Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
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Government Raises Pride Flag in Halifax

jeu, 07/12/2018 - 10:14
Public Service Commission -- Government employees, 2SLGBTIQ+ community members, allies and supporters were in attendance as the Pride flag was raised at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, in Halifax, July 12.

Major Health Construction Projects to be Managed by New Division of Nova Scotia Lands

jeu, 07/12/2018 - 09:45
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal / Health and Wellness -- The delivery of the QEII redevelopment project and the recently announced CBRM Health Care Redevelopment Plan will be led by a new division of Nova Scotia Lands, a Crown entity that focuses on major construction and remediation projects.

New Name, Mandate for Waterfront Development

jeu, 07/12/2018 - 09:04
Business -- Waterfront Development Corp. is getting a new mandate to help drive strategic economic development across Nova Scotia.

Four Orthopedic Surgeons Hired

jeu, 07/12/2018 - 07:49
Health and Wellness -- Four orthopedic surgeons have been recruited to improve care and help more Nova Scotians receive hip and knee replacements.

Celebrate Canada's Parks Day, July 21

mer, 07/11/2018 - 12:55
Lands and Forestry -- Nova Scotia's provincial parks are ready to welcome families and visitors with fun activities and unique learning experiences on Canada's Parks Day, Saturday, July 21.

Nova Scotia’s Wildfire Fighters and Equipment to Help in Ontario and Quebec

mer, 07/11/2018 - 11:44
Lands and Forestry -- Nova Scotia is sending aid to Ontario and Quebec to help control forest fires.

GeoNova Building in Amherst Closed, Some Online Services Not Available

mer, 07/11/2018 - 11:16
Internal Services -- Due to a power outage, the GeoNova public office at 160 Willow St., Amherst, is closed today, July 11.

Mineral Resources Development Fund Grants Awarded

mer, 07/11/2018 - 10:51
Energy and Mines -- Grants awarded through the new Mineral Resources Development Fund will help in the search for new mineral discoveries, move projects closer to production and attract investment into Nova Scotia.

Un programme de subventions pour bâtir des collectivités amies des aînés en Nouvelle-Écosse

mer, 07/11/2018 - 10:45
Seniors -- Le gouvernement appuiera plusieurs projets qui aideront les Néo-Écossais aînés à vivre en toute sécurité, à profiter d'une bonne santé et à participer à leur communauté.

Grant Program Helps Build Age-Friendly Communities in Nova Scotia

mer, 07/11/2018 - 10:40
Seniors -- Government is supporting several projects that help older Nova Scotians live safely, enjoy good health and stay involved in their communities.

Expanded Energy Efficiency Programs Will Help Nova Scotia Homeowners Save Money

mar, 07/10/2018 - 11:19
Energy and Mines -- More Nova Scotia homeowners are now able to save money on their energy bills and reduce greenhouse gases to help fight climate change, by installing energy efficient upgrades.

NSBI Approves Innovation Rebate

mar, 07/10/2018 - 10:04
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) has approved a business development incentive in the form of an innovation rebate for Oxford Frozen Foods.

Locations Announced for New Family Medicine Residency Spaces

mar, 07/10/2018 - 09:51
Health and Wellness -- Sites have been selected for new family medicine residency spaces in Nova Scotia, an important component of the plan to provide more Nova Scotians access to a family doctor.

NSBI Approves Payroll Rebate

mar, 07/10/2018 - 09:16
Nova Scotia Business Inc. -- Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) has approved a business development incentive in the form of a payroll rebate for BeyondTrust.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 07/06/2018 - 11:25
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- CONTINUING WORK

Début des consultations publiques au sujet du nouveau carrefour culturel

ven, 07/06/2018 - 09:24
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Les Néo-Écossais qui souhaitent contribuer à la vision d'un nouveau carrefour culturel proposé sur le front de mer d'Halifax sont invités à soumettre leurs commentaires au cours du mois, en commençant par une séance de consultation publique qui aura lieu le jeudi 12 juillet.

Cultural Hub Public Engagement Begins

ven, 07/06/2018 - 09:20
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Nova Scotians wanting to help shape the vision for a proposed new cultural hub on the Halifax waterfront are invited to provide input this month starting with an in-person public engagement session on Thursday, July 12.

Proclamation de la loi sur les images intimes et la cybersécurité

jeu, 07/05/2018 - 10:43
Justice -- Les victimes de cyberintimidation et de la diffusion d'images intimes sans consentement ont maintenant des options pour aborder la situation.

Intimate Images and Cyber-protection Legislation Proclaimed

jeu, 07/05/2018 - 10:39
Justice -- Victims of cyberbullying and unwanted sharing of intimate images now have options for dealing with those who want to harm them.

Information/Datasets Added to Open Data Portal

jeu, 07/05/2018 - 10:12
Internal Services -- New information or datasets has been added to government’s open data portal. The portal provides free, easy access to a variety of government data.
