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Early childhood scholarships awarded

Mon, 03/02/2015 - 10:31

YELLOWKNIFE  (March 2, 2015) – Minister of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) Jackson Lafferty congratulates the first NWT students awarded a $5,000 Right from the Start Early Childhood Development (ECD) Scholarship to support their full-time studies in Early Childhood Development.

“High quality early childhood programs require knowledgeable and professional early childhood educators,” said Minister Lafferty. “Well-trained practitioners have a direct and lifelong impact on the lives of the children with whom they work. Supporting those seeking an education in the field is one way our government can invest in Northerners to meet our goal of healthy, educated people.” 

The recipients of the 2014-2015 Right from the Start Early Childhood Development Scholarship are:

  • Brittinee Lafferty from Hay River
  • Jordan Shortt from Yellowknife
  • Kirsten Sangris from Ndilo
  • Marilou Dela Cruz from Yellowknife
  • Robyn Anderson from Yellowknife
  • Shaina Sabourin from Fort Providence
  • Stephanie Hansen from Inuvik
  • Teale MacIntosh from Yellowknife
  • Teegan Rendell from Yellowknife
  • Ts’iwa Apples from Gameti

The scholarships will be available on an annual basis for the first 10 eligible applicants and will help NWT students completing diploma or degree programs in early childhood development. The scholarships were developed with the goal of increasing the number of qualified ECD professionals in licensed NWT early childhood programs.

This scholarship is part of the ongoing work by the departments of Health and Social Services and Education, Culture and Employment to implement the Right from the Start Early Childhood Development Framework and Action Plan. Applications are now being accepted for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information visit or visit the Facebook page.

Media inquiries:
Jacqueline McKinnon

Education, Culture and Employment
Tel:  867-920-6222

Former Justice Thomas Berger to open exhibit at Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre

Fri, 02/27/2015 - 17:32

YELLOWKNIFE (February 27, 2015) – Former  Justice Thomas Berger will be visiting the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre to officially open the Thunder in our Voices exhibit currently on display until April 30, 2015.

Between 1975 and 1977, Justice Thomas Berger visited thirty communities in the NWT and the Yukon to hold hearings into the proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. The Berger Inquiry broke with tradition by considering perspectives offered by community members in their own languages. This year marks the fortieth anniversary of this process in which residents of the Mackenzie Valley were able to tell their stories in their own words as part of regulatory decision making on the proposed project.

“The exhibit at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre is full of familiar faces that participated in this process,” said Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty. “The museum is an important caretaker of our culture and heritage, and the collaboratively-created travelling multimedia exhibit contributes to our understanding of the NWT’s history through community photographs video, and personal stories.”

In 1975, freelance journalist Drew Ann Wake traveled to the Northwest Territories to cover the Berger Inquiry. Five years ago, Wake dug out her original sound recordings and photographs from that time. Along with photographer Linda MacCannell, Wake visited local schools in twenty-five villages across the Mackenzie River over several summers. Families looked at the archives together, and youth interviewed their parents and grandparents about their experiences with the Inquiry.  The exhibit combines the memories of original participants as well as a new generation of youth reflecting on the legacy of the Berger Inquiry, all of whom helped create the exhibit.

Mr. Berger will be working with students throughout the day on Tuesday, March 3 and will be in attendance to do a public presentation and officially open the exhibit in the evening.

The Northern Heritage Centre maintains an online resource of Berger materials including recordings, photographs and video from the Inquiry.

Media inquiries:
Jacqueline McKinnon
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Tel: 867-920-6222

Jackson Lafferty: Canada’s Outstanding Principals – Lea Lamoureux

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 15:36

Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate Ms. Lea Lamoureux, Principal of Kaw Tay Whee School in Dettah, on being recognized as one of Canada’s Outstanding Principals for 2015.

She is the most recent in a long list of Northwest Territories recipients, who have been recognized for their dedication and passion for teaching our students in the Northwest Territories.

The Learning Partnership recently announced Ms. Lamoureux as one of 40 exceptional educators from across Canada. Through her leadership, Kaw Tay Whee School is now a vibrant learning environment, connecting families and the community of Dettah.

Ms. Lamoureux and her staff have built an active, inclusive environment in their school, where everyone strives to do their best. Ms. Lamoureux’s leadership, with the dedicated support of her staff and community, has resulted in library and classroom resources to support a balanced literacy program, and a new computer lab to help students develop reading, inquiry and writing skills, with 80 percent of students now reading at or above grade level.

They have brought a community Elder into the school to work with students in the Weledeh language and to teach skills in traditional activities like beading, sewing, working with hide and drying fish. They established an Aboriginal Role Model Program that brings in authors, singers, naturopathic doctors and other professionals to promote career pathways and the importance of education. With her guidance, her students created a story in clay and turned it into a book called “Walking in Dettah”, in English and Weledeh. You can find this book at the Yellowknife Book Cellar.

She has gone beyond the walls of her school and reached out to her students’ families, and every family now has alarm clocks to support the ‘On Time by 9’ initiative. There is a Family Literacy initiative in place, and every family with children under 12 has a family library based on the children’s ages, interests and reading levels.

She also reached out to the community and forged key partnerships, which raised over $400,000 for resources and programming that focus on literacy, science and technology, active living and nutrition programming. She and her staff were successful in securing funding for a community playground.

Mr. Speaker, I visited Ms. Lamoureux’s school this past October. I saw a passionate educator, engaged students, and an environment full of activity and energy. Lea Lamoureux personifies everything we are working on in the Education Renewal initiative. Through this initiative, principals have critical roles in creating inspirational and healthy learning environments and they are key connections in the school-community relationship. Ms. Lamoureux intuitively understands that this is the way to create the best school and learning experiences for her students.

Ms. Lamoureux now has the opportunity to attend a five-day Executive Leadership Training Program delivered by the internationally renowned Rotman School of Management later this month. Once complete, she will join some 500 exceptional educators that comprise the National Academy of Canada’s Outstanding Principals.

Please join me in congratulating Ms. Lea Lamoureux and her dedication to her students, community, and excellence in education.

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Med-Response launches groundbreaking new medical support service in NWT

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 15:33

YELLOWKNIFE (February 26, 2015) – Minister of Health and Social Services Glen Abernethy announced the launch of a new service to help health care practitioners better meet the medical needs of residents in all NWT communities today. Called Med-Response, the service provides a single phone number practitioners can call to coordinate and triage air ambulance flights and immediately access the clinical expertise they need; whether that is a Nurse Practitioner, ER physician, NWT specialist, or specialist from Alberta.

”Med-Response gives health care workers across the NWT improved and timely access to air ambulance services and clinical support, which allows them to focus on providing the best care for Northerners,” stated Minister Abernethy.

The Med-Response system is breaking new ground in Canada. While other jurisdictions have separate call centres for air ambulance dispatch or for clinical consultation, the NWT is the first to combine these functions into one centre. The single phone number works in all regions and Med-Response staff are available 24/7.

Dr. Anna Reid, STHA Medical Director, explained, “In an emergency situation, Med-Response is designed to meet two needs: it reduces the amount of time health care practitioners in every community spend arranging air ambulance transport; and it ensures that they have fast, consistent, and reliable access to clinical support when they require it. This collaborative service allows them to focus their time and efforts on their patients.”

Dr. Reid noted that Med-Response is not a public help line or 911 service, but is an internal service designed to support health care practitioners as part of a system-wide approach to meet the medical needs of all NWT residents.

For a backgrounder on Med-Response click here.
Media inquiries:
Umesh Sutendra
Policy, Legislation, Communications
NWT Department of Health & Social Services
Tel: 867-920-3368

Glen Abernethy: Med-Response

Thu, 02/26/2015 - 15:32

Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased to announce the official launch of the Med-Response call centre. Members of the Standing Committee on Social Programs joined me earlier today at Stanton Territorial Hospital to celebrate this milestone.

The Government of the Northwest Territories is breaking new ground in Canada with this single window approach to clinical consultation, and air ambulance triage and dispatch. Med-Response will improve access to services and quality of care for people across the Northwest Territories, by providing immediate clinical support to health care practitioners in all communities via a simple toll-free number.

Med-Response is not a service directly available to the public, Mr. Speaker, but our patients and their families will experience immediate benefit. Previously, when faced with a potentially critical situation, a Community Health Nurse had to make multiple calls to access physician advice, order an air ambulance, provide updates and coordinate information flow. He or she would do this while trying to support and stabilize an ill or injured patient, and assess whether an air ambulance was required.

From now on, one phone call to Med-Response will give our community health care providers access to all the clinical support they need. The call centre, located in Yellowknife is manned by Emergency Medical Dispatchers and Emergency Medical Coordinators who are registered nurses. They are on the line immediately with the community health practitioner, allowing several things to happen at once: the Dispatcher can immediately contact our Air Ambulance provider, while the Coordinator can assess the situation and get the appropriate physician or specialist on the line. Coordinating the whole process on one multi-party phone line, replaces numerous calls, repeating the same information to various parties.

Reducing the time a community health practitioner has to spend on the phone allows them to focus on the patient. In urgent situations, an air ambulance can be dispatched earlier and eliminate situations when medevac flights are delayed because of telephone reception issues in remote locations.

In addition to improved communication, faster response times and a reduced risk of error, all calls to Med-Response are recorded, providing a higher level of quality assurance.

Mr. Speaker, although the call centre officially opened today, staff have been testing scenarios and introducing the service since November 2014. While cost savings is not the primary goal of Med-Response, we are already seeing potential for efficiencies. In some situations, immediate access to physician support has confirmed an air ambulance was not required. In other situations, the call centre has been able to deploy air ambulance flights that are already en route to pick up another patient, thereby reducing the number of flights and turnaround time.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Health and Social Services and Stanton Territorial Hospital have put in place an evaluation framework so that we can monitor how Med-Response is improving the system and our services. In the future, we see potential for broader application of this service. For example, the call centre may play a key role in supporting first responders or health practitioners in communities without resident nurses.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude with a quote from a Community Health Nurse who has already had the opportunity to use the Med-Response service. She says:

“When it’s after hours and you’re all by yourself, Med-Response gives you more time to focus on the patient instead of stopping all the time to pick up the phone. It’s pretty efficient. You feel like the team is right there for you.”

I am proud of the work that has been done to make Med-Response a reality, and of the exceptional service the team at Stanton is already providing. Med-Response is one example of how working as a single system across the territory can help realize our vision of Best Health, Best Care, for a Better Future.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Tom Beaulieu: Capital Asset Retrofit Fund Program Update

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 15:37

Mr. Speaker, as our government continues to work towards achieving its goal of an environmentally sustainable and prosperous Northwest Territories, I would like to highlight one of the ways that the Department of Public Works and Services is helping to ensure that we maximize investments to improve the operational performance of our existing infrastructure.

First established in 2007, the Capital Asset Retrofit Fund (CARF) Program was created to target energy efficiency investments in our public buildings. At its core, the program strives to:
• Reduce energy consumption and operational costs of government facilities;
• Improve overall comfort for building users;
• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operation of our public buildings;
• Increase the usable life of government assets; and
• Identify new energy technologies appropriate for our northern environment.

Through the CARF Program, buildings undergo a rigorous energy audit that includes benchmarking a facility to see how its energy usage compares to other similar buildings.

Once baseline energy data is collected, Department of Public Works and Services determines which buildings will most benefit from an energy retrofit under the CARF Program. In the last four years the Department has completed over 30 retrofits ranging in size from $10,000 to over $1 million in 19 different communities, large and small. These energy retrofit projects not only reduce our energy consumption but create much needed business and employment opportunities in our small communities

Looking forward, the Department has 19 energy projects planned for 2015-2016 in various communities. This includes retrofit projects for the Health Centre in Fort Good Hope, Aurora College in Inuvik and schools in Deline, Fort McPherson and Fort Smith.

Mr. Speaker, this government’s investment in energy retrofits not only improves the performance and comfort of our public buildings but also generates net operational savings that we expect will make the CARF Program self-sufficient in future.

The first step in making the CARF Program self-sustaining was achieved in 2010-2011 by re-profiling $645,000 in ongoing operational funding from the Department managed utilities savings to capital infrastructure expenditure funding.

In addition to the savings achieved in 2010-2011, an additional $832,000 in ongoing operational savings was realized between 2012 and 2013 for a total of $1.47 million annually which has been re-directed to permanently fund the CARF Program. By the end of 2014-2015, the Department is projecting the total annual realized savings to reach $1.72 million.

The CARF is meeting program objectives by reducing our energy consumption and lowering the operational costs for government buildings and facilities. Projects include biomass boiler installations, building envelope upgrades, installation of LED lighting, and replacing building components with more energy efficient and responsive systems.

Mr. Speaker, programs like the CARF provides our government with creative ways to maximize infrastructure investments while achieving high standards for energy efficiency which reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The results of our government’s continued investment in the CARF Program will be published in the Department of Public Works and Services 2014/15 Energy Conservation Projects Annual Report later this spring.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Bob McLeod: National Roundtable on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 15:33

Mr. Speaker, on Friday, February 27th, Provincial and Territorial Premiers and Ministers, Federal Ministers and National Aboriginal Organization Leaders will gather in Ottawa to discuss how best to collaborate and coordinate action to prevent and address violence against Indigenous women and girls.

The National Roundtable on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is an unprecedented gathering of partners from across Canada who collectively agree that concrete and identifiable actions are needed.

We know from national research and reports that Indigenous women and girls are three times more likely to experience violence than any other population in Canada. We also know that good work is being done across many jurisdictions and organizations at the local, regional and national level to change this. But, as of right now, no comprehensive or coordinated action plan exists.

The goal of the Roundtable is to create a dialogue among all partners to develop and act upon coordinated solutions to end violence against Indigenous women and girls. The discussion will focus on prevention and awareness, community safety, and policing measures and justice responses.

Careful consideration has been given to how the Roundtable will recognize and include the views of the families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The National Aboriginal Organizations will be hosting a family gathering on February 26th. From that gathering, families in attendance will nominate four witnesses, representing the four directions, to attend the Roundtable to share the vision of the families and provide their reflection on the discussion from the day.

Mr. Speaker, I have been asked by the National Aboriginal Organizations to serve as the official chair for the Roundtable. I am encouraged by the willingness of all levels of government to collectively engage in respectful and meaningful dialogue, set aside political differences and focus on our common goals. We have all acknowledged that work needs to be done to address the far too common tragedies of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls.

A family member of a missing Northwest Territories’ Indigenous woman will be part of the delegation. My Cabinet colleague, the Honourable David Ramsay, Minister of Justice, will also be joining me to share the perspectives of the Northwest Territories with the rest of Canada.

The Roundtable is the first meeting of its kind and the start of an important national conversation. I look forward to a shared national commitment to increased, ongoing collaboration and the development of regionally and community-based solutions to prevent and address violence against Indigenous women and girls.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

GNWT research will reduce effects of climate change on NWT transportation system

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 15:37

YELLOWKNIFE (February 24, 2015) – The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is leading research into innovative construction techniques that will reduce the effects of climate change on the northern transportation system. The GNWT is providing significant planning, logistics, construction and monitoring support, and the Government of Canada is providing $669,000 for this research under Transport Canada’s Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative.

“Permafrost degradation is affecting our highways and community airports,” said Minister of Transportation Tom Beaulieu. “Changes in ice conditions affect our winter roads, and low water conditions create challenges for ferry and community marine resupply operations. Our research and development program continues to bring together our experienced operational staff with engineers and scientists to test and develop cost-effective adaptation strategies.”

Two new projects along the Inuvik-to-Tuktoyaktuk Highway will test alternate highway drainage structures and innovative techniques for reinforcing deep-fill road embankments. Continuous permafrost conditions in the Mackenzie Delta region make the highway an ideal location for this research, which continues to position Canada as a world leader in northern transportation research and development. These projects will be constructed during the winter of 2015 and monitored for several years.

The Department of Transportation is an active member of Transport Canada’s Network of Expertise on Permafrost and the Network of Expertise on Arctic Waters, which identify priority Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative research projects across the North. This research is focused on developing effective climate change mitigation strategies for northern transportation systems, and is carried out collaboratively between governments, the engineering community and academia. Previous research in the NWT included climate change vulnerability assessments of highways and airport runways, as well as projections of future water levels in the Mackenzie River corridor.

The department’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan sets a framework for ongoing adaptation initiatives to ensure the sustainability of the transportation system, including ongoing research. Green Light, DOT’s environmental strategy, continues to drive the department’s mitigation activities. Ongoing climate change research also benefits transportation and community infrastructure across the circumpolar north.

Media inquiries:
Megan Holsapple
Manager of Communications
Department of Transportation, GNWT
Tel: (867) 873-7712

Tom Beaulieu: Transportation Research and Development

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 15:36

Mr. Speaker, ensuring our residents are able to share the benefits and responsibilities of a unified, environmentally sustainable and prosperous Northwest Territories is our shared vision. Infrastructure is a key part of achieving that vision and our government continues to participate in research that will improve northern infrastructure design and protect our Northern environment.

I’m pleased to announce that Transport Canada will be providing $669,000 from the federal Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative to proceed with two new innovative research and development projects on the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway.

Through this partnership, the Department will construct test sections on the new embankment to study innovative techniques for installing drainage structures and reinforcing deep fill embankments with geotextiles.

Both installations will be fully monitored and the results will help us improve methods for constructing transportation infrastructure on permafrost terrain, an area of northern research and development in which Canada remains a world leader.

These projects complement other research the Department has undertaken to develop strategies to mitigate the effect of climate change on the NWT transportation system. The Department’s Climate Change Adaptation plan sets a framework for ongoing adaptation initiatives including ongoing research. Green Light, the Department’s environmental strategy, continues to drive the Department’s mitigation activities.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Transportation will continue collaborating with other levels of government and the academic and engineering communities to advance transportation research. Through these partnerships, vulnerability assessments of airport runways, highways, and winter roads are being completed. We have constructed and are monitoring the performance of test sections on Highway No. 3 and have ongoing projects assessing the impact of climate change on water levels on the critical Mackenzie River marine system.

Through the Department’s participation on Transport Canada’s Networks of Expertise in Permafrost and the Network of Expertise on Arctic Waters, we continue to develop and test adaptation strategies with the Government of Canada, the engineering and research community, and our northern transportation counterparts in the Yukon, Nunavut, Manitoba and Quebec.

Mr. Speaker, identifying and adapting to the potential effects of climate change are critical to the long-term sustainability of the NWT’s transportation infrastructure. We will continue our research efforts to identify opportunities to improve transportation infrastructure and services across Northern Canada over the coming decades and prepare the system for challenges related to climate change.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

J. Michael Miltenberger: Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link Progress

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 15:32

Mr. Speaker, this Legislative Assembly has a vision of strong individuals, families and communities sharing the benefits and responsibilities of a unified, environmentally sustainable and prosperous Northwest Territories. Achieving that vision requires a balanced approach that advances our economic, environmental and social priorities. This government is moving forward on all those fronts.

I would like to take a few moments to speak to the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link project. On January 12, 2015 the government took the first step towards removing the limitations of our current communications infrastructure. This project will enable our government to improve our programs and services, particularly in the areas of education and health; and allow many more our residents and businesses to join the 21st century and communicate in real time, with the rest of the world.

Mr. Speaker, the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link project was a shared vision of the 17th Legislative Assembly that has become a reality.

We presently are just over a month into the construction of the project and I am proud to say the construction activities are taking place in the Deh Cho, the Tulita District, the K’ahsho Got’ine, and the Gwich’in Settlement Area. Some highlights:

• Over 187KM of cable has been installed;

• The project has employed 40 local residents. This does not include residents supporting the project by providing camp and catering services; and
• A directional drilling program was successfully and safely completed at the Great Bear River crossing. Future directional drills are also planned at the Liard and Mackenzie River crossings.

Mr. Speaker, since construction commenced, we have experienced increased interest, nationally and internationally, in the growth of the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility. Since its official inauguration in 2010, a total of three 14 metre receiving antennas have been installed on site. Soon we will see the construction of a fourth antenna at the site and continue to have discussions with other potential users.

In order to obtain a better understanding of how growing the Inuvik Satellite Facility can support construction of a fibre optic line up the Mackenzie Valley, the Government of the Northwest Territories has undertaken two missions to Europe. The initial mission was led by then Premier Roland, and in May 2013 I led a delegation to Kiruna, Sweden where the Swedish Space Corporation operates one of the largest satellite ground stations in the world.

We have saw first-hand the significant positive benefits the satellite ground station and remote sensing industry have not only on the economy of Kiruna, but also the important role they play in facilitating advanced learning at the Institute of Space Physics. The potential impact of an expanded satellite ground station in Inuvik on the Aurora Research Centre is significant and could make this facility one of the “the places to be” to conduct space-based Arctic research.

Mr. Speaker, I intend to lead a delegation to Europe in June 2015 to visit selected European Space Agencies to further promote both the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link and the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility.

I would like to conclude my statement by thanking the efforts and support from our residents, businesses and the leadership throughout the communities of the Mackenzie Valley to ensure the continued success of the project.

I also want to thank all my colleagues of this Assembly for their support in advancing the project.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Update on the Implementation of the Economic Opportunities Strategy

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 15:38

Mr. Speaker, the NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy, or EOS, is the most informed approach ever taken to advancing economic development in the NWT. Since the Implementation Plan for the EOS was tabled last October, we have been working hard to put the recommendations and initiatives outlined in the Strategy in place.

Today I would like to update Members on the progress we are making on a few of these initiatives.

Responsibility for the implementation of the EOS is shared by a number of GNWT departments, along with our Strategy partners: the NWT Chamber of Commerce, the NWT Association of Communities, the Northern Aboriginal Business Association, and the Government of Canada’s Northern Economic Development Agency, CanNor.

Recognizing the opportunities that tourism offers for economic development throughout the NWT, several EOS recommendations reflect how to capitalize on these opportunities.

This year, ITI and NWT Tourism formalized a two year contribution agreement in which NWT Tourism would develop a convention bureau to attract and facilitate business tourism, conferences and industry events to the NWT. The convention bureau is already working to attract meetings and conventions to the NWT, and I am confident that all regions will benefit from visitors who travel to other parts of the territory before and after their meetings.

We have also reached an agreement with the Canadian Executive Service Organization to strengthen our Tourism Business Mentorship Program, and we continue to work with the Aboriginal Tourism Advisory Council to establish cultural tourism products for the NWT. Destination Deline is a partnered initiative between the community and ITI, and a great example of a proven viable model for attracting tour groups to the NWT’s smaller communities.

Mr. Speaker, we have also been responding to recommendations to grow a stable and attractive entrepreneurial environment in our territory. This includes exploring opportunities to diversify our economy and strengthen the fishery, film, and agriculture sectors.

Last month, we launched the Great Slave Lake Fresh Fish brand and accompanying marketing campaign. This is the first element of a multi-pronged initiative to revitalize our territory’s fishing industry.

To support the film sector, we have put a pilot Rebate Program in place. For the first time in the NWT, this Program will provide financial incentives to productions filming on location in our territory.

We are also developing an Agriculture Strategy to grow our territory’s rapidly evolving agriculture sector, with our partners the NWT Association of Communities, the Territorial Farmers Association and the Northern Farm Training Institute. Also using a partnered approach, the NWT Chamber of Commerce is leading an initiative with ITI, the Northern Aboriginal Business Association and CanNor to develop an information and media campaign promoting and encouraging small business growth in the NWT, and we are also developing a marketing plan that will increase awareness and purchase of Made in the NWT products.

In response to services that entrepreneurs have said they need, we are connecting businesses and entrepreneurs in the NWT’s small communities with professional bookkeeping and accounting services, through the Professional and Financial Support Program.
We are streamlining information about funding programs and services through a new online database.

Mr. Speaker, our partnered approach to advance the recommendations set out in the EOS is key to this Strategy’s success.

Our partnership with CanNor has offered us the opportunity to leverage significant joint funding efforts in support of advancing everything from geoscience, to agriculture to tourism. This includes CanNor funding of $5.3 million to build the geoscience knowledge base of the Lac de Gras region, joint funding of $4.2 million to establish a permanent campus for the Northern Farm Training Institute in Hay River and the launch of the Northern Greenhouse Initiative to advance the commercialization and productivity of greenhouse projects across the North; and the most recent announcement of joint CanNor funding of over $10 million in our tourism industry, which will be focused on smaller communities with emerging tourism opportunities.

Mr. Speaker, the responsibility of developing a strong economy belongs to us all as we work to achieve our goal of a diversified economy that provides all communities with opportunities and choices. I look forward to sharing a complete report of all the work, initiatives and investments that we have taken to advance the EOS recommendations with Members later this spring.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Glen Abernethy: Anti-Poverty Round Table and Territorial Action Plan

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 15:33

Mr. Speaker, the late Nelson Mandela said that overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right; the right to dignity and a decent life. As a government, we are committed to helping residents be self-reliant and to live with dignity. We have made investments in a wide range of programs, including education, housing, early childhood development, health promotion, and addiction prevention and treatment to help reduce and prevent poverty in our territory. However, government alone cannot eliminate poverty. It takes a coordinated response from communities, Aboriginal governments, non-government organizations and businesses.

Annual Anti-Poverty Round Tables that engage representatives from all sectors in every region provide an important way to share success stories and identify common issues and priorities. These collective discussions help align the poverty reduction efforts of all partners for maximum impact.

On December 2nd and 3rd, 2014 the second annual NWT Anti-Poverty Round Table was held in Yellowknife. Over 100 delegates from community organizations, Aboriginal and community governments, non-governmental organizations and businesses from every region of the NWT came together to identify and address key priorities to reduce and prevent poverty. The common themes that emerged from the Round Table were food security, homelessness, on-the-land programs, early childhood, and wellness.

Mr. Speaker, the atmosphere at the Round Table was positive and encouraging. We are using input gathered at this event to finalize a Territorial Anti-Poverty Action Plan.

This Territorial Action Plan, developed under the leadership of the Anti-Poverty Advisory Committee I established last year, is a multi-stakeholder plan that will address priorities identified by stakeholders and provide a road map to help guide our collective efforts for reducing and preventing poverty.

Another important component of the fight against poverty is the GNWT Anti-Poverty Fund. This $500,000 fund was created to support community-based anti-poverty efforts and allow territorial stakeholders to submit funding proposals for initiatives to tackle poverty or symptoms of poverty in their communities, regions or at a territorial level. Fourteen projects, covering a range of innovative activities from communities across the NWT are currently being funded and we anticipate receiving even more applications for the 2015 fund.

Mr. Speaker, healthy, educated people free from poverty is one of the goals of the Assembly and the Government of the Northwest Territories. It is only by forming a strong circle of partnerships that we can be successful in reducing and preventing poverty. Working together we will help residents live with dignity and self-reliance.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Tom Beaulieu: Biomass Projects Update

Fri, 02/20/2015 - 12:13

Mr. Speaker, in support of our Government’s NWT Biomass Energy and Greenhouse Gas Strategies, the promotion and use of biomass technologies remains a priority for this government in its efforts to reduce energy costs and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

With the ability to reduce the fossil fuel usage of a building by 80 to 90 percent, the Department of Public Works and Services’ early adoption of, and continued use of renewable biomass energy technology is something I wish to highlight today.

By March 31st of this year, the Department will have installed 22 biomass systems in seven communities that will be providing heat to 30 separate buildings and facilities throughout the Northwest Territories. These completed biomass installations displaced 1.8 million litres of fossil fuel in 2013-2014 alone and reduced greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operation of our public infrastructure by 4,882 tonnes per year.

New biomass projects scheduled for completion this year include the Deninu School in Fort Resolution, the Airport Terminal Building in Yellowknife and the South Mackenzie Correction Centre in Hay River while the projects planned for 2015-2016 include the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife, along with the schools in Fort Good Hope and Tulita.

Over the years we have adapted our policies and procedures to better support our continued commitment to this technology. Today all major capital projects are considered for biomass installations as part of our planning process. I am pleased to advise Members that biomass heating systems are being installed for new health centres in the communities of Fort Providence, Fort Resolution, Hay River and Norman Wells.

Mr. Speaker, the GNWT is considered a leader in the deployment of commercial biomass technology for public infrastructure. While biomass heating is one of many programs and approaches used by the Department of Public Works and Services, it plays an important role in supporting our government’s energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and our Government’s goal of reducing the cost of living in our northern communities.

By the end of this fiscal year, our investments in biomass technology will have cumulatively displaced heating oil equivalent to ten million litres, will have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 26,444 tonnes, and will have saved our Government approximately $2.42 million in associated costs.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: Corrections Performance Assurance and Accountability Framework

Fri, 02/20/2015 - 12:10

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Justice has been a Canadian leader in the Corrections field with innovative and respectful wellness programs for Aboriginal inmates, including traditional counsellors, healing rooms, counselling with Elders and spiritual ceremonies.

As Members from previous Assemblies will remember, I have always been a strong, and at times vocal, proponent of the need for a transparent, effective and accountable Corrections system.

As Minister, I continue to fully support open and accountable processes for the management of the Corrections service and rehabilitation of inmates, the security of our staff and the safety of our communities. This mirrors a trend that is also happening throughout the various correctional services in Canada.

Our professional Corrections service staff are responsive to those committed to their care. Their work is performed on a 24/7 basis in five NWT facilities and by probation staff in our communities. We take the obligations for public safety and for the security of our staff and the inmates in our care seriously and thoughtfully. We will continue the practice of making strong and measured decisions after careful consideration.

As part of this commitment, the Corrections service has created a new Performance Assurance and Accountability Framework. This work began late last year and will be advanced through a phased approach until fully implemented in 2016. This Framework will address how we support staff as they carry out their duties. It will address the ethics and values they bring to their work, emphasize accountability to the processes in our system, and allow us to apply policies and directives efficiently and effectively using best correctional practises.

The Framework will give us an enhanced and structured ability to monitor key performance areas, including areas related to legislation, correctional directives and key operational objectives.

It will also enable us to realize efficiencies by managing staff deployment levels to provide safe and efficient management of our facilities. The Framework will assist in monitoring the timely provision of vital staff training for ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for all Corrections staff as they work to maintain and improve their skills and work performance.

While reviewing workloads and operations in our facilities is not new, the Performance Assurance and Accountability Framework will give the Department a formalized structure to reach the efficiencies expected by this Assembly, to be effective, and to maintain the safety and security of our facilities.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Justice will continue to review its work and evolve with best practises to provide an environment that helps inmates work towards their rehabilitation and prepares them to reintegrate as healthy contributing members of our communities.

I will keep this Assembly informed of our progress.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

J. Michael Miltenberger: Service Innovation Strategy House Update No.2

Fri, 02/20/2015 - 12:05

Mr. Speaker, last year I spoke on the government’s Service Innovation Strategy.  Today I would like to provide an update.   The Service Innovation Strategy has many parts and is ultimately intended to improve government services to the public, whether online, by phone or in person.  It supports our 17th Legislative Assembly goal of “Effective and Efficient Government”. 

Last Fall, the Northwest Territories hosted the annual meetings of the Public Sector Service Delivery Council and the Public Sector Chief Information Officers.  The two Councils composed of members from jurisdictions across the country, work collaboratively to enhance public service to Canadians and bring together service leaders from the federal, provincial and territorial governments to share information and best practices.

These Councils are an invaluable resource for the Government of the Northwest Territories as we work toward improving our services to the public and adapting many of our services to an online channel.

During the meetings, we had the opportunity to showcase the work being done by the Department of Executive Government Service Officers in our smallest communities.  Both Councils were most impressed, noting that the GSOs are this government’s human equivalent of a one-stop shop for government services in the regions.  GSOs connect people, information and services, by providing one-on-one support to residents of the smallest communities who may need additional help getting online and other services offered by the GNWT, federal or municipal governments.

The GNWT is committed to improving service, so measuring satisfaction is key.  Along with our participation in these Councils, the GNWT is participating in two national surveys which track resident and business satisfaction with government services.  The results will be used to identify areas for improvement and focus our resources better.

A key area we have been trying to improve, is making it easier to search and find information and services online.  One of the ways we are doing that, is by providing a consistent user experience to anyone visiting our websites. GNWT departments are now required to use common standards when they develop or update their websites.  This will help ensure people are able to find the information and services they need, regardless of which department website they are visiting.  The Department of Finance is currently updating its website in accordance with these standards.

Providing easy-to-find information on government services was the first priority of the Service Innovation Strategy.  The Service Directory website – which is an online, searchable website of GNWT services, was launched in December 2013.  It made it easier for residents to find information on government services.  Next on the horizon is a refresh of our flagship GNWT website.  We are also looking to create a portal for easier access to all online services, and hope to make that available in early 2016.  Both of these initiatives are designed to improve our ability to connect and communicate with citizens in ways that they prefer.

Recently, we established a trusted method for departments to put services online and for residents to create secure credentials when signing up for online service, using a username and password of their choice.  The Department of Transportation was the first to incorporate these new features, which now allow residents to renew or cancel their vehicle registrations online, book a driver exam, or obtain a driver abstract.  Residents are able to reprint receipts online, for any of the services they have used.  The Department of Education, Culture and Employment will be next, as they introduce this new secure method with their online services, including a “myECE” portal with Student Financial Assistance and Apprenticeship services.  Several other services are being planned to use the same approach, and will be rolled out over the next two years.

Online services work best when we have sufficient bandwidth and telecommunications services in all communities.  Mr. Speaker, with construction of the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Optic Link now underway, we look forward to the improvements this important initiative will bring for both government service and community access.  This strategic piece of infrastructure is going to play a key role in moving the NWT into the digital economy, making us a global leader in remote satellite sensing and improving services for Northerners.

We are also active participants in Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission proceedings and in federal government broadband initiatives which might impact Northerners, such as recent discussions with Industry Canada regarding the Connecting Canada funding.

All of these initiatives and more to come, in order to ensure we can meet you online.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Minister announces NWT immigration program enhancements

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 17:20

YELLOWKNIFE (February 19, 2015) – Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Jackson Lafferty announced enhancements to immigration programs in the Northwest Territories today.

“To sustain a strong and competitive economy, grow and diversify the work force and maintain the level of service to which we have become accustomed, this government is committed to increasing the population by 2,000 people over the next five years,” said Minister Lafferty. “Immigration needs to be part of that solution.”

ECE is redesigning and expanding the Nominee Program to provide employers with seamless and expert program delivery, help employers and industry recruit and retain talented workers, and help newcomers successfully integrate to make the Northwest Territories their new home.

Other improvements include the launch of the Northwest Territories Express Entry System for Skilled Workers. The Express Entry System will help employers quickly and efficiently recruit and employ skilled workers when there are no qualified Northerners available.

To improve online service delivery and available information for both employers and job seekers, the JobsNorth website was replaced with Canada’s Job Bank on January 15, 2015. All services previously offered by JobsNorth are available on Canada’s Job Bank with additional services, including job-matching capabilities and bilingual service.

“The Department has been working closely with employers to enhance and expand the Nominee Program to better meet their labour market needs,” stated Minister Lafferty. “We will continue these partnerships to ensure our immigration programs and services remain responsive to their labour market and business needs.”

In addition to contributing to the GNWT economic development and population growth through immigration, ECE has developed an initiative called Skills 4 Success. This initiative will improve skills and training for Northerners to ensure they are prepared to obtain meaningful work in the growing NWT economy.

For detailed information please visit: or
Click here for a backgrounder.

Media inquiries:
Jacqueline McKinnon
Education, Culture and Employment
Tel: 867-920-6222

GNWT launches training and development program for regional entry-level resource management officers

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 17:13

YELLOWKNIFE (February 19 2015) – The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Department of Lands is responding to the 17th Legislative Assembly’s decentralization priority by offering meaningful opportunities for capacity-building jobs in regional centers and communities.

Recognizing the essential role the Department’s inspection services play in responsible and sustainable development for communities and the territory, the Department of Lands has launched a Training and Development Program for five entry-level Resource Management Officer positions (also known as inspectors). These newly-created three-year term positions will be stationed in the Department’s five regional offices: Inuvik, Norman Wells, Fort Simpson, Fort Smith and Yellowknife. Recruitment for the program is currently underway and is expected to be complete later this spring.

“When the Department of Lands was established on April 1, 2014, I committed to provide new resources for additional inspection services,” said Minister of Lands Robert C. McLeod. “This training program will give successful candidates the education and experience to position themselves for permanent inspector positions within the Department of Lands or other government or non-government organizations.”

This new Training and Development program is designed to allow individuals to pursue careers in the resource management field using their on-the-land skills. By participating in the program, the candidates will become familiar with all aspects of their job function. The program will use a combination of formal education, GNWT and departmental courses, on-the-job training, mentoring and self-directed learning. The length of the training plan will vary depending on each candidate’s education and experience.

Once the candidate completes the program, they will meet the basic qualifications for higher level posts such as the Resource Management Officer II position. Their role in ensuring companies’ compliance with legislation and the specific terms and conditions of authorizations will be essential to the Department of Lands and Northwest Territories regulators.

This new structure supports the Department’s efforts to build local capacity, Aboriginal employment and aligns with the priorities of the Government of the Northwest Territories.

Media Inquiries
Roya Grinsted
Communications Officer
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-669-2308

Robert C. McLeod: Training and Development Program for Level One Resource Management

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 15:47

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Lands’ inspection services are essential for responsible and sustainable development in the NWT. Their success hinges on building the capacity of the inspections program through training and professional development planning. Inspections services help companies comply with relevant legislation, and meet the specific terms and conditions set out in authorizations issued by the Department and NWT Land and Water Boards.

In establishing the Department of Lands, a key consideration was a made-in-the-NWT approach to the inspections process, one that would respond to the 17th Legislative Assembly’s decentralization priorities – building capacity in regional centres and communities.

With resources approved by this government, Mr. Speaker, a Training and Development Program for entry-level Resource Management Officers – or inspectors – is now complete and ready for implementation. I expect that the recruitment process will be concluded this spring.

This program will establish five new Resource Management Officer positions, one to serve each region. These entry level positions are targeted to provide opportunities at the community level.

This means that individuals with land-based skills can continue to use those skills in the resource management field as inspectors. The length of training may vary with each candidate, depending on the education and experience of the candidate.

A fully trained candidate will have the minimum qualifications for an RMO II position and will have future opportunities for career advancement within the GNWT. These Resource Management Officer positions, along with other Resource Management and Superintendent positions, open career paths and succession planning opportunities for this Department.

This is a new structure – one that builds capacity, and one that enables Lands to further support the Aboriginal employment and regional recruitment strategies and priorities of this government.

Thank You, Mr. Speaker.

David Ramsay: NWT Oil and Gas Strategy – Update

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 15:42

Mr. Speaker, the Northwest Territories has the potential to be an energy giant. We are home to world-class oil and gas reserves in the Deh Cho, Central Mackenzie, Mackenzie Delta, and Beaufort Sea. This territory sits atop an estimated 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and seven billion barrels of oil. Estimates indicate the Arctic contains one-fifth of the world’s untapped oil and gas reserves.

In order to develop the Northwest Territories’ tremendous petroleum resources in an environmentally responsible and economically efficient manner, we need to develop a comprehensive plan. Today I would like to talk to you about this Government’s work to create an Oil and Gas Strategy.

Similar to the approach taken to develop the Economic Opportunities Strategy and the Mineral Development Strategy, which were released by this Government in 2013, we are drawing upon the expertise and knowledge of regional and territorial stakeholders, Aboriginal governments and industry to develop a strategy that truly reflects Northern values and priorities.

Historically, the NWT economy has been reliant on mining. While there has been oil and gas activity in the territory for decades and this sector has made significant contributions to the economy over the years, particularly in the Central Mackenzie Valley around Norman Wells, the sector is far from reaching its full potential.

Mr. Speaker, the oil and gas sector currently faces the challenge of low global oil prices. As such, it is an opportune time for the NWT to focus on actions that will make us a more competitive and attractive destination for oil and gas investment and responsible development in the days to come.

The NWT Oil and Gas Strategy will outline how we intend to control the pace of the NWT’s oil and gas development. It will focus on building upon the existing foundation of oil and gas exploration in the NWT and establish a clear path to responsible production of oil and gas across the territory’s petroleum-rich regions. The Strategy will outline opportunities to help people gain appropriate trades and skills for future employment in the oil and gas industry.

Mr. Speaker, the next step towards realizing this Strategy is to gather additional public input through an online survey that will soon be released. We have already completed interviews with subject matter experts and held focus groups with key stakeholder organizations and businesses, and Aboriginal and community government representatives in regional centres across the territory.

We will also seek input from the Members of the Legislative Assembly. The consultation process will provide us with an opportunity to increase awareness about the importance of responsible oil and gas development in the NWT, the associated benefits for all NWT residents, and the support and infrastructure required to develop this industry. The NWT Oil and Gas Strategy is expected to be released in June 2015.

Mr. Speaker, managing the NWT’s natural resources responsibly will help provide a solid basis to our economy and support the creation of jobs and economic opportunities for NWT residents and businesses. This Strategy, informed by the input of the public, Aboriginal governments, MLAs and stakeholders, will help guide our decisions over the next 20 years and ensure that our residents enjoy sustainable benefits from the development of NWT petroleum resources.

I look forward to providing Members with further updates on the Oil and Gas Strategy as it develops.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Tom Beaulieu: Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway

Thu, 02/19/2015 - 15:39

Mr. Speaker, the second winter of construction on the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project is in full swing with our contractor working 24 hours a day, seven days a week from both Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk. Our contract partner, EGT Northwind, is focused on constructing new embankment and installing needed structures during the 20-week construction season, while continuing to train and employ Inuvik and Northern residents on the largest new highway construction project underway in northern Canada.

Engineers with the Department of Transportation estimate that since the project started last February, crews have moved over 1.5 million cubic metres of embankment material. To put that figure into perspective, it is approximately 62,500 loads of material moved by the 34 rock trucks currently hauling 24 hours a day.

Moving a massive quantity of material requires a small army of well-coordinated, trained, and enthusiastic employees. EGT Northwind has almost 600 people currently employed to operate and maintain the heavy equipment and support vehicles, supply and operate the work camps, and manage all aspects of the project from engineering and design to monitoring the construction area for signs of wildlife. I invite Members to join me in thanking the many individuals who are working to build the 120-kilometre segment of highway during the harshest season of the year.

Approximately 70 percent of the workforce is comprised of residents of the Beaufort Delta region and other NWT communities who have had more than 29,000 person-days of employment. That is a substantial contribution to meeting this Assembly’s priority of creating employment opportunities where they are most needed.

Mr. Speaker, delivering meaningful training opportunities contributes to a sustainable future for Northern residents who wish to enter the construction industry. The contractor has successfully trained more than 70 individuals as heavy equipment operators and 30 individuals as Class 1 and 3 drivers with airbrakes. These valuable and transferable skills will outlast the highway’s construction and allow residents to take advantage of job opportunities associated with other developments ongoing across the NWT.

The Department also collaborated with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to produce a workshop for frontline project personnel on protecting water resources and fish habitat.

Mr. Speaker, environmental stewardship remains a priority for the Department in the delivery of its programs and services, including the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project. The Department employs construction and operational procedures that use the best environmental practices to ensure wildlife, land, fishery, and water resources are protected. It also continues to track progress on 286 commitments made to regulatory agencies to ensure the project is delivered in a manner that addresses the concerns, expectations, and requirements of all parties involved.

Mr. Speaker, constructing the northern-most segment of Mackenzie Valley Highway to the Arctic coast was made possible in part by Canada’s strategic investment of $200 million. The Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project continues to be managed within the $299 million budget and remains on schedule, with an estimated 40 kilometres left to be completed at the end of this winter construction season.
An Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project display is set up in the Great Hall of our Legislative Assembly Building and I invite residents to come learn more about the project.

The construction on the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway is moving Northerners that much closer to completing a vision of a Canada that’s connected by road from coast to coast to coast.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
