Alberta Treasury Board News

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Updated: 19 min 45 sec ago

Credit rating updates: Minister Toews

Fri, 05/20/2022 - 17:45

President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance Travis Toews issued the following statement on Alberta’s recent credit rating updates:

Health care bargaining: Minister Toews

Thu, 05/12/2022 - 21:15

Minister of Finance and President of Treasury Board Travis Toews issued the following statement about a new collective agreement between Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the Alberta Union of Public Employees – Auxiliary Nursing (AUPE–AN):

Education negotiations update: Statement from Minister Toews

Fri, 05/06/2022 - 18:15

Minister of Finance and President of Treasury Board Travis Toews issued the following statement about contract negotiations with the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) and the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA):

Prioritizing high-quality prosecution services

Mon, 05/02/2022 - 18:10

Alberta’s government has approved market adjustments for Alberta’s Crown prosecutors as part of prioritizing high-quality prosecutions.

Broadening tax support for Alberta’s job creators

Thu, 04/28/2022 - 13:00

Alberta’s recommendations on a federal tax relief measure will promote economic growth and job creation.

New red tape bill saves Albertans time and money

Mon, 04/25/2022 - 17:00

New legislation would modernize statutes, cut red tape and save Albertans and their businesses time and money.

Diversifying Alberta’s insurance sector

Tue, 04/19/2022 - 16:55

The Insurance Amendment Act, 2022, would spur Alberta-grown insurance solutions for businesses and help modernize the financial services sector. 

Federal Budget 2022: Statement from Minister Toews

Thu, 04/07/2022 - 21:15

President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance Travis Toews issued the following statement on the federal government’s 2022 budget:

Post-secondary bargaining: Statement from Minister Toews

Mon, 04/04/2022 - 11:15

President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance Travis Toews issued the following statement about negotiations between Athabasca University and the Athabasca University Faculty Association:

Relief at the pumps is here for Albertans

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 13:30

Alberta’s government is no longer collecting the provincial fuel tax while oil prices are high.

New legislation spurs innovation in finance sector

Wed, 03/30/2022 - 17:30

Proposed legislation would help diversify the economy by making it easier for finance and fintech companies to develop new products and services in Alberta.

Promoting Alberta’s financial and business advantages

Tue, 03/08/2022 - 21:00

Finance Minister Travis Toews will travel to New York City and Toronto to speak with investors, industry leaders and bond rating agencies following Budget 2022.

Budget bill supports fiscal responsibility

Tue, 03/08/2022 - 17:00

Bill 2, the Financial Statutes Amendment Act, 2022, would implement many of the technical measures introduced in Budget 2022.

Providing relief for fuel and utility costs

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 14:30

Albertans will see lower fuel and utility bills through action to address rising costs.

Pulling Russian liquor products from Alberta shelves

Sun, 02/27/2022 - 18:30

Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) is not accepting new stock of Russian-made liquor products and will not sell any current stock to retailers.

Budget 2022: Moving forward | Budget 2022 : Aller de l’avant

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 17:15

Budget 2022 moves Alberta forward by building health system capacity, getting more Albertans working and presenting a balanced budget for only the second time in more than a decade.

Budget 2022: Building health system capacity | Budget 2022 : Renforcer la capacité du système de santé

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 17:14

Budget 2022 moves Alberta forward by building a strong health-care system to keep fighting COVID-19 and expanding permanent health capacity for all Albertans.

Budget 2022: Balancing the budget | Budget de 2022 : Respecter le plan financier

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 17:13

Budget 2022 is only the second balanced budget in more than a decade, thanks to spending restraint and dynamic growth in every sector of the economy.

Budget 2022: Getting more Albertans working | Budget 2022 : Permettre à un plus grand nombre d’Albertains et d’Albertaines de travailler

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 17:12

Budget 2022 moves Alberta forward with a package of new post-secondary education, skills training opportunities and employment programs.

Budget 2022: Investing in students today for tomorrow | Budget 2022 : Investir dans les étudiants dès aujourd’hui pour demain

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 17:11

Budget 2022 moves Alberta forward by providing more support for teachers, funding enrolment growth and strengthening parental choice in education.
