Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Mis à jour : il y a 7 heures 29 min

Nova Scotia Improves Ranking in Efficiency Canada Scorecard

mar, 11/17/2020 - 08:28
Energy and Mines -- The province continues to be recognized as a national leader in energy efficiency.

La Nouvelle-Écosse annonce deux cas de COVID-19 dans des écoles

lun, 11/16/2020 - 18:07
COVID - 19 / Education and Early Childhood Development -- La Nouvelle-Écosse annonce deux autres cas de COVID-19 aujourd’hui, soit les premiers cas dans des écoles.

Nova Scotia Reports Two School-based Cases of COVID-19

lun, 11/16/2020 - 17:08
COVID - 19 / Education and Early Childhood Development -- Nova Scotia is reporting two additional cases of COVID-19 today, the first cases associated with schools.

Response to New Brunswick Flu Shot Concerns

lun, 11/16/2020 - 13:23
Health and Wellness -- NOTE: The following is a statement from Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health On Sunday, Nov. 15, I became aware of adverse events experienced by three people in New Brunswick within a week of having their influenza vaccine. All three had received the Flulaval Tetra vaccine from lot number KX9F7.

Traffic Advisory, Hants County

lun, 11/16/2020 - 12:39
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- HANTS COUNTY: Avon River Aboiteau

Two New Cases of COVID-19

lun, 11/16/2020 - 12:22
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Nov. 16, Nova Scotia has 23 active cases of COVID-19. Two new cases were identified Sunday, Nov. 15.

Deux nouveaux cas de COVID-19

lun, 11/16/2020 - 12:22
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 16 novembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte 23 cas évolutifs de la COVID-19. Deux nouveaux cas ont été dépistés le dimanche 15 novembre.

Richmond County Tree Sails to Boston

lun, 11/16/2020 - 12:11
Communities, Culture and Heritage / Premier's Office -- A special tree received a heartfelt farewell today, Nov. 16. The 45-foot white spruce is a thank-you gift to the people of Boston for their immediate support following the Halifax Explosion of 1917.

Deux nouveaux cas de COVID-19

dim, 11/15/2020 - 13:42
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 15 novembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte 21 cas évolutifs de la COVID-19. Deux nouveaux cas ont été dépistés le samedi 14 novembre.

Two New Cases of COVID-19

dim, 11/15/2020 - 13:41
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Nov. 15, Nova Scotia has 21 active cases of COVID-19. Two new cases were identified Saturday, Nov. 14.

Artists Honoured at Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala

sam, 11/14/2020 - 20:54
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Nova Scotia artists demonstrate inspiration, creativity, and innovation. To recognize those talents they were honoured today, Nov. 14, at the Creative Nova Scotia Awards Gala in Halifax which celebrates excellence in artistic achievement.

Hommage aux artistes dans le cadre du gala des Prix pour la création en Nouvelle-Écosse

sam, 11/14/2020 - 20:54
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Les artistes de la Nouvelle-Écosse font preuve d'inspiration, de créativité et d'innovation. On a célébré leurs talents, aujourd'hui 14 novembre, dans le cadre du gala de remise des Prix pour la création en Nouvelle-Écosse, qui soulignent l'excellence en matière d'accomplissement artistique.

Six New Cases of COVID-19

sam, 11/14/2020 - 12:15
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Nov. 14, Nova Scotia has 21 active cases of COVID-19. Six new cases were identified Friday, Nov. 13.

Six nouveaux cas de COVID-19

sam, 11/14/2020 - 12:15
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd’hui 14 novembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte 21 cas évolutifs de la COVID-19. Six nouveaux cas ont été dépistés le vendredi 13 novembre.

Weekly Traffic Advisories

ven, 11/13/2020 - 11:29
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- NEW WORK ANNAPOLIS COUNTY: Torbrook Road

Second Session of the Sixty-Third General Assembly to be Prorogued Dec. 18

ven, 11/13/2020 - 11:01
Speaker's Office -- The second session of the sixty-third general assembly will be prorogued at 9 a.m. on Friday, Dec.18.

Deux nouveaux cas de COVID-19, état d'urgence prolongé

ven, 11/13/2020 - 10:58
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd'hui 13 novembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte 19 cas évolutifs de COVID-19. Deux nouveaux cas ont été dépistés le jeudi 12 novembre.

Two New Cases of COVID-19, State of Emergency Renewed

ven, 11/13/2020 - 10:57
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- As of today, Nov. 13, Nova Scotia has 19 active cases of COVID-19. Two new cases were identified Thursday, Nov. 12.

Province Increases Number of Sex Offender Registration Sites

jeu, 11/12/2020 - 10:44
Justice -- Government is committed to supporting safer communities. That is why there will soon be more sex offender registration sites to support police in conducting investigations.

Aucun nouveau cas de COVID-19

jeu, 11/12/2020 - 10:09
COVID - 19 / Health and Wellness -- Aujourd'hui 12 novembre, la Nouvelle-Écosse compte 19 cas évolutifs de COVID-19. Aucun nouveau cas n'a été dépisté le mercredi 11 novembre.
