Government of Nova Scotia News
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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Updated: 7 hours 7 min ago
Crown Attorneys Appointed in Yarmouth
Public Prosecution Service -- The appointment of two new Crown attorneys in Yarmouth was announced today, Feb. 6, by the Public Prosecution Service.
Minister’s Conference Showcases Products, Expertise in Fishing Industry
Fisheries and Aquaculture -- Participants at the 20th annual minister’s conference, hosted by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, will be able to learn from an international brand expert and visit a trade show with industry suppliers.
Déclaration du ministre Zach Churchill
Education and Early Childhood Development -- REMAQUE : Voici une déclaration du ministre de l'Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance, Zach Churchill.
Aujourd'hui, 2 février, le Syndicat des enseignants de la Nouvelle-Écosse a choisi de mettre fin à son partenariat avec le Conseil pour l'amélioration des conditions en salle de classe.
Statement from Minister Zach Churchill
Education and Early Childhood Development -- NOTE: The following is a statement from Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Zach Churchill.
Today, Feb. 2, the Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union chose to end its partnership on the Council to Improve Classroom Conditions.
T.J. Tracey Cremation and Burial Specialists Funeral Home Licence Suspended
Service Nova Scotia -- A funeral home in Nova Scotia has had its licence suspended due to unlicensed activity.
Weekly Traffic Advisories
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- CONTINUING WORK
Body Scanners Purchased to Protect Inmates and Staff
Justice -- Body scanners will soon be used in adult correctional facilities across the province to help protect inmates and staff from drugs, weapons and other contraband.
MacLean, Livingstone, Delaney and Disability Rights Coalition of Nova Scotia v. Province of Nova Scotia
Human Rights Commission -- An independent Nova Scotia human rights board of inquiry is being held in the case of Beth MacLean, Sheila Livingstone, Joseph Delaney and the Disability Rights Coalition of Nova Scotia v. Province of Nova Scotia, starting on Monday, Feb. 5, in Halifax.
Shubenacadie Sam Predicts an Early Spring
Natural Resources -- Nova Scotia’s famous furry forecaster Shubenacadie Sam did not see his shadow today, Feb. 2, meaning an early spring for Nova Scotia.
Support for Volta Labs
Invest Nova Scotia -- The Invest Nova Scotia Fund is helping Halifax’s leading technology hub spark innovation and foster collaboration.
The fund's independent board of directors announced today, Feb. 1, that Volta Labs will receive $2 million in funding to develop six corporate offices, known as outposts, within its newly expanded space at the Maritime Centre.
Scottish Government Bursary Supports Ongoing Gaelic Language Learning
Gaelic Affairs -- Nova Scotians have the opportunity to further their learning of Gaelic language and culture through study in Scotland with help from a bursary.
Changements aux subventions pour les services de garde d'enfants à compter du 1er février
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Des changements apportés au programme de subvention pour les services de garde d'enfants, en vigueur aujourd'hui 1er février, signifient que les familles admissibles de la province recevront davantage de financement envers les frais des services agréés de garde d'enfants.
Child Care Subsidy Changes Effective Feb. 1
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Changes to Nova Scotia’s Child Care Subsidy Program, effective today, Feb. 1, means eligible families across the province will receive more funding toward the cost of regulated child care.
Associate Deputy Minister Appointed
Executive Council -- Rollie King has been promoted to associate deputy minister responsible for labour relations. He will support the minister responsible for labour relations and provide leadership and advice on the province’s labour-related matters.
Minimum Wage Increasing April 1
Labour and Advanced Education -- Nova Scotia’s minimum wage is increasing on April 1.
Début des consultations prébudgétaires pour l'exercice 2018-2019
Finance and Treasury Board -- Les Néo-Écossais peuvent soumettre leurs idées et leurs commentaires pour contribuer à la préparation du budget de 2018-2019 et aux budgets futurs.
Budget 2018-19 Consultations Begin
Finance and Treasury Board -- Nova Scotians can share their thoughts and comments to help shape the province's 2018-19 budget and future budgets.
Ouverture des mises en candidature pour la Médaille de la bravoure
Justice / Premier's Office -- Les candidatures à la Médaille de la bravoure de la Nouvelle-Écosse sont maintenant acceptées.
Medal of Bravery Nominations Open
Justice / Premier's Office -- Nominations for Nova Scotia's Medal of Bravery are now open.
Collaboration accrue entre la communauté francophone de la Nouvelle-Écosse et le Québec
Acadian Affairs -- Le gouvernement poursuit ses efforts pour promouvoir la langue française et renforcer les collectivités acadiennes et francophones en Nouvelle-Écosse par le truchement de la coopération et des échanges avec le Québec.