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Tom Beaulieu: Community Fuel Prices

ven, 02/06/2015 - 12:08

Mr. Speaker, I would like to update Members on some recent activities of the Department of Public Works and Services with regards to fuel prices in communities served by its Petroleum Products Division. 

Recent changes in the market have seen oil prices go from all-time highs to record lows over the past year. This current market pricing has provided the Petroleum Products Division with an opportunity to lower its costs and pass on these savings to residents. 

The lower wholesale prices for fuel have made it possible to pass savings on to residents now, during the peak of the winter heating season. Mr. Speaker, on Monday February 2nd, the Petroleum Products Division dropped the price of heating fuel the price of heating fuel in all 16 communities that it serves. 

Those reductions included an 8 cent per litre decrease in the communities of Łutselk’e, Wekweètì, Jean Marie River, Wrigley, Tulita, Fort Good Hope, Délįne, Tsiigehtchic, Paulatuk and Ulukhaktok, while the communities of Whatì, Gamètì, Nahanni Butte, Trout Lake, Colville Lake, Sachs Harbour received a 9 cent per litre decrease in heating fuel. 

With our winter resupply underway, the Department expects that further reductions to the price of heating fuel and future reductions to the price of gasoline are possible in the coming months should current market prices continue. 

Mr. Speaker, lowering the cost of living for NWT residents is a priority for our government. While dramatic shifts in the international market for oil has made it possible to pass on savings to residents, we cannot rely on prices staying low. We still need to be looking for long-term ways to reduce energy costs. 

Energy efficiency and alternative energy solutions offer a stable, longer term solution to living in the North. Through its other programs, the Department of Public Works and Services will continue to advance our goals as a government to reduce our costs and dependency on imported diesel. 

I am encouraged that as a government we continue to look at all ways to reduce the high cost of living in the NWT. I am pleased that we are able, when the market allows, to provide some much needed relief in our smaller communities during the peak of the heating season. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Jackson Lafferty: Increase to the Minimum Wage in the NWT

ven, 02/06/2015 - 12:04

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to advise Members of this House that starting on June 1, 2015, the minimum wage in the Northwest Territories is going up.

The minimum wage in the NWT will increase from $10.00 per hour to $12.50 per hour, making it the highest in Canada today. This is the first increase to the minimum wage in the Northwest Territories since 2011. 

In 2013, I appointed a Minimum Wage Committee consisting of business, non-governmental organizations and other community representatives, which included the NWT Chamber of Commerce and the Northern Territories Federation of Labour. 

This decision to increase the minimum wage was informed by the thorough and considered research of the Minimum Wage Committee, which reviewed relevant information including social and economic factors as well as current minimum and average hourly wages in other Canadian jurisdictions and the cost of living across Canada. 

The Committee provided three options on the minimum wage rate. The option chosen carefully balances the needs of our minimum wage earners with the cost to small businesses that employ them. 

The average minimum wage for each jurisdiction in Canada is about 45 percent of its average hourly wage. In 2013, the average hourly wage in the NWT was $27.80. The present minimum wage of $10.00 per hour only reflects 36 percent of the average hourly wage in the NWT. Increasing the minimum wage to $12.50 per hour brings it up to approximately 45 percent of the NWT average hourly wage, which is in line with the average for Canada. 

Most employers in the NWT already pay more than the minimum wage because this is what is required to attract and retain employees in the NWT. It is anticipated that a higher minimum wage may improve employee retention, enhance recruitment opportunities and attract more people to the workforce. 

On its own, increasing the minimum wage rate is not an effective means of fighting poverty. Across this Government we have many strategies in place to help Northerners achieve their goals, support their families, and live healthy, successful lives – the Early Childhood Development Framework, the Anti-Poverty Strategy, the NWT Housing Corporation Transitional Rent Program, the Income Assistance Program, the Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan, Community Wellness Plans, and Child Care User Subsidy that help to support the most vulnerable in our society. The increased minimum wage joins these strategies to help Northerners.

Mr. Speaker, we have a shared vision of a prosperous NWT where people can afford to support themselves and their families. Raising the minimum wage is one part of creating a vibrant and diversified economy supported by a strong labour force that will share in the economic prosperity and opportunities emerging in the NWT. We believe increasing the minimum wage in the NWT to $12.50 an hour is a much-needed, tangible and practical way to help make that happen. 

Masi, Mr. Speaker.

J. Michael Miltenberger: Budget Address 2015-16

jeu, 02/05/2015 - 15:48

Mr. Speaker, as I rise to present the last Budget of the 17th Legislative Assembly I would first like to thank the Members of this Assembly, who, through various Standing Committees, have worked with the Cabinet towards achieving the priorities of this Assembly within the limits of our fiscal framework. It is a credit to our system of consensus government, as the many successes and accomplishments of the 17th Legislative Assembly and the numerous challenges met and often tough choices made, are because we worked together. This Budget looks to conclude the work of the 17th Assembly and prepare for the fiscal transition to the 18th Assembly.

Our accomplishments are built on three basic principles:

  • We will protect programs and services while managing expenditure growth,
  • We will maintain a stable tax environment to support the economy, and
  • We will achieve this while remaining committed to the Fiscal Responsibility Policy to manage our debt.

Taking Stock

Guided by these principles we have achieved some game changing goals during the past 1,197 days. Only 310 days ago we rolled up 5,000 kilometres of red tape when we gained responsibility for the management of our lands, waters and non-renewable resources on April 1 of last year. The smooth transition was a testament to the dedication of our entire public service, from the people who worked directly to make the assumption of the new responsibilities seamless, to the employees who carried on the regular business of government while the focus and resources were elsewhere. Resource management decisions are now made faster while using the same stringent requirements and processes as before. We are finally receiving a share of the resource revenues generated in our territory. As an Assembly, we have chosen, after sharing with Aboriginal governments, to save 25 per cent of the net revenues we receive from our resource revenues in the Heritage Fund to ensure future Northwest Territories residents share in the benefits of the resources we are using now.

We have protected programs and services. Over the life of the 17th Assembly we will have increased social envelope spending by $112 million. To date in this Assembly we have added $69 million in new initiatives plus almost $54 million in multi-year one-time funding to offset a portion of the NWT Power Corporation’s electricity rate increase, which helped moderate the transition to higher rates. In 2015-16, the Government proposes to add $24.2 million to continue support of the priorities of the Legislative Assembly.

We have not raised taxes, except through indexing to inflation.

We have taken measured risk to make strategic capital investments to grow the economy. This includes the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Optic Link, which will provide opportunities for business, more efficient and effective delivery of government programs, and is expected to pay for itself with the anticipated growth of the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility.

During the life of this Assembly, including the 2015-16 capital budget approved last November, we will have delivered, started working on, or committed to, $1.5 billion in capital projects. This includes major projects like the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway and the Stanton Hospital renovation. These infrastructure investments are significant commitments that will benefit our residents for generations.

We have accomplished this while remaining committed to our Fiscal Responsibility Policy. In keeping with the Policy’s guidelines, we will have generated operating surpluses in every year of our mandate to pay for at least half of our infrastructure and to service debt. Through careful management of expenditures, we were able to keep our commitment to invest an additional $100 million in capital in the last two years of this Assembly.

While we have borrowed to make capital investments, our debt servicing payments are one per cent of total annual revenues, well below the Fiscal Responsibility Policy’s maximum debt servicing payment guideline of five per cent of total revenues, and the third lowest in the country.

Economic Outlook

These accomplishments are set against a backdrop of a different reality. We are expecting the economy to have grown 5.2 per cent in 2014 and to grow 3.7 per cent this year. The growth in 2014 reflects increased diamond production, pre-construction work on the Gahcho Kué mine and the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway construction. The economic growth should continue this year with the increased investment resulting from the start of construction of the Gahcho Kué diamond mine.

These economic growth estimates cloak the decrease in resident employment, the declining population, the dramatically slowing oil and gas exploration, the business closures in some of our communities, and the fact that our economy is only four-fifths of what it was in 2007. Our economic growth is concentrated in the diamond industries while the rest of the economy is not really growing at all.

Over the medium term, there are encouraging signs that our two largest diamond mines will extend their mine lives. These potential extensions are not overly long-term and we need to be cautious. Forecasts are just forecasts until they become reality. The scope and timing of new resource projects is uncertain and already identified potential new mines, including the Gahcho Kué mine, are smaller than the existing mines that will mature soon under the current mine plans.

We have been through the resource boom and bust many times and we are fortunate that we have the diamond mines to support our economy as they have. Nevertheless, we should not count on being lucky again. Our economic future depends on us being able to make investments to grow and diversify the economy and achieve the objectives set in our economic strategies. We are measuring the success of our efforts by setting an aspirational target to increase the Northwest Territories’ population by 2,000 people over the next four years. We are measuring success by boots on the ground because other economic indicators are misleading in a small resource-based economy with a large fly in and out workforce.

While all options are on the table to reach our 2,000 target, we are focussed on strategies to help private business retain and recruit as well as do the same for the GNWT workforce. These strategies look at the quality of life offered by the Northwest Territories. We have some of the highest incomes in Canada, our taxes are competitive, and the lifestyle is second to none, so we are focussing on reducing the cost of living through investments to reduce energy and transportation costs and increase our stock of affordable housing.

Fiscal Situation

We expect to end 2014-15 with a $109 million surplus despite facing both expenditure and revenue shocks. The most severe fire season in the Northwest Territories’ history has cost $55 million, or 3 per cent of this year’s budget. Record 64-year low water levels at the Snare Hydro system required the Government to intervene with a $20 million contribution to the Northwest Territories Power Corporation to ensure higher electricity costs of 13 per cent are not passed on to residents and businesses. On the revenue side, resource revenues are expected to be $41 million lower and corporate income tax $24 million lower than the 2014-15 Budget estimates. This perfect storm of shocks has dropped our capacity to borrow and is projected to reduce the $100 million cushion of unencumbered room under the federally-imposed $800 million borrowing limit to $70 million by the end of this fiscal year.

Based on the economic outlook and the population growth forecasts, we are projecting revenues to remain almost flat over the medium term while expenditure pressures continue to grow. Without continued careful expenditure management, we will have a fiscal problem. If we want a vibrant economy we need to make the infrastructure and other investments that will create the environment for our economic potential to be realized. We do not have the revenue growth necessary to make all these investments possible and we are constrained by the $800 million borrowing limit to borrow to make strategic investments. We can make some investments but it will mean others will not be able to be made and if we can’t find enough savings through efficiency gains then other expenditure management actions will be necessary.

Even a higher limit on our authority to borrow will not mean we can relax on expenditure management. Our borrowing is made up of $407 million in long term and public agency debt and $272 million in short term debt. Much of our public agency debt, such as the $184 million in Northwest Territories Hydro Corporation debt, is self-financing through ratepayers. Our short term debt is created when we borrow for other infrastructure investments and cash shortfalls for programs and services. We use operating surpluses to pay for this debt. Addressing our growing infrastructure deficit and making investments to grow the economy will make large operating surpluses an on-going requirement.

Consequently, for this Budget we asked departments to find savings from within to limit forced growth and reduce the operating base. Our new initiatives, which are mainly completions of actions already started, would not be possible without this restraint.

Budget Highlights

The 2015-16 Budget estimates that total revenues will be $1.83 billion in 2015-16, a 0.6 per cent drop from the revised 2014-15 revenue estimate. Through careful expenditure management by departments, we have held the growth in operating expenditures to 2.1 per cent in 2015-16 to produce a budget of $1.68 billion. The projected $147 million operating surplus will increase our borrowing capacity to $86 million by the end of 2015-16.


This Budget introduces no new taxes. We are holding to the principle of maintaining a stable and competitive tax regime. We need tax revenues to make investments for the well-being of residents and to grow the economy. At the same time, we want to be careful to not increase the cost of living, already one of the highest in the country, on Northwest Territories residents and business.


The budgeted 2015-16 operating expenditures are only $34.6 million higher than the 2014-15 Budget. Departments held the line on expenditures by keeping forced growth and other adjustments to $46 million. This natural increase in spending was partially offset by reductions of $23.1 million for programs that have ended and $12.6 million in reductions to department budgets.

Without the concentrated effort by departments to find savings or to re-profile funding from within their existing budgets, it would not have been possible to present the $24.2 million in new initiatives in this Budget to continue the work to advance the priorities of this Assembly over the past four years.

Investing in People

We will be spending over $930 million on social programs in 2015-16 as investments in the Northwest Territories residents to encourage healthy lifestyles free from poverty. Almost 72 per cent of the increase in our operating budget will go towards our social programs, including an additional $1.75 million for the food allocation in the income assistance program, allowing our most vulnerable Northerners to better feed their families.

To date in this Assembly we have added over $14.4 million in new initiatives to improve the well-being of Northwest Territories residents, ranging from actions under the Anti-Poverty Strategy and the Early Childhood Development Action Plan to prevention programs.

In this Budget we are investing another $4.9 million in new or re-profiled initiatives that will support Northwest Territories residents in reaching their full potential.

This Budget proposes to add $440,000 to promote integrated approaches to case management for high needs clients being served by multiple departments and agencies. Most of the funding is directed to improving wellness through pilot projects in Yellowknife and Inuvik that will integrate the services provided by various departments and non-government agencies to people with a variety of needs. The team will work directly with clients to help manage their cases so that multi-agency services are integrated into a single team for each individual. This pilot project will provide better service to individuals and will provide information on what approaches will work to ensure the culture shift necessary to break down the barriers and silos that exist across departments and between the GNWT and other agencies providing services. The final product of this pilot project will be the knowledge to make recommendations on how to support integrated case management as a permanent system-wide approach for the delivery of services to clients in a variety of areas, including mental health and wellness.

Helping people gain permanent employment is an objective that supports wellness in individuals as well as reduces income assistance costs. By re-profiling funds from its income assistance program, the Department of Education, Culture and Employment will be able to direct $646,000 for a new initiative to establish five Employment Service Officers in each region of the Northwest Territories to help employable income assistance clients to gain permanent employment or enter into training. These Employment Service Officers will work one on one with specific income assistance clients, who typically have a wide range of needs and barriers to employment readiness and also work with employers throughout their region.

Our Early Development Instrument data suggests that a third of all Northwest Territories children are behind in their development by the time they reach five years of age and in the smaller communities as many as 60 per cent of five year olds are not at the level they should be. Many strategies and frameworks work in partnership to address the underlying issues that are holding our children back from reaching their true potential and through the Early Childhood Development Action Plan this Budget includes $1.12 million in direct action to improve childhood outcomes. This funding will increase wages and training of early childhood staff in some communities. It will also support new regional approaches to early intervention for children in families at risk, improving our ability to provide children and their families with the special supports they need to reduce long-term social, emotional and educational problems.

This Budget includes $1.1 million to support the Wellness Court Program. The Wellness Court is an alternative to conventional court that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of offending behaviour. The funds will be used to hire staff for the Wellness Court Program, including case managers and a psychologist, and to create an evaluation framework. We fully expect that over time this specialized court will result in a reduction in offending, and will lead to other positive outcomes for clients and their families. In time, the outcomes from this program and specialized court will spill over into savings for the Government and decreased demands upon the justice and correctional systems.

Supports for our seniors will have a positive effect on keeping whole families in the territory and is an important part of our population growth strategy. Over the longer term, we will have to find additional ways to help seniors stay in their own homes and their communities as long as possible. In the short term, however, our priority is to ensure adequate staffing in our existing long-term care facilities and we have added $618,000 in 2015-16 to provide more hours of direct patient care in Yellowknife’s Aven Manor, Fort Simpson’s Elders Care Home and Fort Smith’s Northern Lights Special Care Home.

In addition to these new initiatives, we are proposing to transfer $1.6 million from the Department of Education, Culture and Employment to the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation to add 75 new housing spaces for income support recipients in Inuvik, Hay River, and Yellowknife, which will improve the housing support provided to these residents.

Investing in the Economy

We have worked hard to be able to fund strategic investments in infrastructure that will create the environment for economic growth and diversification. We have taken measured risks and are prepared to take more if we can invest in a fiscally sustainable manner.

Investments to grow the economy are more than investments in strategic infrastructure. Budget 2015-16 continues actions to build a diversified economy that will provide all communities and regions with opportunities for resident employment and business success with $5.2 million in new initiatives. These actions complement the $11.9 million in new initiatives spent in previous 17th Assembly Budgets to strengthen regional economies and implement actions identified in the Mineral Development Strategy and the Economic Opportunities Strategy.

In total, the Budget provides $2.5 million for initiatives to support the Economic Opportunities Strategy, including more funding for the agriculture strategy, the film industry pilot project, regional economic plans, tourism promotion and training, a business internship, and $1.5 million in support for the commercial fishing industry.

Over $1.7 million in new funds are proposed for the Mineral Development Strategy, including $300,000 for the Geoscience Field Assistant Training Program and a geoscience career liaison coordinator and over $1.4 million to hire a geophysicist, a surficial geologist and a northern mining business development officer and provide support for incentive programs for exploration, scientific resource deficits, and coordination between industrial market segments.

The 2015-16 Budget proposes to make an initial contribution of $1 million to help fund the 2018 Arctic Winter Games. We expect that a community, or group of communities, outside of Yellowknife will be chosen late this fiscal year to host the 2018 Games. This is a multi-year commitment to provide the host organization with funds to establish an office, hire staff and raise additional resources to conduct the Games and, if necessary, bring existing facilities to the standard expected by the Arctic Winter Games International Committee. Hosting the Games provides community and economic development and lasting sport and health benefits.

Devolution Implementation

We spent $59 million in last year’s Budget to assume the responsibilities and duties under the Devolution Agreement for the management of our lands, waters and non-renewable resources. We set aside almost $10 million of the $67.2 million transfer into the base of our Territorial Formula Financing Grant in 2014-15 to fund necessary activities that were not anticipated in the initial implementation process. The 2015-16 Budget adds $3 million to complete the devolution implementation, including $1.2 million associated with the impact of final devolution implementation actions on regular department budgets.

Within the Department of Lands, funding in the amount of $151,000 has been allocated for the next three years for a resource management specialist to coordinate the GNWT input into the federal amendments to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and the federal regulatory improvement initiative and to help ensure the GNWT Surface Rights Board is established and operational by April 1, 2016. Although the Act remains federal jurisdiction, the new regulations that are being contemplated under the Act will be largely administered by the GNWT through its new delegated authorities. The new regulations represent important additions to the suite of authorities found under the Act. The coordinated approach will bring forward the policy thinking from a number of departments to maximize the GNWT’s influence in shaping the evolving regulatory regime and minimize its potential exposure to unanticipated administrative costs in new regulations.

An additional $415,000 is budgeted for new lands and resource specialists and a legal advisor to ensure that we have a coherent and well-planned policy base for building relationships with the new Boards and for the necessary coordination of GNWT decision-making with Canada for environmental assessment, inspection and enforcement of existing operations. As well, to continue the work of the Office of the Oil and Gas Regulator, we are including $220,000 to fund a resource management position.

This Budget provides $1 million to establish a new Liabilities and Financial Assurances Division to manage and coordinate financial assurances for resource development projects across several departments by ensuring that companies meet their obligations for environmental liabilities. The legislative framework makes project proponents responsible for the remediation of their project or to respond to an environmental event. However, if the proponent does not respond, the GNWT protects itself and its taxpayers from the potential liability by demanding financial securities from the proponent. The new Division will improve on the system inherited from the federal government by developing and managing environmental liabilities and financial assurances in collaboration and coordination with GNWT regulatory and central departments. This approach will ensure protection of the environment through whole project assessment of liabilities and financial assurances and provide necessary policy advice. This will ensure that the GNWT identifies the appropriate level of security for a project, which will protect the GNWT from the significant financial liabilities that can arise from the failure of a proponent to address an environmental event or its closure and reclamation obligations.

Supporting the Environment

Information management is a key component in the development of sustainable economic and environmental management frameworks. Post devolution, it has become apparent that there are critical gaps in the Northwest Territories environmental and landscape baseline data, and therefore funding is required to increase the knowledge in this important area. This Budget proposes investing $694,000 to establish the Western Arctic Centre for Geomatics in Inuvik. This investment will provide resources for three positions that will provide geomatics services such as remote sensing and research support to the GNWT and other Northwest Territories stakeholders.

Following devolution, the GNWT took over the full operation of the Taiga Environmental Laboratory, which provides analytical water sampling to the private sector and other government departments. This Budget includes a $577,000 increase in the facility’s operating budget for costs to assume total control of the operations at the laboratory. These costs are expected to be partially offset by the revenues that will be received from the laboratory’s operations.

Assuming responsibility for the Northwest Territories lands and waters on April 1 has transformed the GNWT from a co-lead with the federal government to the leader on the NWT Water Stewardship Strategy. The biggest risk to implementing our water stewardship strategy is the potential effects on trans boundary waters from actions of our upstream neighbours. This Budget includes one-time funding of $1.6 million to conclude protective trans boundary water agreements with upstream jurisdictions. Commitments flowing from these agreements will be addressed in subsequent budgets.

Investing in Energy and Lowering the Cost of Living

The GNWT has a long term commitment to reducing energy costs and our reliance on non-renewable energy sources. We have demonstrated this commitment with $12.3 million in new initiatives in the last three budgets. The $4 million in new initiatives in this Budget will bring the total new actions taken in this Assembly in continuing energy initiatives to lower the cost of living and reduce Northwest Territories’ greenhouse gas emissions to $16.3 million.

We are proposing an additional $1.4 million in this Budget to continue our energy conservation efforts. The $400,000 in additional funding proposed to keep Arctic Energy Alliance regional energy advisors will bring the total funding for this initiative to $1.13 million per year. As well, the $1.4 million includes $400,000 to convert streetlights in NTPC thermal communities to more efficient LED streetlights, $300,000 to fund the Hot Water Heater Replacement program, which is designed to replace domestic electric hot water heaters with more efficient oil- or propane-fired heaters in non-hydro communities, $200,000 for the Commercial Energy Efficiency Program and $100,000 for the Energy Efficiency Incentive Program that helps address up-front cost barriers that consumers face in becoming more energy efficient.

We are continuing our efforts to explore alternative energy sources with $2.6 million for on-going and new initiatives. The Budget includes $100,000 in additional funds to support the Alternative Energy Technology program, which provides up to one-half of the project cost for biomass and other alternative energy projects. We also propose providing the NWT Housing Corporation with $700,000 to install solar panels on 30 public housing units in six communities to supply energy for the mechanical and electrical systems. We want to make further use of the sun’s energy by proposing $500,000 to integrate solar panels with the new diesel plant in Colville Lake and $125,000 to support solar energy smart grid technology in communities. We are also looking to take advantage of world-class winds near Storm Hills by proposing $175,000 to test the feasibility of large-scale wind-generated power in that location and $50,000 for the NWT Wind Monitoring Program administered by Aurora Research Institute. We propose to continue to promote community biomass energy projects and evaluation of biomass projects with $450,000 in additional funding. Finally, we propose $325,000 to complete liquefied natural gas feasibility studies in Yellowknife and in one of three candidate communities: Fort Liard, Fort MacPherson and Tuktoyaktuk.

We know that to meaningfully reduce the cost of living and to enable the Northwest Territories economy to grow and develop, we need to make significant investments in energy infrastructure, specifically our generation capacity in Yellowknife and in the thermal communities. This fact was confirmed by the recent Energy Charrette held in Yellowknife. Pending the successful conclusion of our borrowing limit discussions with the federal government, the GNWT is prepared to make those investments. These investments are critical economic infrastructure that will lower the cost of living, use environmentally friendly alternative energy sources, minimize our reliance on the use of diesel, and help create the conditions for economic growth.

Following discussions with the Standing Committee of Priorities and Planning, we are proposing to bring all of the GNWT’s energy functions into the Department of Public Works and Services to better support the long term sustainability of our energy policies, program development and delivery. This department has a proven track record for getting results in energy planning and conservation and is already providing a leading role in the adoption of renewable energy technologies and developing and promoting good building practices for the northern environment. This action will result in a consolidated core of energy project management expertise and will provide a clear focus and accountability in energy project and program spending.

Investing to Improve Program and Service Delivery

The 17th Legislative Assembly is committed to improving program and service delivery for our residents and businesses. Including the $5.6 million in new or enhanced actions proposed in this Budget, a total of $19.6 million will have been directed to improving program efficiency and effectiveness during the life of this Assembly.

Included in these initiatives is almost $2.5 million to enhance the delivery of French language services and communications to residents of the Northwest Territories.

Last year’s Budget provided funding to allow Health Authorities to use information systems expertise at the Technology Service Centre. This Budget provides $1.5 million in additional funding to upgrade regional Health Authorities’ computer systems so that they can be integrated into a territory-wide Health and Social Services Information Systems Service Centre. Bringing all authorities into one common platform will support the continued roll-out of e-health programs such as the territorial Electronic Medical Records, which will improve patient outcomes and enhance the quality of care.

This Budget includes the transfer of $2.3 million in Traditional Economy programs from the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The transferred programs include the Community Harvester Assistance Program, Local Wildlife Committees, WSCC Coverage for Resource Harvesters, Hunters and Trappers Disaster Compensation Program, Take a Kid Trapping/Harvesting Program and the Western Harvester Assistance Program. The two departments will cooperate to deliver the Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur Program with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources being responsible for the Fur Marketing Service Revolving Fund program and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment being responsible for national and international marketing and promotion. This re-alignment of responsibilities will ensure a coordinated approach to our programs to support traditional harvesting activities and products.

The Government continues with its commitment to decentralize positions to the regions where possible. We are solidly into phase three of our decentralization implementation. After 15 positions are decentralized in 2015-16, and including the seven positions approved for decentralization in 2016-17, we will have decentralized 150 positions to communities during this Assembly. We are working hard to make decentralization possible from within our existing operations as demonstrated by the Department of the Executive re-profiling resources in Headquarters to establish two new Service Officers in Trout Lake and Wekweètì. However, not all decentralization efforts can be funded internally and this Budget provides an additional $813,000 in 2015-16 for further decentralization actions including costs associated with moving the Territorial Parks Office from Yellowknife to Hay River.

We continue to work to remove the barriers to successful completion of our decentralization strategy. Through the NWT Housing Corporation’s Market Housing and Housing for Staff programs, we are working with stakeholders to increase market rental housing in the smaller communities. We are using our recruitment initiatives to help address the high public service vacancy rates outside of Yellowknife by linking Northerners with regional vacancies and providing on the job training programs; and, where we can’t develop Northerners to certain jobs in the short term, we will recruit from outside the Northwest Territories using various recruitment tools and initiatives. Now that the dust has settled from the organization changes as result of devolution, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources is currently undertaking an exercise to determine what activities are the most appropriate to decentralize and looks forward to discussing its conclusions with Standing Committees in the near future.

Looking Ahead

Mr. Speaker, we are forecasting total revenue growth to be basically flat for the next five years. By 2019-20 revenues are forecast to be only 0.4 per cent higher than in 2015-16. Over the same period, expenditures are forecast to grow 8.4 per cent, or about 2.1 per cent a year, under assumptions of strict expenditure management and the return to a $75 million capital budget.

Clearly this is not sustainable. The revenue and operating expenditure projections mean that operating surpluses will be substantially reduced by 2019-20 under current assumptions. Smaller operating surpluses drop us deeper into a trap of short-term borrowing for cash to cover operating expenditures and leave little to no resources available for infrastructure investments and debt servicing payments. Even by constraining the capital budget to $75 million annually, or about 4 per cent of total revenues, total debt at the end of 2019‑20 is projected to be $759 million, only $40 million below the current borrowing limit of $800 million.

Actions on the revenue side are limited over the short term. Next year, over $1.2 billion of our $1.8 billion forecast for total revenues comes from a single federal transfer, the Territorial Formula Financing Grant, which is projected to increase an average of 0.3 per cent annually over the next five years. Our lack of population growth and the reduction in the forecasts for provincial government spending are compounding the drag on growth in the Formula Financing Grant and are beyond our control. Our $425 million in own-source revenues are forecast to grow an average of 3.5 per cent annually over the next five years, but when we factor in the slow growth in Territorial Formula Financing, the growth in our total revenue forecast becomes flat. While increasing our own revenues is an option, we will need to carefully consider the balance between the amount of additional revenues that can be raised on our small tax base and the effect this could have on the Northwest Territories economy.

Fiscal sustainability means that the growth in the total operating and maintenance budget, including compensation and benefits paid to employees, must not exceed our revenue growth. Fiscal prudence means we need to keep a cushion of at least $100 million in borrowing room. Taken together, this means other expenditure management actions, including reductions, need to be considered.

A higher borrowing limit will not solve this problem – even the ability to borrow more without compromising our commitment to the Fiscal Responsibility Policy will require careful management of expenditures. What we borrow we must repay. This is why the provisions in the proposed Financial Administration Act that will ensure the Legislative Assembly will have the ability to review, debate and vote on all short and long term borrowing annually through a borrowing plan tabled with the Main Estimates will be so important.

We are approaching the edge of a cliff and our challenge is to ensure that we do not go over. We should not be operating this close to the edge. Going forward, our main priority will be to continue to maintain fiscal sustainability while protecting our programs and services, making investments in critical economic infrastructure to grow the economy and investing in capital to reduce our $3.8 billion infrastructure deficit. There will be difficult choices to make.


Mr. Speaker, I shall conclude with the blunt message that we have been spending everything that we receive. This can work when revenues are growing but with a forecast of flat revenue growth over the medium term we need to make sure our expenditures grow in line with our revenues.

However, as I was reminded by participants during last fall’s Budget Dialogues, we have been here before. We have learnt from past mistakes and together we can work to ensure fiscal sustainability to our Budget. In the days leading up to the next Assembly, we must start considering the difficult decisions so that we are not passing our problems to future generations.

We will meet this challenge and turn it into opportunities. By working together to ensure that the actions we take will give us the best value for the dollars we are spending, we will still be able to seize opportunities to invest in actions to grow our economy, increase our population, increase our tax base, lower the cost of living and continue to protect the environment. Our Aa1 credit rating and key indicators reflect that we are collectively continuing to manage our way through these often trying times.

All Members of this Assembly should be proud of the work we have done toward achieving our vision of strong individuals, families and communities sharing the benefits and responsibilities of a unified, environmentally sustainable and prosperous Northwest Territories. We will not shrink from the challenge of making the difficult choices to ensure that the GNWT remains on a fiscally sustainable path; able to implement our vision for the Northwest Territories.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Budget 2015-16: Taking Stock

jeu, 02/05/2015 - 15:40

YELLOWKNIFE (February 5, 2015) – Finance Minister J. Michael Miltenberger presented the 2015-16 Budget today, the last budget for the 17th Legislative Assembly.

“Members of this Assembly can be proud of their work to protect and enhance programs and services while managing to generate operating surpluses to invest in strategic infrastructure to grow the economy,” Minister Miltenberger said. “Together we have achieved some game changing objectives, including rolling up 5,000 kilometres of red tape when we gained responsibility for the management of our lands, waters and non-renewable resources on April 1 of last year. Through careful management of expenditures, we will have invested $112 million more in social programs by the end of this Assembly while still producing enough operating surpluses to fund an extra $100 million in capital investments in 2014-15 and 2015-16.”

The 2015-16 Budget also contains a warning for the medium term. “Over the next five years, total revenues are expected to be basically flat and we will have to make difficult choices to keep expenditure growth in line with revenues,” warned the Minister. “Our ability to propose $24.2 million in new initiatives in this Budget to continue to advance the priorities of this Assembly was partially achieved through departments’ efforts to find savings and re-profile funding from within their existing budgets; however, in the future other expenditure management options may need to be considered.”

The 2015-16 Budget projects an operating surplus of $147 million for 2015-16 from operating expenditures of $1.68 billion and total revenue forecast of $1.83 billion. Total short and long term debt is projected to be $671 million at March 31, 2016. After adding the projected $43 million in other instruments included under the definition of borrowing for the purposes of the borrowing limit, borrowing is expected to be $714 million at March 31, 2016, leaving $86 million in available borrowing room under the federally-imposed borrowing limit of $800 million.

Highlights of specific initiatives of the 2015-16 Budget are included in the attached Budget Highlights document. The 2015-16 Budget Address and Main Estimates can be found on the Department of Finance website at

Media inquiries:
Shaun Dean

Director, Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2304


Bob McLeod: Sessional Statement

mer, 02/04/2015 - 15:40

Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome Members back for the continuation of the Fifth Session of the 17th Legislative Assembly.

As we near the end of our term, it is only natural to want to look back at what we have achieved. While we have accomplished many of the goals and objectives we set for ourselves when we first met in October 2011, there is still more work to be done. Now is not the time to rest on our laurels.

We have a vision of strong individuals and communities sharing the benefits and responsibilities of a unified, environmentally sustainable and prosperous Northwest Territories.

We decided we would pursue that vision by strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and other governments to build a strong, sustainable future.

We committed ourselves to increasing employment opportunities where they are most needed.

We identified the importance of a strong, diversified economy in all communities and regions.

We agreed to address housing needs and to support our people to be healthy and free from addictions.

These priorities are not ends in themselves, Mr. Speaker. These priorities are important because they will help to create a territory where our people can prosper and thrive. A territory where our people can enjoy a high quality of life, good health and a healthy environment. A territory where everyone has the support they need to be full participants in their community and to achieve their aspirations for themselves and their families.

This Assembly has made good progress towards realizing our vision for this kind of territory. We have achieved devolution, we are implementing the Land Use and Sustainability Framework, we have plans to address poverty, mental health and addictions and community safety. We are supporting economic growth and diversification through the Economic Opportunities Strategy, Mineral Development Strategy and expected Oil and Gas Strategy. We are investing in our people through education reform and early childhood development.

But we cannot take this progress for granted, Mr. Speaker. Some of the challenges, like the high cost of living and the high cost of energy, have been persistent, requiring the attention of many previous Assemblies. Some of the challenges have arisen during our term, such as falling oil prices and slowing oil and gas exploration that threaten our economic growth and limit available jobs for Northerners.

Completing the work we started in 2011 so that Northerners have the opportunity to benefit from strong communities, a healthy environment and vibrant economy means maintaining the momentum we have achieved. It means keeping our focus and continuing to identify opportunities for dealing with the issues that matter to Northerners.

Addressing the high cost of living is one of those issues, Mr. Speaker. We know that many people across the North struggle to get by, especially in our smaller communities.

The Government of the Northwest Territories is committed to taking action where it can to address this challenge for all our residents, Mr. Speaker. We have increased the minimum wage to ensure that working Northerners have a better chance to earn the money they need to live affordably. We have borne the increased cost of low water in the Snare Hydro System, sparing residents all across the Northwest Territories the increased power bills that it would have meant.

Of course, subsidizing energy costs is only a short-term solution, Mr. Speaker, one that this government will ultimately not be able to afford. That is why we convened a second Energy Charrette last December to look for new, practical ideas to address the energy question and address it soon.

We know that we cannot continue to rely on expensive, imported diesel. The cost is too high, to our wallets and to the environment. Finding affordable and more environmentally-friendly alternatives to diesel generation will be an important part of our plan for lowering energy and living costs.

We know that there are opportunities for generating power more affordably in more communities. The Inuvik LNG project is proving to be successful, even with the cost of trucking fuel from British Columbia. As LNG supplies move closer to us, costs will drop and we can consider options for expanding to other communities along the transportation route.

We also continue to pursue renewable energy options. The Northwest Territories leads the country in the installation of commercial-scale biomass heating systems, many in Government of the Northwest Territories buildings. Not only does biomass hold out the promise of cheaper energy for residents, it also provides economic development opportunities for Northwest Territories harvesters and wood pellet manufacturers that we are supporting through forest management agreements.

We are also seeing success with solar and wind energy installations, and have opportunities for mini-hydro in several communities.

Taking action to lower high costs will only go so far, Mr. Speaker. Some of the factors that contribute to the high cost of living will always be outside our control, like the long distances between our communities and the climate we live in.

Where we cannot lower costs, we will have to find ways to increase the general prosperity of Northerners. People need good jobs and good salaries so they can afford to live in their communities, Mr. Speaker. We can achieve some of that through decentralization of Government of the Northwest Territories jobs, and we continue to make that a priority, along with an increased focus on regional recruitment.

At the same time, it is business that creates jobs, not government. Government’s role is to create a supportive environment in which businesses can thrive and create the jobs and economic opportunities people depend on. If we want to create sustainable, affordable communities, we have to continue our work to grow a strong, diversified economy in all communities and regions of the Northwest Territories.

A key part of that is investing in the kind of infrastructure the territory needs to support continued economic growth: communications infrastructure, energy infrastructure, transportation infrastructure.

Investing in this kind of infrastructure has been a priority throughout this Assembly. We broke ground on the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line last month and are in our second season of construction on the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway, on schedule and on budget. We continue to develop our plans for completing the Mackenzie Valley Highway and are pursuing funding under the federal government’s New Building Canada Plan. We are looking at options for an all-weather road into the Slave Geologic Province, potentially linking up with a road in Nunavut.

This is a resource-rich territory, Mr. Speaker. But those resources are going untapped and Northerners continue to struggle when they should be enjoying the kind of prosperity that the responsible development of those resources can bring. We have an estimated $3 billion infrastructure deficit in this territory. We are already addressing this deficit to help transform potential into prosperity, and we need partners to join us.

Last week, Mr. Speaker, a delegation of Ministers, Members of the Legislative, Aboriginal leaders, business people and an Non-Governmental Organizations representative took this message to Ottawa for our second NWT Days. In meetings with the Prime Minister, federal Ministers, embassies and stakeholders, and in media interviews, we talked about how Northern resource potential can contribute to national prosperity. We also talked about the critical importance of infrastructure investment if we hope to realize that potential and the need for partners, like the Government of Canada and industry, to join us in that infrastructure investment.

The borrowing limit was also on the agenda for our discussions. Our ability to make any of the investments we have talked about will be severely limited with our current borrowing limit. I spoke to the Prime Minister about how the Government of the Northwest Territories needs the fiscal flexibility of a higher borrowing limit to be able to make the strategic infrastructure investments the territory needs for economic growth. I expect we will have an answer on our request by April.

We also talked about the need to consider the potential of the Mackenzie Valley as an energy, information and transportation corridor that can serve as a path to tidewater for Northern and Canadian resources.

For 40 years, our attention has been focused on finding ways to ship our resources to markets in the south with limited success. If we are going to benefit from them, we have to consider all our options for responsibly developing and moving our resources, including a northern option.

Talking to people about a northern option is an important part of raising the profile of the territory. Over the years, it has been hard to get national attention for the Northwest Territories and its potential. People know about Ontario’s Ring of Fire and the job opportunities that until very recently have drawn Canadians from all across the country to Fort McMurray, Alberta. Few people seem to know what the North has to offer or why it might be in the national interest to invest here, and few people will invest here unless we work to promote our potential nationally and internationally.

Studying a potential northern corridor is one way to do that.

Northerners are already familiar with the potential here and have heard many ideas for responsibly developing and transporting our resources to market. Through the years, the Government of the Northwest Territories has studied many of the ideas and is already moving ahead with projects like the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line and the Mackenzie Valley Highway. We will continue with these kinds of investments in our infrastructure, and more.

But building up the infrastructure we will need to support economic growth will take outside investment, and competition for investment dollars is intense. Letting people know there are business opportunities here, and clearly describing them, will help to attract investment to our territory.

Being able to clearly describe the challenges and some of the unique considerations that will face anybody working in the North is a critical part of creating success. We have seen uncertainty and lack of information stall projects here before. Gathering the information and filling knowledge gaps by undertaking a comprehensive study is an appropriate role for government as we continue to promote awareness of this territory and its potential.

Casting a wider net and seeking new markets and business partners outside of Canada is also important. It was with that in mind that Minister Ramsay and I undertook our second trade mission together to China and Japan at the beginning of this year. If we need to work hard to get recognized on the national stage, we need to work even harder to get recognized on the international stage.

Asia represents huge market opportunities for Northwest Territories products and a potential source of investment in both infrastructure and resource development projects. Exports to China have increased $8 million, or 22 percent, since 2008 and there is already Chinese investment in Northwest Territories mining. The Japanese have shown interest in oil and gas and LNG and have previously funded the Mallik Gas Hydrate project. On the tourism front, Aurora tourism visitations hit record highs in 2013 and 2014 and we have seen Chinese tourist visits double every year since 2010.

We have achieved this kind of growth by building relationships with potential investors and government officials, and we continue to invest in those relationships to ensure the benefits continue.

Mr. Speaker, building a better future for this territory and its people has been a constant theme during this Assembly. Through the last three years we have advanced an agenda based on investing in our people, our economy and our environment to achieve that future. But it is a long-term project and the work will not end with us.

Tomorrow, Minister Miltenberger will table the 2015-2016 budget. This will be the final budget that we will debate here as Members of the17th Legislative Assembly. This budget will give us an opportunity to take stock of what we have achieved in the past three years. At the same time, budgets are about the future and this is an opportunity to consider the future, our future priorities, our future plans and our future commitments.

As we enter the final months of this Assembly, Mr. Speaker, we will keep up the momentum that has brought us this far. We will complete the work that is near to completion and we will start identifying the opportunities that will let future governments take advantage of the work we have done. I look forward to continuing to work with all Members during the coming Session and in the remaining months to achieve the priorities that have guided our work throughout the 17th Assembly.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaking notes: Minister Robert C. McLeod, Investment in Affordable Housing Signing Ceremony, Ottawa

ven, 01/30/2015 - 15:09
  • Good afternoon. I am pleased to be here on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories as Minister Responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation.

  • This extension of the Investment in Affordable Housing initiative further strengthens the long-standing partnership between the Northwest Territories, through the NWT Housing Corporation, and Canada, through CMHC.
  • This investment of $9 million from 2014-15 to 2018-19 by Canada in conjunction with an equal contribution from the Government of the Northwest Territories will help to address some of housing problems.
  • As many would know, housing is a challenge in many of our more remote communities. Many residents in these communities depend on social housing, which has long been an example of a successful partnership between the Government of Canada and the Government of the NWT.
  • Homeowners in these communities face challenges with the high cost of construction and with high operating costs for utilities and maintenance services. A recent survey of housing conditions showed that 4 out of 10 homeowners in NWT small communities are in core housing need, with the most common problem they face is that their dwellings are in need of major repair.
  • All of our communities face additional challenges with a rapidly growing senior’s population.
  • Previous funding from the Investment in Affordable Housing Initiative has been targeted at programs that help low and modest income homeowners to repair their home and to support transitional and other housing for families most in need.
  • I believe the Government of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories recognize the importance of housing to ensuring sustainable northern communities. Housing is a key to social outcomes related to health, education and overall well-being, but also to economic objectives like labour force development and sustainable economic development.
  • Overall, the Government of the Northwest Territories plans to spend about $170 million over the next five years on key housing initiatives like:
    • adding additional independent complexes for seniors in smaller communities,
    • expanding the number market rentals in smaller communities,
    • investing in improving the overall quality of our social housing stock, and
    • offering a variety of supports to homeowners.
  • Finally, I would like to thank Minister Bergen and the Government of Canada for this agreement and for all of the support we receive from Canada related to housing.
  • The NWT looks forward to continuing to work with Canada on this and future housing partnerships that recognize the unique economic and social conditions and challenges faced by the NWT.
  • Thank you.

Governments of Canada and Northwest Territories extend funding to offer more affordable housing solutions in NWT

ven, 01/30/2015 - 15:07

OTTAWA, January 30, 2015– Together, the Governments of Canada and Northwest Territories announced an additional combined investment of more than $18 million over five years, through an extension to the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) agreement.

“Our Government has made historic investments in housing. We recognize that the provinces and territories are best placed to decide how to target the funding because in order to make a lasting difference, the projects must reflect local housing needs and priorities,” said the Honourable Candice Bergen, Minister of State for Social Development. “This latest funding will help ensure that quality, affordable housing is available for those who need it most in Northwest Territories.”

“Our Government is committed to investing in affordable housing in the North and making our communities better and our country stronger,” said the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of the Environment, Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency and Minister for the Arctic Council. “By partnering with the provinces and territories to invest in affordable housing, our Government is improving the quality of life for low-income Canadians, and will create jobs and opportunities for apprentices in communities.”

“The Northwest Territories Housing Corporation is making considerable strides in providing housing for all residents along the housing continuum,” said the Honourable Robert C. McLeod, Minister of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation and Minister Responsible for Homelessness. “This agreement will help the Government of the Northwest Territories continue to deliver on its priority of addressing housing needs by increasing the availability of housing and housing programs across the territory.”

On December 20, 2011, the Governments of Canada and Northwest Territories announced an IAH agreement with a combined investment of $11 million for the 2011-2014 period. This new agreement extends the original agreement for the 2014-2019 period with an additional combined investment of more than $18 million. From April 2011 to September 2014, the IAH has already helped close to 213,000 households nationally, including 311 in NWT.

Under the IAH, the Northwest Territories has the flexibility to design and deliver a range of affordable housing programs to address local housing needs and priorities. The Government of the Northwest Territories, through the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation (NWTHC) offers a range of programming to address a variety of housing needs from renters and homeowners to persons who are homeless or who have experienced family violence.

The level of support funded through IAH includes 247 projects completed through the Contributing Assistance for Repairs and Enhancements program, which provides forgivable loans to homeowners to undertake necessary repairs to their home to ensure a safe, healthy residence and foster safe independent living; 58 units were developed to assist victims of family violence through support for three shelters; and six households received assistance under the Providing Assistance for Territorial Homeownership program, which consists of a forgivable loan for the construction or purchase of an affordable home.

Annually, the Government of Canada, through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), invests approximately $2 billion in housing. These investments improve the quality of life for low-income Canadians and households living in existing social housing, including individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, seniors, persons with disabilities, recent immigrants and Aboriginal people. Economic Action Plan 2013 continued this commitment with a federal investment of more than $1.25 billion over five years to renew the Investment in Affordable Housing to 2019. The Government of Canada will ensure that funds provided to provinces and territories support the use of apprentices, which will support training of skilled labour.

The NWTHC is active in all areas of the housing continuum in the Northwest Territories, including homelessness, subsidized social housing, affordable rental housing, homeownership repairs, market housing and development incentives. The initiatives and actions of the NWTHC continue to advance and contribute to the health, education and well-being of Northwest Territories residents and to the development of sustainable, vibrant and safe communities. Over the 2011-2014 period, the NWTHC has invested approximately $79 million in capital funding for housing in the Northwest Territories, this includes the NWTHC’s $11 million in joint IAH funding.

To find out more about how the Government of Canada and CMHC help Canadians meet their housing needs, call CMHC at 1-800-668-2642 or visit For more information on Canada’s Economic Action Plan, call 1-800-O-Canada or visit




Backgrounder: for information on the Investment in Affordable Housing, click here.


Media contacts:

Charles Mainville
Public Affairs
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Follow CMHC on Twitter @CMHC_ca


Cara Bryant
Communications Advisor
Northwest Territories Housing Corporation

Minister of ITI issues oil and gas call for bids

ven, 01/30/2015 - 12:30

YELLOWKNIFE (January 30, 2015) – Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment David Ramsay today issued a call for bids for exploration licences for two parcels of land located in the in the Central Mackenzie Valley.

The Call for Bids process invites companies to bid on specific parcels of land to secure and possibly obtain an Exploration Licence, which grants the successful bidder exclusive rights for oil and gas exploration for the term of the issued licence. This is the first-ever rights issuance process administrated solely by the Government of the Northwest Territories since the devolution of responsibility for public land, resources and water in April 2014.

Information about the call for bids is available in the attached bulletin.

Sealed bids must be received by 12 noon (MST) on June 2, 2015.

Media inquiries:

Leslie Campbell
Senior Communications Officer
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-3343

Premier Bob McLeod: Speaking Notes at the North Star Gala, Ottawa

jeu, 01/29/2015 - 18:40

Honourable ministers; excellencies – honourable representatives of foreign missions; honourable senators; members of parliament; fellow Premiers, Aboriginal leaders, distinguished members of the press; ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ottawa, NWT.

We’re pleased to be here with you tonight to share our vision of potential and prosperity with you, and we are pleased that so many people have joined us. We were so overwhelmed by the positive response the last time we were here in 2013 that we had to rent a bigger room tonight, just to make sure we all could fit.

Tonight I’d like to talk to you about the Northwest Territories and the role it can play in helping shape a strong and prosperous Canada.

The Northwest Territories is a dynamic and evolving territory where the Government of the Northwest Territories and Aboriginal governments are working together to sustainably and responsibly develop the enormous energy and mineral resources of the territory, creating jobs and economic opportunities for the people of the NWT and all Canadians.

Succeeding at this goal will require the active participation and partnership of the federal government, business and industry. During NWT Days, we want to share our story with the rest of Canada and invite you to become partners with us in transforming northern potential into national prosperity, now and for years to come. 

We came here as members of a new government in January 2013 with ambitious plans for creating a strong, sustainable and prosperous territory in partnership with the Government of Canada, industry and other stakeholders. 

We came with some specific goals in mind. We wanted to finalize devolution of responsibility for NWT public lands, resources and water. We wanted to talk about investing in transportation infrastructure that would help us support economic growth and diversification.

We wanted to talk about investing in communications infrastructure that would help make our territory a leader in satellite sensing and offer our people new opportunities to be a part of the growing digital economy.

Most importantly, we wanted to demonstrate that we meant business, that our territory was committed to advancing – and investing in – projects designed to promote transformative change for its economy and its people.

I’m happy to stand here tonight and report that that first visit was a huge success. With the partnership of the Government of Canada and personal commitment of the Prime Minister and strong supporters in Cabinet like Minister Aglukkaq, Minister Valcourt and Minister Rickford, we have checked off many of the boxes on our to-do list. 

After decades of negotiation and years of preparation, we achieved devolution in April of last year. In early January 2014, we welcomed the Prime Minister to Inuvik to break ground for the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway. Earlier this month we held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Line.

You might think we’d be satisfied with that kind of success, but we’re really just getting started. We aren’t resting on our laurels and we aren’t stopping there. There is too much potential in our territory that has yet to be tapped.

That’s why we’re back this week. Together as partners, we are here to talk about how we can build a vibrant, diversified, sustainable economy that is investment friendly, environmentally responsible and respectful of Aboriginal rights.

Our focus this time is on sustainable economic development and on the infrastructure that we need to support it. We need investments in northern transportation, energy and communications infrastructure and sustainable resource development to unlock the economic potential in the NWT.

If you’ve heard me speak before, you’ve heard me speak about the natural resource potential of the Northwest Territories. We have an abundance of energy resources – oil, gas and hydro. We have diamonds. We have gold, lead, zinc, rare earth elements and uranium.

These are resources that the global economy wants and needs to support and sustain growth.

The irony for us is that while we have what the world wants, we don’t have many ways to get to it, or to get our resources to the world. You can’t sell what you can’t ship, and our territory faces an estimated $3 billion infrastructure deficit. Our resources are going untapped because we lack the roads, airports, sea ports and other infrastructure to bring them to market.

For years we have seen our resource potential lie dormant and undeveloped, our businesses idle and economy stifled while we wait for the promised boom that is always coming but has yet to arrive. We have all seen firsthand the kinds of challenges that can slow a project down and delay economic development. 

Northerners are tired of waiting. 

We have no interest in seeing our resources stranded another 40 years. We want to start enjoying the benefits of a strong, robust economy based on responsible and sustainable development of our resource wealth. It is time for the Northwest Territories to take its place in Confederation as a “have” jurisdiction contributing to national growth and prosperity.

Addressing the northern infrastructure deficit is a first, crucial step. As you’ve heard, we are in the process of building the Inuvik-Tuk highway with the assistance of the Government of Canada. This highway is just the first step in completing the Mackenzie Valley Highway. The next step we are proposing would open up the resource rich central Mackenzie, boosting the Canadian economy and providing years of employment for skilled workers. 

We are also studying the potential of a seasonal overland road into the Slave Geologic Province and Nunavut. This project would extend the life of the NWT’s diamond mines and make new exploration and development projects in this mineral rich region more feasible. We have already been talking to the Government of Nunavut about how connecting to a road there could help to unlock stranded resources in that territory, multiplying the effect of our own infrastructure investments, and multiplying the benefit to Canada. 

Our resources have been stranded for too long. Transportation routes in all forms and all directions are key to getting our resources to market. We cannot wait to put our critical northern infrastructure in place. We need more roads to resources. To all of our resources. 

That means considering all our options and looking for new, creative ideas, including the idea of an energy, communications and transportation corridor along the Mackenzie Valley to the Arctic Ocean. Tonight, I’m announcing that the Government of the Northwest Territories will lead a study of such a corridor in cooperation with Aboriginal governments in the Northwest Territories.

We know we need to find a way to get our resources to market and it is time for us to take a serious look at the northern option. We recognize that there will be a lot of questions about this option, and we intend to answer them.

I want to be clear that we are not proposing a specific infrastructure project with this study. What we are is proposing to do a thorough review of the issues, opportunities and challenges that might be associated with developing a corridor along the Mackenzie Valley.

We will look at the potential economic, environmental and social impacts of a northern corridor. We will look at technical feasibility issues and what kind of infrastructure would be needed. We will look at potential risk mitigation measures and we will look at how Aboriginal governments and communities in the NWT can participate meaningfully in any development in the corridor and enjoy its economic benefits.

The study would include discussions with experts, industry, Aboriginal governments and the public, as well as other governments like the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta. The challenge of getting resources to tidewater is not ours alone; it is shared with other jurisdictions and finding collective solutions to shared problems only makes sense.

Aboriginal government participation and partnership will be a key part of our study. Much of our success in the past three years has been because of our willingness to engage and work with Aboriginal governments in the spirit of respect, recognition and responsibility. Five regional Aboriginal governments and several community governments partnered with us to achieve devolution and will receive a 25 percent share of the resource revenues our government will receive from development on public lands. As significant land and resource owners themselves, many of them already have an interest in finding ways to create sustainable benefits for their people through responsible resource development. 

The goal of the study would be a comprehensive report to describe and quantify the issues and challenges that would need to be addressed to facilitate potential projects in the Mackenzie Valley. The report would serve as an information resource to government, industry and regulatory agencies. It would provide a basis for planning, seeking partnerships and considering specific project opportunities taking advantage of the proposed corridor.

Some may question why we would undertake this study at a time when oil prices have fallen so dramatically, but I would remind them that resource markets are cyclical and lows will eventually be followed by highs. I would also tell them that we in the Northwest Territories know exactly how uncertainty and lack of information can negatively affect development projects.

We think we can contribute to the success of future projects that might be proposed when the markets rise again by addressing uncertainty and lack of information now so that the Northwest Territories is prepared when the time comes for development to pick up again.

Ladies and gentlemen, responsible, sustainable development of the North is in the national interest. The Northwest Territories has the resources, the ambition and the ingenuity that can help grow the Canadian economy and create new jobs and opportunities nationwide. We came to Ottawa in 2013 with a message of potential and seeking partners willing to join us in continuing to build this great country of ours. That is still our message today.

I thank you for your time and attention this evening and hope you will all have the opportunity to meet many of the Northerners who are here tonight and looking forward to sharing their excitement about our home and its potential with you.

GNWT to study the potential of a Mackenzie Valley energy, transportation and communications corridor

jeu, 01/29/2015 - 18:30

OTTAWA (January 29, 2015) – Northwest Territories Premier Bob McLeod announced that his government will explore the feasibility of an energy, transportation and communications corridor along the Mackenzie Valley to the Arctic Ocean at a reception in Ottawa today. NWT Aboriginal governments will be invited to participate in the study, which will identify options for creating a more prosperous territory and contributing to the national economy through the responsible development of NWT resources.

“We know we need to find a way to get our resources to market and it is time for us to take a serious look at the northern option,” said Premier McLeod. “We in the NWT know exactly how uncertainty and lack of information can negatively affect development projects and we want to start removing some of the uncertainty and information gaps now.” 

The NWT’s vast resource potential includes estimated reserves of 81 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and seven billion estimated recoverable barrels of oil. Pipelines and highways into resource-rich areas would turn northern potential into national prosperity.  

“I want to be clear that we are not proposing a specific infrastructure project with this study,” the Premier said. “What we are is proposing to do a thorough review of the issues, opportunities and challenges that might be associated with developing a corridor along the Mackenzie Valley. Our plan is to produce a comprehensive report to serve as an information resource to governments, industry and regulators as projects are planned, reviewed and delivered. 

“The Northwest Territories has the potential to contribute substantially to the Canadian economy through the responsible development of its enormous energy and mineral resources in partnership with Aboriginal governments. Continued investment in northern transportation, energy and communications infrastructure is in the national interest, and the Northwest Territories is willing to step forward as a full partner with creative and collaborative solutions that can benefit the entire country.” 

The terms of reference and structure for the project will be released when they have been finalized with Aboriginal government partners. 

Media Inquiries:
Shaun Dean
Director, Cabinet Comunications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-445-1941

Northwest Territories mining industry advisory board announced

mer, 01/28/2015 - 17:35

VANCOUVER (January 28, 2015) – Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) David Ramsay announced that a new Northwest Territories’ Mining Industry Advisory Board (MIAB) is being established to help to ensure that the territory is an attractive place to invest in mineral exploration and discover new mines. The announcement was made at the AME BC Mineral Exploration Roundup in Vancouver.

“The Mining Industry Advisory Board will be a great addition to help to develop a robust mineral industry in the NWT,” said Minister Ramsay. “The volunteer board will provide advice to government to ensure mining regulation is in place that encourages economic growth while maintaining high regulatory, environmental and social standards.”

The Board, which will consist of five to seven members, will be appointed by the Minister of ITI. The board members will have direct experience in the NWT minerals industry.

Establishing the Mining Industry Advisory Board was a recommendation of the Mineral Development Strategy (MDS), which was released in 2013. The MDS was a key priority of the 17th Legislative Assembly, and will strengthen the economy and help to provide all communities and regions with opportunities.

Media inquiries:

Leslie Campbell
Senior Communications Officer
Industry, Tourism and Investment
Tel: (867) 920-3343

Premier McLeod discusses sustainable economic development with Prime Minister

mer, 01/28/2015 - 13:08

OTTAWA (January 28, 2015) — Premier McLeod  met with Prime Minister Stephen Harper to discuss ways the Government of Canada and Government of the Northwest Territories can work together to promote responsible economic development and infrastructure in the Northwest Territories.

“Responsible development of the Northwest Territories’ substantial mineral and energy resources has the potential to contribute greatly to the Canadian economy and create jobs and economic opportunities for people at home and across the country,” said Premier McLeod. “I conveyed to the Prime Minister our position that sustainable economic development of the North is in the national interest and talked about the need for investment in nation-building infrastructure projects that will enable us to turn northern potential into national prosperity.”

The Premier and the Prime Minister discussed the importance of advancing projects that will support further exploration and development of stranded NWT resources, including completion of the Mackenzie Valley Highway from Wrigley to Norman Wells, an all-weather road into the Slave Geologic Province and the potential for identifying new routes and opportunities for transporting NWT resources to market.

The Premier and Prime Minister also discussed the successful partnership between Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories on the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway, now in its second season of construction.

The meeting with the Prime Minister comes in advance of NWT Days, which will see the Premier, all Cabinet Ministers, several MLAs, Aboriginal leaders and Northern business leaders in Ottawa to meet with federal Ministers and officials, embassies and other stakeholders to promote NWT priorities, including:

  • Responsible economic development;
  • Responsible stewardship;
  • Infrastructure investments;
  • Connectivity;
  • Energy;
  • Housing; and
  • Transportation.

Later this week, Premier McLeod will attend the winter meeting of Canada’s Premiers, also being held in Ottawa.
Media inquiries: 
Shaun Dean
Director, Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-445-1941

Political Leaders Support Management Actions for Bathurst and Bluenose-East Caribou Herds

mer, 01/28/2015 - 12:59

YELLOWKNIFE (January 28, 2015) – Political leaders from the Northwest Territories, Aboriginal Governments and wildlife management authorities have worked together on management actions including the establishment of a mobile conservation area to protect the Bathurst caribou herd and a limited harvest to help conserve the Bluenose-East herd.

Leaders and wildlife management authorities have met several times since August to consider actions for the 2014-15 harvest season to help the herd recover.

“Progress has been made in a number of areas to ensure the recovery and conservation of these barren-ground caribou herds for present and future generations, including support for the concept of a mobile caribou conservation area,” said Environment and Natural Resources(ENR) Minister J. Michael Miltenberger.  “We will continue to work together with leaders and wildlife management authorities to implement the management actions.”

Immediate management actions for the Bathurst herd are:

  • Establishment of a Mobile Core Bathurst Caribou Conservation Area where no harvesting is permitted.
  • The locations of the mobile conservation area will be updated weekly and made available to communities and posted on the ENR website.
  • Limited harvest of up to 15 bulls from the Bathurst herd for community ceremonial purposes, on a proposal basis.

Immediate management actions for the Bluenose-East herd are:

  • Limited harvest of 1,800 animals with an 80 percent bull harvest.  Total allocation of harvest to be determined.
  • Authorizations required for harvest in Wildlife Management Units R/BC/01, R/BC/02, R/BC/03, S/BC/03 and D.
  • Continue harvest monitoring partnerships with Aboriginal governments and organizations.
  • Increased enforcement of the harvest as recommended by the Advisory Committee for Cooperation on Wildlife Management.

Regulations to implement these actions come into effect this week.

These actions will be reviewed and amended, as appropriate, once the results of the 2015 spring photographic survey of the Bluenose-East and Bathurst herds are available.

Leaders reached agreement on intermediate and long term management actions including:

  • Increased predator management measures as requested by communities.
  • Establish a Bathurst caribou management process and plan.
  • Continue work on a Bathurst caribou range plan and cumulative effects program.
  • Support the ACCWM’s development of an action plan for the Bluenose-East to guide future management actions.
  • Organize “Sight your Rifle” events in regions and communities.
  • Develop vegetation mapping protocols, monitoring protocols and partnership agreements to ensure habitat conservations.
  • Address Bluenose-East caribou harvest in Nunavut.
  • Work together to develop public information tools to promote responsible harvesting practices and harvest management.

For more information, contact: 

Roya Grinsted
Communications Officer
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2308


Map and Backgrounder


Premier and Cabinet takes its message to Ottawa during NWT Days

lun, 01/26/2015 - 13:10

YELLOWKNIFE (January 26, 2015) – Bob McLeod, Premier of the Northwest Territories, will lead a delegation to Ottawa for a series of meetings and events with federal ministers from January 29-31, 2015.

Premier McLeod will be accompanied by his entire Cabinet, Members of the Legislative Assembly, NWT Aboriginal government leaders and NWT business leaders. The delegation’s meetings will focus on the NWT’s potential to contribute to the national economy through responsible development of its natural resources and the need for nation building infrastructure investments to support economic growth.

The Government of Northwest Territories will hold private receptions for federal leaders and other stakeholders and host a public event at Winterlude highlighting the NWT’s culture and tourism potential.

Media inquiries: Roya Grinsted Communications Officer Government of the Northwest Territories Tel: 867-669-2308 Email:

Premier and Cabinet takes its message to Ottawa with NWT Days

lun, 01/26/2015 - 12:56

YELLOWKNIFE (January 26, 2015) – Bob McLeod, Premier of the Northwest Territories, will lead a delegation to Ottawa for a series of meetings and events with federal ministers from January 29-31, 2015.

Premier McLeod will be accompanied by his entire Cabinet, Members of the Legislative Assembly, NWT Aboriginal government leaders and NWT business leaders. The delegation’s meetings will focus on the NWT’s potential to contribute to the national economy through responsible development of its natural resources and the need for nation building infrastructure investments to support economic growth.

The Government of Northwest Territories will hold private receptions for federal leaders and other stakeholders and host a public event at Winterlude highlighting the NWT’s culture and tourism potential.

Backgrounder – NWT Days

Media inquiries:
Roya Grinsted
Communications Officer
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2308

GNWT advances Fur Institute of Canada Agreement in China

jeu, 01/22/2015 - 16:46

BEIJING (January 22, 2015 ) – As  a founding member of the Fur Institute of Canada (FIC), the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) advanced a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the FIC and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).

The agreement was formally endorsed last week by Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, David Ramsay, to CPAFFC Chairman, Yao Mingyu, and Vice Chairman, Hu Sishe. Under the agreement, educational and promotional products developed in Canada would help to improve the perceptions and trade of fur products within the Chinese marketplace.

“The long-standing partnership that we have built with trappers in our fur industry is key to the new relationships we are establishing in China to underscore our industry’s ties to its traditional roots,” said Minister Ramsay.  “The potential value of this market for our residents and communities is immense. Our traditional harvesting practices are a marketing advantage for NWT wild fur.”

In a recent address to the CPAFFC, NWT Premier Bob McLeod said that continued cooperation will ensure Chinese consumers have a long-term and stable supply of high-end Canadian commodities, including Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs. The Canadian industry has access to the world’s foremost market for wild furs.

China and Canada are members of the World Conservation Union and subscribe to the basic principles of sustainable use.  “It is our responsibility to work cooperatively to ensure that future generations of consumers recognize the sustainable and responsible approach reflected in our time-honoured Canadian Aboriginal traditional harvesting practices,” said Premier McLeod.

Due to its high quality, limited supply and humane harvesting practices, NWT fur and the products created with it are increasingly sought by socially and fashion-conscious consumers worldwide.

China is the largest importer of fur in the world and represents over 80 percent of fur-related purchases, manufacturing and re-exporting of finished products globally.

Promoting NWT wild fur under the Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs label is a primary objective of the GNWT’s current trade mission in China and Japan.

Media inquiries: 

Roya Grinsted
Communications Officer
Government of the NWT
Tel:  (867) 669-2308

NWT trade mission promotes tourism in China and Japan

mer, 01/21/2015 - 15:41

TOKYO (January 21, 2015) – Premier Bob McLeod and Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment  (ITI) David Ramsay are concluding their trade and investment mission to China and Japan this week with a focus on tourism. On January 20, they hosted a “Rare in Nature” reception and fashion show at the Canadian embassy in Tokyo, showcasing the NWT’s magnificent aurora and highly prized luxury resources.

“Beautiful wild furs will keep you warm for hours while you watch the northern lights from any part of the Northwest Territories,” said Premier McLeod. “The north provides a magical experience and our dedicated tour operators have years of experience in catering to Japanese and Chinese tourists’ needs.”

Events in Beijing, Shanghai, and Tokyo are raising the NWT’s profile as a tourism destination while providing information for potential tourists. The GNWT delegation includes Yellowknife-based tourism companies that specialize in providing service to the Chinese and Japanese markets.

The NWT is known as the Aurora Capital of the World, and this reputation has made the NWT a premiere destination for Japanese tourists for years. Japan remains the NWT’s largest international tourism market, and Japanese partnerships have helped NWT tour operators to refine and develop their Aurora viewing sector.

Chinese tourism to the NWT has been increasing ever since Canada received approved destination status in 2008. Growing the market share of leisure travellers from China and Japan is an important element of both NWT Tourism’s marketing plan and ITI’s focus on product development. With the natural beauty of the northern landscape, stunning aurora, cultural experiences, and modern living, the NWT offers a unique experience to those eager for adventure.

“China is Canada’s fastest-growing tourism market, doubling every year,” said Minister Ramsay. “Chinese tourists are particularly interested in authentic cultural experiences like the ones available in the NWT. On my last visit, I learned that 100,000 Chinese tourists are interested in visiting the NWT. By encouraging this market to enjoy our territory and all it has to offer we will grow our tourism sector, creating jobs and income for people throughout the NWT.”


Media inquiries:

Roya Grinsted
Communications Officer
Government of the NWT
Tel:  867) 669-2308

Sport, recreation and physical activity partners meet

mer, 01/21/2015 - 13:39

YELLOWKNIFE (January 21, 2015) – Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) Robert C. McLeod met with Northwest Territories (NWT) sport and recreation non-government organizations January 10-11 to discuss future plans and opportunities. Discussions included a review of current priorities and how MACA can support the sector. These discussions will contribute to the development of recommendations for consideration by the 18th Legislative Assembly.

“I was very pleased with the commitment and dedication shown by all of the delegates and the quality of discussion,” said Minister McLeod. “I look forward to continuing to work with our partners to support sport and recreation in the NWT.”

Members of the Legislative Assembly Wendy Bisaro (Frame Lake) and Alfred Moses (Inuvik – Boot Lake) also participated in the meetings.

Delivering robust sport and recreation programming in the NWT requires a cooperative effort on the part of many different organizations. Ensuring all groups are able to meet and voice ideas and concerns is an important step in maintaining strong partnerships.

A proceedings report will be prepared by MACA for further discussion with the participating organizations and for submission for review with the 18th Legislative Assembly.

Providing opportunities for all NWT residents to participate in sport and recreation programming adds to the 17th Assembly’s goal of building sustainable, vibrant, safe communities.

Quotes from partner organizations:

NWT Sport and Recreation Council (SRC) Chair Bridget Larocque said, “With the vision of a healthy and vibrant North, the SRC supports the need for progressive change in the sport and recreation sector, and change that will see the most effective use of financial resources to combat social issues and physical barriers.”

Sport North President Maureen Miller said, “The discussions over the state of Sport and Recreation and the future direction were very encouraging for the Federation. It is apparent for our meetings that all the sport and recreation organizations have a vested interest in improving the health and well-being of all the people, of all ages, across the territory and are looking for ways to work together to achieve this.”

Aboriginal Sport Circle Executive Director Greg Hopf said, “We were pleased at the discussions with all of the sport/recreation organizations and government on areas where we all share success but also areas in the sector where we need to improve.  We look forward to working with all sport organizations and governments to address these areas and ultimately reach those in need of healthy and vibrant programs for their communities.”

NWT Recreation and Parks Executive Director Geoff Ray said, “This was a good opportunity to share ideas and outline priorities with the Minister. We are looking forward to working with him and the department on our shared goals.”

Mackenzie Recreation Association Chair Ms. Roslyn Firth said, “The Mackenzie Recreation Association is very pleased to work within the partnership of such enthusiastic volunteers and professionals in the NWT.  We are excited about the possibility of hosting the 2023 Canada Winter Games in Yellowknife and recognize the benefits that it will bring to all of the residents of the NWT.  Our meetings this weekend were engaging and collaborative, and we look forward to further dialogue, planning and action in the sport and recreation sector.”

Beaufort Delta Sahtu Recreation Association Executive Director Theresa Ross said, “We were pleased with the outcomes of the meeting with the Minister. We believe working together in a cooperative environment with all of our sport and recreation partners will help us all achieve our common goals that will benefit people in the NWT.”

 Media inquiries:

David Maguire
Communications and Website Advisor
Municipal and Community Affairs
Government of the Northwest Territories
Phone: (867) 920-3092


Results of Budget Dialogue 2014 Released

jeu, 01/15/2015 - 18:54

YELLOWKNIFE (January 15, 2015) – Participants in the 2014 Budget Dialogue expressed satisfaction with the Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT’s) fiscal strategy to manage program expenditure pressures to help fund infrastructure investments and supportive of increasing revenues over the longer term through economic and population growth according to the Budget Dialogue report released today by Minister of Finance J. Michael Miltenberger. The report summarizes what was heard from the almost 100 Northerners who attended the public sessions held last fall in the seven regional centres and in 11 written submissions.

“The Budget Dialogue 2014 discussions reflected our concern about the economy over the medium term and serious implications for our fiscal situation,” said Minister Miltenberger. “Although we did not come into the sessions with good news, we left with optimism that together we can improve our economy and ensure that the GNWT’s finances remain sustainable.”

The Minister of Finance met with residents, businesses and organizations across the NWT last November to take stock of the accomplishments of the 17th Legislative Assembly, discuss the GNWT’s fiscal situation and on-going financial management, seek NWT residents’ views on top priorities for investments, and ask residents what the GNWT can do better to manage expenditures, especially given the medium-term outlook for slow revenue growth.

The results of the Budget Dialogue will inform discussion during the coming budget session of the Legislative Assembly and beyond.  Other feedback about the government’s fiscal priorities and programs and services will be used in the 2015-16 Budget and will be included in transition materials provided for the next Legislative Assembly.

The Budget Dialogue Report is on the Department of Finance website at:

Media inquiries:

Roya Grinsted

Communications Officer

Government of the Northwest Territories

Tel: 867-669-2308


NWT minimum wage to increase to one of the highest in Canada

mar, 01/13/2015 - 16:52

YELLOWKNIFE (January 13, 2015) – Minister or Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty announced a substantial increase to the Northwest Territories minimum wage today.

Effective June 1, 2015, the minimum wage will increase from $10.00 per hour to $12.50 per hour, giving the NWT one of the highest minimum wages in Canada. The increase was based on findings from the Minimum Wage Committee, appointed by Minister Lafferty in 2013 to research, engage stakeholders and provide options on the minimum wage rate in the NWT.

“We all want to lead successful and prosperous lives. We all want opportunities that enable us to take care of our families and support our communities.   And we all want to be fairly compensated for our work,” said Minister Lafferty. “The move to increase the minimum wage is part of ongoing Government of the Northwest Territories efforts to support the people of the NWT and ensure they have opportunities, possibilities, and a fair wage.”

Minister Lafferty appointed the Minimum Wage Committee in 2013 after a public call for applications. The members were chosen to represent the GNWT, the interests of employers and employees, and social agencies. The committee conducted extensive research, looked at economic and social factors, compared costs of living across jurisdictions, and surveyed minimum wages across Canada. Following their deliberations, the Committee provided options to the Minister for his consideration.

“The Committee provided me with three options to address the need for an increase,” said the Minister. “We looked very carefully at each and determined that the $12.50 option would not only serve to help those people working under minimum wage, but would be manageable for employers.”

For more information, view the attached materials, or visit

Backgrounder- NWT Minimum Wage

Media inquiries:

Jacqueline McKinnon

Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Education, Culture and Employment
Phone: (867) 920-6222
