Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Updated: 2 hours 6 min ago

Nova Scotia Celebrates Cadets Day

Sat, 10/04/2014 - 10:00
Premier's Office -- Young people from across the province came to Province House to celebrate Cadets Day, Oct. 4.

Health Authorities Act Lays Foundation for Unified Health-care System

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 12:43
Health and Wellness -- Government passed the Health Authorities Act today, Oct. 3, that sets the groundwork to consolidate 10 district health authorities into two.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 11:24
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- NEW WORK ---

Opinion des tribunaux demandée au sujet de la loi sur les circonscriptions électorales

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:51
Justice -- Lena Metlege Diab, procureure générale, demande à la Cour d'appel de la Nouvelle-Écosse son opinion sur l'abolition de trois circonscriptions électorales acadiennes.

Court Opinion Sought on Electoral Boundaries Legislation

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:47
Justice -- Attorney General Lena Metlege Diab is asking the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal for an opinion on the abolishment of three Acadian electoral districts.

Les détecteurs de fumée peuvent sauver des vies

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 09:33
Municipal Affairs -- Durant la Semaine de la prévention des incendies, qui se déroule du 5 au 11 octobre, on encourage les Néo-Écossais à apprendre comment ils peuvent réduire le risque d'incendie, et à vérifier leurs détecteurs de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone pour s'assurer qu'ils ont des piles neuves et qu'ils sont en bon état de fonctionnement.

Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 09:30
Municipal Affairs -- During Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5-11, Nova Scotians are encouraged to learn how they can reduce the risk of fire, and are reminded to check their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they have fresh batteries and are working correctly.

Call for Applications for Adjudicative, Non-Adjudicative Boards

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 09:17
Executive Council -- Government launched its fall recruitment campaign today, Oct. 3, to get more people to apply for the many available positions on the province's 165 agencies, boards and commissions.

Book Collection Celebrates World Breastfeeding Week

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 09:07
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Nova Scotian families will have more resources on breastfeeding at their local libraries after a book launch Saturday, Oct. 4, during World Breastfeeding Week.

Police Auxiliary Members Protected from Liability

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 08:38
Justice -- RCMP auxiliary and municipal police auxiliary members will be protected from liability through amendments to the Police Act introduced today, Oct. 3.

STATUS OF WOMEN–-Women's History Month Celebrates Trailblazers

Thu, 10/02/2014 - 11:04
Status of Women -- Nova Scotians are invited to honour remarkable women from our past and encourage leaders of tomorrow during Women's History Month.

Le gouvernement publie une nouvelle stratégie sur la diversité et l'inclusion

Thu, 10/02/2014 - 10:52
Public Service Commission -- Le gouvernement renforce son engagement envers la diversité et l'inclusion au sein de la fonction publique grâce à sa première stratégie sur la diversité.

Government Raises Bar with New Diversity, Inclusion Strategy

Thu, 10/02/2014 - 10:39
Public Service Commission -- Government is strengthening its commitment to diversity and inclusion in the public service with its first diversity strategy.

Spring Loaded Secures Venture Capital for Knee-brace Technology

Thu, 10/02/2014 - 09:12
Innovacorp -- Nova Scotia-based Spring Loaded Technology is developing bionic knee braces that improve mobility, rehabilitation and performance.

Builders' Lien Act Clarified

Wed, 10/01/2014 - 23:14
Justice -- Amendments introduced today, Oct. 2, to the Builders' Lien Act expand on changes made in 2013, and bring more clarity and consistency to the act.

Compressed Natural Gas Delivery Market Receives Legal Clarity

Wed, 10/01/2014 - 23:12
Energy -- Amendments to the Gas Distribution Act, introduced today, Oct. 2, clarify market rules for delivering compressed natural gas in Nova Scotia.

Correctional Services Act Modernizes Practices

Wed, 10/01/2014 - 23:08
Justice -- Amendments introduced today, Oct. 2, to the Correctional Services Act, better reflect current practices and technology.

Consumer Protection Legislation to be Consistent and Flexible

Wed, 10/01/2014 - 20:14
Service Nova Scotia -- Consumer protection legislation is being updated to reflect current practices and to make it more flexible to changes in the consumer environment.

Province to Recognize, Protect Apprentice Funeral Directors

Wed, 10/01/2014 - 20:06
Service Nova Scotia -- An amendment introduced today, Oct. 1, will allow individuals training to become funeral directors to be licensed and registered as apprentices with the Nova Scotia Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral Directors.

Penalties Increasing for Distracted Drivers

Wed, 10/01/2014 - 13:28
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Nova Scotia is getting tougher on people who use cellphones while driving.
