Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 9 heures 51 min

COVID-19 Weekly Data Report, Sixth Wave

jeu, 04/28/2022 - 14:15
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- The data in this week’s COVID-19 epidemiologic summary shows a marked decrease in new cases compared to the previous seven-day period. However, hospital admissions in Nova Scotia have increased since the last report and there are 24 new deaths due to COVID-19.

Les changements aux dossiers d'adoption entrent en vigueur le 1er mai

jeu, 04/28/2022 - 11:59
Community Services -- L'accès aux dossiers d'adoption en Nouvelle-Écosse sera modifié le 1er mai, permettant aux personnes adoptées, lorsqu'elles auront 19 ans, et aux parents biologiques d'accéder aux renseignements s'ils le souhaitent.

Changes to Adoption Records Take Effect May 1

jeu, 04/28/2022 - 11:58
Community Services -- Access to adoption records in Nova Scotia will change on May 1, allowing adopted people, once they turn 19, and birth parents to access their information if they choose.

Nova Scotians Honour Workers, Families

jeu, 04/28/2022 - 09:44
Labour, Skills and Immigration -- On the National Day of Mourning, today, April 28, Nova Scotians come together to remember those who have died or were injured because of a workplace accident or work-related illness.

Province Invests in Cape Breton Miners Museum

jeu, 04/28/2022 - 09:10
Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage -- The government is investing $800,000 in the second phase of renovations at the Cape Breton Miners Museum in Glace Bay.

Georges Bank Moratorium Extended to 2032

mer, 04/27/2022 - 10:51
Natural Resources and Renewables -- The provincial and federal governments have extended the moratorium on oil and gas exploration and drilling on Georges Bank to December 31, 2032.

New Deputy Minister Appointed to Intergovernmental Affairs

mer, 04/27/2022 - 10:30
Premier's Office -- Premier Tim Houston announced Geoff MacLellan as the newest member of his deputy minister team today, April 27.

Follow-up of Performance Audit, Atlantic Lottery Corp. Recommendations

mar, 04/26/2022 - 12:36
Auditor General -- Auditor General Kim Adair released her follow-up of 2017, 2018 and 2019 Performance Audit Recommendations today, April 26.

Suivi sur les recommandations des rapports de vérification opérationnelle et au sujet de la Société des loteries de l'Atlantique

mar, 04/26/2022 - 12:36
Auditor General -- Aujourd'hui 26 avril, la vérificatrice générale Kim Adair a publié un suivi sur les recommandations des rapports de vérification opérationnelle de 2017, 2018 et 2019.

La sensibilité culturelle à l’honneur durant la Semaine de l’éducation 2022

lun, 04/25/2022 - 12:59
Education and Early Childhood Development -- La Semaine de l’éducation 2022 est une très bonne occasion pour le milieu de l’éducation de rendre hommage à des enseignants, des administrateurs, des éducateurs de la petite enfance, des membres du personnel de soutien des écoles et des partenaires du système éducatif pour leur travail remarquable.

Cultural Responsiveness Highlighted During Education Week 2022

lun, 04/25/2022 - 12:56
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Education Week 2022 is an important opportunity for the education community to recognize teachers, administrators, early childhood educators, school support staff and education partners for outstanding work.

Budget 2022-23 Provides Solutions for a Bright Future

lun, 04/25/2022 - 10:58
Finance and Treasury Board -- NOTE: The following is an op-ed from Allan MacMaster, Minister of Finance and Treasury Board. Nova Scotia’s future is bright. With a thriving economy and record population growth, there are tremendous opportunities ahead for our province.

Join an Agency, Board or Commission and Make a Difference

lun, 04/25/2022 - 10:36
Executive Council -- Nova Scotians who want to build strong communities are encouraged to apply to join an agency, board or commission.

Devenez membre d’un conseil, d’une agence ou d’une commission et influencez le cours des choses

lun, 04/25/2022 - 10:36
Executive Council -- Les gens de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui veulent bâtir des collectivités solides sont encouragés à postuler auprès d’un conseil, d’une agence ou d’une commission.

Spring Legislative Advances Solutions for Nova Scotians

ven, 04/22/2022 - 22:03
Premier's Office -- The government passed a budget that makes historic investments in healthcare and passed legislation to support Nova Scotians and help them start families, dismantle racism and hate and enshrine Mi’kmaw as Nova Scotia’s first language during the spring legislative session, which wrapped up today, April 22.

Mise à jour sur la dose de rappel contre la COVID-19 pour les 70 ans et plus et pour les jeunes

ven, 04/22/2022 - 14:14
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Les personnes de 70 ans et plus en Nouvelle-Écosse peuvent maintenant prendre rendez-vous pour une seconde dose de rappel contre la COVID-19 à la pharmacie ou à la clinique sans rendez-vous de leur localité.

Update on COVID-19 Booster Doses for 70+, Youth

ven, 04/22/2022 - 14:13
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Adults 70 and older in Nova Scotia can now book an additional booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine at their local pharmacy or drop-in clinic.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 04/22/2022 - 10:05
Public Works -- NEW WORK

Plan stratégique pour améliorer les soins de santé en Nouvelle-Écosse

ven, 04/22/2022 - 08:16
Health and Wellness / Premier's Office -- Le gouvernement a rendu public le Plan d’action pour la santé, un plan stratégique qui s’attaque à des problèmes de longue date et à d’autres plus récents dans les soins actifs et primaires, les soins de longue durée, la santé mentale et le traitement des dépendances, et les facteurs qui influent chaque jour sur le bien-être des gens de la Nouvelle-Écosse.

Strategic Plan to Improve Healthcare in Nova Scotia

ven, 04/22/2022 - 08:15
Health and Wellness / Premier's Office -- The government released Action for Health, a strategic plan to address recent and long-standing problems in acute and primary care, long-term care, addictions and mental health and the factors that affect the well-being of Nova Scotians every day.
