Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Updated: 7 hours 19 min ago

Working Hard to Reduce Red Tape in Nova Scotia, Op-ed

Thu, 01/22/2015 - 08:01
Service Nova Scotia -- NOTE: The following is an op-ed piece from Service Nova Scotia Minister Mark Furey. The Canadian Federation of Business Red Tape Awareness Week reminds us that excessive government regulation can create hardship for small and medium-sized businesses. I want Nova Scotians to know that reducing red tape and modernizing programs is a priority for this government.

New Season of Public Events Celebrate Local, National Heritage

Wed, 01/21/2015 - 09:57
Lieutenant Governor -- African Heritage Month, recent discoveries in Acadian history and the fiftieth anniversary of the Canadian flag are among the topics to be featured in the upcoming Evenings at Government House, a public event series hosted by the lieutenant governor.

Matthew Johns v. Sobeys Board of Inquiry Begins

Wed, 01/21/2015 - 08:13
Human Rights Commission -- An independent Nova Scotia human rights board of inquiry in the case of Matthew Johns v. Sobeys is scheduled to begin Friday, Jan. 23.

New Heritage Project Announced for Town of Yarmouth

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 13:14
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- The Town of Yarmouth will develop Heritage in Your Hand, a self-guided activity app to promote the community's culture and heritage.

Début de la consultation sur les produits aromatisés

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 12:45
Health and Wellness -- Les Néo-Écossais peuvent maintenant faire connaître leur préférence quant aux arômes qui seront exemptés d'une interdiction dans le cas des produits du tabac aromatisés et du liquide à vapoter aromatisé.

Flavoured Products Consultation Begins

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 12:43
Health and Wellness -- Nova Scotians can now give their input on which flavours should be exempt from a ban on flavoured tobacco and e-cigarette juice.

L'industrie du homard est invitée à discuter et à donner son avis

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 12:10
Fisheries and Aquaculture -- REMARQUE : une liste des dates et des lieux des rencontres figure à la fin du communiqué. Les membres de l'industrie de la pêche au homard sont invités à discuter la proposition d'un droit de deux cents la livre pour aider à faire la promotion et la commercialisation de l'industrie du homard.

Lobster Industry Invited to Discuss, Provide Input

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 12:08
Fisheries and Aquaculture -- NOTE: A list of dates and locations of meetings follows this release. Members of the lobster fishing industry are invited to discuss a proposed two-cent per pound fee to help promote and market the lobster industry.

Entrée en vigueur prochaine d'amendes plus élevées et de nouveaux points d'inaptitude pour la distraction au volant

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 11:23
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- À partir du 1er février, les Néo-Écossais qui utilisent un téléphone cellulaire ou un appareil portatif similaire tout en conduisant recevront des amendes plus élevées et verront des points d’inaptitude inscrits à leur dossier de conduite.

Higher Distracted Driving Fines, New Demerit Points Coming Into Effect

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 11:07
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Beginning Feb.1, Nova Scotians who use a hand-held device while driving will face increased fines and receive demerit points on their licence.

L'examen des programmes d'intervention précoce aborde les listes d'attente, plus de soutien

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 10:50
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Les familles qui ont des enfants qui présentent un risque de retard du développement recevront le soutien dont elles ont besoin plus tôt grâce aux résultats de l'examen des programmes d'intervention précoce.

Early Intervention Review to Address Waitlists, Increase Supports

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 10:48
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Families who have children at risk of developmental delays will get the support they need sooner as a result of the early intervention program review.

Government Marks Red Tape Awareness Week

Tue, 01/20/2015 - 07:50
Service Nova Scotia -- Government is marking the Canadian Federation of Independent Business's (CFIB) annual Red Tape Awareness Week, Jan. 19-23.

Premier Congratulates WestJet on East Coast Expansion

Mon, 01/19/2015 - 15:18
Premier's Office -- Premier Stephen McNeil congratulated WestJet on its largest East Coast expansion in over a decade.

Atlantic Premiers Focused on Improving Competitiveness

Mon, 01/19/2015 - 14:09
Council of Atlantic Premiers -- The Atlantic premiers are working together to improve the competitiveness of the regions's economy through actions to strengthen the workforce, harmonize and streamline regulations, ensure open transmission and transportation of energy, and provide more efficient and cost-effective services to Atlantic Canadians.

Downey v. Halifax Regional Water Commission Hearing Begins Jan. 20

Mon, 01/19/2015 - 13:54
Human Rights Commission -- An independent Nova Scotia human rights board of inquiry in the case of Graham Downey v. Halifax Regional Water Commission is scheduled to begin Tuesday, Jan. 20.

Government Pleased With Result of Health Labour Arbitration Decision

Mon, 01/19/2015 - 11:33
Health and Wellness -- Arbitrator James Dorsey's decision meets the province's goals and supports the creation of a unified health-care authority on April 1.

Quatre nouveaux centres de la petite enfance sont annoncés

Mon, 01/19/2015 - 08:22
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Les familles dans les collectivités de toute la province auront accès à des services et du soutien pour les jeunes enfants grâce à quatre nouveaux centres de la petite enfance.

Four New Early Years Centres Announced

Mon, 01/19/2015 - 08:13
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Families in communities across the province will have services and supports for young children as a result of four new Early Years Centres.

Premier Sends Message of Support for Shot RCMP Officer

Sun, 01/18/2015 - 18:56
Premier's Office -- Premier Stephen McNeil is sending a message of support for RCMP Const. David Wynn, who was seriously wounded in Alberta on Saturday, Jan. 17, and who worked as a paramedic in Bridgewater for years.
