the line of duty.
Statement from Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day and Month
Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee has issued the following statement:
“September 9 is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day, part of the broader FASD Awareness Month. The theme this year is Uniting our Strengths: Finding Solutions Together, which serves as a reminder that FASD is more than just an individual issue, but an important focus for the whole community.
Statement from Minister of Education on the Yukon Ombudsman’s report on their Hidden Valley investigation
Minister of Education Jeanie McLean has responded to the Yukon Ombudsman report part one on the 2019 Hidden Valley Elementary School incident:
“The Government of Yukon has reviewed the Yukon Ombudsman’s first report on its investigation into the 2019 Hidden Valley Elementary School incident. We find this report to be aligned with the assessment provided by Amanda Rogers in her Independent Review Report.
Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister Mostyn celebrating Yukon First Nations wildland firefighting
Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn have issued the following statement:
“As wildfire season draws to a close, our government – on behalf of all Yukoners – thanks Yukon First Nations for their contributions to wildland fire management.
“We are proud of the ongoing partnership between Wildland Fire Management and Yukon First Nations and we strongly support the Yukon First Nations Wildfire’s Warrior and Beat the Heat initiatives, two unique initiatives aimed at providing learning and skill development.
Council of the Federation Literacy Award presented to Susan McCallum
Susan McCallum is the recipient of the Yukon’s 2023 Council of the Federation Literacy Award. Deputy Premier Jeanie McLean presented the award to Susan today at a ceremony held at the Guild Hall in Whitehorse with family, friends and colleagues in attendance. This award celebrates Susan’s creativity in inspiring First Nations youth and citizens to actively engage in their traditional languages.
Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie McLean on the start of the fall 2023 semester at Yukon University
Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie MacLean have issued the following statement:
“On behalf of the Government of Yukon, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all those starting or continuing their studies at Yukon University this year.
Joint statement from Premier Pillai and Minister Richard Mostyn on Labour Day
Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister responsible for Workers’ Safety and Compensation Board Richard Mostyn have issued the following joint statement:
“Each year, on Labour Day, we celebrate the backbone of our territory and country – workers.
“We celebrate labour activists, union members and leaders, and all those who have fought and continue to fight for workers’ rights. We honour their successes and we take the opportunity to acknowledge how much more is left to do.
Statement from Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker on the Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker has released the following statement:
“Over the past three days, I had the pleasure of meeting with federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Energy and Mines on how we can work collectively to support a low-carbon and energy-secure future for all Canadians.
The Government of Yukon and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency launch new Forestry Support Program
The Government of Yukon and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency combined financial contributions to launch a new support program offering funding for commercial harvesters and retailers.
Commercial harvesters and retailers can now apply for reimbursements of up to $15,000 for purchases, repairs and upgrades to harvest equipment, vehicles, trailers, personal protective equipment and other equipment. For larger harvesting businesses, the funds can be used for things like planning and administrative costs.
25 Yukon fire personnel deployed to Northwest Territories
Since publishing this news release we have corrected the number of fire personnel sent to the NWT and the type of personnel.
The Government of Yukon has sent wildland fire personnel to support wildfire response operations in the Northwest Territories.
Statement from Minister McPhee on International Overdose Awareness Day
“Today, on International Overdose Awareness Day, we come together to acknowledge a profound challenge that too often remains in the shadows. Overdose, much like the broader Substance Use Health Emergency, is a complex issue that knows no boundaries. It affects our families, our friends and our communities. Behind every statistic, there is a human story of parents, children, siblings, friends and loved ones. Every life lost is a heartbreaking reminder of the work still ahead of us.
Premier, Minister and Yukon business delegation traveling to Asia to strengthen ties and promote economic growth
In September, Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and Tourism and Culture John Streicker, accompanied by a delegation of Yukon-based business leaders and government officials, will embark on a mission to Japan and India.
The aim of this mission is to develop partnerships to address health and human resource challenges, promote innovation and collaboration in critical minerals and technology, create lasting relationships that will increase business investment in the Yukon and increase tourism from Asia.
Government of Yukon making life more affordable across the territory
The Yukon has enjoyed economic growth every year since 2016, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the territory continues to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. However, many Yukoners are feeling financial pressures due to inflation.
To alleviate these pressures, the Government of Yukon has introduced a number of measures to make life more affordable for all Yukoners.
Some of the ways that the Government of Yukon is making housing more affordable for everyone include:
The Government of Yukon highlights 14 initial actions from the Substance Use Health Emergency Strategy
On August 23, 2023, the Substance Use Health Emergency Strategy was introduced as a result of partnership and a shared commitment to the health and wellbeing of all Yukoners. Building on this foundation of collaboration and transparency, the Government of Yukon will continue to work closely with partners and the recently-established Yukon First Nations Chiefs Committee on Health to advance and implement the recommendations as well as identify future actions.