Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 5 heures 27 min

Investments in Agriculture Sector Climate Change Projects

mar, 09/19/2023 - 09:10
Environment and Climate Change -- The government is investing in key projects to help Nova Scotia’s agriculture sector respond to climate change. The sector is a critical part of the province’s economy, providing food and jobs for Nova Scotians.

Water, Wastewater Upgrades for West Hants

ven, 09/15/2023 - 12:42
Municipal Affairs and Housing -- The Province is investing in infrastructure upgrades that will help West Hants Regional Municipality prepare for future growth and protect against storm surge.

Préparations en vue de l'ouragan Lee

ven, 09/15/2023 - 11:00
Hurricane Lee / Emergency Management Office -- On encourage les gens de la Nouvelle-Écosse à prendre les mesures nécessaires à l'approche de l'ouragan Lee.

Preparing for Hurricane Lee

ven, 09/15/2023 - 10:59
Hurricane Lee / Emergency Management Office -- Nova Scotians are encouraged to make final preparations as hurricane Lee approaches the province.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 09/15/2023 - 10:40
Public Works -- NOTE: The projects listed below are planned road and bridge work. For the most up-to-date provincial traffic notices follow @511ns on Twitter at , call 511 or visit: NEW WORK

Parks Closing for Storm

jeu, 09/14/2023 - 12:53
Hurricane Lee / Natural Resources and Renewables -- Nova Scotia’s provincial and wildlife parks are closing because of predicted severe weather from hurricane Lee.

Premier Announces Changes to Public Service

jeu, 09/14/2023 - 10:22
Premier's Office -- Premier Tim Houston announced changes to the senior ranks of the public service today, September 14.

Premier Announces Historic Cabinet Changes

jeu, 09/14/2023 - 10:17
Premier's Office -- Premier Tim Houston announced historic changes to cabinet today, September 14.

Conversations communautaires sur la transformation du système d'apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants

mer, 09/13/2023 - 11:31
Education and Early Childhood Development -- La Province organise une série de conversations communautaires pour connaître l'opinion des parents et des principaux fournisseurs de soins d'enfants inscrits au système d'apprentissage et de garde de jeunes enfants ou qui le seront dans le futur.

Community Conversations on Early Learning and Child Care Transformation

mer, 09/13/2023 - 11:30
Education and Early Childhood Development -- The Province is hosting a series of community conversations to hear from parents and primary caregivers of children who are enrolled in early learning and child care or will be in the future.

Premier Offers Condolences on Passing of Former Cabinet Minister

mer, 09/13/2023 - 11:00
Premier's Office -- Today, September 13, Premier Tim Houston paid tribute to the life of former MLA and cabinet minister Lloyd Hines, who died September 10.

Contract Awarded for Yarmouth Ferry Study

mer, 09/13/2023 - 07:59
Public Works -- The Province has awarded a contract to consulting firm 21 FSP to do a broad economic impact study on the ferry service between Nova Scotia and Maine.

Public Accounts for 2022-23 Released

mar, 09/12/2023 - 13:23
Finance and Treasury Board -- The Province released the public accounts for the 2022-23 fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, today, September 12.

First Session of 64th General Assembly to Resume October 12

mar, 09/12/2023 - 12:00
Speaker's Office -- The first session of the 64th general assembly will resume Thursday, October 12, at 1 p.m.

Call for Interveners in Review of Legislative Authority for Chignecto Isthmus

mar, 09/12/2023 - 09:31
Justice -- People interested in taking part in the reference case before the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal regarding the Chignecto Isthmus can file their application by Friday, September 15.

New Mental Health Centre Opens in Halifax

mar, 09/12/2023 - 08:42
Office of Addictions and Mental Health -- A groundbreaking partnership between Dalhousie University and the Province is connecting more people to mental health and addictions services – and bringing Nova Scotia one step closer to universal mental health and addictions care.

Funding for Sustainable Community Projects

lun, 09/11/2023 - 12:35
Environment and Climate Change -- Three community organizations have received $539,000 from the Province’s Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund for climate change projects.

Province Announces First Site for Healthcare Worker Housing

lun, 09/11/2023 - 10:17
Municipal Affairs and Housing / Health and Wellness -- Healthcare workers in search of housing on the South Shore will soon have a new place to call home.

Pilot Program to Address Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Wait Lists

lun, 09/11/2023 - 08:54
Office of Addictions and Mental Health -- More preschool and school-aged children will have access to assessment and diagnosis for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) through a new pilot program – the first of its kind in the province.

Excellence in Literacy Recognized

ven, 09/08/2023 - 11:35
Premier's Office -- Kentville resident Shelly Gray is being recognized for her pursuit of learning to change her path while being a positive example for her children, co-workers and community, today, September 8, International Literacy Day.
