Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 1 heure 30 min

Province Reduces Burden on Ride Hailing Services

jeu, 09/24/2020 - 12:13
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Nova Scotians want more choices when it comes to local transportation.

Twenty-one Paramedics Recognized for Exemplary Service

jeu, 09/24/2020 - 11:39
Health and Wellness -- Twenty-one Nova Scotia paramedics have been awarded the Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal for their dedication to the health and safety of all Nova Scotians.

Aucun nouveau cas de COVID-19

jeu, 09/24/2020 - 10:38
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 24 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte un cas évolutif de la COVID-19. Aucun nouveau cas n’a été dépisté le mercredi 23 septembre.

No New Cases of COVID-19

jeu, 09/24/2020 - 10:37
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Sept. 24, Nova Scotia has one active case of COVID-19. No new cases were identified Wednesday, Sept. 23.

Aucun nouveau cas de COVID-19

mer, 09/23/2020 - 10:56
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 23 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte un cas évolutif de la COVID-19. Aucun nouveau cas n’a été dépisté le mardi 22 septembre.

No New Cases of COVID-19

mer, 09/23/2020 - 10:51
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Sept. 23, Nova Scotia has one active case of COVID-19. No new cases were identified Tuesday, Sept. 22.

Provincial Offices to Reopen in CBRM

mer, 09/23/2020 - 10:06
Executive Council -- Provincial government offices in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality will reopen today, Sept. 23 at noon.

Provincial Office Openings Delayed in CBRM

mer, 09/23/2020 - 05:09
Executive Council -- Provincial offices in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality will delay opening until noon today, Sept. 23 due to the impact of post tropical storm Teddy.

Assouplissement des restrictions entourant les soins de longue durée

mar, 09/22/2020 - 13:13
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- L’assouplissement d’autres restrictions entourant les établissements de soins de longue durée permettra aux résidents de sortir le jour et d’aller visiter des membres de leur famille chez eux.

Easing of Long-Term Care Restrictions

mar, 09/22/2020 - 13:12
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Further easing of restrictions in long-term care will allow residents to enjoy off-site day visits with family in their homes.

Un nouveau cas de COVID-19

mar, 09/22/2020 - 12:21
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 22 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte un cas évolutif de la COVID-19. Un nouveau cas a été dépisté le lundi 21 septembre.

One New Case of COVID-19

mar, 09/22/2020 - 12:18
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Sept. 22, Nova Scotia has one active case of COVID-19. One new case was identified Monday, Sept. 21.

Provincial Parks Closed During Hurricane Teddy

mar, 09/22/2020 - 09:25
Lands and Forestry -- A number of provincial campgrounds, day-use parks and all provincial beaches along the South and Eastern shores will close at noon today, Sept. 22, due to severe weather conditions expected with Hurricane Teddy. Shubenacadie Wildlife Park will also close at 3 p.m. today. Closures may be extended to other parks if the storm track changes or if there is significant damage.

Mise à jour sur l'ouragan Teddy, le lundi 21 septembre

lun, 09/21/2020 - 13:36
Emergency Management Office -- REMARQUE : Des mises à jour seront publiées au besoin. Aucune autre mise à jour n'est prévue aujourd'hui. Si une conférence de presse est prévue, un avis aux journalistes sera distribué. Le Bureau de gestion des urgences (BGU) continue de rappeler aux gens de la Nouvelle-Écosse de se préparer en vue de l'ouragan Teddy. Les modèles de prévisions météorologiques actuels indiquent que la Nouvelle-Écosse ressentira probablement les effets considérables d'une tempête post-tropicale à compter de mardi soir.

Hurricane Teddy Update, Monday, Sept. 21

lun, 09/21/2020 - 13:33
Emergency Management Office -- NOTE: Storm updates will be issued as needed. No further updates are expected today. If a press conference is scheduled, separate notes to editors will be issued. The Emergency Management Office (EMO) continues to remind Nova Scotians to be prepared for Hurricane Teddy. Current forecast models indicate Nova Scotia is expected to start feeling strong weather effects Tuesday night from a post-tropical storm.

Premier’s Statement on Southwest Nova Scotia Fishery

lun, 09/21/2020 - 13:07
Premier's Office -- NOTE: The following is a statement from Premier Stephen McNeil The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the Peace and Friendship Treaties provide the Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq the right to harvest and sell fish, wildlife, and wild fruit and berries to provide a moderate livelihood.

Improvements to be Made in Long-Term Care

lun, 09/21/2020 - 12:03
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Health Minister Randy Delorey announced today, Sept. 21, that government is preparing for future cases of COVID-19 with recommendations from two reviews of outbreaks in long-term care facilities.

Aucun nouveau cas confirmé et un cas probable de COVID-19

lun, 09/21/2020 - 11:26
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 21 septembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse ne compte aucun cas évolutif de la COVID-19. Aucun nouveau cas n’a été dépisté le dimanche 20 septembre.

No New Confirmed Cases, One Probable Case of COVID-19

lun, 09/21/2020 - 11:22
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Sept. 21, Nova Scotia has no active cases of COVID-19. No new cases were identified Sunday, Sept. 20.

Conceptual Designs for New Art Gallery and Waterfront Arts District Unveiled

lun, 09/21/2020 - 11:00
Develop Nova Scotia / Art Gallery of Nova Scotia / Communities, Culture and Heritage / Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Nova Scotians can now see and provide feedback on the three final conceptual designs for the planned new art gallery and waterfront arts district in Halifax.
